Fantasy Farm

Chapter 19: Dreamcatcher


To be honest, Lu Qingjiu had never heard such a statement before coming here, but looking at Yin Xun's calm expression, it was obvious that he was not surprised by this kind of thing.

"Isn't there an easier solution?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"At least I don't know." Yin Xun said, "But you can ask Bai Yuehu, it looks like he understands these things very well."

Lu Qingjiu glanced at Yin Xun and nodded thoughtfully.

While eating dinner, Lu Qingjiu told Bai Yuehu about it. For dinner, Lu Qingjiu's fried meatballs made tomato ball soup. The fried balls are crispy on the outside, just wrapped in the gravy, and the mouth is full of delicious soup, coupled with the sweet and sour taste of tomato, it is very appetizing.

"Stepping foot?" Bai Yuehu said, "It should be because of the unstable soul." He responded casually, but his statement was the same as Yin Xun.

"Really." Lu Qingjiu said, "Is there any way to solve it?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes."

Lu Qingjiu's eyes lit up: "What method?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Go to the mountain to collect spider webs, and then make the collected spider webs into a net bag. Every night from twelve o'clock to one o'clock, use the net bag to sway back and forth on the top of the person's head."

Lu Qingjiu listened carefully and said, "Is that all it takes?"

Bai Yuehu held his chin and said lazily, "If the soul comes back, it will be saved, if not."

Lu Qingjiu said, "What will happen?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Just prepare for the funeral."

Lu Qingjiu almost choked, he said, "Okay, I'll ask someone to try it."

When the two of them were talking, Yin Xun sat beside him and listened quietly without expressing any opinion. Unlike Lu Qingjiu, although he often ate together, he and Bai Yuehu were still not very close, at least on weekdays. He rarely took the initiative to talk to him. But think about it carefully, Bai Yuehu's indifferent temperament, under normal circumstances, no one will deliberately ask him to chat.

After the meal, Lu Qingjiu told Zhu Miaomiao about the matter, and after hearing it, Zhu Miaomiao claimed that she was okay, saying that she would go and tell the child's parents immediately. Well. He also said that he had already asked for leave, and planned to bring Zhang Chuyang over to grow his hair in two days.

Lu Qingjiu said yes.

After finishing the call, he walked into the yard and saw Yin Xun teasing the group of chicks. The little chick has lost the layer of yellow fluff, and has grown feathers of various colors on his body. Although he is still small, all of them are energetic and chattering non-stop.

Yin Xun held one in his hand, and the others surrounded him with their mouths, trying to get Yin Xun to put their companions down.

Lu Qingjiu said, "What's wrong?"

Yin Xun said, "Sake, do you think what Bai Yuehu said is useful?"

"I don't know." Lu Qingjiu said, "Maybe it will be useful." After all, Bai Yuehu is a vixen, and it is normal to know some things that humans don't know.

"After you came back, did you visit your grandma's grave?" Yin Xun asked suddenly.

"I've been there." Lu Qingjiu went to the mountain shortly after returning to clean up his grandmother's grave. The tomb on the mountain is different from the cemetery in the city. Tube. If future generations do not clean it up, after a year or two, the tomb will be buried by weeds, and there is no place to find it.

"Do you know Dream Catcher?" Yin Xun said.

"Dreamcatcher?" Lu Qingjiu said, "What is that?"

"It is said that it can filter out dreams." Yin Xun said, "Filter out bad dreams and keep good dreams."

Lu Qingjiu looked at Yin Xun, wondering why he suddenly mentioned this.

Yin Xun said, "Bai Yuehu said using cobwebs to make webs. It should have the same effect as this one."

Lu Qingjiu said, "You mean, keep the good souls and take away the bad souls?"

"Yeah." Yin Xun said, "It's just that I suddenly remembered that we actually have another way of saying it here."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Huh?"

Yin Xun said: "Just using this kind of net to move the net around the deceased's grave seems to be able to obtain some of the deepest memories of the deceased."

Lu Qingjiu was silent for a moment: "Why did you suddenly mention this?"

Yin Xun looked down at the chick in his hand and grinned. The white tiger teeth on his lips were exposed. He looked playful and cute, and he was no different from him in peacetime. He said, "Didn't I mention it? I suddenly remembered."

Lu Qingjiu snorted and looked away.

This was the end of the matter. A few days later, Zhu Miaomiao called and told Lu Qingjiu that the method that Bai Yuehu said was very effective. The child's symptoms were relieved a lot, and the heel had fallen. He also said that the child's parents I was very grateful to them, and gave them a big red envelope, and when she came over, she would bring Lu Qingjiu together.

Lu Qingjiu originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, it's okay to accept it. Anyway, Bai Yuehu came up with the idea. When the time comes, he will use the money to buy more meat for Bai Yuehu.

It's just that Lu Qingjiu kept in mind what Yin Xun said that day. Although Lu Qingjiu believed in science, there were some things that couldn't be explained scientifically. Isn't Bai Yuehu an example.

After spring passed, the weather gradually got warmer. Lu Qingjiu found some time to drive a small truck to town to help Bai Yuehu buy a rocking chair and come back. After driving a small truck a few times, Lu Qingjiu could barely understand its operation. This small truck has a good temperament, but the speed is slow, and sometimes it drives itself without Lu Qingjiu's hands. It's just that Yin Xun didn't like this car very much. As soon as he got in the car, he said that his buttocks were itchy. Lu Qingjiu said why his buttocks were itchy.

"How do I know." Yin Xun was also wronged, "Is it possible that I am allergic to your car too."

Lu Qingjiu was speechless.

But aside from the itchy buttocks, there are no shortcomings. Anyway, the speed of the car is not as fast as it is on the mountain road. After Lu Qingjiu carried the rocking chair home, Bai Yuehu was very satisfied with this rocking chair, and he couldn't get down when he sat on it. He was almost stuck on it all day long except when he was eating. The funniest thing was that he even Shaking it was lazy, and when he saw Lu Qingjiu passing by the front yard, he stared at Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu was stared at for no reason at first, thinking he was hungry, and asked him if he wanted something to eat.

Bai Yuehu opened his mouth and said softly, "You shake it for me."

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

He was finally shocked by Bai Yuehu's laziness, so he could only walk to the side of the chair, stretch out his hand and shake it twice. After this time, Lu Qingjiu knew what Bai Yuehu's eyes meant. At first, he needed Bai Yuehu to look at him. Later, it developed into a situation where he didn't need Bai Yuehu to say anything, and he helped Bai Yuehu as long as he passed by the front yard. Shake up and down.

When the weather started to get hot, Lu Qingjiu set up vines in the backyard and planted a small piece of watermelon in the field. These things were eaten by his own family, so he didn't make too much work. The amount of work was not very large.

And although Zhu Miaomiao said to bring people as soon as possible, but she couldn't get away from work, and it took more than half a month to tell Lu Qingjiu that she had booked a ticket and was going to bring people here.

Lu Qingjiu asked their arrival time, and was about to pick up the two in a pickup truck.

"Zhang Chuyang said that if it is really useful, I will give you 100,000 yuan as a reward." Zhu Miaomiao said, "I have given him your card number, and let him call your card directly."

"So many?" Lu Qingjiu was a little surprised.

"It's okay, you don't know the pain of baldness. If you can always have black and thick hair, let alone 100,000, I think 200,000 people are willing to do it." Zhu Miaomiao said. Their situation is the worst. The hair situation is not suitable for hair transplantation. It is basically impossible to save. They either wear a hat or a wig. This winter is fine, but in summer...

"That's too much." Lu Qingjiu still felt a little expensive.

"If you think it's too much, you should pay more tribute to the young lady in the well." Zhu Miaomiao said, "You don't have to spend money on food, drink and Lhasa. How much can you earn from this kind of farm? Besides, Zhang Chuyang himself proposed it. Yes, do you know what he is worth? That is his monthly salary."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Okay."

"Also, you will be a little more mysterious then." Zhu Miaomiao whispered, "When Zhang Chuyang has an effect, it will definitely have a good publicity effect..."

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while and said hello.

He didn't go back to Shuifu Village to make money, but one couldn't live on dew. At least with money, he could try to ensure that Bai Yuehu had enough meat every meal, so that he would not feel wronged to eat vegetables with him. However, since Bai Yuehu moved into their house, the cost of food in their house has skyrocketed. Every day, there is a constant supply of meat and vegetables. Lu Qingjiu plans to buy a lamb and eat some lamb in two days.

Zhu Miaomiao was coming over the next day, but Lu Qingjiu was not in a hurry to sleep. After Yin Xun left, he went up the mountain and picked up some things he needed.

When he came back, he saw that the lights were on in the house. Bai Yuehu hadn't slept yet, but was sitting in the house eating fruit. When he saw him entering the house, he didn't say hello, but just gave him a lazy look.

"Have you not slept yet?" Lu Qingjiu asked, hiding the black plastic bag in his hand behind him.

"I can't go at night." Bai Yuehu said suddenly.

Lu Qingjiu was stunned.

"Going at night may provoke bad things." Bai Yuehu said, "Go at noon."

Knowing that he had guessed what he wanted to do, Lu Qingjiu showed a gentle smile and said, "Okay, thank you for your reminder."

Bai Yuehu nodded, got up and left.

Lu Qingjiu lowered his eyes and looked at the black plastic bag in his hand. There was a mass of white silk in the bag, and upon closer inspection, he realized that it was a bag of spider webs.