Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 65: Afraid of being lost


The author has something to say: In the article, Jue Xia sang Faye Wong's "Vestige", which is a song I love very much. I hope you don’t go to the comment area ky of the music platform, oppose the secret code, or go against the ky, and don’t leave anything unrelated to the song. I hope that every comment you make comes from your appreciation of the music itself. Please respect the work itself. Thank you everyone.

(This is the second update, readers who click the latest update directly may miss the previous chapter)

Under the influence of Fang Juexia, Pei Tingsong truly fell in love with this identity and truly integrated into the kaleido team. He no longer felt the pull of identity disapproval, no longer like the past, just as a hip-hop singer. A manifestation of dreams.

He remembered what Fang Juexia had said to him when they were still in force.

[Dreams are not high or low, there are only things that can and cannot be realized. ]

The forms are diverse, and the unchanging core is the truth.

He must also admit that the feeling of expressing himself on stage is really wonderful, especially with such a group of loving teammates standing beside him.

"Yes," Pei Tingsong raised the microphone in his hand, "I can now proudly say to myself and everyone, I am a member of an idol group and an idol."

The host gave them approving glances. He nodded and smiled, and said to the fans in the audience, "I have to tell you a little bit. In fact, I am also a temporary rescuer. You know that the stars have schedules, and the hosts do. Originally, this meeting was in early April, and the itinerary had already been set very early. One day, the staff of the Star Atlas called me several times and asked if I could make a forward adjustment. This is actually very difficult because I am tonight. There is another event, but after hearing the ins and outs, I immediately agreed."

"It's hard for everyone to imagine how these boys spend these days. They don't even have time to eat or sleep, and they are desperate to present this album to you and everyone." The host smiled Say, "So, shall we give Kaleido some applause?"

The fans in the audience gave them back with the greatest enthusiasm, and many girls cried. He Ziyan and Lu Yuan began to ridicule again to relieve the siege, pulling the atmosphere back. Six people performed the sub-title of the album for everyone, a dance song with a very brisk genre.

The scene also showed the tidbits of their MV shooting. In the beginning, Jiang Miao was playing the guzheng. The cameraman asked him whether this ebony guzheng was expensive. Jiang Miao looked up and smiled, saying that it was a bit expensive.

Sitting on the stage, Jiang Miao looked at and picked up the microphone, "This is the first violin I saved up to buy after I debuted. It took me a long time to save money before I was willing to buy it."

The fan below shouted his name, Lu Yuan smiled and said, "Brother Miao will take care of this violin every morning, especially baby."

As soon as the picture turned, they came to the desert park. He Ziyan smiled and pointed to the big screen, "Is this a desert?"


"But it's actually a desert park," Ling Yi pretended to be angry, "Huh, I didn't go to Xinjiang, too."

The footage showed He Ziyan and Lu Yuan fighting against each other with two fake swords in the desert. The fans were so handsome that they were screaming, but suddenly they heard Ling Yi crowing frantically outside the screen, and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"Ling Yi," He Ziyan pressed his head, "the chicken coop warns."


While smiling, the big screen suddenly appeared on the big screen of Pei Tingsong's promotional video, which immediately triggered a scream below.

"Ah Xiao Pei! Xiao Pei is so handsome!"

"My God, why is the vine so handsome!"

Pei Tingsong accepted the compliment without embarrassment, half turned around and stretched out his hand to press against the fans, "It's okay, it's okay, I know I'm handsome."

Unexpectedly, the scream suddenly became bigger, almost overturning the roof of the stadium. At this time, Pei Tingsong turned his head to look at the screen and saw the scene of him shooting an arrow with Fang Juexia half-armed right away. There is also a line below—this picture was taken by a member’s mobile phone.

Fang Juexia was stunned by the scream, and saw the scene where Pei Tingsong taught him to shoot an arrow again from another perspective. He was really in a daze, licked his lips crampedly, and turned his head just to collide with Pei Tingsong's sight.

He saw the light and shadow on Pei Tingsong's face and the corners of his mouth.

The tide that is boiling for them does not know this sincerity. Falling into this turbulent vortex, Fang Juexia became more aware that he really could only be a performer on the stage, he was not a good actor. Obviously it is a scene, both sides stand by each other for the benefit of themselves or the team, even if they are shoulder to shoulder, their hearts are far apart. So they have to pretend to be intimate, and at the very least look like a pair of brothers who are not separated.

At the end of the play, who was in the play

Fang Juexia really couldn't tell.

The on-screen tidbits ended, and the host said to the fans who were still excited, "Kaleido recorded a lot of wonderful tidbits during the preparation of the album. These are only a small part. You can go to the group to watch the rest."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but gave a thumbs up, "The host is too good."

The host laughed, "Okay, so next is the performance time. For this new special meeting after a year, Kaleido's six people made a special trip to prepare their solo performances for everyone. First of all, the first one will show us The performance is the team Changjiang Miao, who will perform "Snow Mountain Spring Dawn" for everyone."

Everyone left the field together. The closer the edge of the stage, the darker the vision. Pei Tingsong was originally behind Fang Juexia, but he deliberately speeded up his pace and walked in front of him with his back very close to help Fang Juexia open the way in this way.

Pei Tingsong took his arm when he completely retreated and was invisible from the audience. He has changed. Originally, he could act unscrupulously in front of these audiences with an intimate posture, but now he really likes Shang Jiaoxia. This bright business scene is guilty. He would rather hide, rather go more carefully and sincerely. treat.

"I'm fine." Fang Juexia said quietly, "It's a bit obvious for you."

"What's obvious?" Pei Tingsong leaned close to his ear, "I'm afraid that you fall obviously, or do you like you too obvious?"

Fang Juexia's heart beat fast, but still staring at him straight, a bit surprised, and a bit angry. Pei heard the song and felt cute, but didn't dare to touch it any further, so he could only adjust his measures carefully, "just kidding."

But Fang Juexia was not angry, nor did he feel angry. Hearing this tune, he felt like some kind of creature hibernating in the snow, with his rigid body wrapped in cold scales. These are normal conditions and conform to the rules. But now, the snow hasn't melted yet, he has changed first.

He can't change, he has to be that cold-blooded animal, otherwise how would he live.

Spring is short.

He is afraid that spring is short.

The sound of the guzheng is like snow and water, and the strings quivered slightly under the pluck. Pei listened to the song and changed the subject calmly, "Is it you going to the stage for a while? I heard you changed the song."

"Yeah." Fang Juexia lowered her eyes and looked at the shadow boundary between the stage and the backstage on the floor.

"What song did you change?" Pei Tingsong asked.

Fang Juexia lowered his head and saw that several staff members had already moved a white piano to the corner of the stage, before he said, "You will hear it soon."

The guzheng string fell to the last note, and amidst the cheers, the host read Fang Juexia's name.

"Then I... Treat me as if you sang it to me." At the end before he took the stage, Pei Tingsong whispered such a sentence.

Fang Juexia took a deep breath and walked towards the stage without looking back. He sat in front of the piano, adjusted the microphone, turned his head to look at the fans in the audience, his voice was gentle, "I heard that you all want to hear me sing Cantonese songs."


"Cantonese song!! It's really a Cantonese song!"

Hearing the fans' call, Fang Juexia smiled, put her slender fingers on the keyboard, and took a deep breath.

"This "Victorius" is for everyone."

The piano sound was soft as water, Fang Juexia lowered her head slightly and approached the microphone, "Don't tell me to be too grateful, the potion is too exquisite." The tone is still special, but it has more emotions, and is no longer a conveyer who pulls away to tell other people's stories. Don't want me to taste it, happy to know that I feel paralyzed."

Fang Juexia is recognized as a high-ranking singer. It is the first time everyone has heard him sing a Cantonese song, but everyone is not clear. He didn't use any skills or talk about a singer in this song. It was a monologue.

Last night's coincidence made this song appear, and every word was beating his heart.

"Why moved me? When I have difficulty getting used to it, the lowest pain." The prolonged tail trembles, with a sense of vulnerability that Fang Juexia has never felt before. Every time I sang a sentence, it seemed to be asking myself.

"What are you afraid of? Afraid of lovers. Holding on to emotions, you will always be sensitive when you get gifts."

"What are you afraid of? I'm afraid of habit of giving up and falling in love with others. But I don't know how to do it, and then it becomes true after the fake is done."

Hearing this sentence, Pei Tingsong, who was standing on the side of the stage, couldn't help but was stunned.

Accompaniment tapes began to appear on the speakers on the stage. Fang Juexia removed the microphone from the shelf, got up and left the piano, and walked to the center of the stage closer to the fans. His voice was trembling a little, which is very abnormal for him, a professional idol who has been training for many years.

Fang Juexia adjusted her breathing, spoke again, and continued to sing the song.

Pei Tingsong has listened to this song, he likes to delve into the lyrics, he has heard many famous Chinese works, Ecstasy is one of them. Hearing Fang Juexia sing "Fearing the habit of giving up and falling in love with others", his first reaction was distressed.

He knew how difficult it was for the other party, Juexia, to accept a relationship. Fang Juexia lives by rules, and rejecting love is also one of the rules he abides by.

What a struggling process it is to overthrow the rules that I have established myself.

"What are you afraid of? Afraid of being ecstasy. Holding on to emotions, getting careful, I'm afraid of being disappointed."

Standing at the center of the stage, Fang Juexia really peeled off her shell for the first time, not a shell against the outside world, but a shell that envelops his emotions.

"Love what?"

He pierced himself and let his emotions flow out, "Love makes me brave to repay too many people."

"But I don't know how to escape from the dead."