Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 78: Boiling moonlight


Fang Juexia stared at this line of words on the screen, a lonely bedside lamp glowing yellow, covering his blank brain.

He wanted to reply, but his fingers were stiff, and nothing seemed right to reply. After a long stunned, there was a knock on the door.

Come uninvited, just like the moon.

Fang Juexia didn't think much, put down the phone and walked to the entrance of the room barefoot. He didn't even have time to turn on the lights of the entrance, and touched the wall all the way to the entrance.


Across the door panel, he heard Pei Tingsong's voice, with a hint of boyish pleasure in the deep, "I, who else can there be."

Fang Juexia's eyes were dark, and he touched the doorknob with his hand, but he suddenly hesitated again, his bare toes clinging to the floor subconsciously.

"It's so late, don't you still sleep?"

Suddenly he heard a thump, which was the sound of Pei Tingsong pressing his forehead against the door panel.

"I miss you." He whispered very quietly, almost a voice coming in through a crack in the door.

Fang Juexia was reluctant to refuse him, so she opened the door.

In the darkness, his waist was wrapped by an arm. The door was closed, he was staggered and carried away, against the entrance wall, with a cold wall behind, and a warm chest in front of him.

"Don't you miss me?" Pei Tingsong lowered his head and pressed his earlobe.

There seemed to be particles in his dumb voice, scratching Fang Juexia's heart. Itchy. Fang Juexia tilted her head and hummed softly.

Of course he thought.

Fang Juexia was a little embarrassed to think that he was still making fantasies about Pei Tingsong's clothes. She stretched out her hand and pushed him away, touched the wall and walked to a place with light. He unnaturally picked up the coat on the bed and put it on the sofa. He also sat down on the sofa under the window with one leg bent and his arms wrapped around his knees.

"Don't you want to see the moon? Look."

Pei Tingsong smiled and walked in, looking at Fang Juexia. He was wearing a set of pure white pajamas with short-sleeved shorts, two long white legs exposed outside, and his whole body was covered with the moonlight outside the window, like a snow-like flower blooming in the night. Clean and beautiful.

He walked up to Fang Juexia and sat cross-legged on the carpet. Holding Fang Juexia's ankles and his white feet, "Isn't it cold? Walk barefoot on the ground, are you a kid?"

Fang Juexia was not happy when he was said to be a child by a real child. He tried to pull out his grasped leg, but Pei Tingsong tried a little bit of strength to fail him. So Fang Juexia could only raise the other leg, put his heel on Pei Tingsong's shoulder, and pushed him out.

He didn't wear a sling around his neck, and his injured hand was also put down, so that Fang Juexia dared to use force.

"Your temper is really getting bigger and bigger." Although that was the case, he spoke very softly. After speaking, he turned his head and kissed the foot that was on his shoulder. Under the moonlight, kiss from the ankle to the calf, cherish the most.

Fang Juexia was a little flustered and wanted to retract her legs, but Pei Tingsong pulled her wrists, fell into his arms, and was hugged by his back.

"Pei Tingsong, what are you doing." He was still trying to struggle, but Pei Tingsong pulled two separated legs around his waist, and his arms were wrapped around his neck.

"Don't do it," Pei Tingsong supported Fang Juexia, hugged him and walked to the bed, then leaned over and put him on the bed, leaning on him, "Look at the moon." As he said, he kissed Fang Juexia. Cheeks, "The moon is on you."

The tip of his nose rubbed, Pei Tingsong's voice was low and hoarse, "Your face is a bit hot, so it's so comfortable to kiss."

Every word he said made Fang Juexia wonder what to do. He was scratched and itchy, half-squinting his eyes, "Don't talk anymore."

"How about that, I'm a rapper." Pei Tingsong smiled, "Kissing is the only way to shut me up, do you want to try it?"

The invitation he sent was very straightforward. Fang Juexia blinked, as if made up his mind, and kissed her.

When the lips and lips touched, there seemed to be magical powers. The desires in each other's bodies finally penetrated, like entangled breathing. The hormones of the young people are intertwined with the erotic desires, heating the cold moonlight, and then wrapping them around. not afraid cold.

Fang Juexia likes to kiss, like Pei Tingsong's tongue piercing in, the aroma of mint pouring in, licking the soft and fragile mucous membrane, rubbing the smooth and sharp tooth tips, parts of their bodies blend and entangle. Pei Tingsong's hand stretched in from the hem of Fang Juexia's clothes, pressing his soft lower waist, and moving up the spine a little bit, his smooth skin felt hot by his palm.

It was always quiet in the middle of the night, and the sound of water overflowed from their entangled lips and tongue, and then returned to the ears, hitting like a roundabout tide of love, vindictively aggravating Fang Juoxia's desire.

Unclear vision, lack of oxygen, and a little bit of alcohol that seemed to be absent made Fang Juexia hallucinate. The picture of Pei Tingsong chasing the victory and defeat under his body, covering his coat on his face, and at this moment his overwhelming kiss, the three scenes are mixed together, only desires are gradually advancing.

The tip of Pei Tingsong's tongue stirred Fang Juexia's kiss. He liked to kiss deep enough before separating, and looked at Fang Juexia. The lover in lust looks the best, his slightly opened lips are spitting out steam, and his eyes are covered with radiant water.

Pei Tingsong kissed his birthmark again, rubbed his skin with his hand, and asked in a deep voice, "Why are you so good-looking, huh?" He couldn't help kissing again, the most vivid part of his body.

Fang Juexia panted slightly, hugged her back on his back and did not speak, but he also reached into the cotton pajamas and put his palm on Pei Tingsong's skin, which was too obvious a signal of nostalgia.

"I can't bear you like this." Pei Tingsong kissed his forehead, eyes, and the tip of his nose.

Fang Jue Xia rubbed his back spine, pointed out the tip of his tongue, licked the corners of his lips, "Can't help but what?"

There is a strong sense of coldness in his voice, and when he breathes and speaks, it has a taboo smell of forced aggression, which makes it easier to produce a desire for destruction.

"Can't help bullying you." Pei Tingsong's tongue pierced in again, pried open his teeth, and returned to the moist and warm place, as if to remember every detail in Fang Juexia's mouth, licking so carefully. Kissed everywhere, wrapped his tongue, clung to it. His hand also moved from the back to the front, rubbing his palm up, Fang Juexia was more sensitive than he thought, but he shook.

"Well… "

Pei Tingsong separated from him, saliva pulled out a long silver wire, glowing under the moonlight.

"are you scared?"

Fang Juexia was so dizzy by his kiss, it was the first time that she was hit so directly by lust, and she was not used to it. But he shouldn't be afraid, he has clearly checked the information. So he shook his head, looking at Pei Tingsong with clear eyes, "I checked on the Internet, some things about this..."

Pei Tingsong was startled first, and then laughed, but he quickly explained to himself, "I'm not laughing at you, I just think you are too cute."

"Should it not be checked?" Fang Juexia felt very logical, "Unknown things must be learned before they become known."

"You're right, it's wise to prepare lessons in advance." Pei Tingsong lowered his head and touched the tip of his nose affectionately, "Teacher Fang, please teach me."

This name was too shameful, Fang Juexia's face turned red all at once, "How do I teach?"

Pei Tingsong kissed the soft skin under his ear, "You can do whatever you want, but I'm an innocent virgin anyway."

It's too shameful.

Fang Juexia's Adam's apple rolled and licked her lower lip awkwardly. He didn't know how to adjust, only knew that they were unprepared and couldn't do it yet, "We can't do it yet..."

"Do?" Pei Tingsong gently kissed him on the side of the neck while pretending to be a fool, "What do you do? Make love?"

Fang Juexia didn't expect him to be so straightforward, and was a little taken aback, his eyes widened. Pei Tingsong raised his head and saw him like this. He felt too cute and continued to tease him, "So you want to have sex with me."

These two words kept poking Fang Juexia's heart. He wanted to deny it because it was too unpretentious, and denying was a lie.

He can only repeat it again, "Not yet... We are not prepared for anything, and you still have injuries on your hands."

"Take it slowly, there is no need to do it all at once." Pei Tingsong's injured elbow supported him, did not completely press the weight on him, just kissed Fang Juexia's lips carefully, and did not give him a deeper and more thorough kiss. , The other hand began to unbutton his pajamas, one after another.

What does not do it in the end... mean

Fang Juexia was hot and dry by his kiss, and his precarious reason was torn apart by hormones. His hand weakly held Pei Tingsong's hand, but he couldn't stop his behavior. He felt like an ice cream with its packaging torn apart, feeling nervous, and worried that his taste was too mediocre, and worried that he didn't like the taste.

But what he didn't know was that Pei Tingsong liked it crazy. He couldn't help but kiss down his slender neck, licking his slender collarbone, and his snow-white chest. Fang Juexia's taste is sweet, his tongue is sweet, and so is his skin.

"You're so good-looking." Pei Tingsong has no skills, it's all about overflowing likes. Because I like him, I like every inch of him. I want to kiss and lick, "How come you look so good."

Fang Jue Xia Taibai, even the nipple tip is light pink, the small one, kissed by him to stand up, like a stamen. Pei Tingsong stuck out the tip of his tongue and teased it. For a moment, Fang Juexia shuddered and hugged Pei Tingsong's head.

"Like it?" Pei Tingsong raised his head and kissed him. Fang Juexia felt a little uncomfortable when he was separated, "...I want to kiss him."

"I know, but the nipple under you is also very pitiful, and it wants to kiss too."

Pei Tingsong always said something shameful very bluntly.

"Don't you, I don't want you to lick there..."

"Really? Really not?" Pei Tingsong held his nipple again, and the tip of his tongue whirled around that point. Fang Juexia was extremely sensitive, and the whole person shrank and made a cat-like sound. But he subconsciously felt ashamed, and gritted his teeth tightly, not letting himself make any more noises. But the next second, Pei Tingsong's index and middle fingers reached into his mouth, mocking a soft tongue.

"Um..." He never thought that there would be such a great pleasure to be licked here. Fang Juexia's fingers grasped Pei Tingsong's back, unconsciously exerting force, both legs bend, and toes grasped the bed sheet.

The nipples had been licked by him, congested and swollen, and they stood upright. Pei Tingsong found it strange. He looked back and forth at the nipples on both sides, "It's a lot red. The ones here are so pitiful." After that, he bowed his head again and kissed. Hold the other nipple tip, sucking and spinning, the tip of the tooth is gently rubbed, so that a little bit of it swells.

Too beautiful, like two lonely cherries on a white porcelain plate.

Saliva dripped down the corners of his mouth. Fingers in and out of his mouth were like oral sex. Fang Juexia raised his head, and the nipple on his chest was not licked and chilled. He changed from passive to active, subconsciously licking Pei Tingsong. Finger, vaguely said, "Cool... Um..."

"Where?" Pei Tingsong asked deliberately, "Tell me where it's cold."

Fang Juexia was ashamed to answer, and raised her chest and arched her waist, as if trying to put the two points on his chest into Pei Tingsong's mouth.

This picture is beautiful and delicious, but Pei Tingsong did not continue to satisfy his desires, lowered his head and blew into his nipple, causing Fang Juoxia to tremble suddenly and tremble all over. Pei Tingsong took out his wet fingers and rubbed the saliva on his nipple.

"Does it look like you licked it yourself? It's so wet."

"You... you bastard." This was the most serious thing Fang Juexia could swear. His cheeks were flushing abnormally, his mouth was open and he breathed, his body softened into a puddle of snow.

"The thing I don't regret most is that I'm a bastard." Pei Tingsong accepted his insult like a compliment, lowered his head and kissed his raised ribs, all the way down, kissed his slender waist, and finally fell to his sleep. The edge of the pants.

"Brother, have you ever masturbated?" He asked naturally, waiting a long time before Fang Juexia said "rarely..."

"Me too, I rarely masturbate before." Pei Tingsong's hand touched the root of his leg along the trouser tube. "But after I like you, I often masturbate. There is no way. Sometimes I miss you too much. It's hard."

He was saying shameless words in his mouth, and Fang felt that Xia couldn't breathe smoothly, and his temple seemed to be lightly pierced by a fine silver needle. Pei Tingsong was like an animal, lowering his head, biting his waistband, and tearing it down.

Fang Juexia stretched out her hand nervously to block, "Pei Tingsong, I'm not ready yet, Xiao Pei..."

Pei Tingsong licked his fingers along the way, then took his hand to the place of his crotch, and rubbed it, "Teacher Fang, you are all hard underneath, are you not ready yet?"

Fang Juexia couldn't help but snorted, her hand was wrapped by Pei Tingsong's, and there was no way to resist.

"I made the mistake? Check it." Pei Tingsong pulled off his pajamas and rubbed his soft buttocks ambiguously. This was probably the only plump place on Fang Juexia's body, and Fang Juexia was dizzy when he rubbed him. Dizziness, ear tympanum swelling, a hole in the heart, desire to flow out, drilling out, and itching wherever it flows.

The panties were wrapped in a bulging ball in front, and there was a small shadow that was soaked in liquid. Pei Tingsong lowered his head and kissed several times, then pulled off his underwear, and a delicate and beautiful penis stood out, already too hard.

"I'm so energetic, I said I'm not ready. It's so beautiful. You are beautiful all over you, more beautiful than the moon." Pei Tingsong, like a curious child, touched his front end with his fingernails scraping the oozing glands. Liquid horse eye. Fang Juexia shook immediately, her legs couldn't help being clamped, "Don't do it, don't do it, okay."

"Isn't it uncomfortable? It's all running water." Pei Tingsong picked up Fang Juexia, let him be leaned against the bed, and turned on a few more lights. The room was suddenly brighter, as if to make Fang Juexia see more clearly some. He arched his body, bowed his head and licked his horse's eyes with the tip of his tongue, which made Fang Juexia tremble. He moved up and down a few times and looked at Fang Juexia, "Blow job?"

Fang Juexia immediately shook her head, "No, please."

"Don't just want it, I know that." So he lowered his head and held Fang Juexia's penis. I watched my favorite person give him oral sex, the corners of his eyes were red, so red that he was about to connect with his natural birthmark, even his thighs were trembling, and he panted and called his lover's name, "Pei listen to song, listen to song …"

He likes Fang Juexia calling him that, and he feels spoiled. He licked and rubbed Fang Juoxia's buttocks. It didn't take long for Fang Juoxia to shrink, her thighs trembling to clamp his head, and the tone changed as soon as he opened his mouth. It was soft and sticky, "No, no, no. , Let go of me, listen to song, I'm going to shoot..."

Of course Pei Tingsong knew, but he did not leave, letting Fang Juexia shoot him in his mouth. He likes Fang Juexia and can do anything he likes. Seeing Fang Juexia slumped softly after the ejaculation, Pei Tingsong went up and lay down beside him and kissed him sideways. The kiss with semen was full of desire. Fang Juexia had never tasted this taste before, frowning. Pei Tingsong jokes, "I don't dislike it, you still dislike yourself."

"No..." Fang Juexia quibbleed weakly, feeling a little cold, so she got into the quilt and attached Pei Tingsong again. He shot in advance, feeling a little sorry for Pei Tingsong, so she kissed his chin, "What do you do? Can I help you too?"

When he said that, he wanted to get underneath, but Pei Tingsong retrieved it with one hand and licked his ear with a smile, "You are too mobile." His voice was so dumb, "... Just use your hands." He took Fang Juexia's hand and came down. Fang Juexia was shocked, the size under him was surprisingly large, hard and hot. As soon as the finger was attached, Pei Tingsong let out a low gasp, which was horribly sexy in his ear.

Drying and rubbing were not comfortable enough, Fang Juexia retracted her hand and stretched it into her mouth, licked it, and then pulled out the silver wire, and then covered his penis. This series of actions made Pei Tingsong's eyes hot as he stretched out his hand to rub Fang Juexia's buttocks, "Teacher Fang, how can you seduce me like this? Huh?"

"I didn't..." Fang Juexia softened when he heard his voice, and his whole body was like an electric shock. The emotions that had just subsided were flooding again. His hands jerkyly moved Pei Tingsong's lower body. Use it. Pei Tingsong panted unscrupulously in his ear and asked him, "What do you like to call dick? In Chinese."

Fang Juexia was so dizzy and dizzy that he was fascinated by him. The things in his hands didn't seem to be relieved at all. Instead, they swelled more and more, "I... I don't know?"

"I don't know?" Pei Tingsong licked his earlobe and rubbed his lower back, breathing harder and harder, "Teacher Fang, haven't you studied? Teach me, I don't know how to say it in Chinese."

Fang Juexia was limp in his arms. Of course he knew how to say it. He even had the answer in his mind, but it was too difficult for him to say it. He had never said swearing or said anything about genital organs.

Pei Tingsong's hand went around in front of him again, playing with his top, but didn't help him to relieve his desire, but just slapped on the fur, "Say... I'll do it for you when I say it, let you shoot, okay? "Fang Juexia was about to be pushed to a critical point by him. He was too uncomfortable. He wanted to be touched by him. He wanted to release him comfortably like just now. The desire has dazzled his head and defeated the shame.

"Chicken, dick..." Fang Juexia's shoulders trembled first when these two words were spoken.

"Oh." Pei Tingsong prolonged his voice ambiguously. He held Fang Juexia's penis and moved slowly. He kissed Fang Juexia's lips like a reward. The kiss made his back numb and soft, and then he withdrew. , Licked his side neck, voice hoarse, "Then what do you think of my dick? Is it big?"

Fang Juexia’s shame has already defeated his rational defense. He has completely melted into Pei Tingsong’s arms, and has given up struggling to be high. He is not a moon, nor is he a clean person. He just wants Pei Tingsong. .

As long as he obediently says the answer, Pei Tingsong will make him comfortable.

"Big… "

The penis was moved by him, and his pores were so comfortable that he opened.

"Like it?"

Fang Juexia leaned on his shoulder and kissed his shoulder, "Like..."

"Really good." Pei Tingsong accelerated his penis up and down, getting faster and faster, until Fang Juexia had already let go, and couldn't help him any more, so he could only hug him as if he was holding a piece of driftwood and begging for help. Pei Tingsong's back, kissed his neck under the torment of crazy lust, gasped desperately, and moaned finely during the second ejaculation.

He shot again, like an out of control milk carton, shot into Pei Tingsong's hand, splashing on his pajamas.

"What to do..." Fang Juexia's voice was faint and soft, "You haven't shot yet."

"Do you still think I can't do it now?" Pei Tingsong laughed, breathing hot, "You have been twice, and I have not had one. It lasts so long."

"Then what to do..." Fang Juexia seemed to have no energy to think about the question of what to do or not, and just repeated her own question.

"Brother, you are really studying for nothing. After you finish your studies, it is a blank paper. Are you reading a paper?" Pei Tingsong turned him over, wiped the semen from his ejaculation on his inner thigh, and put two more The slender legs are brought together, "Use your legs to help me, can you?"

After being turned over by him, Fang Juexia felt that the sky was spinning, and she was confused, "...legs?" In an instant, Pei Tingsong was already inserted, pressed close to his back, and his hand was still moving around and stroking the nipple on his chest. It was obviously only the root of his leg that was inserted, but Fang Juexia felt as if he had entered his body, hitting him to pieces, and his whole body was hot.

He gasped and wanted to kiss, so he turned his head and asked for a kiss. Pei Tingsong fulfilled his wish, and the two people's tongues stick out and kiss in the air, like two copulating fish.

"Yeah..." Pei Tingsong's breathing became heavier and hot sweat leaked from his forehead. How long he had endured before, now he is so fierce, he digs in, rubbing Fang Juexia's chest with his right hand, touching it from top to bottom. , Began to move Fang Juexia's penis again.

"I don't want it, really, I can't shoot anymore..."

"Brother yes." Pei Tingsong kissed the nape of his neck, thrusting faster, "Very comfortable, you like it."

The huge genitals are upturned, passing through the crevices of the legs, and slamming the pouch of Jue Xia above him, his perineum, but Fang Jue Xia has no place to hide, and can only withstand his attacks. He is just a prey, or just a prey. Like to be ravaged prey.

"Ah, listen to... Slow down, it won't work."

"I know." Pei Tingsong said every word through gritted teeth. Fuck it by one word. He felt that Fang Juexia was about to shoot and his legs were clamped too tightly.

"Shall we be together? Brother, you are with me."

"Well, let's..." Fang Juexia was so drowsy by her lust, she could only learn her tongue. Pei Tingsong's speed is getting faster and faster, and his thin waist is swinging back behind him, like a male animal that has been swallowed by instinct. He quickly inserted dozens of times between his red legs and finally shot. Come out, two people together.

The semen of the two people melted together and stuck to the skin, just like their owner.

Fang Juexia was completely relieved, so soft that he almost didn't even have the strength to turn over. Ren Pei Tingsong hugged him from behind, rubbed him like a big dog, and said all kinds of sweet words. As if it wasn't enough, he was turned over again, held in his arms, and kissed tirelessly over and over again, until the two people's brains were numb, and he kissed until Pei Tingsong didn't even say anything.

They seem to live by just kissing.

Love is a necessity, so so is kisses, and so is sex. Physical strength recovered during the kiss, desire overcomes sleepiness, and raised their heads a little bit, so they relieved each other until Fang Juexia couldn't shoot any more, and gave everything to Pei Tingsong. He finally melted, became a pool of water in Pei Tingsong's palm in the lust and moonlight, and fell asleep.