Fantasy Falls

Chapter 12: thug


After recovering from his injuries and feeling full of energy, Lin Xi hunted the giant and didn't return home until nightfall.

After watching the news on TV for a while, I found that there was nothing useful. I took a shower and slept. I was about to leave early the next morning, but I found that a large group of community residents had gathered outside the house at some unknown time.

These people have different looks and ages, but one thing they have in common is that they all have a flattering smile on their face.

"Sure enough, under the attention of caring people, the identity of the evolved person cannot be concealed for much time."

Looking at the dark crowd, Lin Xi felt helpless.

A woman, the aunt of the community committee, walked forward and said with a smile on her face: "Hello, brother, we are here to thank you for killing the monster and closing the door that day."

"It's okay. After all, I live here too. It's just convenient."

Someone in the crowd immediately picked up Lin Xi's words and said with emotion: "Yes, we all live in the same community. It's fate. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors."

Hearing these words, Lin Xi burst into laughter. Before the monster appeared, he had not even spoken to his neighbor across the door, let alone other people.

"Well, we are here today. The first thing is to thank you. The second thing is to know how to become an evolver. After all, there are monsters out there now. With one more evolver, everyone helps each other. A good man needs three helpers. , the community can also be safer.”

As soon as Auntie finished speaking, the crowd suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Who doesn’t want to be an evolver

"I can't answer your question." Lin Xi slowly shook his head, "After all, even I am confused as to why I became an evolver."

Upon hearing this answer, some people had disappointment on their faces, while some had disbelief on their faces.

It was quiet for a few seconds, and then there were a few murmurs from the crowd.

"You're too stingy. You must be afraid that others will become evolutionaries and steal the limelight."

"How selfish."

Some people even cursed "fuck" in a low voice.

There were so many people around here that it was difficult to tell who was speaking, but Lin Xi's eyesight and hearing were far superior to ordinary people. He saw that the first person who said the first sentence was the fat woman that day, and the second sentence was from a woman with her arms crossed. Mouth, fashionable girl.

The curser was a young man with yellow hair, earrings, and a black leather jacket.

Lin Xi's face turned cold: "When I became an evolver, I received information that the total number of evolvers in the world is 100,000. According to the ratio, the number of evolvers in Pearl City is 30."

"Do you think I have a way to make others become evolved? Haha, maybe the gods can."

"Just now, I heard a curse word."

He walked towards the yellow-haired young man, and the crowd in front of him immediately separated automatically.

Seeing Lin Xi coming and stopping in front of him, the yellow-haired young man felt a little nervous, but then he covered it up and raised his nose and said, "Brother, did you hear that wrong? Besides, do you have evidence that I scolded you?"

"I don't need proof, just what I think it is."

"What are you doing? Want to kill someone? Do you still have Wang Fa?" The yellow-haired young man took a few steps back.

"I won't kill anyone, I'm just giving you a little punishment." Lin Xi raised her hand and caught up with the young man.

"Bang", the sound of this slap was not crisp, but dull! The yellow-haired young man was whipped into the air and fell to the ground again. When he got up, the right side of his face was swollen like air, and when he opened his mouth, seven or eight blood-stained teeth fell down like raindrops.

This was Lin Xi, who controlled her hand.

"Damn it, I'll kill you!"

The yellow-haired young man was originally a promiscuous man. He immediately exploded. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was twisted. He took out a switchblade from his waist, but a shadow flashed in front of his eyes. When he looked up, the knife was already in the opponent's hand.

Lin Xi held the switchblade with her fingers, folded the blade into two pieces, and threw it down.

The crisp sound of breaking made the yellow-haired young man wake up. He looked at the two blades that were casually broken off on the ground, and thought of the scene when Lin Xi killed the giant that day. His heated head quickly cooled down, and he broke into a cold sweat. My legs started to shake.

After giving him a cold look, Lin Xi said to everyone: "If there is a way to become an evolver, the soldiers who fight monsters on TV have already become successful, and it won't be your turn."

"In addition... there are empty houses everywhere now. This community is not a high-end community or a villa area, and the conditions are not good. The reason why I stay here is because my family who has lived here for more than 10 years is here, but home is not a constraint .”

"I just want a place where I can rest peacefully after hunting giants every day, away from monsters and disturbances. If I don't get this, I can leave at any time."

"So, I will clear away the monsters nearby and create a safer space for you. Please don't disturb me. Don't have any unrealistic illusions about me, because I am not your family member, nor do I need to be responsible for the civilians. government."

"I'm going out now, bye."

In the silent gaze of everyone, after taking a few steps away, Lin Xi turned back: "By the way, I have killed almost all the giants near the community. In addition, I have cleaned up the road from here to the supermarket."

"Of course, there must be monsters appearing on the road again, but the number of monsters will not be large. In the future, with the lack of food, the outside will definitely become more and more chaotic. I think now is the best time to look for food. "

"Because we are in the same community, I would like to remind you that it is up to you whether you go or not."

After saying this, Lin Xi's back disappeared from everyone's eyes.

At this time, the quiet residents began to talk:

"Is what he said true?"

"Only 30 people in one city? This is too few."

"He just cursed casually in a low voice and got his teeth knocked out. This kid is so cruel!"

"Hard? There is no law now. With his strength, it's okay to kill someone. It's just a slap in the face. If it were me, I would probably be even more ruthless."

"What does cruelty mean? If you curse me, killing his whole family is cruel!"

"Well, no one nowadays is a fool, not even children."

"It's you who treat others as fools. It's a blessing for us to be able to ensure the safety of this place. You are still like this today. Whose family does that Huangmao belong to? You actually scolded the evolutionaries, angered others, and hurt us."

"Master Wang's family, if you don't discipline them well, they will just be gangsters."

"Look at what that kid is wearing, it looks like something from Star Wars. It's so cool. Wow... 30 people, it seems like I have no hope..."

"Are you going out? I only have a few dozen kilograms of rice left in my house. I've finished all the vegetables and meat. My children won't even eat rice."

"Go, why don't you go! Go to the supermarket now to see if you can get some food and supplies, and bring in more people. Otherwise, even if you get it, you won't be able to cry if someone robs you along the way."

"I still have some meat in the refrigerator... I won't go. If I encounter a monster, I will definitely die."

After leaving the community, Lin Xi hunted a total of 9 giants that day. When he returned home at night, no one disturbed him - obviously his threat to leave the community was very effective.

The next days are simple, go out, hunt, and go home.

The community has never been invaded by monsters. The residents originally had a relatively relaxed atmosphere. However, as time goes by, the atmosphere continues to become tense. Every day, some people go out to look for food, but never come back.

In the surrounding streets, most of the monsters had been cleared away. These people did not die in the giant's mouth, but died in the fight for food.

Society is getting more and more chaotic!

Gradually, people came knocking on Lin Xi's door. Most of them were beautiful girls and even young women from the community.

After his warning, this behavior stopped.

There were also some people who begged Lin Xi to come forward and lead the team to get food, begged him to look for family members who had not returned, and even asked for food directly...

He refused all such requests.

This is not because of cruelty. Lin Xi has a kind heart and is willing to provide some help to others within her ability. But there are too many residents in the community - for example, even if all the food in the item space is taken out, how many people will be enough to eat

He cannot bear the burden of so many people.

In this way, half a month passed, and the bioenergy finally reached 15,000 points.

Fifteen thousand biological energy!

It's enough to be exchanged for a good mercenary.

However, Lin Xi checked the employment form and sighed slightly, the points were still too few! I always feel unwilling to spend all the points to hire a popular face who is neither strong nor weak, and has low or medium intelligence.

Those limited editions with a quantity of "1" are still too expensive.

Most of them are above 100,000, and those below 100,000 are interested in a girl whose comprehensive ability is satisfactory in all aspects, but it is a pity that it costs 40,000 points.

"Anyway, the current equipment is enough to kill giants, so let's save it for now."

These days, in addition to the normal giants that Lin Xi killed, there was also a strange giant. However, this one's special ability was not super jumping, but just running fast. He didn't even need to activate the burst. He could just trip and hack to death. It was simple and easy. .

Now, there are two bottles of Giant Potion.

"I have killed all the giants in a large area of streets near the community. I haven't been able to hunt many of them these days. It seems I have to go further."

Wearing a black robe, carrying a dark sword on his back, and hanging a sand eagle and peony on his waist, Lin Xi was walking on the road from time to time. People cast envious, jealous, or flattering glances at Lin Xi. At this time, as more and more people went out to look for food, His reputation also spread in this area.

To ordinary people, giants are the gods of death, and he is the god of death who harvests giants!

After leaving the Xicheng District where the residential area is located, the number of giants increased a lot. He used bloodthirsty meat hooks and dark swords to kill five giants along the way and gained 600 points. At this time, he heard a killing cry from a distance.

I jumped on a roof and looked in that direction. I saw more than 40 people fighting at the entrance of a small shop called "Zhang Ji Rice Noodle Shop" with axes, machetes, steel pipes, and kitchen knives.

Even before the end of the world, the fight for space between gangs would not be more fierce than this!

Everyone was going crazy, and from time to time someone would be chopped down to the ground, twitching and dying in pain.

Seeing this, Lin Xi did not step forward - he had no reason to stop him.

It's all about survival.

It was now 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and Giant Hunting had not eaten. Lin Xi saw a large KTV on the roadside, so she entered it, sat on the sofa in the lobby, took out a few chocolates and a box of yogurt from the item space, and sipped them. Eat.

After eating, he curled up on the sofa, ready to take a short rest. He was a little tired after killing five giants.

After lying down for a while with my eyes open, there was a burst of noise and curses outside.

Lin Xi looked up and found a large group of people entering the KTV. The leader was a bald man with a bare upper body covered with tattoos and a scar on his forehead. Behind him were about a dozen young and middle-aged people, holding a mess of weapons, escorting a group of people. female.

"Damn it, after so many days, I can finally have some fun."

"These qualities are all good. You are worthy of being a teacher and a female student in a key high school. Brothers, you have a great time today!"

"Whatever you say, let Brother Dao feel happy first."

"Of course, Brother Dao will be the first one to come. Little brother, I will just follow you and have a sip of soup."

"It's a pity that the youngest one is going to be taken away by the boss. That little beauty seems to be only 9 years old. Originally, I wanted to try something new."

"You are such a beast, you are so good at this! But I like it. Isn't there a saying that a lolita has three good qualities? She is light and soft and can be easily pushed down."

The rough teasing laughter mixed with the girl's cries made a loud sound.
