Fantasy Falls

Chapter 121: spell song


"Thousand-year Centipede Spirit!"

The A Chinese Ghost Story trilogy is extremely famous, and many people have watched it. When the demon monk appeared, many, Li Qi, Jian Jian and simply all screamed in surprise.

In the second part of the movie, the Centipede Spirit, who has been practicing for thousands of years, disguises himself as a national advisor to control the government and eats the ministers into empty shells.

This big monster is even difficult for Yan Chixia, who masters Shushan magic, to deal with!

He teamed up with another Taoist priest, Kunlun disciple Zhiqiu Yiye, played by Jacky Cheung, and was swallowed into the body of a centipede spirit. Only after his soul left the body and thousands of swords fired together did he kill the monster.

"What a terrifying evil spirit!"

Uncle Jiu's expression also changed. The demonic aura hidden in the other party was frightening.

"Be bold!"

The evil monk, who originally had a compassionate expression, had a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. He said slowly: "The poor monk is the reincarnation of the Buddha, and he actually slanders me as a thousand-year-old centipede? You guys? It’s so sinful.”

"Don't talk nonsense to him, go up and chop him!"

Many Duoduo relied on their demi-human blood and held Damascus swords blessed with Tao talismans, and they were about to rush forward to fight.

"Attacked the reincarnated Buddha? You deserve death. If you don't regret it quickly, you should put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

Putting up his palms, Pudu Cihang opened and closed his mouth quickly and chanted continuously: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. The sea of suffering is boundless. When you turn around, you will find shore..."

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately..."

"The sea of suffering is boundless and we can only come back to the shore..."

This sound is extremely weird, as if it causes the air to resonate and the space to resonate. The grand Sanskrit singing, like countless people chanting at the same time, fills the entire square. The rhythmic and ups and downs tones sweep over the sky and even penetrate into the soul.

Simple, simple, Li Qi, many, many, weak in spirit, confused in mind, and with a look of intoxication on his face, he is about to go to Pudu Cihang.

Lin Xi, Master Dinghui, Uncle Jiu, and the zombie-blooded Ma Chunhua, who had strong spiritual cultivation, only showed pain on their faces.

"Don't go there, it's a life-threatening Sanskrit sound!"

Having watched the movie A Chinese Ghost Story, Lin Xi was deeply impressed by this centipede spirit. In the movie, he just moved his mouth and recited a few verses to make others die obediently. Even Kunlun Warlock Zhiqiu, m.∞.c¢om Ye, couldn't resist the sound.

"Five stars suppress the color, illuminate the mysterious world, thousands of gods and saints, protect my true spirit..."

Just in the middle of reciting the spell, Uncle Jiu suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. With his magical power, it was far inferior to that of the Millennium Centipede.

"Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita..."

Master Dinghui sat cross-legged and kept chanting. In Buddhism, Prajna refers to "wisdom" and Paramita refers to "reaching the other shore." This mantra contains the belief of Buddhist monks to fight against the demons of the heavens with all their hearts. .

As expected of an old monk who had been reciting the Buddha's name all his life before the apocalypse, he acquired the mindless meditation skill. His cultivation level immediately increased, and his magic power was even deeper than that of his uncle Jiu.

The Vajra Mantra shocked the mind to resist the Sanskrit sound, and several people who were intoxicated woke up.

Looking at this scene, a sneer appeared on Pudu Cihang's face, and the scriptures he recited became even more urgent. The sound was like ocean waves, rushing towards everyone from all directions.

"No, the old monk won't be here for long!"

The chanting Sanskrit sounds became louder and louder, and blood quickly flowed out of Dinghui's nostrils and corners of her mouth.

"Is there any way to fight Sanskrit?"

"There is a speaker in my space!"

"Speaker, does it work?"

"Whether it's useful or not, I can only give it a try. There are square dance songs in it." Ma Chunhua took out a speaker, which is for both charging and battery purposes, and has a lot of songs stored inside.

"My mobile phone is made in China, and the sound is no worse than the stereo!" Many said.

"Me too."

"Let's put it together, everyone!"

Ma Chunhua turned the sound to the maximum, Duoduo and Li Qi also took out their mobile phones and turned the sound to high.

Suddenly, three different songs rang out from the speakers and the loudspeakers of the two mobile phones, sweeping through the square.

"Betrayed my love and forced me to leave. When I finally found out the truth, I burst into tears. By betraying my love, you bore a debt of conscience. No matter how much love you put in, you can never buy it back..."

"I planted a seed and finally the fruit grew. Today is a great day. I plucked the stars and gave them to you. I plucked the moon and gave it to you. Let the sun rise for you every day..."

"Give me a piece of blue sky, a rising sun, give me a piece of green grass stretching into the distance, give me an eagle, a mighty man, give me a horse pole, hold it in his hand..."

Ma Chunhua's stereo played the divine song "Love Business", and Duoduo and Li Qi's domestic high-volume mobile phones played the divine song "Apple" and "Horse Horse Pole". The loud sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling shook the jaws of several people nearby. tingling.

Overwhelmed by the chaotic tones, Dinghui, who had been struggling to hold on, spat out a large mouthful of blood and stopped reciting the Diamond Sutra.

Pudu Cihang relied on his powerful demon power to still recite the Sanskrit chant for life, but his tone was involuntarily distorted. The three divine songs of the square dance were so destructive that the demon monk could not help but feel angry, and beads of sweat as big as soybeans appeared on his forehead.

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. The sea of suffering is boundless, and you can finally turn around..."

"Love is not something you want to sell, you can sell it if you want to buy it. Let me break away, let me understand, let go of your love..."

"You are mine, Apple. I can never love you too much. Your red face warms my heart and lights up the fire of my life. It's fire, fire, fire..."

"You are a mighty man on a horse, your galloping horse is like the wind, the endless wilderness is with you, and your heart is as broad as the earth..."

Pudu Cihang's eyelids were twitching violently, the sweat on his forehead was flowing down his face, and his mouth when he was chanting Sanskrit chants was tilted in anger.


The demon monk suddenly stopped his life-demanding Sanskrit chant and let out a sharp roar. His face was twisted and ferocious, and he looked extremely angry. This was not his fault. Anyone who was bombarded by the loud volume of the triple square dance divine music would become so angry.

"Don't let me go anymore, I'm going to kill you!"

Pudu Cihang, who was so angry that his nose and eyes were crooked, curled his hands into claws, led his men disguised as lamas and maids, and killed everyone together.

These demons are not very powerful, but they have precious magic skills:


The life-demanding Sanskrit chant stopped. Taoist Master Yimei finally regained his composure and picked up the token:

"Mysterious light guides me, regardless of distance or distance. It opens my Dharma eyes to see any disputes."

As the token passed in front of his eyes, the invisible monsters were nowhere to be seen - in fact, Uncle Jiu's use of this spell was a complete waste of mana, because with Lin Xi's presence, the surging freezing air from the ice and snow halo, all the monsters were blown away. Frozen out of shape.


Among the eight soldiers in the Art of War Jane, the archers fired arrows, the spearmen and swordsmen charged forward, and the cavalry even launched a charge.

Two large shield soldiers stood guard next to Master Dinghui.

Just now, while reciting the Diamond Sutra to protect everyone, he borne almost all the pressure on himself, and the old monk was seriously injured.

It is simple to activate the indestructible power of the Vajra, and rush towards Pudu Cihang with Duoduo who is not afraid of death. The demon monk has several forms in the movie. The current first form has ordinary strength, but the Sanskrit sound is terrifying.

"As expected of... thighs..."

He simply glanced at the hexagonal ice flower-shaped halo, sighed, held the Taoist talisman and went to kill him - if it weren't for the ice and snow halo, only Uncle Jiu and Dinghui, who had a pair of spiritual eyes, could see the invisible monsters and kill them. It would be troublesome.

Lin Xi used her mind to control Kikuichimonji, and the katana rotated and turned into a blade wheel, flying around, cutting out splashes of bright red blood on those slow blue shadows.

In less than five minutes, all the demons were killed. Only three summoned soldiers were lost here, plus many more were scratched by Pudu Cihang's claws, their bodies were in tatters, and even their arms were broken.

"The divine master does not shy away from the powerful when he kills. He kills the evil ghosts first, and then kills the night light. How can the gods not subjugate themselves, and how can the ghosts dare to fight against them? The urgency is like a law!"

At this time, Uncle Jiu picked up the token and hit the altar, and more than a dozen talisman curtains flew out together. He was fighting a simple battle with the indestructible magic power of Vajra. Pudu Cihang, the demon monk with tiger claws and wind, was suddenly wrapped in the curtain. In the middle.

He raised his sword and picked out a flame from the lotus lamp.

The flame of the lamp stretched under the Seven Star Sword and turned into a stream of fire. Although Uncle Jiu was injured by the life-threatening Sanskrit sound just now, this blow fully demonstrated the powerful killing power of Maoshan Taoism.

"Seven Stars Kill Demons!"

The stream of fire thrown from the sword was divided into seven, turning into seven lanterns, and formed the pattern of the Big Dipper as it flew.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

In the continuous explosions, Pudu Cihang's body and skin exploded into hot fireworks.

Everyone still looked solemn. Anyone who has watched the movie knows that the real danger begins now.

In mid-air, golden light surged like water, as bright and brilliant as the Buddha's light. This light illuminated the heaven and earth. What was even more shocking was that a huge golden Buddha sat on a lotus platform, wrapped in the light, emitting a majestic and dull sound. the sound of:

"Namo's Paradise, the Tathagata from the West has arrived here."

This time, even Lin Xi looked shocked. It was not that she was surprised to see the Golden Buddha, but that she felt a sense of danger from the Golden Buddha.

In the dark, consciousness is warning.

Dinghui, who had never seen the movie, gasped: "Monster, how dare you pretend to be Tathagata Buddha? How audacious!"

Extremely angry, he threw his Zen staff and turned into a golden dragon with teeth and claws and flew towards the golden Buddha.

"As a Buddhist, if you dare to attack the Buddha, you will go to hell after death!"

The huge golden Buddha clasped its hands together, and immeasurable golden light radiated out, like a sun. The golden light carried strong power, and the ground it hit was like being bombarded by artillery shells. The earth shook, the earth and rocks rolled, and it was a mess.

The Zen staff that turned into a golden dragon was blasted by the golden light, rolled and fell to the ground.

Lin Xi unfolded the mental shield to withstand the violent shock wave generated by the golden light explosion. After the explosion weakened, she wrapped the Zen staff with mental power, sucked it into her hand and threw it to Dinghui, as if she was using all things to attract heaven.

A cyan thunder ball was thrown, which previously killed the zombie youth. Its power was comparable to the thunder ball used by magical talismans to attract thunder. This time, it had no effect. When it came into contact with the light around the Golden Buddha, it was like a stone falling into a pond. , quietly disappeared.


The golden Buddha closed his fingers again, and this time the golden light emitted was in the shape of a beam, flying towards Uncle Jiu. He had a hatred beyond others for the Taoist priest who destroyed his first form.

At the critical moment, Uncle Jiu jumped and jumped more than ten meters away. The altar that he had worked so hard to set up, along with the altar wood, tokens, nectar bowls, and lotus lanterns on it, were all blown into pieces. If it hadn't been for the Seven-Star Sword on his back, I'm afraid it will also be damaged.

"too strong!"

Everyone looked ugly. Lin Xi deliberately took out the Sixth Form of the Sundae and fired a shot - but this was only the second form of the Centipede Spirit. After all the biological energy was used up, what would happen if the opponent showed his true form as a monster