Fantasy Falls

Chapter 9: Pharmacion


The giant Qixing species leaped over a hundred meters with a frog leap. When it landed from the sky, it was like a big mountain, carrying a suffocating gale, rushing towards Lin Xi's entire body.


Lin Xi's eyes widened. With the perfect integration of the Ancestral Virus, he was about eight times more flexible than ordinary people. When he saw the huge black shadow falling from his head, he stomped his legs on the ground and jumped back, throwing bloody flesh at the same time. hook.


The ground was dented like tofu, and was full of radiation cracked textures. Lin Xi jumped up in the air, and was blown by the violent air waves like leaves in the wind.


Amidst the turbulent airflow, there was chaos and nothing could be seen, but the solid feeling of the hook coming from the chain on his hand made him realize that the bloody meat hook had hooked the target.

However, since his strength originates from the ground, he cannot wrestle with a giant without standing on the ground - besides, the terrifying power of the strange creature that can jump hundreds of meters away is not something he can resist.

While Lin Xi was thinking about how to kill the giant, a huge palm swept hard from top to bottom. It was as powerful as the impact of a heavy truck, and it directly knocked him out, flying more than ten meters in the air. Crashed into a wall.

At this moment, it almost gave people an illusion.

An illusion that all the bones in the body were shattered into bone slag under the heavy blow!

"The giant slap of the strange species is really different from the ordinary species. If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be patted into a meat pie..."

Lin Xi vomited blood. The oak shield behind her back had been thrown away just now. The leather armor she was wearing, with a brown hard leather surface, was densely covered with cracks. The only good thing was that the dark sword as a weapon was still tight. Hang tightly around the waist.

A huge face appeared outside the hole in the wall.

The giant stretched out two fingers, easily held the immobile Lin Xi in his hand, and lifted him out of the hole.

Lin Xi saw that the body of the bloody meat hook was inserted deeply into the giant's shoulder, and the nine-meter-long dark chain hung down until the end touched the ground.


The giant spit out a stench mixed with the smell of blood, opened its sticky, dirty mouth, stretched out its red tongue, and slowly bit down on the person held in his fingers.

"How is it possible to die in the mouth of such a disgusting monster!"

At this moment, Lin Xi's eyes lit up with two red lights, and his right hand suddenly reached towards his waist.

Draw the sword, raise it, and slash it down!

After killing several giants, the still extremely sharp dark sword cut off the giant's fingers with just one strike!

The hot blood splashed on the face, causing a burning pain.

The giant's fingers were cut off, and Lin Xi fell downwards. The shock of falling to the ground made him spit out another mouthful of blood, but he did not stop. He bit the hilt of the dark sword in the bloody mouth and grabbed the giant with both hands. Chains hanging from the shoulders, climbing upwards.

Crawling fast!

In just two seconds, he reached the top of the chain. At this time, the strange giant stretched out his hand with the broken index finger, grabbed the chain, and pulled down.

The hook embedded deep in the flesh was pulled out in an instant, bringing up a large pile of flesh and blood. The entire chain was swung away by the giant's hand and flew away into the distance. Lin Xi jumped up, performed a gymnastic front flip, left the chain, and jumped onto the giant's shoulders.

Grasping the hilt of the sword soaked in blood, Lin Xi's eyes flashed with rich blood.

"Give me… "

"go to hell!"

With a hoarse roar, the Dark Sword slashed down hard. As the sword cut through large swaths of skin and thick muscle fibers, blood spurted out crazily like spring water.

A large amount of high-temperature steam filled the air, and the strange giant finally slowly fell down and turned into a point of light and disappeared.

"1,000 points? It's really not a loss!"

Lin Xi grinned, showing a smile that was distorted by pain. She coughed up a mouthful of bloody phlegm and spit it on the ground.

A miserable victory!

It can be said that killing the giant of the strange species cost a heavy price. Large pieces of bones in the body were covered with cracks and the internal organs were severely damaged, but the rewards were also huge. With these 1,000 points, the current biological energy has reached 3,000.

Lin Xi, who was in severe pain all over her body and was weak and panting, just wanted to lie on the ground and have a good sleep, but now, there was no time to rest, and there was still one giant left.

Shaking his head, he mustered up his energy and picked up the bloody meat hooks and oak shields that had fallen aside. Just as he was about to rush towards the last giant, he suddenly discovered that where the corpse of the strange species had disappeared, something appeared. thing.

A glass bottle containing liquid.

"What's this?"

With a thought in Lin Xi's mind, her phone appeared, and the human evolution program immediately displayed the explanation: "Giant Potion."

"After drinking it, you will gain the blood of a giant and have the ability to transform into a giant."

"Giants have no IQ, but they have instincts."

Lin Xi felt a little frightened in her heart. What is the instinct of a giant? Killing and cannibalism! Does this bottle of potion bring benefits or harm

The ancestor virus lineage, gifted evolution, can absorb the blood of specific organisms and change the DNA, but they dare not try it with the blood of giants. In addition to fearing gene collapse and fear of inferior genes reducing the potential for evolution, the other is the fear of becoming a brainless cannibal. Monster.

"Put it away first, I don't have time to study it."

In the distance, three college students, A Yong, Curly Hair, and Glasses, were struggling to escape from the giant. The situation was very critical. If it hadn't been for the giant, which was only 4 meters tall and belonged to the weakest category, all three of them would have been eaten. .

Even with serious injuries and a bloody meat hook, it is still not difficult for him to hunt down a 4-meter giant.

After killing the last giant, Lin Xi walked towards where the college students were.

The fat man was lying on the ground, and his torso from the lower abdomen had disappeared - he had tenaciously endured the prey of the strange giant, but he could not escape the other giant and his body was bitten off.

However, this fat man's vitality is indeed tenacious enough, and he is not dead yet. His eyes are open, his mouth is open, and he is breathing in short and urgent breaths. As his chest rises and falls, some turbid blood foam continues to flow from his mouth. Nose gushes.

Living in the same dormitory, these four college students had a very good relationship with each other and were as close as brothers. Now, seeing the tragic situation of the fat man, the three of them half-knelt aside, their hearts full of grief.

Glasses, who is not good at controlling emotions, sheds tears silently.

"Glasses, don't, don't cry... brothers... I... leave first... maybe it's... a good thing..."

The fat man opened and closed his mouth with difficulty: "It's just a pity... I didn't... I couldn't... be a well-fed ghost... or... hungry..."

The boss Ayong stood up fiercely: "Fat man, don't die yet! I'll get you something to eat, hold on!"

He ran towards the supermarket and rushed back within five minutes, holding a vacuum-packed bag in his hand, tearing it apart as he ran.

Running to the fat man's side, A Yong fell to his knees on the ground. Regardless of his bruised knees, he handed the torn package to the fat man's mouth: "Here, your favorite pig's trotters, hurry up, open your mouth, It’s braised pig’s trotters! Sloppy braised pig’s trotters!”

His eyes were closed, and there was almost no breath in his mouth and nose. When he heard A Yong's voice, the fat man's eyes slowly opened.

Seeing the pig's trotters, his empty eyes regained a little energy, and he opened his mouth with difficulty and bit it.

However, his movements froze.

The open mouth could not be closed.

I couldn't eat this piece of meat after all.

"Fat man, fat man! Eat it, eat it and then die! Fat man!" Glasses rushed forward, hugged the fat man's body, and cried loudly.

"It's all you. If it weren't for you, Fatty wouldn't have died. You let us be the bait. You have no good intentions!" Curly Hair suddenly became furious and rushed to Lin Xi, who was standing aside, watching all this silently, and grabbed his clothes. collar.


Ayong ran over, raised his hand, and gave Curly Hair a slap in the face: "Don't say impulsive words that lose your cool. When a fat man encounters strange behavior, no one can think of it in advance. If there is reward, there is risk. In this world, there is no gain for nothing. matter."

"The fat man made a choice before, so he must be aware of the consequences. No one can blame him!"

Curly Mao spoke out of anger, but he understood in his heart that he let go under the scolding of the boss, knelt on the ground, covered his face and cried bitterly.

"Sorry." Ayong said apologetically.

"It's okay, I can completely understand your mood."

The three people placed the fat man's body on the large puddle of gasoline that leaked from the broken car, and lit it with a lighter. Lin Xi sighed and turned to the supermarket. She did not want to watch the cremation scene, but went to search for supplies.

The supermarket was in chaos, and many things had been taken away. When the monster came, there were customers and employees in the supermarket. Someone must have taken the opportunity to take action.

However, with the giant guarding the door, the supermarket was still rich in things. The first thing Lin Xi rushed to was the candy section.

“I didn’t have money to buy it before, but now I can eat it.”

When I was a kid, I went to the supermarket. The high-end chocolates that I was so excited about, such as Dove and Jindi, I just tore off the packaging and put them in piles. Finally, I used my mobile phone to store them in the item space, and put a full grid with a cubic meter of volume. space!

White Rabbit toffee, Alpine candy... These candies are not as soft as chocolate in hot weather, and they are high in calories. Lin Xi found that there were not many on the shelves, so after thinking about it, she went directly to the supermarket's large storage room.

After searching inside for a while, Lin Xi found boxes of toffee stacked neatly.

"It's done, it's done!"

Lin Xi couldn't help but get excited and put all the candies into the cell phone grid - a six cubic meter grid, filled to the brim with no gaps.

There were too many types of items that could be stored, and there were only two grids left. One of them contained bloody meat hooks, and the other grid contained. Lin Xi hesitated for a while, then moved a few boxes of yogurt and a few boxes of milk and mixed them in.

He grabbed a dozen bags of milk powder and filled the remaining space in the grid where the bloody meat hook was.

"This is full... nine cubic meters, it still feels too little."

Looking at the dazzling array of products in the supermarket, she always felt that it would be a pity to leave here. Lin Xi found a large hiking bag, went to the nut section, and filled bags with pistachios, pine nuts, walnuts... into bags.

Go to the food area and prepare vacuum-packed cooked food, roast chicken, roast duck, etc. to fill your stomach.

After a fierce battle with Qixingzhong, he suffered serious injuries. The ancestor virus bloodline was repairing the body on its own, but it required a large amount of bioenergy, and the intuitive feeling it brought was hunger.

Lin Xi's stomach felt like a bottomless pit. After eating bags of food, she didn't see any bulge.

Finally, he simply opened a large box of roasted suckling pig, roasted a golden piglet, and gnawed it clean, leaving only a pile of bones, and he felt a sense of fulfillment.
