Fantasy Farm

Chapter 110: Summer meaning


After Bai Yuehu left, Zhu Rong did not give up chasing the runaway candle dragon. Although candle dragons without breeders are easier to find, according to the previous situation, such candle dragons are also more dangerous. Their spirits will be in a state of extreme confusion, they will attack when they see living creatures, and almost lose all their sanity. It is extremely inappropriate to put such a creature in the human world. It may not only lead to heavy casualties in the human world, but also may reveal the non-human situation, making the aftermath very difficult.

Fortunately, the candle dragon at this time will not deliberately conceal his whereabouts, and it is much easier to find. Originally, Bai Yuehu followed Zhu Rong to chase him, but he received a phone call halfway through, and his face changed drastically, saying that something happened to the sake at home.

Zhu Rong heard the words and told Bai Yuehu to go back quickly, and Bai Yuehu did not hesitate, saying that he would come back immediately after he had dealt with the family affairs, and asked Zhu Rong to be careful.

Zhu Rong nodded and watched Bai Yuehu disappear into a layer of black mist. After sending Bai Yuehu away, he turned his attention back to the candle dragon and continued to follow the trace left by the candle dragon. Soon, the trace became more and more obvious, which also meant that Zhu Rong left the candle dragon. getting closer.

Snowflakes were still falling in the sky, and Zhu Rong's footsteps stopped outside a dark alley.

There are no lights in the alley, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see the situation inside. Fortunately, Zhu Rong is not a human being. He is the god of Xia and the king who controls the flame, so he can clearly see the situation in the alley.

A thin figure squatted in the corner of the alley. He heard Zhu Rong's footsteps and stood up slowly. From the appearance, this is just a thin and thin human boy, not tall enough to Zhu Rong's shoulders, but the strong killing intent exuding from his body is telling Zhu Rong that the person in front of him is the one who ate the host and fled the scene. Candle Dragon.

"It's really annoying." Zhulong slowly turned his head, his eyes no longer had black pupils, they were completely replaced by red flames, and the flames even burst out of his eye sockets, as if the flames constituted his body. In part, his cheeks were covered with scarlet scales, and dragon horns grew on his forehead. Seeing that he was about to turn into a prototype, he stared at Zhu Rong fiercely, his eyes were extremely vicious, and roared in a hoarse voice, "Really? annoying-"

Zhu Rong was very calm. He was used to seeing such a scene. The long whip turned into a flame appeared in his hand, and he said coldly: "Beast, die."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it seemed like he was stimulated by Zhu Rong's words, the candle dragon let out a deafening roar, the flames started to burst out from his skin, his skin sacs became charred black and then started to fall off. In the midnight sky, a giant dragon made of flames soared into the sky, his red eyes and pupils stood up, staring at Zhu Rong standing on the ground indifferently, as if he was looking at ants.

The corner of Zhu Rong's mouth pulled a sarcastic arc, and he said: "What are you going to do? It's not all caused by you."

"Shut up—shut up!!" Scarlet flames spewed out of his mouth and sprayed straight at Zhu Rong, he roared, "Human beings are all liars, all liars—"

The flame touched Zhu Rong's body, but was directly absorbed by him. Zhu Rong flew into the air and shook his long whip. He was fortunate that it was midnight in the cold winter, and the whole city almost fell into a deep sleep. Many people will see this scene, otherwise he will have to spend a lot of effort to deal with the aftermath, but even so, he must fight quickly.

The candle dragon roared again, and charged directly towards Zhu Rong. Although his body was huge, his movements were exceptionally flexible. Huge claws and hideous blood mouth kept greeting Zhu Rong's body, beckoning fatally. There is no room left. Under his attack, Zhu Rong seemed to be at ease. As an executioner, he had long been accustomed to the attack method of the dragon clan. He turned around and avoided a scorching flame, but Zhu Rong felt an unpleasant aura. He turned his head and looked at Zhulong, but found Zhulong's body stopped in mid-air, and looked at him with strange eyes.

"I like him very much too." Zhulong said, "but I am Zhulong."

Zhulong is a monster who can't control his desires. Wu Xiaohang is not wrong, he is really a monster. He is a soul invaded by desire. Even if he bears it for a while, he can't bear it for a lifetime. In this case, let everything below be buried with him.

Zhulong knew that he and Zhu Rong would not be able to fight. If he dragged Bai Yuehu back, his odds of winning would probably be lower, but it doesn't matter, since he arrived here, he has already prepared everything...

Watching Zhu Rong rush towards the residential area, Zhu Rong's face changed greatly, and he hurried forward to stop it. The candle dragon is a fire. Once it slams into the residential area, it will immediately cause a huge fire and explosion, and the whole city will probably be turned into one piece by then. In the sea of fire, Zhu Rong rushed to Zhulong, grabbed his horns with his hands, and used all his strength to force him into the air.

The body was blocked, but Zhulong was not in a hurry. The strange look in his huge eyes was even worse, and a string of hoarse laughter spit out from his throat. He said, "Is it worth it?"

"Of course it's worth it." Zhu Rong said coldly, "Isn't your breeder worth it?"

Zhulong was silent, he knew that he had a lot to do, but in the days of living with the breeder, those things that should be done were not important. He even told himself secretly that if the breeder could accept him as the Torch Dragon, he would try to endure it a little longer... But...

Thinking of this, Zhulong's eyes became cold, but there is no reality, but he is a monster different from the human world after all.

The flame on Zhulong began to burn violently. Zhu Rong noticed something was wrong, but he still did not dare to let go. As soon as he let it go, a terrible disaster would happen. The flame on Zhulong began to spread towards Zhu Rong's body. But it was light blue like ice and snow. When Zhu Rong saw the flames, his face changed greatly, and he said, "You—"

Zhu Long laughed haha, and his tone was filled with unconcealed malice: "Ha, you don't really think I just sneaked into the human world, right? Zhu Rong, choose?"

As a fire god, Zhu Rong is not afraid of fire, but the light blue flame seems to be completely different from ordinary flames. After making contact with Zhu Rong's body, it begins to freeze quickly, and even freezes Zhu Rong's body. At this time, Zhu Rong can choose Let go to deal with the flame, but he knows that as long as he lets go, the candle dragon will not hesitate to rush into the residential area below, and human beings will probably suffer heavy casualties...

Seeing that Zhu Rong didn't want to let go, Zhulong said coldly: "He really knows you very well, Zhu Rong, you will regret your short-sighted choice."

Zhu Rong sneered: "I never regret it."

From the moment he came to the human world and wanted to protect this world, he knew that he would never regret it.

Bai Yuehu returned to the city at the fastest speed. He saw Zhu Rong, who was deadlocked in mid-air with Zhulong. The bright flames emanating from the two of them almost illuminated the entire sky, reflecting the clouds in the sky into bright red. It's just that the flame on Zhulong's body gradually turned into a cold light blue, and the flame soon wrapped Zhu Rong. Bai Yuehu's face changed when he saw this scene, and he didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly made a prototype. He flew towards the candle dragon, but before he flew there, a violent noise broke out where the candle dragon and Zhu Rong were. The sound was shocking. With the sound, Bai Yuehu saw Zhulong's body explode like fireworks in mid-air, and ice blue flames splashed everywhere. Bai Yuehu hurriedly protected the residential area below. , so that the ice blue flame will not hurt anyone.

This blue flame does not seem to be the same as ordinary flames. The temperature is extremely low, and everything it touches is instantly frozen.

And Zhu Rong, who was closest to the candle dragon, froze in mid-air, and then fell straight down.

Bai Yuehu quickly stepped forward to touch him, but the moment he touched Zhu Rong's arm, his heart sank.

Zhu Rong has been completely frozen into an ice sculpture. He opened his eyes, but his eyes were completely lost, but for some reason, Bai Yuehu saw a sad expression in his eyes, as if he had discovered some unacceptable secret. . He wanted to catch Zhu Rong's body, but when he tried to reach out, Zhu Rong's body began to weather into small fragments, and within a moment, it dissipated in Bai Yuehu's hands.

The candle dragon blew itself up and dragged Zhu Rong into hell. Bai Yuehu lowered his head and saw the lights were lit up one after another in the dark residential area. Muddy began to want to see what was going on outside.

It's just that everything was over at this time. Bai Yuehu looked at the last fragment in his hand, and it turned into dust that he couldn't hold and dissipated in this long winter night.

Just when Bai Yuehu was about to turn around and leave, a faint black mist appeared in front of him. The man's silhouette was looming in the black mist. His voice came out from the black mist, and his tone was cold. In a word, he said, "Bai Yuehu, do you really want Lu Qingjiu to die?"

Bai Yuehu stopped, turned his head, and called out the man's name: "Ao Run."

Lu Qingjiu felt very cold. This kind of cold was very different from usual. It was not relieved by putting on thick clothes and roasting on a warm stove. The cold seemed to come out from the cracks in the bones, and as the blood flowed all over his body, he could only keep drinking hot water to make himself feel a little better.

Yin Xun sat beside him with a sad face, kept boiling water for him, and took out the ginger tea that Zhu Rong left behind, and poured it all over Lu Qingjiu. After drinking the ginger tea, Lu Qingjiu felt a little better. He leaned against the bed, his cold teeth chattering.

Yin Xun said worriedly, "When will Bai Yuehu come back, can we have time?"

Lu Qingjiu leaned on the kang with his eyes half-closed. Seeing this, Yin Xun hurried forward and touched Lu Qingjiu's skin, only to feel that it was already cold. He was anxious, but he couldn't do anything. Circling in circles around the house.

"No, no, I have to go out and have a look." Yin Xun said, "Ji'er, hold on for a while."

Lu Qingjiu hummed vaguely, wondering if he heard Yin Xun's words.

After Yin Xun left, Lu Qingjiu was still lying quietly in the room. When he was about to fall asleep, he felt a pair of warm hands touch his forehead. The scorching temperature on the hands made him almost agitated. , and then let out a comfortable sigh.

Lu Qingjiu opened his eyes and saw his grandfather, Aorun.

"Grandpa...?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Why are you here?"

Ao Run held Lu Qingjiu's hand, and wrote in his hand: You let Yin Xun take you away.

Lu Qingjiu: "Huh?"

Aorun: Let him take you out of Shuifu Village. He wrote lightly and went down the mountain road.

Lu Qingjiu said, "But isn't the mountain road blocked? We can't get out..."

It does not matter. Ao Run wrote, I have melted the snow on the mountain road, you can go down by car, go, sake. It seemed that he really wanted Lu Qingjiu to get out of here, and even paved the way for him, but Lu Qingjiu noticed that there was something strange on Ao Run's body. After a closer look, he found that Ao Run was gradually becoming transparent. It seems to be about to disappear.

"Grandpa, are you alright!" Lu Qingjiu was shocked and had a bad guess.

fine. Aorun was very calm and seemed to have no problem. I was just too tired and needed to take a break.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Why..."

Ao Run reached out and touched Lu Qingjiu's head: Get out of here, sake, this is the best choice for you.

Before Lu Qingjiu could speak, Yin Xun's voice sounded outside the house. At the same time that Yin Xun pushed the door in, Ao Run also disappeared in front of Lu Qingjiu, Yin Xun said, "Ji'er? Who are you talking to?"

Lu Qingjiu shook his head and didn't answer. He just asked Yin Xun how the situation was outside.

"The snow on the mountain road has melted." Yin Xun said, "I don't know when Bai Yuehu will come back. Let's go to the town first." The altitude of Shuifu Village is higher and the temperature is much lower than that of the town. The snow is gone, and Lu Qingjiu doesn't know how long he can last in this state. Yin Xun just wants to do what he can do.

Lu Qingjiu didn't answer.

Yin Xun said, "Jiu'er, why don't you talk?" He grabbed Lu Qingjiu's wrist and felt that his skin was really cold, not even the minimum temperature of a human being, and he was even more anxious, "Or if you don't want to leave, I'll call Bai Yuehu again and ask when he'll be back?"

Lu Qingjiu thought about it a lot, he thought of the melancholy in Aorun's expression, and the hexagram that the old tree gave him - when the inherent water in the poor mountain is exhausted, there will be no flowers in the village of willow darkness. , The comprehensiveness is inevitable, and the landscape is difficult to recover. So far, he has not completely figured out what this hexagram means, and what kind of secrets it contains.

"No, I'm not leaving." Lu Qingjiu finally rejected Yin Xun.

Yin Xun was extremely anxious when he heard this. He was really afraid that Lu Qingjiu would slowly turn into a stiff ice sculpture in front of him. Feared, he kept running around the house in a hurry. Just after Yin Xun turned around a few times, his cell phone suddenly rang, and when he opened it, it was actually Bai Yuehu's phone number.

"Hey, how is Sake?" Bai Yuehu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yin Xun was overjoyed and thought that Bai Yuehu was coming back soon, so he hurriedly said, "Come back quickly, Sake's condition is not very good."

Bai Yuehu said: "Bring the sake to the town right away. I'll rush back after I've dealt with the matter here."

Yin Xun didn't expect Bai Yuehu to say such a thing. He was happy, but also worried. He said, "When are you coming back? And who cleaned up the snow on the mountain road?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Don't worry, it was made by Lu Qingjiu's grandfather, go ahead and pay attention to safety."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, Yin Xun was stunned for a moment, and quickly told Lu Qingjiu what Bai Yuehu said on the phone.

Hearing this, Lu Qingjiu felt very strange, why did Bai Yuehu know that Ao Run helped him clear the snow on the mountain road, could they be together at this time? And Bai Yuehu's words clearly mean that things haven't been dealt with yet, and I don't know what happened...

Yin Xun didn't think so much as Lu Qingjiu, and hurriedly urged Lu Qingjiu to leave.

Lu Qingjiu finally agreed. He was helped up by Yin Xun. After Yin Xun stuffed him with warm babies, he took him outside the house and got into the pickup.

Yin Xun sat in the cab, started the engine and let the pickup hurriedly drive to town.

The pickup truck honked twice, as if he understood Yin Xun's words.

Just as the pickup was about to leave, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of the road. Lu Qingjiu took a closer look, but found that this person was actually Xuanyu, a monk he had seen several times. Xuanyu held an oil-paper umbrella in his hand, stood quietly in the snow, bowed to Lu Qingjiu, and called out to Lu Shizhu.

"Why are you stuck in front?" Yin Xun shouted unhappily, "Get out of the way, we're leaving."

Xuan Yu didn't move or was annoyed, just showed a faint smile.

Lu Qingjiu stretched out his hand and pulled Yin Xun, motioning him not to get excited, and then said, "What is the matter with the little master coming to me now?"

Xuanyu said: "I have something to say to Lu Shizhu."

Yin Xun suddenly became furious when he heard this. He said, "Xuanyu, what do you want to do? We're leaving soon, don't get in the way—"

Xuan Yu looked at Yin Xun quietly: "Master Lu is a person who is destined, and the power to choose should be in his hands."

"You fucking shit!!" Yin Xun directly scolded the rude swear words, "He's going to die soon, do you want to watch him die in Shuifu Village? Get the hell out of here!!"

Lu Qingjiu was taken aback by Yin Xun's state. He had never seen Yin Xun so irritable before, it was as if he had eaten a dick. He rushed towards Xuan Yu.

Xuanyu didn't seem to be at all afraid of being bumped into, and still stood quietly in the middle of the road, blocking the way for the two of them.

"What the hell is going on, tell me." Lu Qingjiu rubbed his frozen hands again and said, "What the hell is going on."

Yin Xun said anxiously, "Ji'er, don't listen to his nonsense. If you stay here, you will really die."

Lu Qingjiu shook his head and lightly patted the back of Yin Xun's hand, indicating that he was fine.

Xuanyu walked slowly to Lu Qingjiu's side, and the two looked at each other through the window glass. Xuanyu's expression was still calm, with a deep compassion in his eyes, like a Buddha who saves everything. He said, "Master Lu, if you leave here, Ao Yue will die."

Hearing the name Ao Yue, Lu Qingjiu froze for a moment, then realized that Ao Yue was the real name of Bai Yuehu, ah, it turns out that the fake fox spirit in his family is called Ao Yue, what a cute name like a little girl, I thought of it Bai Yuehu, a smile appeared on Lu Qingjiu's face, and even the impact of Xuanyu's words faded.

"His name is Ao Yue." Lu Qingjiu smiled, "I just knew."

Xuanyu nodded and continued: "As a guardian, you can't leave Shuifu Village, and at such a critical moment, if you leave, not only your lover, but also your friends, and everything in the world will die. …”

Yin Xun, who was sitting next to him, couldn't listen any longer. He opened the car door and rushed towards Xuanyu. He threw Xuanyu directly to the ground. , Dead monk, what nonsense are you talking about here, shut up for me!!!"

Lu Qingjiu was taken aback by Yin Xun's actions, so he got out of the car and pulled Yin Xun back. , let the snowflakes fall on his face and body.

Lu Qingjiu reluctantly stopped, and he looked at Xuanyu: "If there is anything the little master wants to say, just go ahead and say it, I'm listening."

Xuanyu raised her eyes to look at Lu Qingjiu, and said, "Sister Lu, maybe I don't know that I will be happier, do you really want me to continue?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Little Master is joking, didn't you come here to tell me the truth? You are right, at least the power to choose is in my hands." No matter whether the final result is good or bad.

Xuanyu said: "Okay."

Yin Xun, who was standing beside him, suddenly burst into tears. He grabbed Lu Qingjiu's hand and begged him to stop listening to Xuanyu's nonsense, begging him to leave with him, and said that Bai Yuehu would be back soon, as long as Bai Yuehu came back now, nothing more...

Lu Qingjiu could only comfort Yin Xun like a child. He thought of the dead grass and tombstone in Yin Xun's realm, as well as the lies that Yin Xun once told. If he left him in Shuifu Village, he would be with him. Bai Yuehu may have the same bad life as before, but even so, Yin Xun wants him to leave, leave here.

"Go ahead." Lu Qingjiu said.

"The god Zhurong who controlled the summer is dead." Xuan Yu lay in the snow and said slowly, "Without the support of the power of the four gods, the two worlds will soon merge."

Hearing this, Lu Qingjiu stayed where he was. When Bai Yuehu left in a hurry just now, he had a hunch that something bad must have happened, but he didn't expect that Zhu Rong was actually dead.

"And you are the only one who can stop all this." Xuanyu said, "Bai Yuehu can't do it, Zhu Rong can't do it, only you can do it."

Lu Qingjiu said, "But I don't know what to do."

Xuan Yu smiled gently, and he said, "You will know, someone has already given you the answer."

Yin Xun couldn't listen any longer, so he roared and rushed towards Xuanyu again. This time, Lu Qingjiu didn't stop him, and he focused all of his attention on what Xuanyu said.

According to Xuanyu, he is the only one who can stop all this, but how can he stop it? He is just an ordinary person with a quarter of dragon blood. What is he going to do to prevent the tragedy he least wants to see from happening

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the following baby for the mine grenade and rocket launcher Thanks to Li Yue for the grenade x1, rocket launcher x1

Thanks to Xiaoshubushu's mine x1, grenade x1

Thanks Eryou for grenades x1, mines x1

Thanks to Jojo who slept with Xizixu's grenade x1

Thanks to dazhuangjiaqi- for mine x2

Thanks to Deer's Mine x2

Thanks for that maple leaf mine x2

Thanks to the fox's mine x1

Thanks to yuuuuuu for mine x1

Thank you Narcissus is also a fairy mine x1

Thanks to Xizi for being a sweet text player, mine x1

Thank you so much for the mines x1 updated today

Thanks to the rainy mines x1

Thanks to the iron head sister's mine x1

Thanks Ling Xiao for mine x1

Thanks to 27948374 for mine x1

Thank you for not being born mine x1

Thanks to Yan Lan's mines x1

Thanks to the mines for brushing cats and cats x1

Thanks to the windy mines x1

Thanks to cherryontop for mines x1

Thanks to Jiang Yimu for mine x1

Thank you for the mine x1

Thanks Ajie for the best mine x1

Thanks to bamboorill for mines x1

Thanks to Momo Momo for the mines x1

Thanks for the bean smashed mine x1

Thanks to weiwei's mine x1

Thanks Ah Yan's mine x1

Thanks to kkah for mine x1

Thanks salted fish fat times mine x1

Thanks to Lu Sanniang for mine x1

Thanks to the vines' mines x1

Thanks to Fang Luo for mine x1

Thank you for the mine x1

Thanks for my very quiet mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to the right-eyed deaf mine x1

Thank you for the mines x1

Thanks to sake for mine x1

Thanks to Liu Yaoqiu for mine x1

Thanks to She Sanbai for mine x1

Thanks to 33609011 for mine x1