Fantasy Farm

Chapter 100: Little accident


Just because of the generosity of the female ghost, two savages suddenly appeared in the family. Not only Lu Qingjiu, but also Yin Xun, who stood beside him and said nothing. Before Bai Yuehu went home, the two spent a while to clean up the rest of the hair, leaving only the frizzy black hair like a primitive man.

During lunch time, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun were a little restless, as if a needle was stuck under their buttocks, Bai Yuehu asked, "Why didn't you cut your hair too?"

"It seems a pity to cut it so long." Lu Qingjiu said, "Just in time to go to town this afternoon, I thought I'd just sell it to a barber shop."

When Bai Yuehu heard this, he frowned slightly: "Sell to a barber shop? What to sell to a barber shop?"

Only then did Lu Qingjiu remember that Bai Yuehu didn't know that hair could be sold for money, so he explained it to Bai Yuehu, saying that the hair on his knees can be sold for at least a few hundred dollars, and if the hair quality is particularly good, it can even be sold. Thousands. After he finished speaking, Bai Yuehu's expression became very subtle. There was disappointment in the surprise, and regret in the disappointment. After a while, he said, "Can you sell your hair for money?"

Only then did Lu Qingjiu remember that Bai Yuehu seemed to have cut his long hair many times, and every time he turned into a real body, his hair would grow longer. Before, he was afraid that the haircuts would be suspicious of the barber shop, so he didn't talk to Bai Yuehu. Yuehu said this, and now Bai Yuehu suddenly knows, it is estimated that this poor fake fox spirit in his family is full of fluctuations, and even suspects that he has missed 100 million.

"It turns out that hair can be sold for money." Bai Yuehu said, "I didn't know that before."

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly comforted Bai Yuehu, saying that he couldn't sell it often, otherwise, the people in the barber shop would definitely be suspicious when they found out that the same person was always selling hair. Bai Yuehu hummed casually, obviously he didn't listen to Lu Qingjiu's words, and all his attention was focused on the keyword of a few hundred dollars. Seeing this, Lu Qingjiu was a little helpless. He could only think of adding some pocket money to Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu next month. It seems that the current pocket money cannot meet the growing material and cultural needs of family members...

In the afternoon, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun went to town quietly, very carefully looking for a barber shop they had never been to before, and sold their long hair like a savage.

Although the hair was of average quality, it was long enough anyway. The barber shop owner gave the two of them five hundred per person. Bai Yuehu was also present when he gave the money. Lu Qingjiu could clearly see that his eyes were almost glued to the money. , there is still a little bit of grievance in his expression, obviously remembering the hair that he had cut before. Ah, what a huge fortune that is, and he just lost it so easily, Bai Yuehu thought in a lonely way.

After spending some time getting a refreshing hairstyle, Lu Qingjiu hurriedly invited Bai Yuehu to a sumptuous meal with the money he got from selling his hair, so as to comfort Bai Yuehu.

It was the first time that Bai Yuehu ate something and didn't know the taste. It was Lu Qingjiu's repeated promise at the dinner table that he would bring him to sell his hair next time after Bai Yuehu's transformation, and he reluctantly showed a smile.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Sigh, add pocket money, add it tomorrow! The children at home are really rich, let's see what it is like to hold the children...

Although the head has been replaced with refreshing short hair, other parts will take some time to recover. This summer is hot, and the hair on the soft parts has turned into short stubble, which is extremely itchy. The worst part is that many parts are still key parts, and it is not too embarrassing to scratch them, so I can only wait until I take a shower at night. when.

Lu Qingjiu was tormented and his consciousness was blurred. He thought that next time he should stay away from Miss Ghost Girl, he really couldn't stand the torment.

The weather in July was getting hotter and hotter. In order to cool down Lu Qingjiu, who couldn't use the air conditioner, Bai Yuehu's lower body changed back to the prototype. Of course, it wasn't the prototype of the fox, but the dragon's. Those black scales were icy cold, and they were very cold when wrapped around him. Lu Qingjiu could not wait to stick his whole body on him. However, Yin Xun was a little afraid of Bai Yuehu who looked like this. When he saw him, he almost always walked around the road. Only when he was eating was he forced to face Bai Yuehu face to face.

Lu Qingjiu felt that Bai Yuehu's tail was actually very beautiful. Every piece of black scales reflected a cool light. When you reached out and touched it, you would feel a hard texture and a smooth touch. With a little body temperature, the hand feels very good. Lu Qingjiu just couldn't put it down. It's just that every time he touched Bai Yuehu's expression, he couldn't tell what was going on. He started to ask what was going on. Later, when he saw that Bai Yuehu didn't say anything, he didn't ask at all, and just touched it cheekily.

The weather is getting hot, and Lu Qingjiu's appetite is also declining, especially after a few hours of cooking in the hot kitchen, he doesn't want to eat anything. But in order not to worry Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun, he still stuffed himself with whatever, pretending to eat deliciously.

However, his appearance was also deceiving Yin Xun, who was a fool who believed in everything. Bai Yuehu still saw it, so Bai Yuehu had been bringing all kinds of strange food to the house during this time, including birds and beasts. The only thing in common is that it tastes good and tastes very appetizing.

Today, Bai Yuehu brought back a big fish with six bodies. When he brought it back, the fish was still alive and thumping in the water tank.

Yin Xun stretched out his hand and poked it, and said, "This fish actually has six bodies, doesn't it mean it has six portions of belly..."

Lu Qingjiu took a fan and shook it slowly: "How do you want to eat it? Braised or sweet and sour, or steamed?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's convenient for you to see how you do it."

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while: "With so much meat, let's have a whole fish feast."

One part is braised, one part is steamed, one part is sweet and sour, and the rest is made into fish balls and boiled in soup. That’s it for lunch.

The meat of this fish is of good quality, with no fishy smell or thorns. When Lu Qingjiu was making the fish, he casually talked to Yin Xun about a special product exposition in the city the day after tomorrow, and asked him if he wanted to go with him.

"What is the Specialty Fair?" Yin Xun was mincing the fish into a puree, and adding some starch later, he could wrap it into fish balls.

"It's a special product from all over the world." Lu Qingjiu said, "You can go and see what you haven't eaten before, and then buy some and come back to eat."

"Okay." Yin Xun said, "I really haven't been there."

Bai Yuehu will definitely follow him. Since the Wang Rumeng incident happened last time, every time Lu Qingjiu goes to the city, Bai Yuehu has to follow Lu Qingjiu, because he is afraid of another accident.

The specialty exposition is actually quite interesting. It is held several times a year in the city, but the types of specialty products exhibited are different each time. Most of them are crops, and occasionally snacks and dry goods.

This time the expo was mentioned casually by Shaohao, but Lu Qingjiu took it to heart after hearing it, and planned to bring his two family members who rarely participate in such events to join in the fun.

There are all kinds of food at this expo, both raw and cooked. After applying for booths in the huge restaurant, manufacturers from all over the world put their goods out. As soon as they entered Lu Qingjiu, they could smell a strong smell. aroma. This aroma is not the same kind of food, but the taste of various foods mixed together. It smells very tempting, even Lu Qingjiu is a little greedy, not to mention Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun.

Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun had never been to a place like this before. As soon as they entered through the door, their eyes turned into stars, and their sparkling appearance was so cute. Needless to say Yin Xun, the two cute tiger teeth on his mouth have long been exposed. Although Bai Yuehu has no expression on his face, Lu Qingjiu can guarantee that if his tail is exposed, it must be wagging happily. With - although that is a dragon's tail.

Lu Qingjiu generously took out a few hundred yuan and put it in the hands of the two of them, saying that please feel free to use the whole exhibition. Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun were both hesitant and finally entered under Lu Qingjiu's urging.

Lu Qingjiu bought a bag of small twists at the door, and sat on the resting seat at the door while eating and playing with his mobile phone. He wasn't as interested in food as Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun, and he couldn't eat much, so he simply Just wait at the door.

The taste of this little twist is quite good, the sweetness is moderate, and it is crunchy. Lu Qingjiu thought that if he had time, he would go back and make some for himself. There are other snacks that he could try himself.

He was thinking so, when he heard loud voices and terrified calls from outside, as if someone had seen some terrifying scene. Lu Qingjiu stood up suspiciously. As soon as he walked out, he saw the billowing smoke and the sky-high flames not far away.

"It's on fire!! Call the police!!"

"How did it suddenly catch fire—what was that place—"

People were having a heated discussion, and more and more people gathered at the door. Lu Qingjiu looked at the place, but was stunned to find that the fire was actually the Yinjian Building that he had been to before. The dazzling fire burst out from the position near the roof, and the flame was accompanied by a strong smell of burnt smell. of black smoke.

Lu Qingjiu felt his arm being grabbed by a hand, he turned his head and saw Bai Yuehu with a solemn expression.

"Is it Yin Jianlou who caught fire?" Lu Qingjiu asked, "What happened to Zhu Rong and the others?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I don't know." He paused for a moment, "But I felt the breath of the candle dragon."

"Candle Dragon?!" Lu Qingjiu was shocked, "He set the fire?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I don't know, but it should have something to do with him."

"Zhu Rong and the others will be all right..." Lu Qingjiu was a little worried.

Bai Yuehu said: "Let's go and have a look."

Lu Qingjiu nodded.

The fire was very big and spread very fast, and because the fire was on a high floor, even if the fire truck came, it might not be able to do anything. For this kind of high-rise fire, the only way is to evacuate the crowd and wait for the high-rise to burn almost to extinguish itself. There are very few other things that can be done.

Lu Qingjiu and the others rushed towards the Yinjian Building against the flow of people.

Lu Qingjiu thought that the building would burn for a long time, but he didn't expect that by the time they got there, the huge fire had already been extinguished, at least no trace of the open flame could be seen from the outside.

"Destroyed?" Lu Qingjiu was a little surprised.

Bai Yuehu's expression was very serious, he said, "You and Yin Xun are waiting outside, I'll go in and have a look."

Lu Qingjiu nodded and told Bai Yuehu to pay attention to safety.

Probably because they were afraid of the fire spreading, there was no one around at the moment, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun hid in the corner, watching the thick smoke rising from the burning building.

"Who do you think set the fire?" Yin Xun whispered, "Is it Zhulong?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "I don't know... But it should have something to do with them."

Yin Xun seemed a little uneasy. He said, "What are they doing here in the human world? Could it be..." He suddenly stopped talking, and lowered his head in a daze, only to see a sharp arrow sticking out from his chest. The knife, the sharp blade penetrated directly through his chest.

"Yin Xun!!!!" Lu Qingjiu cried out in horror.

"Run..." Yin Xun spat out two words with difficulty, and fell to the ground weakly. Lu Qingjiu saw the person standing behind Yin Xun, that was a handsome young man, but different from ordinary people, his eyes were a flaming red, and he had a brutal smile on his face: "Ah, you are Lu Qing Bar?"

Lu Qingjiu turned around and ran.

The boy put away the knife and was about to chase after him, but in the tall building beside him, a figure jumped out, throwing the boy directly to the ground, but it was Bai Yuehu who had entered the tall building to check. The boy's body didn't seem to have a fixed shape, and when Bai Yuehu fluttered, it dissipated like smoke and dust.

Seeing this, Lu Qingjiu quickly stepped forward to help Yin Xun, and said, "Yin Xun, Yin Xun, are you alright?!"

He reached out and probed Yin Xun's nose, but found that there was no breath there. Lu Qingjiu was so frightened that his soul flew away: "Yuehu, Yuehu, it's not good, Yin Xun is out of breath—"

Bai Yuehu's face remained calm, and he walked slowly to Yin Xun's side. After briefly checking Yin Xun's condition, he said, "It's alright, go back and soak it in water and you can use it."

Lu Qingjiu: "Huh?"

Bai Yuehu said, "It's just the suspended animation mechanism."

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

After Bai Yuehu's explanation, Lu Qingjiu finally accepted the fact that Yin Xun was fine. Bai Yuehu said that creatures like mountain gods are incapable and fragile, so they have evolved many defense mechanisms. The person who eats it has diarrhea, such as the passive defense mechanism of directly feigning death if it hurts a vital point, which makes the carnivores who covet his flesh lose interest. After all, most carnivores only eat living things.

Lu Qingjiu listened with mixed emotions. He was happy that Yin Xun was fine, but he was thinking about how many tragic past events they experienced before they could evolve such abilities...

"Where's the candle dragon, has it escaped?" Lu Qingjiu helped Yin Xun up from the ground and asked Bai Yuehu what he was worried about, "And Zhu Rong and the others..."

Bai Yuehu frowned and said, "I suspect that their target is not Yin Jianlou."

"Isn't it Yinjianlou?" Lu Qingjiu asked, "Where is that?"

Bai Yuehu shook his head, indicating that he doesn't know yet, but since Zhulong's goal is not Yinjianlou, Zhu Rong and the group of little monsters should not be in any danger, and according to Bai Yuehu, the fire has been extinguished. A trip up to make sure there were almost no casualties. Only then did Lu Qingjiu feel relieved, and planned to carry Yin Xun on his back.

Seeing this, Bai Yuehu stopped Lu Qingjiu's movements. He stretched out his hand and lifted Yin Xun like a sack, and said, "Let's go, go home."

"Yeah." Lu Qingjiu didn't have the heart to continue shopping.

The three found a pickup truck and rode home in the truck. Lu Qingjiu was thinking about Zhulong all the way. He didn't understand what Zhulong wanted to do. He set a fire in Yinjian Building. , Do you just want to provoke Zhu Rong? But now that I think about it carefully, Zhu Rong is not only the god of Xia, but also the god of fire, flame is not a terrible thing to him...

"Are you scared?" Bai Yuehu seemed a little worried when she saw that Lu Qingjiu didn't speak.

Hearing this, Lu Qingjiu quickly shook his head, indicating that he was fine: "No."

Bai Yuehu said: "I shouldn't have left your side."

Lu Qingjiu looked helpless: "How can I blame you for this? Can you stay by my side 24 hours a day? Besides, I'm also an adult, so I should be responsible for some things myself." He and Bai Although Yuehu is a lover, they are also two independent individuals. Even if Bai Yuehu protects him tightly, there will still be some omissions. But even if it was an omission, it wasn't Bai Yuehu's fault, he should be responsible for himself.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." Lu Qingjiu continued to comfort him.

Bai Yuehu stopped talking, his lips pursed into a tight arc.

After finally arriving at home in the tormented atmosphere, Lu Qingjiu quickly put Yin Xun in the water as Bai Yuehu said.

"How long does it take to soak?" Lu Qingjiu looked at Yin Xun a little worried.

"At least half a day." Bai Yuehu replied.

Lu Qingjiu snorted and planned to go to the kitchen to cook, but saw that Bai Yuehu was not as enthusiastic about food as usual, but was sitting in the courtyard thinking gloomily.

Lu Qingjiu understood what Bai Yuehu was thinking in almost a moment. Obviously, Bai Yuehu was still sulking about leaving him just now.

The roaring cicadas became especially harsh at this time. Bai Yuehu was sitting in the yard, his eyes were half-drooping, and his entire body exuded low air pressure. If Yin Xun was still there, he would definitely walk around him.

Lu Qingjiu entered the room for about half an hour before he came out. When he came out, he had a bowl of red and bright smoothie in his hand. The smoothie was poured with strawberry juice and hawthorn jam, and watermelon grapes were placed on top. Fruits look extra tempting.

He walked to Bai Yuehu, put down the smoothie and spoon, and said, "Eat it."

Bai Yuehu didn't move.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "Do you want me to feed you?"

Bai Yuehu hummed, Lu Qingjiu raised his hand to scoop a spoonful of smoothie and was about to deliver it to his mouth. Seeing this, Bai Yuehu directly reached out and grabbed Lu Qingjiu's arm, frowning: "You can't eat ice."

Lu Qingjiu: "I'm not... um!"

This was a kiss that wasn't too gentle, with a little anxiety about losing it. It wasn't until Lu Qingjiu responded that Bai Yuehu's movements softened.

After the kiss ended, Lu Qingjiu's breath became a little chaotic, he said, "I really don't blame you."

Bai Yuehu said: "But I blame myself."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay, don't say that, you won't be angry after eating the smoothie, darling." He used a spoon to put the smoothie into Bai Yuehu's mouth.

Bai Yuehu held the spoon and said vaguely, "I don't want to eat smoothies."

"Then what do you want to eat?" Lu Qingjiu asked

"I want to eat you." Bai Yuehu grabbed Lu Qingjiu's fingers.

Lu Qingjiu raised the corners of his mouth, put him close to Bai Yuehu's ear, and said hello softly.

When Yin Xun came out of the water basin, it was already dark, and the hole in his chest had completely healed, and he could no longer feel anything strange. In fact, when the knife came in, he didn't feel any pain at all. His last thought was to make Lu Qingjiu run away quickly. After all, he could be reborn, but Lu Qingjiu couldn't.

Now that he has returned home safely, it means that Lu Qingjiu is fine, Yin Xun is relieved. He slowly crawled out of the water basin, found the clothes lying next to him and put them on. He felt his hungry stomach and planned to go into the house to find something to eat, but as soon as he walked to the door, he heard the room There was some kind of blushing and heart-pounding voice from inside, that voice belonged to Lu Qingjiu, Yin Xun's whole face burned when he heard it, and he quickly turned around and went home.

There were only three of his mother's breathable humanoid creatures in this village. Now the other two humanoid creatures are together, and Yin Xun is the only one left. But having said that, the lady ghost in the backyard is quite beautiful, and she is not married, so I don't know if I still have a chance.

Motivated by Lu Qingjiu, Yin Xun suddenly had an immature idea...

The next day, Yin Xun went to Lu Qingjiu's house to eat as usual, but this time he had a bunch of beautiful wild flowers in his hand. Lu Qingjiu saw the flowers in Yin Xun's hand and asked Yin Xun suspiciously if he wanted to give it away. To whom, there are only two pigs and a fox left in this house. Could it be that Yin Xun has any interest in small animals

For this reason, Xiaohua also cast a vigilant look at Yin Xun.

Yin Xun hurriedly explained that he didn't have such a strong taste, and he would never be so hungry that he would attack small animals, Lu Qingjiu said, "Then who do you give the flowers in your hand?"

Yin Xun said, "Fu Ziying is really a good name."

Lu Qingjiu was drinking soy milk and almost choked himself to death, his face flushed from coughing: "You don't even spare the dead!"

Yin Xun said righteously, "Am I also a dead ghost?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." It seems quite reasonable.

Yin Xun: "Everyone is a dead ghost, so we definitely shouldn't despise each other."

Lu Qingjiu fell into deep thought.

Yin Xun said, "You cook first, and I'll go see her in the backyard."

Lu Qingjiu wanted to say something, but he saw that Yin Xun was already happily rushing to the backyard. Looking at Yin Xun's happy back, Lu Qingjiu really couldn't bear to remind Yin Xun, did he forget those days when time seemed like an arrow? , Yin Xun cried even worse than him at that time.

Forget it, when the child grows up, it's normal to want to talk about love. Lu Qingjiu comforted him like this.

As a result, half an hour later, Yin Xun appeared in the kitchen crying. Lu Qingjiu was stunned by his appearance: "Yin Xun, what's in your eyes!!" Yin Xun's eyes were covered with a string of black elongated object.

Yin Xun cried and said, "No, I don't care if I say leg hair or something. Damn why do eyelashes count as hair."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Pfft!!"

Yin Xun: "I can't see anything!!!"

Lu Qingjiu burst out laughing, and almost didn't let himself laugh straight away. Yin Xun wept and said that it seemed that this female ghost lady had no luck.

Lu Qingjiu wiped away his tears, patted Yin Xun on the shoulder, and said it was all right, fate has come, and it will always be found.

The author has something to say: Yin Xun: I want to fall in love! !

Lu Qingjiu: Request

Yin Xun: Live!

Bai Yuehu: Why are your requirements so high

Yin Xun: …

Thanks to the following babies for mine grenades and rocket launchers

Thanks to demeter for the grenade x2

Thank you leo for loving Tanmeimeimeimei's rocket launcher x1

Thanks for looking ahead grenade x1

Thank you for the grenade x1

Thanks to Jojo who slept with Xizixu's grenade x1

Thanks to Jiayu for the water-chasing grenade x1

Thanks to Guaguabengua for the grenade x1

Thanks for the four-two grenade x1

Thanks to Cui Xiaohe for the grenade x1

Thanks for the grenade x1

Thanks to the rainy mines x2

Thanks salted fish fat times mine x2

Thank you for the mines you met x2

Thanks to Pink Claw Big White Cat's mine x2

Thanks to Xiao Chen for mine x2

Thanks to the fox's mine x1

Thanks a veywei for mine x1

thanks to yvette for mine x1

Thanks to dazhuangjiaqi- for mine x1

Thank you I am the landmine of the lord x1

Thanks for asking Jing's mines x1

Thanks to Qu Youyang for mine x1

Thanks to Mu Chan for mine x1

Thank you for the mines of the dust x1

Thanks for the landmine x1

Thanks to Yinchuan Butterfly Jun's Butterfly Mine x1

Thanks meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow mine x1

Thank you Yin Fengyue. mine x1

Thanks for Yuema's mine x1

Thanks to yuuuuuu for mine x1

Thanks to Su Tang for mine x1

Thanks mine x1

Thanks Snow Half Pin Mine x1

Thanks for the mine x1

Thanks to Spark's Mine x1

Thanks to wanda for mine x1

Thanks to 1234's mine x1

Thanks to Bi Wenjun for the humming of the mines x1

Thanks to cherryontop for mines x1

Thanks Yuanshan Harugen for mine x1

Thanks to ovo for mine x1

Thanks for the bean smashed mine x1

Thanks innocent mine x1

Thanks mine x1

Thanks to Lu Luxiu for mine x1

Thanks to me|dog|brother's mine x1

Thanks: 0 Keke Mines x1

Thanks for my very quiet mine x1

Thanks for a pot of Crow Soup's mines x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to Ji Qiu's mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to peach meow's mine x1

Thanks to 26411109 for mine x1

Thanks to Shen Yuyuan's mine x1