Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 98: Many mouths are gold


Fang Juexia's fists were clenched very tightly, and his emotions surged the moment he heard about it, almost overwhelming him.

But he soon became rational, and when he raised his eyes to look at Cheng Qiang, a trace of apology rose in his heart.

"Sorry, Brother Qiang, I have always been going to confess this to you, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity."

Cheng Qiang was surprised when he saw this news for the first time, but the recent strong winds and waves have trained him to endure it. He pulled the two of them into the office, told them to sit down, and then said, "It’s also very difficult for you to tell this kind of privacy, and it’s not directly exposed now, and there is room for relaxation. Let’s stay there first. The company has to discuss such a large amount of public relations fees, and the other party should not announce it immediately."

"Brother Qiang," Pei Tingsong said, "send me that anonymous letter, and I will let me investigate it."

Cheng Qiang nodded, "Okay, then I will contact the public relations team."

"I'll come," Pei Tingsong said while lowering his head to send a message, "If you want to ask, you have to ask the most expensive and best public relations. The recent bad things have been one after another. I have long wanted to clean up people."

Cheng Qiang sighed and looked at Fang Juexia, "Jexia, things have reached this point now, I hope you will tell me everything."

Fang Juexia's inner struggle was not because he didn't want to say it, but because it was too painful to face his father's ugliness, but he had no choice.

He took a deep breath and looked at Cheng Qiang, trying to retell his past in the calmest and most objective terms.

"He was a promising dancer before, but he was disabled by a stage accident and his career was ruined. Later, he was addicted to alcohol and domestic violence, and contracted drugs. He abandoned me and my mother ten years ago, took all the money from the family and left. Not long ago, I saw him again. He has been taking drugs for many years. The first time I saw me was to stun me, kidnapped and taken away in exchange for drug money. Later we sent him to the drug rehabilitation center, thinking that this would be the end of the matter. It's over, I didn't expect..."

During the whole process, he spoke clearly, omitting details, without any emotion or color, as if he was just retelling something that had nothing to do with him, but Cheng Qiang only felt sobbing blood every word, and he couldn’t imagine it at all. It is something a father can do to his own son.

Stunned, kidnapped, and exchanged for money.

These are the real things Fang Juexia experienced when they didn't know it. From the first day Cheng Qiang took over Caledo, the child in front of him most distressed him. He knew that everything was the best, but he was taciturn and afraid of making mistakes. He lived on a tightrope every day.

He couldn't help holding Fang Juexia's shoulder, but Fang Juexia just shook her head, "It's okay, I'm just sorry, I didn't tell you this when he appeared. It's happening now, it's so urgent."

Cheng Qiang smiled bitterly, "It's useless to say it. If someone really wants to sit on a drug addict's father on his son, we can't really stop the loss even if we start preparing for the debut."


Hearing these two words, Fang Juexia only felt her throat dry and dumb, as if thousands of cold needles were sticking densely on her face.

He was born with birthmarks on his face, night blindness that is not suitable for performing on a dim stage, and he was burdened with the timing, bombing, and bombing of the biological father of an addict.

Such a person, such a him.

"I'm sorry." Fang Juexia raised her head, her eyes flushed, and murmured, "I actually shouldn't make my debut at all..."

Pei Tingsong immediately held his hand, "What are you talking about? Fang Juexia, I'll say it again, you are born on the stage. If you are not even worthy, then no one is worthy."

He is such a precious person, how can he be wronged like this.

Cheng Qiang knew that what he said just now caused the emotional guidance of the other party, Jue Xia, he was full of guilt, "No Jue Xia, you are not wrong at all in this matter. Without you, Caledo would not be today, you understand. Isn’t it? Actually, this matter is not unsolvable. If it doesn’t work, just shut up the public relations fee and make the major matter smaller..."


Fang Juexia tried his best to calm herself down, and analyzed the incident to Cheng Qiang, "Since they dare to blackmail, there will be a second time. There is still a hidden danger in the whitewashing of peace. Such a big material, they will not just do it for the sake of mere trivialities. Seven million will stop. If my popularity in the future is higher than it is now, they will only threaten me again and again and treat this as a weakness for me."

Fang Juexia's eyes were firm, "But I did not do anything wrong, and I am also a victim. So about my father's drug use, I must say it, and it's up to me to speak."

This road is simply dangerous.

Cheng Qiang's first reaction completely disagrees, "How does this work, really tell it, do you know how many black opponents will end up using questions? They will even slander you as a drug addict."

"I know." The first time Fang Juexia knew about this, all possible slanders had appeared in his mind, and he was more familiar with the taste of splashing dirty water than anyone else.

The slander of these years is like a stain on his body, no matter how you wipe it, it can't be wiped off. These malicious rumors almost grew into scars on his body, and they hurt as soon as they touched him. No matter how you explain it, how you try your best to clarify, you will get more spit and infamy.

At first he didn't quite understand why, why people didn't want to believe the truth. Slowly, he got used to it. Most of the time, the malice in this circle has no reason. The truth is the least valuable thing.

Therefore, Fang Juexia's heart also cooled down a little bit. He stopped making fearless arguments and could only respond with the best stage.

These odious scars have been living with him so far.

"There is no other way, the only thing I can do is scrape the bones to cure the poison."

He didn't want to go on like this anymore, he wanted to completely wipe out these dormant sores.

Fang Juexia said to them, and also said to herself, "Keep on hiding, and no one knows what will happen in the future. I can't let this timing, bombing, and bombing develop more uncontrollable. As for the accusation of whether I take drugs or not. , We can do the appraisal and put in the proof."

Cheng Qiang thought and heard Pei Tingsong say, "The public relations team has been arranged, and it is the most famous in the circle."

"How much?" Fang Juexia asked.

"You don't have to worry about this." Pei Tingsong continued, "They are now ready for video conferences at any time to propose planning and response plans. However, the other party’s advice to us is the same as what Jue Xia said." He looked at Cheng Qiang. "They also believe that this matter needs to be preemptive."

Caledo was the first regiment that Cheng Qiang really brought, and all the storms were spent with Caledo, so when encountering such a thing, his first reaction would always be relatively conservative.

"I understand, then I will work overtime for the meeting now, and I will also call the company's public relations department to come over and notify the members."


It didn’t take long before the matter of He Ziyan. Now it’s the real top of the group. The company takes it seriously. Even Chen Zhengyun, who just came back from a business trip, rushed back to the company. The public relations team and Fang Juexia talked for a full hour, and after fully understanding the matter, they gave a general idea.

The person in charge of the video said, “In fact, Mr. Fang’s idea is right. First of all, we have to make the truth public before the other party exposes it, so as to avoid the other party’s rhythm when breaking the news. This is very disadvantageous. If we take the initiative, we will The husband made it public, and then arranged articles and public opinion guidelines to shift the focus of the incident from "traffic father drug use" to "the original family is miserable and frequently exposed to privacy secondary damage." This treatment can minimize losses."

The person involved in the incident was sitting at the table, the early morning moonlight hit him palely on his back, and the whole person was trapped in the shadows. Pei Tingsong only felt heartache, and it was the past. He might have been back on the Internet a long time ago, but he now knows that this is not a mature practice, and he has to grow up to protect his favorite person.

Everyone was discussing this matter, expressing their own opinions and practices, but Fang Juexia at the center of the whirlpool was silent, listening but not speaking, and seemed to be thinking about something.

After a long time, when the public relations team had begun to contact writers and other public opinion forces, he said, "There is one more thing."

Cheng Qiang looked at him suspiciously, and Chen Zhengyun directly stopped the meeting, "You said."

"From the very beginning, I was wondering if my father did this thing, because he had a history of extortion." Having said that, Fang Juexia shook his head, "But I think the possibility is very low. , Because he is now in a drug rehabilitation center, isolated from the outside world. But this matter, apart from me, my mother, and Xiao Pei who helped me deal with this matter some time ago, no one else should know about it. What about this matter? How is it known? I feel very confused about this."

This is also a point that Pei Tingsong thought over and over again. It was obvious that he locked Fang Ping in the most strictly controlled drug rehabilitation center, and sent people to stare at him all day, completely isolated from the outside world, and there would be no chance to come out and make waves.

"When I was blackmailed by him, I asked him. He doesn't admit to having contact with any company or media, but I am suspicious of this sentence." Fang Juexia's eyes narrowed slightly. "He said he came to Beijing to find me. He ran out of all his money. This is very strange, because before the day of the attempted kidnapping, I had been followed for nearly a week. During this week, what did he rely on for his living, especially a long-term sucker? How could a poisonous person last such a long time."

Pei Tingsong also thought about this issue before, "Do you doubt that he has met other people before you? These people have obtained some information from him and gave him money to maintain his life."

Fang Juexia nodded, "I guess so. When he was addicted to drugs, he could hardly be regarded as a human being. As long as anyone could give him a little money to exchange drugs and products, he could do everything. No matter it was betraying me and him. Relationship, or betray other, is possible."

Chen Zhengyun, who had been silent listening to him, suddenly grasped the point, "Other?"

"Yes." Fang Juexia looked at him, "This is the point I want to add. Boss, there is one thing I have been hiding from everyone."

Under the conference table, his hands were tightly clenched and the joints were blue and white, but on the surface he was still the calm and composed Fang Juexia, "I have congenital night blindness. In dimly lit scenes, my eyesight will become very low, even Nearly blind."

Pei Tingsong was stunned, he didn't expect that Fang Juexia would also say this together. This is tantamount to spreading out the biggest secret he has carried alone for so many years. His forbearance and caution, as well as so many years of painstaking practice, will all turn into a bubble.

Cheng Qiang couldn't believe it, "Night blind? Then you are on the stage..."

Fang Juexia said lightly: "When the light is not bright enough, I can't see it. I can only dance with the intuition I have practiced. But most of the stage, the light is sufficient." After speaking, he looked at them. His eyes were dim, and he apologized again, "I'm sorry, I concealed everyone."

Chen Zhengyun put his hands on the tabletop with a solemn expression. He was indeed surprised, but thinking about everything again, all the unreasonable details of the past are now clear. He recalled the appearance of the child the first time he saw him. Tomorrow will be extremely high. He was born to eat this bowl of rice, but the whole person is full of burdens. His thin shoulders are always heavy, and he doesn’t talk. During practice, even before his debut, he slept on the floor of the practice room for many days.

He finally knew why.

"It's not your fault." Chen Zhengyun smiled, "Fortunately you conceal it, otherwise we will miss a genius."

Fang Juexia has never been wronged too much for her own affairs. But Chen Zhengyun's words made him feel sore for a moment.

Every day since his debut and before every performance, Fang Juexia has had trouble sleeping and eating. Even in her dreams, she would dream of making mistakes or even falling on the dim stage, which would affect the whole team. The self in the dream has been criticized by everyone.

[Why are you making your debut? You don’t deserve to dance on stage, do you understand? ]

[Fang Juexia, look at yourself, you are born to make mistakes on stage. ]

[What's the use of practice! No matter how much you practice, it is impossible not to make mistakes! ]

[You want to drag everyone into the water, right? ]

"Yes," Cheng Qiang said, "now they are not here, if they are, they must be thank you. Juexia, you are the backbone of Kaledo, understand?"

Fang Juexia tried to make herself laugh, and nodded hard to accept their approval, "This may also become a point for others to attack me. I guess he has already told others, so I am afraid that I will also make this point public."

The members of the public relations team were silent for a moment, “It’s okay. This is not a big problem. The genetic disease itself is also private and does not cause harm to others. What's more, you have never made any mistakes over the years.”


Fang Juexia gritted her teeth and nodded.

Pei Tingsong felt powerless and helpless. He clearly wanted to avoid Fang Juexia from suffering these pains, but they couldn't avoid them. These nightmares that had haunted him for so many years broke out in an instant and grew into a behemoth that almost swallowed Fang Juexia. Hide everywhere.

Just after he made the matter public, a person in the public relations team responsible for collecting public opinion said, "Mr. Fang, your worries are not wrong. Indeed, some people have begun to spread rumors about this matter."

They sent out the screenshots of the news, the content was vague.

[Recently, the new top stream fjx has another big melon, fidelity. A person who was very close to him broke the news, and then you will know who it is. He has concealed a disease for a long time, and it is the kind that will affect his future. I am waiting for you to dig a grave. ]

The following message is obviously rhythmic, describing the matter in a more malicious way.

[sick? What disease can affect his future? ]

[I'm afraid it's not AIDS...]

[That's really not sure, the unspoken rules that have been passed for so long before seem to have to wait until the hammer is finally coming, this hammer is too violent. ]

[AIDS woc, the whole group of people... Tsk tsk tsk, your circle is really messy]

[I know that the previous unspoken rules are not groundless, otherwise, why would you say that your fjx was unspoken, not others? Are you beautiful and expensive? ]

"Are these people really sick? Are we really afraid that we will tell them one by one?" Cheng Qiang was angrily, "Contact the moderator now!"

Pei Tingsong looked at Fang Juexia, only to see him indifferently watching the evil words on the projection, without any emotional waves.

Habit is a terrible thing.

But he is indeed used to it.

Even if there are rumors that Fang Juexia committed suicide in his dormitory today, he will not experience much mood swings.

The public relations team explained, "It doesn't matter. Now we know that it is night blindness. As long as we show the relevant medical records and certificates, we can clarify it. I believe Mr. Fang has all of these."

Fang Juexia nodded, he gave them all the evidence he could find, and even asked, "Do I need a comprehensive medical examination?"

Hearing these words, Pei Tingsong's heart throbbed.

The mood of the people in the public relations team is also particularly complicated. They have experienced too many things, such as cheating lovers in the entertainment circle, couples who look close together, and even more exaggerated and bloody gossip. Professionalism allows them to smooth out these things and return their employers a decent job.

But now, the boy standing in front of them is obviously a clean boy, but he has to pick himself up personally. I wish he could even peel off his skin to show them whether the flesh and blood inside is like what the world says. That way, it's black and dirty.

With all the gold, his bones will be destroyed one by one, and they will be melted.

"Before posting on Weibo, I have to communicate with my mother." Fang Jue Xia Ping recovered, got up and left the meeting room. As soon as the front foot left, Pei Tingsong stood up and said to Cheng Qiang, "I will accompany him."

Cheng Qiang nodded and watched Pei Tingsong chase after him.

Fang Juexia's back was very thin, and the dimly lit corridor looked like withered leaves. He walked to the corner of the stairs and stopped, his hands shaking unconsciously.

Pei Tingsong, who followed up, came to him and held his trembling wrist, "Jexia, don't be afraid, I am here." What he didn't realize was that his voice was shaking involuntarily.

It was already half past two in the morning, and there was no one on the phone. Fang Juexia lowered his head, and clicked to dial again after failing to dial again. Transparent tears fell on his hands, and his vision on the screen became increasingly blurred.

I endured all night's tears, and finally shed it for my mother.

"What to do..." Fang Juexia, who remained extremely calm at all times, finally showed weakness in front of her lover, "Pei Tingsong, what should I do... I still have to tell her, but I..."

Pei Tingsong's heart was gripped fiercely, as if he had returned to the rainy summer night again, and watched the already bruised lover approach the abyss again.

In any case, this time, he must hug him first.

Pei Tingsong pulled Fang Juexia into his arms with a gentle voice, "Jexia, come."

He suddenly felt that Fang Juexia had lost weight again. This person who is obviously a few years older than himself is like a child in his eyes. So small, so distressing. Even stroking his shoulders, he didn't dare to use force, "Didn't you say that you don't want to let your mother wait for a lifetime?"

"Long pain is worse than short pain. Even if you hide this moment, what will you do afterwards?"

Fang Juexia buried his head and listened to Pei Tingsong's questions, every sentence clinging to his closed heart.

"Do you want her to go to the end of her life alone and guard this person who won't return?"

Obviously holding the bad ending of this fairy tale in his hand, he never dared to tell his mother.

He was too scared to disappoint his mother.

Fang Juexia cried silently on Pei Tingsong's shoulders. All the sorrows, grievances and fears were given to Pei Tingsong. He knew that this was unfair. He should be stronger and should bear it all by himself.

But at this moment, the whole world only wants to rely on Pei Tingsong's shoulders.

Even one minute is fine.

"You have to know," Pei Tingsong gently stroked his back, "For your mother, the most important thing must not be her dead love, it's you."

The phone I was holding vibrated, and it was my mother's reply at 2:30 in the morning. Fang Jue Xia Qiang came out of his arms, wiped away tears, and held back all emotions before daring to connect.

On the other side of the phone, the mother's voice was anxious and worried. Fang Juexia had been walking outside for many years. No matter what happened, she gritted her teeth and carried it down. He had never called her at such a late hour.

"What's wrong, baby? Juexia, are you sick? Mom is awake now."

Fang Juexia endured crying, "Mom, a lot of things have happened, I want to deal with PR now. There is one thing, I have to tell you." He wrinkled his eyebrows and continued, "In June, Dad came to me."

"What..." Mother Fang's voice was faint, "You, why didn't you say it before?"

"Because... because the day we met, he was addicted to drugs." Fang Juexia desperately held back his emotions, but the truth is so bloody, "He took a steel rod and was about to stun me, and then kidnapped me because he had no money at the time. He continued to take drugs. Fortunately, there were bodyguards who blocked him and failed. Later we sent him to a compulsory drug rehabilitation center."

The other side suddenly calmed down, Fang Juexia's chest hurt.

"Now, someone wants to blackmail us with this, I must, open it myself." Every word said, he knew it was in his mother's heart, but he had no choice, and he also hoped that it was all one. It's just a nightmare.

How he wished he didn't have such a father, the disease that had tortured him for more than ten years, and the dirty water that couldn't be dried out.

"I'm afraid you will see the news, so... So I can only tell you in advance."

"Mom, I'm sorry."

Sorry, I ended up...

I broke your dream with my own hands.