Fantasy Falls

Chapter 55: give up


There was silence for a while in the car, and Zhen Tian finally couldn't help but asked her doubts: "Brother Lin, what exactly is your ability?"

"Of course it's a ghoul."

Seeing everyone rolling their eyes and showing disbelief, Lin Xi shook her head and explained helplessly: "If I'm not a ghoul, how can I possess Yuhe? Is there any ability that can disguise Yuhe's blood wings as a ghoul? "

"This is true."

Wang Wei cleaned up his mood due to the sudden change in body shape: "But moving at high speed with afterimages, a ghoul can't do it, right?"

"Uncle Xiao can master fighting game skills, including the King of Fighters' Argentinian back throw and Street Fighter's spiral pile driving. Why can't I create my own combat skills?"

Lin Xi's expression was very serious and very convincing.

"The combat skill I used is called explosion. Ghouls can produce and control red blood cells. This combat skill is to manipulate the red blood cells in the body, vibrate violently to generate kinetic energy, conduct it along the meridians, drive my body, and make super-high speed move."

"This ability is very harmful to the body. I won't use it unless it is absolutely necessary, so I hide it."

"Actually, as I heard in Destiny, the ability we extract is just a seed. How can we rely on the seed to become stronger? Zhen Tian, you have fat, and now it has been strengthened. Can you refine it? A move similar to a **** chariot?”

"And Wang Wei, your potential is actually very great, even beyond me who has a ghoul bloodline. Shoryuken is the street fighter's wave-style empty-handed martial arts. After you awaken your energy, can you practice other wave-style martial arts?"

"Such as the wave fist, the tornado whirlwind kick? Or even the wave of murderous intent, becoming a strong man like Akuma, standing at the top of the world!"

Lin Xi's tone was seductive and had the power to inspire people: "Also, the energy system of Dragon Ball is also Qi, Guibo Qigong, Wu Kong Technique, Qi Circle Slash..."

"Think about it, what a bright future you have with Qi. If one day you can practice the secret of vitality bullets, this apocalypse may end because of you!"

Qi, which was originally the most popular type of energy, turned into something extraordinary when he said it.

After hearing these words, Wang Wei's face glowed red, and his chest was filled with enthusiasm. He imagined the future, killing all directions, and being invincible in the world. His heart was so excited that he wished he could climb on the top of the bus and laugh three times.

Su Xiaowan, who was driving in front, curled her lips when she heard this.

Concealing her true abilities, Lin Xi connected to the evolution base and exchanged 2,000 points for an energy-binding coat—the tyrant's hook and ogre ax were all damaged in the battle, and his clothes were torn, leaving only chains and a ruling.

It's a pity that the butcher's two butcher knives failed to explode.

When they were about to return to the village, Lin Xi reminded everyone not to reveal his trump card.

The bus returned to the village where large troops were stationed.

There were no traces of fighting in the village, and it seemed that it was very safe during the time they left.

Xiao Qiang went to Li Lao to report the situation. He encountered bosses and 30 soldiers died. He was unable to enter the base to check the food situation. What should be done next requires research and judgment by the military's decision-makers.

Lin Xi saw at a glance the room where Dong Qing and others were.

Because the three-headed lizard is so big, even if it is lying in the courtyard, it can reach a height of ten meters, with three dragon-like and snake-like heads pointing straight to the sky.

This was a pet that was exchanged earlier. It was not very intelligent, but it had a natural affinity for its owner. When Lin Xi arrived, he immediately stuck his head over the courtyard wall and stretched out. Three huge tongues licked and drooled at him. Splatter.

Fortunately, it was raining heavily now, so the saliva was quickly washed away.

Dong Qing, Yani, Ning Shuixin, and Wong Feifei were all taking shelter from the rain in the house.

"Encountered a lot of bosses? Thugs, Illusive Man, Crazy Butcher, Hogg? If I had known, I would have gone too!"

Hearing Lin Xi talk about this experience, Dong Qing felt extremely heartbroken. After all, killing each of these bosses would have about 20,000 points, and an additional bottle of super potion would be released!

Even Lin Xi, who has a three-star bloodline, can kill the Illusive Man. If she has a five-star talent, wouldn't she be able to easily kill all the bosses with one against four

What a pity, what a pity...

Dong Qing couldn't help but feel envious and jealous. Lin Xi had made a fortune during this trip - not to mention the six types of sundae worth 30,000 yuan exchanged, and there were more than 40,000 points left in the phone. Wang Wei and Zhen Tian also owed 40,000 yuan. point, and a huge favor.

Dong Qing looked down on the Blood Mist Rose War Stick, but she really liked the Six Styles of the Sundae. The two-handed sword composed of six swords was, in her opinion, extremely exquisite.

She used the Six Sundae Styles in various styles. She could use it as a two-handed sword, she could also draw out the watermelon sword, hold a big sword in one hand, and hold a slashing sword in the other, and even bite a chocolate sword in her mouth. Similar to One Piece's three-sword style!

Dong Qing also used an improvised combat technique of his own.

When her figure turned into a top, driving three weapons to spin and kill, the layers of phantoms created by the knives and swords made even Lin Xi feel frightened.

This is simply a storm of swords that crushes everything!

After leaving here, Lin Xi braved the heavy rain again and went to find A Yong and others.

In addition to super potions, ordinary members of the gang dropped a total of more than 20 bottles of genetic potions. The ones dropped by the minions increased the strength of one person; the ones dropped by the punk monkey increased the agility of three people; the ones dropped by the fat man increased the physical fitness of five people. Dropped by the Throwing Knife Hand: Increases a person's strength, agility, and body.

Among them, the Knife Thrower drops more evenly, has less impact on the body shape, and is the most precious—but there is only one bottle.

Zhen Tian picked up a lot of these potions, but no matter whether they were super potions or ordinary potions, only the first bottle was effective for each person, so he took some of them and gave them to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi only accepted six bottles, plus the original ones, there were three bottles of strength, three bottles of agility, and three bottles of constitution.

He said that he would get ability potions for three college students.

If you say it, you must do it.

After finding a few college students, Lin Xi placed nine bottles of medicine on the table.

A Yong, Curly Hair, and Glasses looked at the potion and were all excited - they thought that Lin Xi was just talking casually, but unexpectedly, after obtaining the genetic potion, this noble evolver really thought of them!

But when Lin Xi mentioned the side effects of genetic enhancement, the three of them hesitated.

All three college students have played Dino Kombat. The thought of transforming into the punk monkey or fat man in the game makes them sick and unacceptable.

If they only had agility or physical strength, the three of them would definitely drink it after a mental struggle. After all, strength is more important than life. However, there is another bottle of power - increasing the strength of one person is also beyond ordinary people. Is it necessary to turn into a monkey or a fat man with a distorted body

After drinking the strength potion, you will only gain some muscle mass and will not change your body shape much.

Besides, except for Ayong, Curly Hair and Eyes are not very strong. If he grows some muscles, he might become a handsome man... The three of them discussed for a while, and finally, they all chose the strength potion.

Lin Xi smiled and put away the other four bottles of potions, left some food for them, and left.

When he stepped out of the house door, he sighed slightly.

Why were three different potions brought here for the college students to choose from

In fact, this was also a test given by Lin Xi to the three of them.

Once upon a time, the reason why he wanted to use the giant potion to transform the bloodlines of these people and make them his subordinates was because giants, with their huge bodies and terrifying regenerative power, were natural human shields!

Relying on the dinosaur gene potion, even if it increases the agility of three people and the physical constitution of five people, how much use will it have

However, being willing to choose agility and constitution potions shows that these young men are at least determined to abandon everything in order to increase their strength - and after drinking them, they can deal with weaker monsters, such as goblins, zombies, and skeletons.

At that time, the three of them formed a team, which was more or less a fighting force.

Lin Xi would exchange some equipment for them - such as the Giant Power Belt, Dolan Sword, Dolan Shield, Healing Orb, etc. to enhance the combat effectiveness of the three young men and train them as real subordinates.

As a result, they all chose strength potions. Is there any point in increasing one person's strength

Except when facing mortals, it can produce some sense of superiority.

Even Wang Wei and Zhen Tian were aware of the sudden change in body shape in order to increase their strength. Three ordinary people did not choose agility or physical fitness, but the weakest strength potion...

Lin Xi was disappointed.

He didn't owe the three college students anything. On the contrary, he gave these people a lot, including special care from the military, including food, and ability potions that were priceless to ordinary people.

How many soldiers in the military want such a medicine

There are many beautiful women in this large transfer team, and there are even a few starlets. Lin Xi believes that they are willing to do anything for a bottle of genetic medicine - even if they don't use it themselves, they can also use it for their families.

Because of a promise that brought the potion.

And the three of them disappointed him.

When Lin Xi left, there was a smile on her face, but in her heart, she had decided to give up on them.

Returning to the compound where they were temporarily stationed, Xiao Qiang's report caused an uproar in the military, not to mention the things here.

First, there is the food problem. The threat of food shortage is imminent, and it is difficult to deal with the next meal. No matter whether that base has enough food or not, we cannot give up. Because there is no place other than that where 80,000 people can be disposed of, leaving only the supplies for the journey.

Second, there are potions.

Whether it was the super potion that Xiao Qiang showed or the ordinary potion that Zhen Tian took out, everyone was shocked. The number of enhanced attributes of the super potion was really terrifying! Ordinary potions can be used by anyone, which is equivalent to transforming a group of low-level ability users.

If experts come up with the formula for the medicine, it might be possible to produce it!

The content of the game of Dinosaur Kombat is very simple. Lin Xi, a three-star bloodline, and Xiao Qiang, a three-star superpower, took down four big bosses with only a few people.


Wouldn't Dong Qing with five-star talent and Wu Yan with six-star bloodline be enough to overthrow this force

In less than 10 minutes, the military made a decision.

After the heavy rain subsides, the large troops will head directly to the secret food base and occupy it!
