Fantasy Falls

Chapter 116: Female ghost


The crisp ringing of the copper bells penetrated the people in the dark night. With the ringing of the bells, the cold wind became stronger and stronger, making people's limbs feel as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

The evil wind rises, and the evil spirit emerges!

Even though there are rosary beads, Bagua mirrors, crosses, magatama and other magical objects that glow with fluorescent light, there is still a deep and sticky darkness in the distance.

Lin Xi closed her eyes and dispersed the fluctuations of her thoughts - the dark wind contained energy, which greatly hindered the transmission of consciousness. However, she still vaguely "saw" a distant house, floating from the sky, a flash of light. The passing red.

The female ghost in red

If a woman dies wearing red, she will turn into a ghost! The female ghost in red is undoubtedly the scariest and most resentful ghost.

As if sensing the prying eyes of her consciousness, the female ghost turned her head and looked in his direction. She didn't have the disgusting and scary face of the ghost in the movie. Although it was pale and bloodless, her appearance was beautiful and moving, possessing both the handsomeness of a man and the beauty of a woman.

A pair of dark eyes stared at Lin Xi, and at the same time, a cold, needle-like resentment passed through his consciousness.

His body shook slightly, and two lines of blood flowed from his nostrils.

The mental attack was reflected on the physical body, and Xiao Xiao was slightly injured. However, the abnormal resilience of the ancestor virus bloodline plus the life mark immediately completely repaired this injury.

"Female ghost... Brigitte Lin?"

"Has Brigitte Lin acted in any ghost movies? I don't think so... Besides, the outfit she wore just now was obviously the classic look of Dongfang Bubai, who was wearing a red robe and flying through the sky in Swordsman... Dongfang Bubai became a woman. Ghost?"

Lin Xi only found it incredible.

"The female ghost in red, what does Brigitte Lin look like?" Uncle Jiu didn't know who Brigitte Lin was, but when he heard "Red Dress", his expression suddenly changed and his hands shook.

The evolvers were full of surprise: "Brigitte Lin, Dongfang Invincible should be a villain, right? Could it be that the boss who came to this world was killed by an evil ghost when he passed by He County and turned into a female ghost? Wait, it seems that Dongfang Girl is not Woman!"

"It's no use thinking about that. The bell just sounded was a zombie bell. The zombies are coming."

"Um, ah..."

Waves of hoarse sighs and roars sounded one after another.

A few beams of light pierced the darkness. Liu Suifeng and Jiang Xinyu each took out a flashlight. Many Li Qi and others wore miner hats on their heads. Through the light, everyone saw the zombies coming from the street.

Wearing jeans, shirts, leather jackets, skirts and other modern clothes, the skin is dry and withered, and the walking movements are extremely weird, as if there are no joints.

"Zombies, what the hell are zombies! We're so tired of being killed in Jiangcheng. Aren't there evil ghosts and monsters here? Why are zombies running out again?" Many Duo shouted in displeasure.

"The yin energy here is so strong that after death, it is easy for the yin evil spirits to rush into the body and turn into zombies... They will not die for a long time, otherwise the skin of their whole body will completely rot, and finally shrink to only one piece of skin hanging on the body. It will be more difficult."

Uncle Jiu said to everyone: "If you have magic power, don't waste it. This is just a small trouble."

"Da da da… "

"Bang, bang..."

Many Type 95 automatic rifles and Van Helsing's silver gun fired bullets at zombies in the distance. Some zombies had their hands and feet broken and fell down, while others were still approaching. Seeing this scene, Lin Xi thought of Luzhou City.

It's a pity that there are no combat plants such as corn, cabbage pitcher, and pea shooter, otherwise it would be Plants vs. Zombies.

In the item space, there is also a corn cannon that can fire missiles.

But blowing up these zombies is such a waste.

Manipulating Kikuichimonji with his mind power, the katana shot out like a flying sword, pulling out a dazzling silver light in the dark night. Finding that the stabbing effect was not good, he simply imitated Dong Qing's combat skills - spinning into a sword wheel, slashing at the zombies, and issuing a "Chi chi" a dull sound.

"So handsome!"

Liu Suifeng, Jiang Xinyu and others, who took out bows and arrows from the item space to shoot zombies, were extremely envious when they saw the scene of killing with flying swords.

Psychokinesis is indeed a good power.

Gravitational repulsion, gravity, sword control... can all be disguised, and the ability to copycat is extremely strong.

Driven by the corpse-attracting bell, the hundreds of zombies that surrounded them were quickly killed. It seemed that they had seen the power of everyone. The female ghost in red did not appear in the dark, and the bell did not ring again.

Everyone stood on the street, and the light of flashlights and searchlights was not bright in the darkness.

"Master Dinghui, let's find a place to stay. It's okay to wander around on the road... If some ghosts stronger than zombies come and fight with us, and the boss takes the opportunity to sneak attack, I'm afraid someone will die. "Li Qi suggested.

"Okay, find an open space and raise a fire to relax and wait for work. It will also be convenient for defense."

A few more miner hats were taken out, and everyone wore one on their heads. Ampere Seimei's paper shikigami was used as cannon fodder to clear the way in front. There were many people who were not afraid of death, but they were at the back - this was the easiest Location under attack.

"Suifeng, use your magic."


Liu Suifeng took out a few fragments from the item space. These were some of the zombies in Jiangcheng. The fragments left after the death light disappeared. They were full of yin energy and were a special material that could be used to make low-level magic weapons and enchant weapons.

A strange tone came out of his mouth - it was actually ancient Egyptian. After he obtained the spell, the content automatically appeared in his memory:

"Gather your bones, connect your limbs, shake off the dust of your muscles, and listen to my orders..."

Some Eastern schools of Taoism rely on talismans, Japanese anime ninjutsu relies on hand seals, and Western magic relies on incantations, mantras, and spirit spirits, which have the same incredible power as the words on talismans.

In the ancient and obscure spell, the corpse fragments instantly dispersed and turned into yellow dust. The dust gathered together again and quickly turned into several monsters wearing rotten armor and covered with rotten flesh. It is exactly what the movie " The mummy guard in "Tomb Robbery".

During the Red Ghost King Rebellion in Jiangcheng, most of the evolvers died, but Liu Suifeng was able to escape alive, partly because of the care of his half-demon wife, Jiang Xinyu, and partly because of this spell.

The Mummy Guard's powerful fighting ability is fully revealed in the movie. He can catch up with a passenger car while running, crawl along walls at high speed, withstand rifle bombardment, and can even fight with his arms supporting his entire lower body after being shattered.

This is a "four-star" summoning spell!

Three mummy guards crawled along the walls of the buildings on both sides of the road to provide warning. After walking on the road for more than 10 minutes, they found a community. The garden square in the community could raise a fire to restrain ghosts, and the sight was wide.

Walking into the gate of the community, the mummy guards picked up some dead branches from the trees and piled them on the ground. Li Qi raised his right hand with the Sun Fist, and a cluster of flames rose from his fingers.

As if Kusanagi Kyo had played "Orochi Nagi", Li Qi waved his right hand in a showy way to throw out a stream of fire, but the flame fell on a dead branch and was immediately extinguished... He tried two or three more times, but he couldn't even light a leaf.

"what happened?"

Li Qi lowered his head to check in annoyance, but in an instant, the dead branches wrapped around him like a snake that came alive.

"Ah, help, help..."

Li Qi screamed in horror as his limbs were entangled. At this moment, the top of a dead branch suddenly cracked, revealing red flesh and blood inside, with tiny teeth. Several blood vessel-like strands of flesh were revealed and rushed towards him. mouth.

Lin Xi restrained the dead branches with her mind and saved him once.

He almost got into his mouth by the blood vessels that rushed out of the strange branch. In fear, Li Qi burst out with a force all over his body, shattering it into pieces. Uncle Jiu on the side picked up a piece of yellow paper and shook it with his hand. , the Taoist talisman ignites automatically.


The pieces of dead branches that were thrown on fire by Taoist talismans twisted and burned into ashes.

After such a strange incident happened, everyone was alert. At this time, a low cry came from the surroundings. The cry of a woman in the dark night seemed very permeable.

Amidst the crying, the environment quietly changed. It was no longer the square of the community garden, but turned into a barren wilderness. In the mountains, ruined temples and ancient temples stand, filled with ghostly auras, sparkling strange rocks, and balls of green phosphorus fire floating here and there.

"What kind of monsters are you trying to make up? Look at this poor monk breaking through this ghostly illusion!"


The old monk Dinghui slammed his Zen staff on the ground, and the golden halo swept away. All the previous hallucinations disappeared, and the scenery in the garden of the community was restored.

"This place... is too weird. Let's leave first..."

Li Qi, who almost had a dead branch drilled into his mouth, was still in shock. If a branch with flesh and fine teeth inside penetrated his stomach, you can imagine what the consequences would be - he didn't want to stay in this city at all.

In the original Jiangcheng, although there were many zombies and the Red Ghost King was terrifying, they were all normal monsters. Not like this county, which was as scary as a Hong Kong ghost movie.

"Okay, let's leave first and we'll come back during the day."

After discovering some trees in the garden of the community, they pulled out their roots from the ground, waved strange-looking branches, and surrounded them. Uncle Jiu and others finally decided to retreat for the time being.

This time, when I walked near the gate of the community, "Boom!" the ground suddenly sank.

Only Lin Xi used her mind to hold herself up when she sank. Everyone else fell into the pit.

"Ah, ah ah..."

Liu Suifeng, Jiang Xinyu, Li Qi and others screamed in horror. There were no traps such as swords in the pit with a diameter of thousands of square meters, but it was filled with human heads! The pale heads of the dead people had their eyes wide open as if they were dead, with blood flowing from the corners of their eyes and nostrils.

"It's a phantom mirror again, broken!"

Being bitten by heads one after another, Master Dinghui did not panic. He mobilized his Buddhist power and prepared to transform into Buddha's light to sweep away. However, he heard Anbei Qingming on the other side reciting a mantra:

"Return to fate, impure wrath, destroy, hook, purify, break barriers!"

Amidst the crisp sound of breaking glass, the potholes and bleeding and biting heads disappeared, leaving only the strange trees still approaching.

"Is there a ghost?"

Lin Xi found a ghost shadow flying vaguely in the darkness in the distance. She controlled Ju Yiji with her mind power, stepped on the sword with both feet, and chased the shadow.

Different from the previous female ghost who was dressed in a red robe and looked like Brigitte Lin, this time the female ghost was dressed in white.

As cold as water, her long black hair was gently scraping her face as it flew. Under the illumination of the miner's hat on Lin Xi's head, the female ghost's skin seemed to have a touch of translucent crystal, and her beautiful face was like Epiphyllum blooming on autumn night.

"Wang Zuxian?"

Lin Xi was shocked again. Unlike Brigitte Lin, Wang Zuxian's female ghost appearance was not surprising.

"Is it Nie Xiaoqian? So... the ghost that came to this city is Grandma Dryad? But what happened in the illusion just now? Grandma Dryad doesn't know magic... What is the ghost boss hiding in the dark?"