Fantasy Falls

Chapter 98: sacrifice


Lin Xi and the girls were protected inside the body by the 15-meter-tall female giant. Obviously, Yani is planning to use the ability of "Diamond Crystallization" to resist Karsus' forbidden spell: Requiem.

On the other side, Zonghou, who mobilized his holy power to the maximum and chanted the knight's oath, also created a shelter.

The light shield of the shelter is not that big.

Can stand 6 people.

If you squeeze hard enough, it can even be enough for more than 10 people to stand - after all, space is like time, and there is always a squeeze.

However, after the super potion transformation, Zhen Tian was fat and huge, Wang Wei was thin and tall, and Xiao Qiang was tall and strong. The three members of the Beast Team are also big and round - these guys can't stand even if their heads are touching their heads and their butts are touching their butts.

"Zhen Tian, your belly is too big!"

"No, half of my body is exposed."

"I can't squeeze anymore."

After hearing everyone's words, Zonghou's face turned red. The light curtain shook a few times, but it did not expand. He could no longer squeeze out any additional holy power from his body.

"Forget it, I'm leaving... My ability is only a one-star talent, and it still occupies such a big place."

Fatty Zhen Tian walked out of the shelter, with a few tears rolling down her eyes, but with a free and easy smile on her face: "Fat man, I actually don't want to live for a long time. I was a sweet and sweet young lady, and I got fat. Hundreds of pounds more meat.”

"Later, I was transformed by a super potion and turned into a ball. I survived to this day entirely because of my courage. You don't have to be humble to me, and don't feel sorry for me, really."

"In this life, I can become one in 100,000 evolvers, and get to know everyone again. It can be considered a life-long journey. It's worth it!"

Zhen Tian took a deep breath and held back the tears falling from her eyes.

Xiao Qiang suddenly said: "Stand down, Wang Wei and Dahuang, you two are much thinner than the others... Brothers, put them on your shoulders, Zhen Tian, come in! Everyone came from Zhucheng , don’t give up even one!”

Wang Wei and the kobold were carried horizontally, and everyone sucked in their waists and abdomens, allowing Zhen Tian to squeeze into the shelter reluctantly.

Several evolvers in Luzhou looked at each other. These people also wanted to enter the sanctuary, but the area shrouded in holy light could no longer accommodate even a single cat.

Their eyes were fixed on the abyss demon.

This creature is a more powerful existence than Su Hongying herself!

The five-meter-tall red devil looked up at the sky, his fierce and violent eyes mixed with a hint of awe that could not be eliminated.

Forbidden curse.

Located in the magic system, the pinnacle of destructive power!

The strength of this abyss demon is about to advance to the level of an abyss lord.

Abyss lords, in the hell of the "Invincible Heroes" world, are existences at the same level as the great devils. The outstanding ones among them can become heroic-level creatures, and even master divine power and practice to the demigod level! In the end, he was a demon king comparable to a true god.

It is still two levels away from the demigod level.

When your strength reaches a certain stage, sometimes a level can mean the difference between the heavens and the abyss!

Moreover, not all demigods can summon forbidden spells. Karsus used the Death Cap of the World Destroyer, Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll, and the Requiem of Guidance. Among all types of forbidden spells, they are undoubtedly powerful. A particularly big one.

Four attributes, cocktail mixes!

If the strength of the Death Singer reaches the god level, he can even use "Requiem" to destroy a continent!

Just like Morello did.

By then, the territory of Requiem will not just be Luzhou City, but may cover the entire China - similar to the size of the Australian continent.

Facing the wave of energy that surged before the forbidden curse broke out, the proud and conceited Abyss Demon judged with great annoyance that this forbidden curse could not be stopped at all. Even a range spell only has one billionth of its power poured into it.

"I'll go back and hide first."

The abyss demon turned into a ball of flame and disappeared.

Zhou Qingyun turned his head and shouted to the people around him: "When the forbidden curse falls, everyone joins forces to launch the strongest attack! Yes, the forbidden curse is terrible, but the forbidden curse covers the entire city! How much power will it have if it is shared by everyone ? Worse than a high-level magic!"

"After a while, listen to my command!"

Several evolvers who were unwilling to surrender gathered a little hope, mobilized the almost dry energy in their bodies, or raised their weapons.

Su Hongying didn't stop them, but she wasn't going to join them either.

As a seven-star bloodline and an advanced creature, she can see how powerful this forbidden curse is - yes, the energy of the forbidden curse is dispersed and can be mixed with four attributes, bringing cocktail bonuses, especially the power of death and shadow energy. They are all very harmful to living beings.

Even if he has the blood of a great devil and has abnormal magic resistance, he cannot resist it.

"Yes, as long as you live, you can't give up hope."

Su Hongying narrowed her eyes slightly. Her magic resistance could withstand the wave of energy in the prelude of the Requiem or the aftermath of the energy, except for the burst! If that's the case... maybe, there is still hope like a firefly.

As long as we can seize that moment of life and death...

The 15-meter-tall crystal giantess, the shelter, Zhou Qingyun and others gathered together, and Su Hongying who gathered all her concentration.

In addition, there was also a three-headed abyssal lizard lying on the ground panting with a large hole in its abdomen, seriously injured and on the verge of death, a second-form tyrant standing silently next to the three-headed lizard, and more than 100 remaining trapped soldiers.

On the Shadow Island, the death chanter who finally guided the Requiem to the final stage, Karthus, who wore the hat of the Destroyer and held the book of murder, slammed the staff representing the power of death in his other hand. On the ground, a ripple spread instantly, causing the entire sky to tremble.

Requiem, broke out!

The dark blue sky, mixed with wisps of blood-red sky, covered tens of thousands of square kilometers and completely collapsed.

The endless cocktail mixing energy is like moving an ocean to the sky, and all the water in the ocean is pressing down. The collapsed cyan sky, with its interior shimmering with a dreamlike crimson color, is about to crush everything below into dust!

Among the people standing on the ground, there were dense beads of sweat as big as soybeans on Zhou Qingyun's forehead.

No matter how courageous he was, he never thought that what he was about to fight would be the entire sky.

"Let's do it together!"

Two cyan arcs of electricity shot up into the sky like the energy of cannonballs. This was the first military killing move: the Quiet Thunder Cannon!

Along with the rise of lightning energy, there were also seven or eight pieces of true energy shot by Guo Jing, more than ten roaring and flying golden dragons shot by Qiao Feng, and several other evolvers, including air bombs, fist strength, spells and other messy items. attack.


The most powerful golden dragon only hit the phantom of ripples like water ripples on the dark green and red sky.

Looking up at the sky, Su Hongying almost bit her lip with her teeth and shed blood. The magic power gathered in her body suddenly exploded. The violent fire magic force tore open the stable space, and she, with the shining magic lines, disappeared in a burst of flame contraction.


This woman was actually preparing to use the "teleport" spell to travel through space and avoid the bombardment of the Requiem's forbidden spell at the moment of transfer. This is simply as incredible as using "flash" to avoid death in the League of Legends game.

But nevertheless, this is a hope.

The moment Su Hongying disappeared, the bodies of Zhou Qingyun and others froze. Like the soldiers trapped in the camp, their bodies first turned into decayed and dry pale bodies, and then disintegrated into fine dust.

The three-headed lizard, an abyss creature with extremely high physical and energy resistance, was not smashed to pieces due to its huge size. However, under the pressure of energy, a large amount of flesh and blood was corrupted, and its vitality was also deprived. This giant pet quietly fell into Dead silence.

In Luzhou City in the distance, buildings were also falling apart. After just a brief burst of bombing, the buildings brittle and collapsed.

The combat plants near the city wall all withered and turned into powder like ashes.

The entire city, along with the corpses of tens of millions of civilians who fell inside, was destroyed. Everything collapsed and disappeared, leaving only a gray-black mess, contaminated by dark energy, with death, curses, and scorched earth ruins without a trace of life!

The 15-meter-tall, diamond-crystalized giantess was half-kneeling on the ground in order to reduce the area that could bear the energy bombardment.

The bent thighs and knees protected everyone's abdomen, while his hands were pressed on the back of the neck to increase the thickness of the diamond crystal and protect the body. The beautiful and crystal-clear light on the giantess's body quickly dimmed.

Zong Hou raised his shield and created a shelter. The moment it came into contact with the blue-red sky, the milky white light curtain shook violently, as if a candle in the strong wind was about to be extinguished.

"Can't stop it!"

Even though he had used up all his potential, received the blessing of piety and belief, and miraculously built a shelter, Zong Hou also understood in his heart that the power of the forbidden curse could not be resisted by a shelter far away from the place of death. .

"Even if it burns my life and soul."

"Honor, mercy, bravery, sacrifice..."

“I am the man who makes the impossible possible.”

Zong Hou's body surface flashed with intense light, and a holy aura surged out from the middle-aged man's body. His arms, torso, legs, head... all body parts disappeared in the light, a transparent light People, integrated into the shelter.

Requiem, the outbreak of the forbidden curse, only for a moment.

The dark blue sky mixed with crimson collapsed, and the wave of energy destroyed almost everything. After that, only the aftermath of the turbulent energy flow remained.

In the air, there are still cyan and red threads, floating and surging like catkins, and there are only a few living things left on the decayed, black and barren land.

Su Hongying was lying on the ground, vomiting blood... She won the bet, or in other words, she caught the intersection of life and death! Using a space magic to "teleport", he avoided most of the damage caused by Requiem's explosion. Although he was seriously injured, at least his life was saved by relying on the magic resistance of higher creatures.

"boom… "

Amidst a shattering sound, countless cracks appeared in the diamond crystal body of the giantess.


The black tea wood cross inserted on the ground broke into two halves. On the ground, the grass and flowers that grew in the holy atmosphere of the previous shelter were invaded by the residual energy of the space. The grass withered and the flowers blossomed. Also withering.

The few people whose figures were revealed, a few tall and thick-set men, burst into tears.