Fantasy Falls

Chapter 22: TV report


In the sky, Lin Xi, propelled by wings of blood and holding a beam sickle, was flying.

It had been four days since Yu He was born. During these four days, he became more and more proficient in flying and using the sickle. Lin Xi deliberately exercised these two abilities at the cost of high-calorie candies in the item space. , chocolate and milk powder, the quantity is shrinking rapidly.

"There are some giants over there."

Lin Xi, who saw the target, flew in that direction from the sky. When he almost reached the location, he began to adjust the eruption of red blood cells. He flew down from the sky like a predatory eagle, with blood wings and light sickles in the air, pulling out One red, one green, two long and dazzling phantoms of light.

The light swayed a few times at a height of about 10 meters above the ground, then rose again to a height of 100 meters in the sky.

The three giants wandering here fell to the ground one by one with blood spurting out from the backs of their necks.

With blood wings and light scythes, you can hunt giants without having to rely on bloody meat hooks to pull them down first. Of course, Lin Xi's actions were extremely wasteful, wasting biological energy and wasting food. In fact, standing on the ground and activating Yu He, he could easily kill the giant by jumping.

Lin Xi could only fly for a quarter of an hour at most, and could last for more than an hour just by turning on Yuhe.

However, he needs to get familiar with it as soon as possible.

When Lin Xi flew down from the sky, killed three giants with a sickle, flew back to the sky, and left here, some people on the ground saw all this.

It was a team, a team of three.

A middle-aged man about 40 years old, and a young man and woman in their 20s. The three of them looked very ordinary, but they were all wearing leather armor and carrying shields. The young man among them also held a wooden staff, which was obviously not Ordinary people.

"Oh my god, what did I see!" The young man muttered with dull eyes.

The cigarette in the middle-aged man's mouth fell to the ground: "It's a flying evolutionizer! There are actually evolutionaries who can fly! What he took was obviously an energy weapon, and he killed three giants so easily. ! There is such a pervert!"

"I don't know, what kind of ability did he draw, and how many stars did it have?" The young man couldn't help shouting, "We are both evolutionaries, why can I only draw one star of spells, while others can fly in the sky! The world is unfair ah!"

"You should say this to ordinary people and see how they react." The young woman looked at him with a look of disdain and reminded, "If you discover a powerful evolver, report it to the military. Is there any problem?" It’s a good thing, I’ll talk to Lieutenant Colonel Dong when I see him later, and I think there will be a stir in the military.”

"Indeed, the military has contacted more than 20 evolvers, but none of them can fly." The middle-aged man picked up the cigarette from the ground. There was a lot of ash on the cigarette, but he didn't care. He stuffed it into his mouth again.

Lin Xi didn't know that he was seen by other evolvers and was going to be reported to the military. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

After all, Yu Hyuk's ability is not his real trump card.

After the day's hunting, Lin Xi returned to the temporary home where she lived with three girls.

Previously, the physical-stressing training had ended. The three of them had also begun targeted exercises in the past few days. Wong Feifei practiced bow-drawing and archery. He Rui and Ning Shuixin, one of them had a pair of iron claws on their arms, and the other lifted Armed with keris swords and oaken shields, they were fighting each other.

After flying, she had strong maneuverability and gained good results from hunting giants. Lin Xi bought a pair of attack claws. She originally planned to give them to Ning Shuixin, but using iron claws required dexterity and her breasts were too big.

So a pair of attacking claws were given to He Rui, and He Rui's original oak shield was given to Ning Shuixin.

Lin Xi flew down from the sky and landed in the courtyard. The eyes of the girls who were practicing in the courtyard lit up when they saw him.

With blood-red wings and a scythe in hand, it is a deadly weapon against these adolescent girls!

Glancing at the girls, Lin Xi could tell that the training in the past few days had improved their energy and spirit. Of course, this was also related to eating meat. He greeted the three of them, entered the house, and took a shower after eating. Take a shower, then turn on the TV to see if there is any information.

"It seems that the days of relative stability are coming to an end."

Looking at the reports on TV, Lin Xi's face was extremely solemn.

It has been more than a month since the end of the world.

With a tank, it's not difficult to kill the giant. If the cannonball blows it up, just charge forward and chop off the back of the neck, or hit it with an armored vehicle. The advantage is that you don't have to expend artillery shells, but there is a risk of the giant overturning the car and falling to death.

Why doesn't the number of monsters decrease even though monsters are being eliminated

On TV, the reason was finally reported.

According to expert investigation and analysis, there are some places in the urban area of Zhucheng that are unstable in space, and giants will descend from time to time. In game terms, Pearl City is inside the city, and there are many monster spawning points, and the spawning speed is not slow!

There are such refresh points all over the country, and even around the world, but some are in the suburbs and some in the city.

Those in the suburbs are naturally luckier, and cities are safer.

But there are not many cities like this.

In any case, a place with wild monster spawn points in the city is not suitable for living. There are endless monsters to defeat. How many shells are enough to waste? Therefore, the instructions issued by the central government to various places were reported on TV.

The military strength is limited and cannot protect all cities. All provinces are called upon to establish gathering areas with some safer large cities as the core, and build walls to block monsters.

The troops and people from other places should be transferred there, so that they can shrink their forces and fully protect the gathering place, creating a living home for the people away from monsters.

Zhucheng is a small city, and there are monsters in the city. Naturally, it is not qualified to become a core gathering place - even though it is an important military town, with the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, the Tank Academy, and the highest academy of the entire military's automobile corps. .

It is precisely because of relying on so many troops that Zhucheng has never been cut off from water and electricity since the end of the world.

Compared with other cities, ordinary people living here are undoubtedly much happier.

But now, all the troops are ready to abandon this place and move.

Head to Luzhou City, the capital and core gathering place of Anhui Province.

Lin Xi believed that at this moment after seeing the report, everyone sitting in front of the TV would feel a biting chill.

There are more than one million people in the city. When the end of the world comes, many people have died, but at least more than 800,000 people should still be alive. They all abandoned their families and followed the army in a large-scale transfer to the provincial capital Luzhou, which is more than 100 kilometers away. Along the way , how much danger will you encounter? How many people died

The drive from Zhucheng to Luzhou is very fast, but the outside is full of monsters, making it difficult for cars to drive directly there. And the apocalypse is coming, how can there be so much gasoline

We can only rely on the troops to open the way in the front and advance little by little, while the people in the rear rely on their feet to walk step by step.

How long can people go without enough food

Abandoning Zhucheng, I believe the military also made a difficult decision. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to resist for more than a month and only prepare to leave now. In fact, it took great courage to broadcast this news on TV. .

Abandoning ordinary residents and having the military escort a small number of people there is the best option.

To be able to broadcast all this on TV, it can be said that the person in charge of the military is very responsible and courageous!

Of course, another possibility is that a small number of people go to Luzhou, and it is difficult to break through the blockade of monsters along the way. A large team of nearly one million people is a burden for the military. It also attracts the attention of monsters and can be used as cannon fodder. bait.

However, Lin Xi has always been unwilling to speculate on others with the worst possible malice.

"Zhucheng, we can't stay here any longer."

Once the army leaves, there will be no one to protect the water and power plants, and the water supply and power supply will stop. Even an evolutionist like Lin Xi would not want to survive here. Besides, the giant appears at the monster landing point now. What if a stronger monster appears in the future

Evolutionaries - at least the current Evolutionaries, can't resist monsters far compared to the army.

"It is of great benefit to go to Luzhou City. As the core gathering place, there are no landing points in the city. The walls are built, so you can have a stable environment and life. Moreover, as the provincial capital, Luzhou has large-scale grain storage. Point, there will be no shortage of food.”

"With troops opening the way and protecting us, as long as everyone works together, we will definitely be able to survive and reach Luzhou!"

On TV, these are constantly played, creating a sense of hope.

"It seems that tomorrow, we will have to find a way to contact the military."

The military is obviously very anxious. The big transfer is scheduled to start in four days. One batch will be transferred every day. Troops from the four military academies will each be responsible for one batch, and it will end after a week.

Following the transfer of troops, it is impossible to blend in among ordinary people. Even Lin Xi and He Rui are disguised. Their appearance and temperament are not like ordinary people, and they can easily cause a lot of trouble. It is better to contact them now. .

There are certain benefits to proactively contacting him. The military will focus on protecting his family members, and depending on the level of the evolver's ability, the military will also give him a certain amount of biological energy points.

That's right, it's biological energy, as clearly reported on TV.

Now, across the country and other places, at least in Zhucheng, who has the most biological energy? military! The giants who were knocked down by the cannonballs had 100 or 200 points after being chopped down. Lin Xi didn't believe that the military would have no idea.

In fact, the scene of the battle between the army and the giants can be seen on the TV. After a bombardment, some people dressed as evolutionaries rushed forward with weapons and chopped down the giants who could not resist.

The giant is different from the monsters in other places. After being blown up, it will not die. It will die after cutting off the flesh on the back of its neck.

This is a "good" monster that earns points.

There are not many evolved people who have the ability to hunt giants alone. Most of them will take the initiative to contact the military after watching TV. There are many evolved people showing up on TV. These people are equivalent to hugging the army. They are extremely strong. thigh!

Lin Xi speculated that the military should use a sharing method. After the evolvers killed the giants, they would trade part of it to the military.

The next day, when I woke up in the morning, everything was in chaos after leaving my home. Even though I was reassured repeatedly, the news of the big transfer still caused huge panic among the people. Who is willing to leave their hometown and leave their home

Moreover, some people were preparing materials for the upcoming large-scale transfer, and there were more killings and robberies.

When she went to contact the military, Lin Xi didn't want to attract too much attention. Instead of wearing a Jedi uniform, she wore a simple jeans shirt, a 14,000-point energy weapon, and a beam scythe, which would have shocked others. .

Therefore, he also exchanged a weapon.

Ogre's Ax.

A heavy and huge iron ax with a wooden handle.

This ax has a special effect - increased strength. In the DOTA game, it is strength +10. Lin Xi took it in her hand and tried it. She found that when she held the rough wooden ax handle, a faint heat flowed into her body.

It can increase the strength and physique of about one and a half people.

The price is 1000 points.

The three girls were all wearing gray cloth armor, brown power gloves on their hands, and dark red quick slippers on their feet. Wong Feifei carried a mulberry bow and a quiver on her back, and He Rui had a blue attack claw tied to the outside of his left and right thighs.

Ning Shuixin was carrying an oak shield and a keris that was curved like a snake hung on his waist.

Three beautiful girls, wearing these, feel heroic.

As for the Tyrant, as a biological weapon, he can be placed in the item space and summoned when fighting is needed.
