Fantasy Falls

Chapter 122: Enlightenment is me


"If you can't defeat this monster, the thunder and lightning talisman will probably be useless."

Uncle Jiu was still a little shocked. If the golden light just hit his body, he would definitely die! What a pity for those damaged magic weapons...

"This is the second form. Only after the Golden Buddha is destroyed will the Thousand-Year Centipede Spirit reveal its true form." Li Qi shouted.

"What, there's still a real body?" Uncle Jiu and Dinghui were both a little dumbfounded.


The one closest to the Golden Buddha was hit by a golden light and let out a miserable cry. Bathed in the golden light, he sprayed out beams of light from his eyes, nose, and mouth, and his skin and flesh were all dissolved in the light.

I don’t know if I can be resurrected if I have demihuman blood and my body is reduced to nothingness.

Another burst of golden light came, and Master Dinghui threw out his cassock. The one-meter-square cassock swelled up in the wind and intercepted them in front of everyone.


The golden light was blocked, and the cassock was completely blown to pieces, with pieces of rags flying like a rain of butterflies.

Another magic weapon was lost.

"This monster, what the hell, it's the Gundam's main gun!" Jian Jian cursed angrily. Even if there was an indestructible King Kong, he would not dare to use his body to resist the golden light.

It can be seen from the movie that the golden light of the Golden Buddha was so fierce that Yan Chixia reflected it back with her sword array, and even she could not withstand it.

"Everyone, come to my side. I will protect this area with the Pure Land Glazed Vajra Formation of Meditation Samadhi. However, the magic power can only last for ten minutes. You have to think of a way to destroy the Golden Buddha within ten minutes."

"Om, Pu, Can, Mu."

Dinghui inserted the Zen staff into the ground, clasped his hands together and fell to the ground in the seven-legged posture. A golden seal representing Buddhism, "Ten Thousand Character Seal", appeared below. The complex patterns outline an array, and the hundreds of square meters spread out are transformed into golden glaze, as if it has become a golden kingdom.

Samadhi, also known as samadhi - eliminating all distracting thoughts to calm the mind, is a very high state of meditation. Dinghui originally meditated and practiced meditation for decades, and after acquiring the skill of mindless meditation, he emerged from his cocoon and became a butterfly.

This array, blessed with the "Pure Land Transformation" mantra, enters the realm of samadhi, and uses a pure mind to create a Vajra Pure Land that is not infected by the path of suffering.

As long as you are in the Pure Land, there will be no disasters!

It can be said that this is the essence of the old monk's Buddhist practice, but it consumes a lot of mana and concentration. It is already a desperate effort to persist for ten minutes.

On one side is the Golden Buddha, shining brightly on both heaven and earth. The magnificent golden light is like arriving in the Western World, but this is an illusion created by evildoers. On the other side is a magic circle composed of golden patterns, a golden glazed kingdom, a pure land separated from reality.

Lin Xi, Uncle Jiu and the evolvers all entered the interior.

Even Ma Chunhua is standing in the pure land. The Buddhist circle will not refuse entry to people with good intentions, even if they are of zombie blood.

The old monk's face was pale gold, and he was sitting in the center of the magic circle. The ten thousand-character seal of Buddhism was slowly rotating like a halo. As the so-called "Pure Land of Zen", everyone inside is located in the Pure Land, standing on the ground of golden glass, with a peaceful mind and free from evil chaos.

The originally panicked heart quickly calmed down.

The golden Buddha floats in mid-air and seems unable to move. It just keeps blasting golden beams of light with its hands. But every time it hits the edge of the magic circle, a golden wall will appear in the void to block the light.

"Ten minutes... Let's think about it, how to deal with monsters?"

Uncle Jiu took out two magic weapons, the Bagua Mirror and the Money Sword. As a senior and a descendant of Maoshan Taoism, he could not bear to be embarrassed in front of the juniors.

"I'll give it a try."

The evil clouds had been dispersed by the previous opening of the altar, and a bright moon hung in the sky. The Bagua mirror condensed the moonlight, turning yin into yang, and the golden light covered the small sword. This time when casting the spell, Uncle Jiu also recited the Maoshan mantra to exorcise ghosts and demons to give blessings.


Uncle Jiu concentrated on controlling the money sword and shot it out.

Everyone could see clearly that the small sword wrapped in golden light hit the golden Buddha's light, all the copper coins exploded into powder, and the magic weapon was also damaged.

If they were not in the pure land circle and had no distracting thoughts, everyone would probably despair when they saw this scene.

"Meditation... samadhi... concentration and wisdom, wisdom arises from concentration... who am I..."

Lin Xi's eyes did not look at the Golden Buddha, nor at Uncle Jiu, her eyes were empty and quiet. His spirit is in a mysterious state - the magic circle developed by the old monk Dinghui is actually a way of passing on what he has learned throughout his life to others with his heart.

In the samadhi of meditation, there is no world outside, no body and mind inside, awareness is still there, and the Buddha comes to form a relationship. The old monk has undoubtedly reached a very high state.

People in the Pure Land can, as long as they grasp a little spiritual light and accept the "mind-to-heart seal" of the Dinghui monk, follow and be pulled into the primary state of meditation: there is no external attachment, no dharmas arise, and the mind is empty, that is the true nature. To the true self.

At this moment, Lin Xi, who had been thinking about it for several days, felt so blessed that she sat down cross-legged and closed her eyes like Master Dinghui.

Entering "inner vision", the consciousness reflects itself, and what is seen is no longer a transparent body, but a light-orange light.

"What's this?"

Lin Xi subconsciously thought to herself.

"This is the light of your soul..."

In the soul, the old monk's consciousness fluctuated. It was Master Dinghui who was answering, but it was not him who was answering. Rather, the meditation samadhi vajra glass formation that brings together the essence of what the old monk has learned throughout his life automatically creates confusion within, and the enlightenment of those who are in harmony with each other -

If you have ever walked this path of concentration and wisdom, why bother guessing who I am!

I have no self and am always drifting in the sea of life and death. Why ask where I am

Not greed, anger, or ignorance, let alone precepts, concentration, and wisdom. Who am I

That’s you! If you want to divorce me, please always remember.

The more selfless you are, the greater I am in your heart.

Have you realized selflessness

How can one realize that there is no self

Who realizes selflessness

Enlightenment is me!



"Yes, enlightenment is me."

"There is no need to insist on who I am. I am who I am. My soul, body, and nature all constitute my existence. I am Lin Xi, 16 years old, an evolver. My will is not strong, and I am not as strong as Xiao Qiang. , but with experience, I continue to become stronger."

"I am not as pure and kind as Zonghou, who would even sacrifice his life and soul to save others. However, I will be angry when I see evil, and I will be happy when I see kindness. I am willing to act silently and help others to the best of my ability."

"My bloodline is five-star, but I have unlimited potential for evolution. One day, I will catch up with those seven-star, eight-star, and nine-star evolvers."

"I am ordinary, but not ordinary either. I am not someone who releases blazing light and heat like the sun at noon in the apocalypse, illuminating the existence of others—such a hot flame can easily burn me to death."

"I am like the rising sun in the morning, rising warm, bright, and vibrant towards the sky."

"Perhaps, one day, when the sun rises to its peak, the end of the world will be changed because of me..."

There is silence and no dharma arises. At this time, wisdom arises in concentration, and one can see the vacuum of nature.

Within Lin Xi's consciousness, the light of nature and soul, like the bright orange light of the morning sun, gradually merged with the Qi flowing in the body and the power of thought in the spirit.

Qi in the narrow sense is the vitality given to every living being by the universe.

However, if you cannot use your spirit to control your own Qi, and without the stimulation of your own nature, mind and beliefs, your Qi will not be able to exert its true power.

Now Lin Xi's Qi has been sublimated from biological energy into a new energy of life, soul, and will.

Sitting cross-legged in the meditation samadhi circle, a burst of light rose from his body, and his whole person was enveloped in a layer of bright orange light, like airflow, like light, like a flame - this is the sublimated Energy:


In order to distinguish it from the original, it is not a bad idea to call it "Nian Qi".

Once enlightened, the intensity of energy increased more than ten times

If the original Qi was described as cement, the current Qi has become concrete. The spirit and belief contained in the Qi are the steel bars connecting the cement!

Due to the integration of mind power, energy and will are no longer inseparable, and the shape can be shaped as desired.

The warm orange thought energy can not only be used in combat, but also awakens the "healing" effect.

At the time of Dinghui, Lin Xi's mind sensed the dark shadow guided by the original dream, and understood the identity of the other party - Master Oogway, who created the "martial arts" in the world of Kung Fu Panda, the source of martial arts, and used martial arts to enter Taoism and ascend to the enlightenment of the spiritual world. who.

It can be said that now he has merged the mind energy and is the "Tao" of Master Wugui, and the "Buddha" who meditates on Samadhi with Master Dinghui to enlighten the soul.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Lin Xi opened his eyes, and everyone was looking at him in surprise. The young man was covered in a layer of orange flames that was rising continuously on his body. It was so amazing.

"I figured something out, thanks to Master Dinghui's guidance."

The original energy and telekinesis were merged into telekinesis in the light of the soul. Lin Xi's future wave-flow fighting skills will also be driven by the orange "kinesis".

Lin Xi raised her hands, curled them up at her waist, and brought them together up and down into the shape of a dragon's mouth. The biological energy gushing out of the super cells in her body condensed and sublimated under the drive of her mind and will, and concentrated into her palms. Orange thought energy gathered into a ball. A sphere of light like the rising sun.

"Ka, sister, ha, sister, ha!"

As the hands pushed forward, the sphere exploded instantly, and due to the excessive concentration of energy, it changed from its original gas form into a beam of light. A thick orange light cannon penetrated the void and rushed towards the mid-air where the Golden Buddha was.

"Guibo Qigong!"

The simple brothers didn't understand what happened to Lin Xi, but no matter the two of them or other evolvers, they were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They even used Guibo Qigong. How many trump cards does this mysterious white-haired boy have

Of course, the pronunciation of Guibo Qigong is "Kameihameiha". I'm just joking because I'm in a good mood. The real name of this move should be "Qigong Wave". It gathers the whole body's chanting energy, like the "Extreme Absolute" of Sundae Sixth Form. Zero Degree", it turned into a light cannon bombardment.

After enlightenment, Lin Xi has a true "nirvana"!

The golden light emitted by the golden Buddha's fingers closed together melted like white snow in the sunlight under the bombardment of this orange light cannon. They are both light cannon-shaped energy shock waves. They look very similar but have different colors. However, the difference in energy intensity is due to the mud compared to the rock.

The dazzling golden light was smashed into pieces by the orange light cannon, and the huge golden Buddha floating in the sky was quickly annihilated under the continuous bombardment of Qigong waves.

The second form disappeared.