Fantasy Falls

Chapter 125: funny


Lin Xi felt a little sorry for getting someone else's treasure for nothing, so she offered 100,000 points, but was also rejected by Master Dinghui.

That night and the rest of the time, everyone recuperated and rested.

Uncle Jiu, Master Dinghui, and Ma Chunhua were all seriously injured.

Lin Xi's Nian Qi, this kind of orange warm Qi, is full of life source energy and can treat the injured. Unfortunately, it can only heal external injuries at present - Uncle Jiu and Dinghui have internal injuries, and Ma Chunhua is of zombie blood and cannot withstand the life source energy. .

Distribute the restorative meat dropped by the dinosaurs to everyone. Master Dinghui is a vegetarian. Fortunately, there are potato chips, vegetables, etc. in the item space, which are less effective restorative foods.

Lin Xi herself roasted a dinosaur egg on the fire and ate it with salted fish and beer to restore her bioenergy.

No more sleep was possible that night, and he sat cross-legged on a mat, studying his newfound energy: mind energy.

Unable to use telekinesis alone, the elemental energy is most affected. She can no longer use skills that require shaping such as ice walls, fireballs, and thunderballs. Lin Xi does not know how to convert elemental energy into large amounts of energy through spells, magic circles, etc. Powerful magic.

Fortunately, there is the Frost Flame Moon.

Mind energy, this kind of energy is very interesting. It can change its form at will, and it can change in any way it wants under the control of thoughts: it can condense into a spherical air mass, form a barrier, or even build a mind shield like "Power Word Shield". no problem.

"By the way, if we use mental energy to replace mental power, can't we also shape the elemental energy?"

"It's just... the destructive power is estimated to be very limited. So, can I mix elemental energy with thought energy to emit an energy group similar to a cocktail spell?"

To be fair, although Nianqi is the integration of mind, spirit, and body, its foundation is biological energy. Like the "qi" in the Dragon Balls, it belongs to the three major skills of the energy of the fighting system - Wave Flow. Wave Fist is also a ball of energy.

The Wave Style Karate in the Street Fighter game develops moves based on the Wave Ken, including the Vacuum Wave Ken that incorporates "wind", the Searing Wave Ken that incorporates "Fire", and the Electric Blade Wave Ken that incorporates "Thunder".

Thinking Qi, transcending Qi, can mix with elements, isn't it more destructive than those

Thinking of this, he immediately tried it.

But soon became disappointed.

The strength of the thought energy integrated with the spiritual will is too high, like a ball of jelly, and water cannot penetrate at all.

"Forget it, let's develop a simpler elemental wave fist. Use telekinesis to shape it. After exploding, it will produce a bit of telekinesis and elemental energy mixed with each other, which will increase the destructive power."

Just like making dumplings, mind energy is the dumpling wrapper and elemental energy is the dumpling filling.

The biological energy in the super cells was converted into thunder in the mental energy and elemental energy respectively, and gathered between the palms of Lin Xi's hands. The orange mental power completely wrapped the cyan thunder element inside, making it invisible from the outside.

"Thunder Wave Ken!"

Lin Xi pushed forward with both palms, and the orange air ball flew forward until it was a hundred meters away and hit the city government building. The burst of orange air flow directly shattered the entire wall, and from between the splashing orange light spots , also mixed with cyan surging arcs.


Lin Xi was very satisfied with the new skill he had developed. He tried it again and used "Fire Wave Fist" and "Ice Wave Fist".

Thunder Wave Fist has the elemental characteristics of destroying evil and destroying;

Fire Wave Fist has the elemental characteristics of explosion and burning;

Ice Wave Fist has the elemental characteristics of collision and freezing.

The power of the three skills is very good, and unlike "Qigong Wave", which is a sure-kill skill, these three skills do not consume much energy and are conventional fighting skills that can be used multiple times in combat.

How to become stronger

In what ways can we become stronger

Body, spirit, mind, skills and momentum.

The body is a physical body, the ancestor virus bloodline, the powerful physical body and abundant biological energy brought by super cells are the basis of everything.

God is spirit, awakening spiritual powers, increasing brain area, and spiritual cultivation is not weak either.

The heart is the will, and when you become enlightened in meditation, you are aware of your true nature and understand yourself, you are truly on the road to becoming a strong person.

Skills are skills. With Nian Qi, you must pay attention to fighting skills whether you think about it or not. Currently, Lin Xi has the three basic skills of wave flow, and has also developed a "Qigong Wave" similar to Turtle Wave Qigong. But above skills, he still has Very rough.

Momentum is power. No matter how strong a person is, unless he has the power to fight the entire world, he cannot do without the help of others. This is also very important!

Mercenaries and fellow evolvers all fall within the scope of "potential".

Lin Xi's dream is to get the heart of a city in the future. If she builds a special city, she will definitely need many partners, including Mai Shiranui, Dong Qing, Wong Feifei... and even find a way to bring Su Hongying to her side.

It's too early to consider the potential now. The three-in-one mind, body, and spirit are integrated into one. What is currently lacking most is: skills.

This is also the reason why he found a way to use mind energy and elemental energy to develop three "elemental wave fists".

On the side, Uncle Jiu and the Evolvers were sitting by the fire, eating and resting with nothing to do, but their eyes were fixed on Lin Xi.

Everyone was full of curiosity about this mysterious white-haired boy, especially the brothers Jian Jian and Jian Ji. They wanted to know what kind of abilities the other party had, and how they could imitate so many skills.

Master Dinghui thought more about it.

"If such good people are willing to join our Buddhist sect, Buddhism will definitely flourish in the last days... and can save more ordinary people from suffering."

Lin Xi didn't consider other people's thoughts. He was in a great mood now. The problems that troubled his mind were finally solved. His strength increased, he gained 170,000 points, got a treasure, and developed new moves. It can be said that since the end of the world, today's Get the most.

If it were before the end of the world, he would definitely use a "happy" bubble emoticon to express his mood at this moment.

Once people are happy, their minds will be open.

"Bubbles... Nian Qi... Shape..."

Lin Xi was shocked, and an expression of enlightenment appeared on his face.

"Currently, my biological energy can be converted into three types of energy, mind energy, elemental energy, and blood energy."

The reason why the thought energy is orange is because - the nature of Lin Xi's soul is so bright and colorful - people cannot be spotless, they will also have distracting thoughts, and the distracting thoughts will pollute the thought energy and turn the thought energy into black.

If the qi is like a cement wall, and the orange thought qi is a concrete wall with steel bars inside, then the black thought qi is like dregs. Scattered will not only fails to enhance energy, but also weakens the original strength.

Therefore, as soon as impurities appear, they must be purified and driven away.

Like a Zen saying:

The body is like a Bodhi tree, and the mind is like a mirror stand, which should be brushed diligently at all times to avoid dust.

What if we don’t get rid of distracting thoughts? The energy of thoughts is orange, the energy of distracting thoughts is black, and the blood energy is red...

The good malleability and shaping function of Nianqi can shape any desired shape at will...

Above Lin Xi's head, a flat air ball the size of a washbasin appeared.

The chubby face is cute, the curved corners of the mouth are proud but not coquettish, the slightly red cheeks make people feel infinitely warm, the right eyes of the eyes are full of joy, making people think about it, and the gentle eyebrows hide the merits and fame...

Bubble emoticon:


The orange thought energy forms the main body of the face, and the black distracting thought energy forms the raised eyebrows, right-looking eyes, and curved mouth. As for the pair of blushes on the face, it is naturally caused by blood energy.

It has to be said that Lin Xi's slap on the top of her head was very funny and extremely lethal.

The people who were paying attention to him suddenly exploded.

Li Qi was drinking beer and suddenly sprayed Duo Duo on the opposite side of his face. The flesh on the corner of Ma Chunhua's mouth twitched. She was stunned for a moment, and then burst into crazy laughter: "I... Damn it, what is this?" funny?"

Uncle Jiu and Master Dinghui didn't know why, but seeing this expression, they felt a little complicated.

The air ball above Lin Xi's head seemed to be mocking herself...

Indeed, it is very ironic to put the "funny" expression on Bubble's head. What is even more crazy is that Lin Xi can maintain the existence of his mind energy, just like the original elemental ball, which always holds the "funny" expression on his head and does not disappear.

"By the way, the fire element is red which is a little lighter than the blood energy, the thunder element is cyan, the ice element is blue... relying on these, can't I catch all the bubble expressions?"

Lin Xi kept up her efforts, and the "funny" above her head quickly changed its appearance, including the bubble expressions commonly used in post bars, such as "hehe", "insidious", "angry" and "squirting".

"Hahaha, I can't do it anymore..."

Jian and Jian hugged each other. Li Qi, a bald young man, laughed and beat the ground. Duo Duo stood aside and came up with a bad idea: "What are you doing with just making bubble expressions? Come here with Tuzki, Ahri, and Hyogo Kitawa." Curator Jin…”

Lin Xi ignored them and continued to think.

The flat expression on the head doesn't have much destructive power... How about combining the bubble expression with the wave fist

Soon, special effects were added to the elemental wave punch.

In Thunder Wave Ken, the thought energy wrapped in the outside becomes "funny"; in Fire Wave Ken, the thought energy wrapped in the outside turns into "anger"; in Ice Wave Ken, the thought energy wrapped in the outside becomes "anger". "Spray water".

"Funny wave punch!"

A funny ball that was constantly rolling and spinning in the air flew towards a building in the distance, shattering a large wall and erupting with intense flashes of light and electricity.


At this moment, even the old monk Dinghui, who had reached the state of samadhi, couldn't help but laugh. He didn't recognize the Tieba expression, but he saw the vivid and funny expressions and kept rolling. For some reason, he couldn't help but think. The emotion of laughter.

Since you can turn the elemental wave fist into the bubble wave fist and create an energy ball that surrounds the body like an elemental ball, it is natural.

Funny, angry, and water-spitting three apple-sized air masses, like satellites, began to rotate on their own in the triangular area above Lin Xi's head and shoulders... Now, no one would mistake him for the summoner Karl.

(ps: Because I have to move, and from one city to another, the Internet will be disconnected from now on. It is estimated that I will connect the Internet cable at the new home on the 30th or 31st, which will not delay August 1st. It’s on the shelves. After it’s on the shelves, there will definitely be more updates. How much the increase will be depends on the quality of the subscriptions—I’ll wait until I write a testimonial on the release on the 31st. I can’t access the Internet these days, so I can’t access the book review section. I’ll reply when I get back.)