Fantasy Falls

Chapter 62: tragic


The flesh on Wu Yan's face twitched violently - the more panicked he became, the more violent the fluctuations in his mental power became. Finally, the three blue-white psionic shields could no longer be maintained and collapsed into dots of scattered fluorescence.

"Mom... mom's..."

The four bosses all rushed in front of them, and actually, at this moment, the shield collapsed

Moreover, after the Illusive Man killed Xu Ping, he was definitely looking for his next target, but at this critical moment, he lost his psionic shield...

Wu Yan felt that his whole body was about to collapse.

"Depend on!"

Mu Tie and others in the distance couldn't help but exclaimed, this Wu Yan really has the demeanor of a strong man! Seeing the Phantom Man kill Xu Ping, not only did he not run away, but he also dissipated the energy shield protecting his body? What are you doing here, preparing to fight the boss

What a warrior!

Almost at the same moment, thugs, butchers, dinosaur men, and savages all rushed towards Wu Yan.

And these four bosses didn’t just charge, they used their skills!

The thug jumps in mid-air and straightens his right leg and kicks in the air, the butcher makes the ground tremble and shakes by running and charging, the dinosaur man lowers his head and slides forward with a head-butt, and the savage jumps up and stretches his arms to attack with his front paws.

Due to the increase in body size caused by the potion, thugs, butchers, and dinosaur men are all over two meters tall. Even the shortest savage transformed from a punk monkey man is over 1.9 meters tall!

Compared with the four of them, Wu Yan, who is over 1.7 meters tall, looks even more slender.

This scene was like four big men fiercely pounced on a little lolita...

If time pauses at this moment, you can see how wonderful the expression on Wu Yan's face when he was standing in the middle was surrounded by four bosses - "I am about to collapse" as expected.

"ah… "

Wu Yan, who was kicked by the thugs, let out a miserable howl.

This boss, who is special in strength and has strong muscles, kicked Wu Yan's chest with an extra-large shoe close to size 60. The huge force directly broke two ribs and kicked the young man into the air and fell out. More than 20 meters away.

"Oh yeah!"

Seeing this scene, Zhen Tian and Wang Wei gave each other a high-five - they had been anxiously waiting for this moment - and smiled knowingly at the same time.

One of the two grinned, the other squinted. The smile was very obscene, as if Yao Ming and Hyogo Kita were smiling at each other...

Even Xiao Qiang, who was extremely steady, couldn't help but exclaimed "Hahahahaha" and laughed like Director Jin...

Not to mention the few people who were gloating about his misfortune, Wu Yan, who was kicked, spurted a stream of blood arrows from his mouth - if he hadn't strengthened his physique 10 times, the thug's kick would have been enough to kill him!

Lin Xi, who was about to start the explosion and stepped forward to intercept the Illusive Man boss, had a dazed look in his eyes. He felt that he couldn't understand the current rhythm...

First, it was Wu Yan. When the four bosses rushed towards him, he surprisingly dropped his shield. When he thought this guy was going to use some trump card - it was not surprising to think this way. In ancient times, there was Zhang Fei fighting Ma Chao naked. Take off the armor that protects your body and squeeze out your potential.

Dissipate the psionic shield? Naturally, you have to concentrate on amplifying your moves!

But then, Wu Yan was kicked away...

Moreover, in the next second, the thug who landed after performing a volley kick collided with the butcher, dinosaur man, and savage who rushed up

It was like four cars hitting a person together. One car knocked the person away first, but the other cars still hit him unabated, resulting in a tragic car accident!

The thug who landed on the ground was pushed away by the charging dinosaur man. Then the savage jumped over and dug out five bloody wounds on the dinosaur man's forehead. It was immediately hit by the butcher's wild run. Spouting blood.

The phantom man, at almost the same time, brought out a series of afterimages and rushed towards him, and ended up slicing the butcher in the stomach.

The fat butcher's belly was ripped open by a dagger. Fortunately, the fat layer was thick enough and his internal organs were not leaked out. However, the wound, which was a meter long, had blood mixed with yellow and white fat mass flowing out. It looked extremely tragic!

For the first time, Lin Xi felt that her IQ was not enough...

In any case, the attacks of the five bosses produced incredible changes, which allowed Wu Yan to escape with his life. With his sternum broken, he struggled to get up from the ground and took out a prop from the item space.

A translucent blue light shield protected his body.

Carry defensive cover S!

The electromagnetic shield, which costs 5,000 points, can absorb any damage, but people inside cannot attack it. Lin Xi bought this kind of thing for Ning Shuixin and Wong Feifei. With Wu Yan's strength, he can easily redeem it.

In fact, Wu Yan didn't like this kind of defensive prop at all, and he didn't think it would be useful one day.

Just for insurance, exchange one and use it as a life-saving prop.

With a defensive shield protecting his body, he felt a little calmer. Five bosses collided into a ball. This was undoubtedly funny, but Wu Yan had no time to laugh, and at the same time, he had no time to think about why this was the case. He almost died, but his legs were still Weak.

"Damn it, my majestic divine bloodline, actually, I almost died!"

Wu Yan was shocked and angry, and couldn't help but think of one more thing: "How did those people deal with the Illusive Man boss last time? Did... did they use some trap or prop? In any case, they can never have the strength. Kill such a boss."

"But... Zhen Tian, Wang Wei, Xiao Qiang, Lin Xi, and Su Xiaowan, you little bitch who hides information, damn, you must want to harm me!"

Wu Yan, wrapped in an electromagnetic shield, rushed in the direction of the other evolvers - luring the boss there. With the defensive shield, he would not be the first target of attack, and let those bitches all die at the hands of the boss. !

Lin Xi frowned, and when the bosses got up after being smashed into a pile, she understood something.


The green-skinned bosses are different from the previous batch, and it can be seen that all of these people have dull eyes. They have obviously lost themselves, have no IQ, and only have the instinct to fight and kill.

Instinctively, the Illusive Man chose Xu Ping as the target of attack—because Wu Yan had a shield.

Wu Yan's psionic shield shattered, and the other four bosses immediately targeted him and activated their skills.

Because he had no wisdom and would not care about other people's actions, after Wu Yan was kicked away by the thugs, all the bosses collided into a ball. As for the Illusive Man, after he killed Xu Ping and found that the psionic shield had disappeared, he also rushed forward with a slash, hitting the butcher just in time.

What a huge oolong!

In this case, these five bosses are nothing. They have only attributes and abilities and lack IQ. How powerful can such an opponent be

It really can't be compared with the bosses encountered in the secret base.

Just when Lin Xi guessed the cause of the strange emergency, Wu Yan rushed here wearing an electromagnetic shield.

"Zhen Tian, Wang Wei, Xiao Qiang, Lin Xi, and Su Xiaowan... you are very good!" Thinking of the scene just now, Wu Yan was full of fear and anger, with a hint of resentment in his tone.

"Hehehe... Brother Ang, why are you angry? Uncle Xiao said before that there is a boss in the team, didn't you insist on it yourself? You are so powerful, one person can pick five bosses, we are afraid, how dare we stop you? "

Zhen Tian's sarcastic tone made Wu Yan even angrier. He breathed heavily, and his breathing moved the broken bones in his chest, causing an unbearable pain.

"Just now, you almost did it to grab the boss. Why did we escape in such a mess now?" After using the agility potion, Wang Wei not only greatly increased his attributes, but also developed new combat skills in the past few days, becoming much more courageous. .

In other words, he would never dare to speak like this to Wu Yan, a six-star bloodline.

"Damn it, are you looking for death?" Wu Yan gritted his teeth, and the bluish-white light in his eyes almost came out of his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense to him, the bosses are coming, and the Illusive Man is at the front!" Uncle Mu Tie's face was extremely solemn, and his skinny hands were trembling slightly. Even if the light skill of "Iron Palm Floating on Water" was extremely good, he could not Compared to the Illusive Man.

Wu Yan smiled.

Today, after first breaking up with everyone, and then facing the boss, he made such a big mistake, coupled with his hatred for Su Xiaowan and others for concealing information, and the sarcasm made by Zhen Tian and Wang Wei just now, he was not afraid of saying anything unpleasant. offend others.

"A bunch of Sabis, you are very proud to see me unlucky, aren't you? You are so proud, haha, I can control the psionic energy to leave at any time now, but you, just die here! You rubbish!"

This guy was so stimulated that he was undoubtedly a little crazy. Lin Xi smiled silently - let alone the Phantom Man, he had been killed by him once. Even if there was real danger, he could escape with his flying feather.

"Brothers, leave him alone, our lives are at stake." Lao Niu picked up the bluestone totem pole, "I have the blood of the Bull-headed King, Zhen Tian, Xiao Qiang, and Zong Hou. The four of us have strong defenses and cannot be killed as soon as we meet each other. , go together and contain the boss... "

He looked around at everyone: "Before the dead appear, everyone else must find a way to kill the Illusive Man in the boss!"

"There's no need to go to such trouble." Zhen Tian turned her head with a smile and said in a flattering tone, "Brother Lin, you'd better take action."

"Brother Lin?"

Lao Niu frowned. Zhen Tian was obviously older, and... could Lin Xi deal with the Illusive Man

How can it be

With the speed of the Illusive Man, he will be invincible first!

Being fast to a certain level almost means invincibility!

This is absolutely impossible!

Lin Xi held a cookie cutter in each hand, and the biological energy in her body was converted into ice elements. At the same time, the energy was input into the weapon. The orange-yellow blade was covered with a light layer of white ice and snow.

"You want to challenge the Illusive Man? You are stupid, you will be killed! Hahaha... Who do you think you are? If you want to be a hero, you should be the first to die!"

Wu Yan laughed, and the light in his eyes flashed violently. Although he couldn't see his face, he was sure that behind the mask, there was definitely a ferocious and crazy face.

Lin Xi said nothing, but looked at him with pity.


break out!

(ps: It disappeared from the new book list, and then I remembered that it was a month after the book was released... It's tragic. It just entered the list based on the first recommendation, but it ended... Now the exposure rate is even lower, everyone should invest more vote, on the recommendation list, move forward a little)
