Fantasy Falls

Chapter 14: ghoul


Looking at her daughter's body, Teacher Jiang's eyes were filled with tears and her lips were trembling. She suddenly pulled out a fruit knife from her trousers. She didn't know how she hid this knife under the eyes of the thugs.

Holding the fruit knife, the female teacher rushed towards the man like crazy.

Lin Xi focused all her energy on the man - the pressure on him was tremendous. When he saw Teacher Jiang's actions, he just wanted to hold her back, but it was already too late.

The man threw the meat-cutting knife out like lightning, and it pierced the female teacher's chest with precision.

Heart penetration is equivalent to death for ordinary people.

Lin Xi's fingers flicked slightly, and her heart was filled with murderous intent.



The man showed a charming smile: "I am very happy that you can call me by this name instead of ghoul. How can those disgusting low-level monsters that eat corpses compare with elegant and civilized ghouls? Well, self introduce."

"My name, Su Mei, is not a foxy Mei, but a charming Mei. I got the ghoul bloodline by fate. What about you?"

Lin Xi did not answer his words and said coldly: "What is the difference between a ghoul and a ghoul? Since he is a ghoul, just go and eat corpses. Why eat living people!"

"If I ask you, why do people kill chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and why do they eat the meat of these animals, how would you answer?" Su Mei's voice was soft, with a magnetic hoarseness, "People do this to me. Say, it’s just food, do you need mercy on food?”

"Corpses... Everyone knows that the meat of live animals tastes good only after they are killed. The meat of corpses smells bad in the mouth."

Su Mei picked up a piece of bloody meat with her dinner fork: "I didn't bite the girl and eat it while she was still alive. Instead, I cut off the meat and put it in the tableware to eat. This is already very civilized, at least better than my original human status. , more civilized.”

"Some people like to eat drunken shrimps and baby rats, isn't it just to experience the trembling of the struggle of living life between the teeth?"

Putting the piece of meat into her mouth, Su Mei's face turned red with satisfaction: "It is indeed the meat of a young girl. Only an innocent little girl who has not been polluted by society can have such refreshing and luscious meat." taste."

Lin Xi sneered.

Ghoul is a creature in the anime "Tokyo Ghoul". This creature has the same appearance as a human but feeds on human flesh - Su Mei's words are correct in a sense.

But for a ghoul who was originally a human to behave like this and say such words, it is undoubtedly infuriating!

In fact, Lin Xi himself cannot be regarded as a pure human being. After the perfect fusion of the ancestor virus, he should be regarded as a biochemical mutant. However, the change of blood cannot change his soul as a "human".

The reason why people are humans, not animals, is because they have morals and a bottom line!

This man's heart has been completely twisted.

Murderous intent boiled over, not even for Mudan who had sneak attack and almost killed him, nor for those thugs at KTV, Lin Xi had never felt such strong murderous intent in her heart.

"You deserve to die!"

Lin Xi picked up the Dark Sword, jumped up, and slashed it down with one strike!

The dark sword, with its jumping chop, brought out a long and narrow arc of black light.

The arc light cut everything in front, including the round table, tablecloths, and dinner plates, in half, but it did not hit Su Mei's body. This guy kicked the round table up with his feet, resisted the slash of the dark sword, and at the same time struck towards Su Mei. Back away.

At the same time, the clothes of fine texture that were originally worn on the body suddenly broke open at the waist, and something came out of it.

A ball of tumbling and swelling flesh and blood!

While squirming, this mass of flesh and blood quickly changed its shape, and finally formed four dark red fleshy tentacles, each about two meters long, extending diagonally and spreading out in four directions.

The real name of the tentacle is Hezi.

Hezi, the predatory organ of the ghoul.

RC cells of ghoul blood - a special kind of red blood cells, the content of which is far higher than that of ordinary people. They are usually stored in a certain part of the body to form an organ called "Hebao". During battle, the red blood cells are ejected from the Hebao, forming a Various alien limbs: Hezi, assists in combat.

Su Mei’s Hezi is exactly the same as the anime protagonist Jin Mu’s Hezi!

Lin Xi waved her left arm and swept away all the broken tables, plates and other messy things that blocked her sight. The dark sword continued to slash out. Facing the fierce sword, Su Mei did not dodge this time. A hand was raised.

Qi Jin cut his sleeves into pieces, and the blade of the Dark Sword cut into the exposed white and tender wrist. It felt as if it had cut an alloy steel plate!

The sharp sword used to kill giants and chop melons and vegetables only left a shallow red gash on the skin as delicate as porcelain.

"Cut the skin open? This weapon is pretty good."

Su Mei shook the sword's blade with a flick of her wrist, clenched her right hand into a fist, and smashed it into Lin Xi's face: "You know, I'm a ghoul! In the animation, except for special weapons and bullets, ghouls are invulnerable! Even committing suicide. You’re so strong that you can’t do it!”

Raise your hand, raise your sword!

After activating the "Arrow Step" combat skill that comes with the Dark Sword, Lin Xi used her suddenly improved toughness to withstand the punch with her face. When her head was hit backwards, she stepped forward and thrust the sword upward, sending the opponent flying with one strike.

However, before he could follow up and slash, four thorns hit him head and face, with such fierce force that even the air was blown away, and a piercing scream came out!

The next second, he saw Lin Xi being thrown away like a stone. After flying more than 10 meters, his back hit the wall. The force was transmitted, causing the wall to dent and collapse in an instant, and the radial cracks on the edge spread to the ceiling.

Yes, in this round of fighting, Lin Xi was at a disadvantage and even received a severe blow.

Because he only has two hands and a sword, and the opponent, in addition to his hands, also has four predatory limbs that are more useful than arms. They are as hard as steel and as soft as rattan. They can use the eruption of red blood cells to adjust the length at any time: Hezi!

Lin Xi, who collapsed a wall, swallowed the blood that surged in her throat and pulled out the Peony Sand Eagle.

"Didn't I say that? Ordinary bullets are ineffective against me."

Seeing that her shirt was constantly being torn apart by the bullets, Su Mei simply tore her clothes into rags and threw them away, revealing her delicate and creamy naked upper body, letting the bullets explode into little bits of fire.

Use your right foot to exert force. When you make this movement, the four roots behind your back also touch the ground, pressing and rebounding!

Taking advantage of this explosive force, Su Mei rushed in front of Lin Xi and struck her lower abdomen with her right fist that had condensed her whole body's strength and impact energy.

The heavy bombardment, as heavy as a pile driver, made Lin Xi's face flush with bright red. His feet rose into the air, and he was about to be knocked upside down again, but four tentacles that suddenly grew wrapped around his body and used A sledgehammer movement, hitting the hard ground hard.


The carmine red granite floor was covered with cracks like spider webs, and then exploded with a bang, sending gravel flying everywhere.

Lin Xi was at the bottom of the pit, her mouth filled with fishy-sweet blood.

Previously, a group of thugs from the KTV Brother Sha Dao and the boss Sha Biao in the hall used bursts twice in a row - if he had known that he would face an opponent of this level next, he would never have used bursts to deal with ordinary people. human.

When the explosion is activated, regardless of the burden on the body, the consumption of biological energy is extremely terrifying!

But facing Su Mei, who was of ghoul blood, the dark sword could not cut it, and the bullets could not penetrate it. Lin Xi understood that the explosion would start for the third time today. Apart from this skill, other means simply cannot cause enough damage and threats.

In the pupils, blood lit up.

break out!

Lin Xi's body was like a weightless particle of dust, floating up in the space and leaving the pit.

Then, the pothole was encountered, the wind roared, and a terrifying blow fell violently from above!

Su Mei condensed the four tentacles into one, turned into a huge drill, rotated and rushed down, penetrating deeply into the bottom of the pit! This devastating blow can be called a "combat skill"! The cracked pits erupted into a large amount of gravel dust accompanied by sparks splashing, rolling and rotating.

Smoke and dust filled the air, blocking the view and creating chaos.

At this time, a figure rushed into it, like the sunshine of dawn piercing the darkness. At first, it was just a small ray of light. In a short time, it became everywhere and shined everywhere!

Su Mei claims to be invulnerable, but in Lin Xi's opinion, this is only relative. The attributive given to everything in the world is relative.

Just like the word "motion" - in nature, all objects are in motion, and there is no absolutely stationary object - but when the temperature reaches absolute zero, the entire universe will freeze and time will stand still!

Another example is the monster that often appears in movies and games: the red dragon. The red dragon is immune to fire, but what if the fire reaches the core of a star

Not to mention the red dragon, even the ancient black dragon will be reduced to ashes!

The Dark Sword cut through Su Mei's skin, indicating its sharpness, but it could only leave a shallow cut, indicating that it was not strong enough; the bullet penetrated with enough force, but it could not penetrate the skin, indicating that the metal bullet was not sharp enough.

What happens if you combine the two

Use the speed of bullets to activate the dark sword to kill

Instant kill!

Lin Xi's body turned into a shadow, a large blur of shadow surrounding Su Mei. It looked like many of him were attacking at the same time.

Su Mei's smooth abdomen suddenly split open, spurting out a fountain of blood. The ferocious tear was more than five centimeters deep, completely cutting open the skin and penetrating deep into the organs.

When the blood spurted out, wounds of various sizes appeared on other parts of the naked upper body almost at the same time. Blood was constantly flowing out from them, especially the hole in front of the chest, where the pale ribs and blood vessels could be seen. The twining beating heart!

Facing the ruthless and all-pervasive attack, Su Mei finally felt frightened for the first time. The naked eye could not capture Lin Xi's movements. Only her nerves faithfully transmitted the pain of breaking the skin and flesh back to her consciousness again and again.

The four thorns were retracted and wrapped around the chest, throat and other weak points to resist damage.

The time she was attacked was not long, only one or twenty seconds, but to Su Mei, it felt like a lifetime!

The shadows all around suddenly merged into one. Lin Xi, who was holding the dark sword in his hand, seemed to be unable to control his strength and crashed into a vase in the corner as a decoration, making a loud impact and breaking sound.

As for Su Mei, the four thorns first showed small bloody mouths, and then suddenly collapsed and turned into pieces of flesh and blood, falling to the ground. The surface of the body was covered with hideous wounds, turning it into a bloody man, like a man soaked with blood!
