Fantasy Farm

Chapter 101: The meaning of spring


A few days later, Lu Qingjiu learned that the fire caused by the candle dragon did not cause any casualties. Although the situation at the time seemed very critical, it seemed that because Zhu Rong rushed back in time, only some humans were injured due to the smoke, but fortunately there was no fear of their lives.

However, this is just the beginning. This candle dragon hiding in the human world started to create chaos, either setting fires or eating people, causing panic in the whole city, and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

Lu Qingjiu read the news this morning. The news said that someone had found three headless bodies in a park last night. The murderer has not yet been brought to justice. In the news, citizens are urged not to go out as much as possible during this time. Even if they go out, they must choose a place with many people and bright lights…

Lu Qingjiu immediately thought of Zhulong when he saw the news. He called Hu Shu and asked about the specific situation of the case.

Hu Shu didn't expect Lu Qingjiu to be interested in this case, so he gave Lu Qingjiu a general introduction to the case very enthusiastically. It is said that the three corpses did not have heads, and the heads were directly bitten off by some beasts, the abdomens were also cut open, and all the soft internal organs were eaten up. However, because these contents are too bloody, the police station temporarily retained the case information in this regard and did not disclose it. According to the condition of the corpse, the forensic doctor judged that the perpetrator could not be a giant beast that existed in the city.

"Brother Lu, do you have any thoughts on this case?" Hu Shu asked Lu Qingjiu expectantly. He was about to be annoyed by these cases recently. Although these cases were mainly handled by the people above, those people He is also helpless with the murderer, and he can't even catch the murderer's tail.

"No." Lu Qingjiu didn't dare to reveal his tone. People in Zhu Rong's side who knew about the candle dragon would definitely think of this kind of beast immediately. Even if they knew about it, there was nothing they could do with the candle dragon, and they might risk their own lives. go in.

Hu Shu said: "Then if you have any clues, you must tell me about it. This murderer is too cruel, and he will commit crimes in the near future."

Lu Qingjiu nodded and said yes.

Then in the evening, Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu talked about the candle dragon. Bai Yuehu said that the candle dragon might not be able to suppress his fierceness to do these things. After all, there are no human laws in another world, and they can always Unleash the slaughter anywhere, and use the instinct to mutilate the surrounding creatures.

Lu Qingjiu thought of his grandfather: "Is this also the case with the contaminated Yinglong?"

Bai Yuehu nodded: "But they are more picky." Usually they only eat what they like most and what they hate the most. As for other small fish and shrimp, they are almost too lazy to put too much effort into them.

Lu Qingjiu sighed, he understood.

Bai Yuehu said that he might have to go out tomorrow, and told Lu Qingjiu to pay attention to safety. It is best not to leave the yard. Lu Qingjiu obediently responded, saying that he would cook sauerkraut at home tomorrow and would not leave the house for a day.

Just looking at Bai Yuehu's appearance, he was still a little worried, until Lu Qingjiu promised that he would never leave before he reluctantly agreed.

It seems that Bai Yuehu is also busy with the candle dragon's affairs. After the candle dragon's breath is hidden, it is difficult to find it. In addition, this is the human world after all, and many methods cannot be used, otherwise it may cause harm to human beings.

While there are no taboos, it is no wonder that the candle dragon has not been found yet.

The next day, after Bai Yuehu left, Lu Qingjiu started making sauerkraut. This sauerkraut was originally best made in winter, but Lu Qingjiu couldn't stand the cold environment, so he had to change the time. He washed the cabbage, dragged out the sauerkraut jar and a lot of salt, and planned to put the cabbage in neatly one by one.

They like to eat sauerkraut here, especially the sauerkraut they make at home. Compared with the sauerkraut outside, the sauerkraut at home will have a stronger sour taste and a crisper texture. What sauerkraut fish, sauerkraut vermicelli soup, or some sauerkraut when grilling meat are all delicious. Especially in summer, this peculiar pickle is even more useful. It is sour, crisp and refreshing, even with rice.

Yin Xun also came to help, with a lollipop in his mouth helping Lu Qingjiu wash the cabbage.

All cabbage is grown at home, it is sweet and delicious, and it will be delicious if you want to make it into sauerkraut. Lu Qingjiu put the cabbage on a bamboo mat to dry in the sun. It is best not to get water on the cabbage for making sauerkraut, otherwise it will easily destroy the flora in the sauerkraut jar and cause mold. After drying, it can be fermented in a cool place with salt. , In a few months, delicious sauerkraut will be out.

They had some leftover pickles from last year's house, so Lu Qingjiu cleaned up the other jars after drying the cabbage.

He was doing it with his head down, when he heard a thud from the door, as if something had hit their door.

Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun stopped at the same time, they looked at each other and saw doubts in each other's eyes.

"Who's outside?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

No one answered, there was silence outside.


"Who is it?" Yin Xun wiped the water in his hands off his clothes, walked to the door, looked out from the cat's eye, he didn't know what he saw, and he took a deep breath, "This, this what's that thing."

"What's wrong?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

Yin Xun said, "You can come and see for yourself."

Lu Qingjiu walked over and also looked at the cat's eye at the door. This iron door was replaced by Bai Yuehu. It was a fragile wooden door before. Although the rigid style of this iron door seemed incompatible with the whole yard, it was good. There is sufficient guarantee for safety. Although Maoyan's line of sight was very narrow, Lu Qingjiu could barely see the situation outside.

There was no one outside except for flowers blooming all over the place.

These colorful flowers bloom in the green grass, and there are even colorful butterflies flying in them, which looks beautiful. The flowers were like a heavy blanket, covering Lu Qingjiu's door directly. However, although the picture was beautiful, it gave Lu Qingjiu a chill on his back. He turned his head to look at Yin Xun, in Yin Xun's face I saw the same horrified expression.

"I don't know what this is either." Lu Qingjiu said, "But it feels... it's not a good thing."

Yin Xun said, "Let's call Bai Yuehu?"

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, but shook his head and sent a text message to Bai Yuehu. He was afraid that Bai Yuehu was at a critical juncture in a fight. It's not a critical moment, Bai Yuehu will definitely hear the phone's text message ringtone.

Fortunately, the flowers outside the door did not change, so Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun walked into the courtyard and continued to wait.

But soon, there was a strange thumping sound outside the door. Yin Xun couldn't hold it in any longer. He leaned close to the cat's eye and took a closer look. Why is it increasing…”

Lu Qingjiu: "Too much?"

Yin Xun nodded quickly.

Lu Qingjiu also took a few glances and found that the flowers outside the door were indeed increasing. This kind of change made people very uneasy, as if something terrible had happened under their noses.

"By the way, can't you see the entire Shuifu Village?" Lu Qingjiu suddenly remembered Yin Xun's abilities, "Can you see it now?"

Yin Xun slapped his thigh and said, "Oh, I forgot about it." He usually uses this ability to see the situation on the mountain, but he forgot that it can also be seen in the village.

"Let me see." Yin Xun closed his eyes.

Lu Qingjiu sat next to him and waited, but found that Yin Xun's face with his eyes closed became more and more ugly, and finally his whole body trembled. His voice started to tremble: "Sake..."

"What's going on outside?" Lu Qingjiu hurriedly asked.

Yin Xun said, "I..."

Lu Qingjiu said, "What?"

Yin Xun said, "I... Let's wait for Bai Yuehu to come back."

Lu Qingjiu was stunned for a moment. He wanted to ask Yin Xun what the flowers in that place outside were, but Yin Xun pursed his lips and didn't want to say any more. Seeing this, Lu Qingjiu couldn't force him any more. He couldn't understand, what exactly did Yin Xun see to show such resistance.

The atmosphere in the courtyard was terrifyingly quiet, and Lu Qingjiu couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and asked Yin Xun if he wanted to eat, only to see Yin Xun shaking his head in a panic.

"I don't want to eat." Yin Xun muttered, "I'm not hungry."

Lu Qingjiu hesitated.

Yin Xun said: "Jiu'er... I know you want to ask what the hell is outside, but I think it's better not to know about this thing." His eyes were a little empty, "I..."

"Okay, I won't ask." Seeing that he was being stimulated a little bit, Lu Qingjiu quickly pressed his shoulder to show comfort, "Don't be afraid."

A wry smile appeared on Yin Xun's face.

The best way now is to wait for Bai Yuehu to come back, but after sending the text message from the mobile phone, there is no reply. It seems that the situation on Bai Yuehu's side is not particularly optimistic, otherwise he will not look at his mobile phone.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, then simply took a bag of melon seeds from the house and sat down in the yard to eat slowly. Yin Xun was infected by Lu Qingjiu's calm attitude, and his mood also eased a lot, but he refused to come again. Cat's Eye glanced at it, but it didn't stop Lu Qingjiu from looking at it.

The lush flowers were already everywhere they could see outside the house. The beautiful flowers were delicate and dazzling, surrounded by bees and butterflies, as if in spring.

It was just what this gorgeous scene meant, but Lu Qingjiu was full of doubts. He couldn't understand what Yin Xun saw that made him react so violently.

It was getting dark, and Lu Qingjiu's phone rang. He picked up the phone and glanced at it, but it was Bai Yuehu's call.

After the call was connected, Lu Qingjiu heard Bai Yuehu's voice. His tone was a little hurried. He asked where Lu Qingjiu was now and if he had gone out. It seemed that he just saw the message Lu Qingjiu sent him.

"I didn't go out yet." Lu Qingjiu spat out a melon seed skin, "Don't worry about me, Yin Xun and I have been waiting for you in the house."

"Okay, I'll be right back, you must not go out." Bai Yuehu reiterated.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Well, we are all fine, don't be too hasty, you must pay attention to safety."

Bai Yuehu hung up the phone after responding.

"Bai Yuehu will be back soon." Lu Qingjiu coaxed Yin Xun, "Don't be afraid."

Yin Xun's expression was complicated. He licked his lips and whispered, "Ji'er, do you really want to know what's going on outside?"

Lu Qingjiu naturally wanted to know, people are all curious, no matter what the answer to the question is, there will always be a desire for knowledge. Just looking at Yin Xun's bad state, Lu Qingjiu couldn't bear to let him say it, so when faced with Yin Xun's question, Lu Qingjiu shook his head to indicate that he didn't want to know... Anyway, Bai Yuehu will come back later and ask Bai Yue directly. Fox should be able to understand what happened outside.

Seeing this, Yin Xun lowered his head, feeling very depressed, and Lu Qingjiu didn't know how to comfort him.

About five or six minutes later, there was the sound of the door opening, Lu Qingjiu rushed to the door, and sure enough he saw Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu stood among the flowers in that place, but his extremely gloomy face formed a sharp contrast with the delicate flowers under his feet.

As soon as the door opened, Bai Yuehu hadn't even said a word. In the sky in the distance, a round thing flew over and smashed directly into Lu Qingjiu's yard from the door. The thing rolled in a circle. , Everywhere you reach, flowers are everywhere. Lu Qingjiu was stunned for a moment, looking at the round thing in a conditioned reflex, but Bai Yuehu's reaction was to reach out to cover Lu Qingjiu's eyes, but before that, Lu Qingjiu had already seen clearly.

It was a human head, cut off from the neck, and the eyes were closed peacefully, but he could still barely recognize where he had seen it before.

Based on his memory, Lu Qingjiu quickly remembered where he had seen the owner of the head, Jumang.

This is Chunshen Jumang, the one who was dressed in fancy clothes and looked like a girl, was the Chunshen, and actually died.

Wherever his head can reach, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, like spring.

Lu Qingjiu froze in place: "That voice just now..." Lu Qingjiu turned to look at Yin Xun.

Yin Xun was extremely depressed. He answered Lu Qingjiu's question in a low voice, "Someone is throwing Jumang's head from a distance..." and smashed it on the iron door of their house.

Dong, dong, dong, and then one after another, like a desperate urging, the head bounced off the door and rolled toward other places, blooming flowers all over the place.

No wonder the sound was continuous, no wonder the flowers on the ground became more and more numerous.

This is Spring God's blanket made of death, and the bees and butterflies on it are Spring God's painful cry.

"Yes... Who did it?" Lu Qingjiu asked with difficulty, "Is it Zhulong?"

Neither Bai Yuehu nor Yin Xun spoke, they both fell into a strange silence at the same time.

And Lu Qingjiu tasted the clue from this silence. An incredible thought popped up in his mind, and said, "It's not the candle dragon... that's..."

"It's your grandfather." Bai Yuehu's answer confirmed Lu Qingjiu's guess, "To be precise, it's your grandfather after being contaminated."

Lu Qingjiu was dumbfounded. He finally understood why Yin Xun didn't want to tell him what happened outside, because his grandfather was standing at the door and smashed the head on the black door of their house again and again.

"Why did he do this?" Lu Qingjiu didn't understand.

"Killing is just instinct." Bai Yuehu said, "There is no need for a reason."

Lu Qingjiu closed his eyes in pain.

Bai Yuehu said: "It's like this in another world. Without the constraints of laws, it's a chaotic wild world."

Lu Qingjiu didn't know what to say anymore, his head rested on a lush flower, giving birth to a beautiful butterfly, some butterfly waving its wings, and stopped at the tip of Jumang's nose, Jumang's expression was not painful, It can even be said to be peaceful, this scene is grotesque and terrifying, but it also has a beauty that makes people feel terrified.

"Spring God is dead, what about spring?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"He will be resurrected." Bai Yuehu walked to Jumang's side, reached out and picked up his head, "It just takes some time." The god sent to the four seasons is immortal, as long as there is spring, he will There is still a chance of resurrection. After many years, perhaps in a flower that blooms from spring, there will be a god in a fancy dress, holding an umbrella that can produce all things, lazy. Yawned like a long sleep.

Hearing that Jumang could be resurrected, Lu Qingjiu breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the head in Bai Yuehu's hand and asked, "Then what should I do with this head..."

Bai Yuehu glanced at it: "Send it to Zhu Rong."

Lu Qingjiu: "Oh..." Before he could finish, he heard Bai Yuehu say, "Or spend some money to sell it to Shaohao, doesn't he like gardening the most?" This one can keep producing flowers. Blankets can be said to be very environmentally friendly.

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

Bai Yuehu said: "It seems a little inhumane?"

Lu Qingjiu: "How much can you sell?"

Bai Yuehu: "Last time it seemed that I sold it for 500 yuan."

Lu Qingjiu's expression distorted, he would not have noticed the key words in Bai Yuehu's tone: "Last time?"

Only then did Bai Yuehu realize that he had missed his mouth and explained, "It was an accident last time."

Lu Qingjiu: "You sold the accident for 500 yuan?"

Bai Yuehu stared at the head in his hand and fell silent.

Lu Qingjiu: "And why does it sell for 500 yuan, isn't Jumang's head too cheap?"

Bai Yuehu said: "How much does it sell for?"

Lu Qingjiu: "... At least, five hundred more?"

Bai Yuehu: "Okay."

Yin Xun, who was originally full of horror and pain, fell into a bewildered silence after listening to the conversation between the two. Judging from his expression, it seemed that his consciousness became more blurred. Lu Qingjiu was a little worried about him, so he quickly spoke out a few words of comfort. Yin Xun shook his head, saying that he was fine, and asked what to do with the flowers in this place.

Lu Qingjiu didn't know what to do, so he looked at Bai Yuehu, knowing that he must have sufficient experience.

Bai Yuehu glanced at it and said don't worry, without Jumang's head, the flower itself will be gone the next day, and let Lu Qingjiu wait at home. will keep blooming. Lu Qingjiu said goodbye and saw Bai Yuehu leaving again.

"Do you want to eat something?" Lu Qingjiu asked Yin Xun. Because they had been waiting nervously in the room, they didn't even eat dinner. After relaxing a little, Lu Qingjiu felt hungry.

"I want to eat some meat." Yin Xun squeaked like a cabbage that had lost its moisture. Although Bai Yuehu explained the situation, he was still immersed in the picture he just saw and couldn't extricate himself.

Lu Qingjiu probably understood his state, and said, "Then, shall I make fried chicken for you?"

Yin Xun nodded in agreement.

Their family seldom eats fried chicken, and Lu Qingjiu only cooks it once in a while.

There are leftover chicken thighs at home. Lu Qingjiu took it out and thawed it, marinated it, then wrapped it in bread crumbs and fried it in low temperature. Fried chicken usually has two passes of oil, the first pass is low temperature oil to make the chicken cooked, and the second pass is high heat to make the outer layer of the chicken crispy and golden, to force out the oil inside.

After Lu Qingjiu was fried, he also made dipping sauces. The two chose a movie in the living room and watched it while eating fried chicken.

Yin Xun drank ice Coke, Lu Qingjiu drank chocolate milk, and the atmosphere finally calmed down.

Bai Yuehu went quickly and came back soon. After returning, he also ate fried chicken on the sofa. The three of them temporarily forgot the blood-like flowers in the yard and put all their attention in front of them. on the movie.

Lu Qingjiu chose a warm comedy, and after watching it, he felt that his mind was also purified. Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu obviously preferred the fried chicken in their hands, they all ate them seriously, and soon their faces were covered with crumbs of bread crumbs.

After eating the fried chicken, it was almost twelve o'clock. Yin Xun got up to leave and went home. Lu Qingjiu watched him leave.

"Have you encountered any trouble today?" Lu Qingjiu turned his head and asked Bai Yuehu.

"Well." Bai Yuehu said, "That candle dragon is evolving."

"Evolution?" Lu Qingjiu said, "What do you mean?"

Bai Yuehu said, "It means he can control himself better."

Lu Qingjiu: "...But shouldn't this be a good thing?"

Bai Yuehu sighed: "It's not a good thing." Only then did he explain what evolution means. It turned out that Torch Dragon was born with a strong desire for destruction. This desire for destruction made him easy to find, but if Torch Dragon After evolution, they will control the desire to destroy, which seems to be good for the time being, but after a long time, they will not be able to find the trace of the candle dragon. And if the candle dragon is allowed to live in the human world, once it goes out of control, it will be a devastating disaster. Now is the best time to find the candle dragon, but at present, the search process is not very smooth. The Shaohao family originally managed the Phoenix Nirvana, but Xiaomei was not very familiar with this area, so she was slow to find it, and most importantly, the candle dragon seemed to have found a place to live...

Lu Qingjiu became a little worried after hearing this, but he really couldn't help, saying that he could only comfort Bai Yuehu with food.

"Maybe there are other ways to comfort me." Bai Yuehu said suddenly when he looked at Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu didn't understand what Bai Yuehu meant at first, but he didn't realize until Bai Yuehu kissed his lips.

After the kiss was over, Bai Yuehu directly picked up Lu Qingjiu and headed towards the bedroom. The weather is hot at the moment, and cicadas are chirping everywhere on the treetops, but it doesn't make people irritable. Maybe it's because the people next to me soothe the most manic part of my heart.

Lu Qingjiu was lying on the soft bed, lightly biting the furry ears of Bai Yuehu, with a gentle smile on his face, he closed his eyes, but before his eyes floated the dense flowers in the courtyard. There is a sentence mang with closed eyes among the flowers. Fortunately, this scene just flashed by, and soon Lu Qingjiu's field of vision was filled with Bai Yuehu. Bai Yuehu's scorching eyes erased the bad memory, so Lu Qingjiu could only focus all his attention. On the black dragon who was focused in front of him.

The author has something to say: Bai Yuehu: I want to fill all your vision.

Lu Qingjiu: Alright.

Bai Yuehu: And your body.

Lu Qingjiu: …

Thanks to the following babies for mine grenades and rocket launchers

Thanks to Brother He and Brother Yu for the hand grenade x1, rocket launcher x1

Thanks to Jojo who slept with Xizixu's grenade x1

Thanks for the mines who moved my dick x4

Thank you for mine x2

Thanks to sangnazha090 for mine x2

Thanks to the mines of the waste snack x2

Thanks: 0 Keke Mines x2

Thank you for the mindless mine x2

Thank you for not making trouble x1

Thanks to the fox's mine x1

Thanks to the Peach Blossom Demon's mines x1

Thanks for Yanmo's mines x1

Thanks to the mines of the seventh melody x1

Thanks to Fanfan's mines x1

Thanks to dazhuangjiaqi- for mine x1

Thanks to Kuo Rabbit, also called Meatballzi's mine x1

Thanks babble babble mine x1

Thanks to the seaweed mine x1

Thanks to the iron head sister's mine x1

Thank you for not finding the landmine x1

Thank you for waiting for the mines x1

Thanks Xianmo FIT's mine x1

Thanks to Muyue's mine x1

Thanks to the addict's mine x1

Thanks to allendandi la for mines x1

Thank you for the mines you met x1

Thanks to Zi Muyao for mine x1

Thanks to Ziran biu for mine x1

Thanks -Heng- for the mines x1

Thanks to Qingxing Deng's mine x1

Thanks to the windy mines x1

Thanks for the good weather mine x1

Thanks to Yachuaner's mine x1

Thanks for Shuni's Mine x1

Thanks Bamboo Bamboo for mines x1

Thanks to cherryontop for mines x1

Thanks Yuanshan Harugen for mine x1

Thanks Hong's mines x1

Thanks to Xiao Chen for mine x1

Thanks for the four-two mines x1

Thanks to Yu Xi for mine x1

Thanks for the bean smashed mine x1

Thanks to Soku's mines x1

Thanks is her mine x1

Thanks to Su Cha's mine x1

Thanks for the mine x1

Thanks to mine x1 for a bowl of green vegetable porridge

Thanks to 21552736 for mine x1

Thanks for the shrimp paper mine x1

Thanks for the black hole mine x1

Thanks for a pot of Crow Soup's mines x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks for the mine x1

Thanks for Muba's mines x1

Thanks for the fourth destination mine x1

Thanks to the rainy mines x1