Fantasy Farm

Chapter 10: well


In fact, Lu Qingjiu had reason to suspect that he was also in the recipe of Bai Yuehu. Of course, as a kind of monster that has been raised for a long time, the fox has been widely recorded as early as the Strange Tales from the Liao Zhai period. Lu Qingjiu believed that if he really wanted to eat him, he would have done it a long time ago.

Seeing Lu Qingjiu's subtle expression, Zhu Miaomiao said, "I'm just joking, that handsome guy won't be really angry, will he?"

"No way." Lu Qingjiu said, "He shouldn't be so stingy, why did you find it yourself?" Although he told Zhu Miaomiao her detailed address, she didn't expect that she would actually be able to find it by herself.

Zhu Miaomiao said: "Hahaha, I'm lucky, the taxi driver I called happened to know this address and came right over, oh... I'm so hungry, hurry up and make me breakfast, I'm going to faint from hunger. "

Lu Qingjiu nodded: "Okay, I'll cook noodles for you."

Zhu Miaomiao and Lu Qingjiu are more like friends than colleagues. When Lu Qingjiu first joined the company, he was brought out by Zhu Miaomiao. Zhu Miaomiao can be said to be Lu Qingjiu's teacher. Zhu Miaomiao also knew the situation at Lu Qingjiu's house, so when he learned that Lu Qingjiu wanted to resign and go back to his hometown, he repeatedly persuaded him. Of course, in the end, Lu Qingjiu didn't change his mind. Now she came to see Lu Qingjiu in such a distant mountain village. Although she used the excuse of vacation, she was probably worried that Lu Qingjiu was not doing well.

Lu Qingjiu and Zhu Miaomiao knew it in their hearts, but they didn't break the tacit understanding.

Zhu Miaomiao asked Lu Qingjiu to cook first, while she walked around the yard. Lu Qingjiu told her not to approach the well in the backyard, saying that only two dead people were pulled out of that well.

Zhu Miaomiao said in surprise: "Dead man? How long have you been away from the company, how come you are living such an exciting life."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He didn't want to either.

Zhu Miaomiao said: "Okay, you make breakfast, I'll look around."

After Lu Qingjiu made breakfast, Zhu Miaomiao also looked all over the yard. She said that the pigs in the pigpen were a little cute, like two large squirrels.

"Cute is cute, but it's very skinny." Lu Qingjiu said, "Every day I seduce the children next door into the pigsty to sleep with them. Fortunately, the children's parents didn't find out."

"Hahahaha." Zhu Miaomiao laughed when she heard the words.

"Isn't your hat wet? Take it off." Lu Qingjiu said, "I'll wash it for you."

When Zhu Miaomiao came, it was still raining outside, and the black baseball cap on her head was wet.

"No." Zhu Miaomiao patted her head, "I'll wash it myself later."

"Then you can't wear wet clothes." After Lu Qingjiu finished speaking, he paused for a moment, as if he had remembered something, he whispered, "Sister Zhu, is your hair loss worse?"

"Shut up, stop talking." After all, there was such a handsome stranger sitting next to him, and Zhu Miaomiao felt a little embarrassed, "Mom's boss is urging overtime every day, what can I do, I want to go to a hair transplant. …”

Lu Qingjiu thought of something and glanced at Bai Yuehu.

However, Bai Yuehu seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and after giving him a slight nod, he got up and left the place to eat, apparently leaving Lu Qingjiu and Zhu Miaomiao alone time.

"He's gone, show me quickly." Lu Qingjiu said, "We are so familiar with each other."

As soon as Zhu Miaomiao lifted her hat, Lu Qingjiu sighed, and saw that her head was really bald, and the hair there was so sparse that the scalp was completely visible. Zhu Miaomiao is actually very beautiful, but she has less hair. She usually wears a hat to cover it up. Wearing a hat for a long time will cause her hair to fall out even more. This vicious circle makes her headless.

"Alas." Zhu Miaomiao covered her face, "My hair is a complete mess."

Lu Qingjiu pondered: "I have a solution, I don't know if it will work..."

Zhu Miaomiao said, "What can I do?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "You're like this, you can find a time later to go and pay your respects to the well in the backyard."

When Zhu Miaomiao heard this, she was stunned: "Bye bye? Didn't you say that only two people died in that well? I'm here to pray... What is it?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "This matter is very complicated. I don't know if it will work. You try it first. If it doesn't work, we will find a way."

Zhu Miaomiao originally thought that Lu Qingjiu was joking, but seeing his serious expression, he didn't seem to be fake, so he could only nod his head suspiciously.

Without further ado, Lu Qingjiu immediately went to the kitchen to get a bowl, put some offerings in the bowl, and then let Zhu Miaomiao go to the backyard, put the offerings down, and bowed reverently to the wellhead. Although she thought this was absurd, she still used a dead horse as a living horse doctor, thinking in her heart that I want to grow my hair, I want to grow my hair... I don't know if it was Zhu Miaomiao's hallucination. There was a breeze blowing.

"Is that all right?" Zhu Miaomiao returned to Lu Qingjiu's side.

"Yeah." Lu Qingjiu said, "Let's see if it works tomorrow."

Zhu Miaomiao touched her hair and sighed: "Can this work? Forget it, there's nothing to lose anyway."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said nothing.

Yin Xun also came to Lu Qingjiu's yard shortly after, carrying a bucket in his hand with two fish in it, and said, "Lu Qingjiu, I'll put the fish in your pool!"

Lu Qingjiu asked, "What are you doing in the pool?" He walked over and saw two carp in the bucket. They looked very energetic. He didn't know where Yin Xun got it from. There is no river nearby.

"Fish must be kept in the reservoir outside this house. It's the village's rule." Yin Xun said, "Prevent the water from being polluted or something."

"Oh." Lu Qingjiu said, "Then you can put it in."

"Who is this?" Yin Xun naturally saw Zhu Miaomiao next to Lu Qingjiu when he was releasing the fish.

"My colleague, Zhu Miaomiao, come to the house to play for a few days." Lu Qingjiu said, "This is Yin Xun, I am a child, and I grew up with me in Shuifu Village."

Zhu Miaomiao and Yin Xun greeted each other.

"What shall we have for lunch today?" Yin Xun said, "We have guests at home, so we have to make a good meal, right?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Take out the pork chops you bought last time and eat them, make a pork ribs with sauce, and can you eat a piece of this fish too?"

"Okay." Yin Xun said, "This fish was caught by Wang Cong from the reservoir, and it should taste good." Wang Cong is a friend from his village. He is not familiar with Lu Qingjiu but has a good relationship with Yin Xun.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Let Uncle Li help us bring us some meat when we go to the market tomorrow, there are not many at home."

Yin Xun nodded.

Zhu Miaomiao ate a farm meal and felt that Lu Qingjiu's quality of life seemed to be good, so she was relieved, saying that the mountains and rivers are beautiful here, and she will come to live here when she retires. Lu Qingjiu knew that she meant that she was just having fun. The residences in this village are very biased, not to mention the commercial streets, there is not even a takeaway, and you have to go to the town to buy meat. If a personality like Zhu Miaomiao can really live here It's weird.

However, it is also good to live for a few days occasionally and play fresh.

Everyone had a very pleasant day. The four people in the family happened to have a table of mahjong. Lu Qingjiu went to the aunt next door to borrow mahjong. This is the only precious mahjong in the village, and then the four of them went to the table and played it. .

Bai Yuehu didn't know how to do it at first, but he quickly got used to it. Zhu Miaomiao was a veteran friend, and he easily wiped out the other three rookies. Lu Qingjiu could barely keep up with the rhythm, while Yin Xun had a bitter face, and in the end he didn't understand why he lost so badly.

After the entertainment activities were over, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep. Lu Qingjiu was also a little tired. He lay in bed and fell asleep in a daze, still thinking about what to make for breakfast tomorrow morning.

He had planned to sleep until six o'clock, but after five o'clock, a shrill scream woke him from his sleep.

"Fuck, fuck!!" Zhu Miaomiao slammed on the door frantically, and asked Lu Qingjiu what was going on without wearing the shoes she scared off. When she opened the door, she saw her clutching her hair with tears in her eyes, "Lu Qingjiu, You are my fucking parents!"

Lu Qingjiu felt dizzy for a while, and didn't understand how he had such a big daughter after one night.

"You're more kissable than my father!" Zhu Miaomiao shouted, "Did you see it? Did you see it!!!"

Lu Qingjiu: "...I see, I see."

Zhu Miaomiao said: "I have long hair!! I have long hair!! A lot, so dark, so hard!!"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." I always feel that something is not right.

Zhu Miaomiao touched her hair and tears ran down her face, saying that she never thought she would realize her dream in this way. This black hair is so dark and beautiful, it is more attractive than the most handsome man in the world.

Lu Qingjiu looked at the time and said, "Are you so excited that you can't sleep?"

Zhu Miaomiao said, "I'm so excited that I can't sleep!"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Then you feed the pigs and chickens. I'll sleep for a while."

Zhu Miaomiao: "..."

Lu Qingjiu said, "You have to work if you have hair."

Zhu Miaomiao: "Is there nothing you want to say to my hair?"

Lu Qingjiu said honestly, "No."

"Goodbye." Zhu Miaomiao said ruthlessly, "You have lost a precious friend."

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

Zhu Miaomiao turned around decisively, stroked her black hair gently, and hopped to the yard to feed the pigs.

Lu Qingjiu yawned helplessly, turned back to the room and decided to sleep for a while.