Fantasy Falls

Chapter 131: Heart of the City


Therefore, Lin Xi didn't want to deal with the existence of the Eastern cultivation system at all. Gods, monsters, demons and the like - they have real bodies and external incarnations. Some perverted ones also have second souls, three corpse incarnations, and Yang God incarnations.

"We must be serious!"

When he faced Grandma Dryad just now, he didn't really pay attention to it, otherwise he wouldn't have used the funny series of skills.

You must know that the funny thing is that the energy of thoughts is mixed with the energy of distracting thoughts, and its power is not as powerful as that of pure thoughts.

In the extreme demon world, the spells cultivated by the humanoid body of the Dryad Grandma are now gone. The spells can no longer be maintained. The strong winds, heavy rain, hail, and thunder have all dispersed, and silence has returned to the surrounding area.

The Zen staff and the black light sword fell from the sky.

Looking at Feijian Yan Chixia, she had a look of helplessness - she had just resisted a wave of thunder, and the flying ferment had burned into iron lumps. If it were the original Chixia sword, not only would it not be broken, it could even absorb a little of the thunder energy. Next time, the sword would be used. when released.


Throwing the shapeless iron lump on the ground, Yan Chixia bit her finger and drew a Tai Chi pattern on her palm with blood. Without a weapon, she could only continue to use blood thunder.

Dinghui held the Zen staff, closed her eyes, moved her ears slightly, and used her consciousness to capture the true location of the tree demon.

The two female ghosts, Nie Xie and Dongfang Bubai, were not very strong and no one cared about them. Difu clung to the hem of Lin Xi's clothes. The monsters in the Final Fantasy series were mostly in the style of magic and technology, and the strange monsters from the East made her at a loss.

Due to the heavy rain just now, the ground was muddy, and some subtle movements could be heard in the muddy water.

Under Lin Xi's feet, hexagonal ice flowers spinning clockwise appeared.

The beautiful halo of blue and white ice and snow filled an area of a hundred meters in diameter with surging freezing air. The frost spread along the ground, and the soil and water were mixed together, forming a mud that made a crunching sound. Medium Freeze.

At this time, the frozen ground suddenly broke open, and a terrifying giant tongue rushed out from the ground.


Lin Xi fired an orange air bomb. This was not a funny Wave Fist - since he had to fight with all his heart to deal with the terrifying tree demon, he must use his maximum strength. The Thunder Wave Fist wrapped with thunder elements hit the giant tongue, and a fierce It exploded, and the tongue as big as the door panel blew into pieces.

In the flowing electric stroke, the remains of the tongue fell to the ground, turning into several bark fragments and burrowed into the frozen soil.

Several more tongues shot out from the ground and attacked everyone respectively. Lin Xi used a wave fist to blow up one of them. Tifa used an instant to avoid the roll of the long tongue. The power of the magic "Ice Edge" doubled with the help of ice and snow aura and freezing air. Ascend, penetrate and freeze a giant tongue.

The blood fire ball of Qiankun Dharma Thunder and the golden Buddha light palm print of Thousand Buddha Hands were destroyed one each.

But there was still one tongue that was particularly huge. To exaggerate the description, it could be said to be "blocking the sky and the sun". It flew up into the air, opened its skin to reveal flesh and blood, and shot out countless blood vessel tentacles from both sides, sweeping towards everyone.

This was an extremely ferocious attack, ready to wipe out everyone in one fell swoop. However, the dryad did not expect that the vascular tentacles were too small to withstand the freezing air invasion of the ice and snow halo, and were directly frozen.

Countless blood vessel tentacles covered in frost and frozen into white were frozen in mid-air.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe is borrowed from the law!"

Seizing the opportunity, Yan Chixia pushed with both hands, and the blood-colored fireballs not only exploded all the solidified tentacles into pieces, but also the huge flesh-colored long tongue that covered the air was blown into powder.

Then, it became silent again

Lin Xi was just thinking of using some means to force out the tree demon hiding in the darkness of the ground. In the next second, thousands of square meters of frozen ground broke open, and the soil seemed to turn into a pond, ripples appeared, and it was as violent as an earthquake. During the shaking, countless roots, vines, and branches came out.

"The true form of the tree demon!"

Because his brain was opened, his mental power was extremely sensitive. The moment the ground shook, Lin Xi activated Yuhe's blood-spurting wings, picked up Tifa and flew into the sky.

Looking down from the sky, I saw this barren earth mountain. A large area of the hillside had completely disappeared. What was replaced by a tree was a tree—that’s right, it was a large locust tree that grew into a forest. Countless vines spread out and swept towards anyone who was unsteady on their feet.

"not good!"

Yan Chixia and Master Dinghui were both wrapped in vines. Nie Xie and Dongfang Bubai, who could fly, were unable to escape. As soon as they took off, they were pulled down by the bindings that captured Xu.


Sharp and piercing laughter rang out, and the trunk of the giant tree rose from the ground. A bark cracked, revealing a disgusting face connected with countless trachea-shaped flesh strips from the inside. It had been frustrated before, but now it could finally take revenge. .

The branches and leaves of the laughing tree demon shook violently, and Lin Xi's pupils shrank. He saw human heads hanging on some branches extending from the trunk of the old locust tree, and some wide leaves wrapped in the dried corpses.

This is a "dead man's tree"!

"Ugh." Seeing this horrific and disgusting sight, Tifa groaned and almost vomited.

"So many dead people, thousands of heads? There are also corpses." Yan Chixia was shocked, "Old witch, how many evils have you committed when you came to this world? Aren't you afraid of heaven's punishment?"

"Hmph, dead Taoist priest, when you went against me in Lanruo Temple, did you think of today!"

Nie Xie, Dongfang Bubai, Yan Chixia and Dinghui were all tightly bound by the vines flying out from the tree demon. The ghost vines parasitic on the thousand-year-old locust tree were as tough as steel cables. As long as they were entangled Living there, there is no way to break free and can only be reduced to food.

"Dead witch, if Chi Xia hadn't been by your side, this Taoist priest would have killed you with one sword!" After struggling for a few times, she found that she couldn't get away at all. Yan Chixia felt a little depressed in her heart, "I didn't expect that when I just came to this world, I would still be able to kill you!" If you don’t drink a few bottles of good wine, you will die in the hands of monsters.”

Master Dinghui has profound magic power, but he does not have the Vajra body of "Master Baiyun" in the movie A Chinese Ghost Story III. Zen Buddhism does not repair the skin, and he cannot use magic when he is tied up. The vines keep tightening, and the old monk is almost suffocated. .

"Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita"

Dinghui chanted the incantation with great difficulty, using the incantations of great Buddhist faith, great perseverance, and great righteousness to fight against the tree demon. Yan Chixia also hurriedly recited the incantation together, and the sound waves spread, immediately causing a grand echo like space resonance.

"Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita"

The face of the main trunk of the locust tree showed a look of pain, and some branches and roots were twitching: "Dead monk, smelly Taoist priest, you are just struggling to death, why don't you stop the spell quickly? Do you want to die early? Okay, I will do it now I’ll strangle you to death!”

The vines of Le Zhuanhui and Yan Chixia quickly tightened, and the huge binding force made their bones creak under pressure. Blood quickly oozed from the corners of their mouths.

"Tifa, you enter the item space first."

Lin Xi had to free his hands now. After bringing Tifa into the space of the human evolution program, he put his hands on his waist and mobilized all the energy in his body. All the remaining biological energy in the cells was converted into thought energy, condensed, compressed, sublimated, and then


Motivated by pure and firm will, the orange sphere composed of pure thought energy suddenly exploded with the push-out movement. The dazzling orange light stream was like the artillery fire of a space battleship, bombarding downwards from the sky.

At this moment, the tree demon instinctively sensed the danger, and a large number of branches moved in front of the trunk's face.

But the qigong wave blasted by Lin Xi and the will poured into the light cannon were too tenacious, and the spirit and energy were inseparable and inseparable. Even if the intercepted tree demon was transformed, how could it be resisted? The dense defensive line of tree branches was blown out of a passage by the light cannon.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch"

Amidst a burst of screams, the face on the tree trunk was hit by the light cannon, melting into a huge sunken hole. The huge forest began to collapse. A large number of branches and vines fell off and withered, and some branches even turned into light and disappeared. This scene represents thousands of years. The dryad is dead.

This is not unexpected. The power of qigong waves cannot be compared with the previous "large funny". This is the strongest attack sublimated by Lin Xia's entire body, mind, and will!

The tree demon disappeared, and some of the human heads and corpses that were originally hanging on the branches rolled down and scattered all over the ground, looking extremely disgusting. Dongfang Bubai, Nie Xie, and Dinghui Dashu Yan Chixia finally escaped from their bondage.

Now that there are 130,000 more evolutionary points, Lin Xi is very satisfied. The tree demon is not as good as the centipede spirit, but it is still a huge asset.

"I wonder what inner elixir the thousand-year-old tree spirit will drop? Or a spell?"

Lin Xi looked at the place where the tree demon disappeared, and his eyes were attracted by a huge light ball, which was a bit similar to Neng Linzi. Maybe Linzi's light ball was not one-tenth of this, right? Could it be the "Extreme Demon Realm", a powerful super skill

He landed from the sky, retracted the blood wings on his back, and touched the white light group as big as a watermelon with his hand. He was suddenly shocked.

It’s actually the heart of the city

There are only a hundred precious items in the world. This is a truly priceless treasure! Zhou Qingyun and others were reluctant to leave Luzhou at first because it was a special city transformed using the Heart of the City!

In the end of the world, special cities are undoubtedly the most stable homes.

In addition to Luzhou City, the Imperial Capital has obtained the Heart of the Dragon, Jinling has obtained the Heart of the Three Kingdoms, and Shencheng has obtained the Heart of Legend. The whole of China has an unknown number of city hearts, but it can be speculated that so far, there will be no more than ten. indivual!

Lin Xi once dreamed of having a city heart and building his own special city - he didn't want to rely on others. But today, this dream unexpectedly came true.

"What is this heart of the city?" He thought secretly, while using the evolution program to investigate.

Thank you all for your support. Currently, there are already 1,200 copies of the book. In addition, the first alliance leader appears in this book, so there will definitely be more updates. But there are still some things to be done in these two days. I am very tired and it affects my state. I will be free after the third day, and I will make up for it then. )(.)

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