Fantasy Farm

Chapter 27: Little Fox


The little fox was lying softly on the ground, with his eyes tightly closed, Lu Qingjiu was afraid that something would happen to him and hurriedly hugged him into his arms. The fox is small, but the size of a palm, and its fluffy hair is fluffy and soft, and it feels very comfortable in the hand.

Lu Qingjiu hugged it lightly and hurriedly went home, while entering the door, he called out, "Bai Yuehu!! Bai Yuehu!!! Is this your son??"

Bai Yuehu just finished washing the dishes, and his hands were still wet when he came out of the kitchen. As soon as he came out, he saw Lu Qingjiu and the little fox cub in his arms, and his eyes suddenly became sharp: "Where are you from? Fox?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "I picked it up on the road." He described the situation just now, and then asked suspiciously, "Did someone deliberately leave it at our door?" He then gave Bai Yuehu a thoughtful look. .

The only fox spirit in this family is Bai Yuehu. The fox cub must have something to do with him. Just throwing it at the door is a bit in line with the story of a woman who is abandoned by herself and finally throws the child at the door of Wang Xin Lang in resentment... Back, Lu Qingjiu remembered that he had seen in the animal world that foxes were monogamous animals, and even if they were widowed, they would not find a new partner.

Could it be said that after becoming a spirit, this habit will also change? Lu Qingjiu was making up a bloody drama in his brain when he saw Bai Yuehu walking over with a frown and reaching out to pick up the fox cub.

Originally, the fox cub was dizzy after being hit by the stone, but as soon as Bai Yuehu's hand touched the fox cub, the little fox opened his eyes, but his eyes were full of panic, and he started to stop. He let out a screeching cry, trying to break free from Bai Yuehu's hands.

When Lu Qingjiu looked at it like this, his heart softened, and he quickly said, "Don't carry it like this, it hurts to carry it."

Hearing this, Bai Yuehu stretched out his hand and threw the fox cub into Lu Qingjiu's arms.

"How could it be my son?" Bai Yuehu directly denied Lu Qingjiu's question, with a hint of disgust in his tone.

"It's really not your son?" The little fox cub didn't say a word as soon as he got into Lu Qingjiu's arms, and stared at those wet eyes and arched pitifully towards Lu Qingjiu's chest, completely missing it in Bai Yuehu's hands That kind of excitement.

"No." Bai Yuehu spat out two words with certainty.

"That's not your son, it should be your clan, right?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Is this an ordinary fox?" He remembered that only winter foxes are white, and they hunt to blend in with the surrounding environment, but Now that it's summer, even the fox in the mountains shouldn't be white. And looking at the fox's body is clean and has no dirt at all, it really doesn't look like a wild one.

Bai Yuehu heard Lu Qingjiu's question, but did not give an answer directly, but gave the fox a thoughtful look, as if thinking about something.

Lu Qingjiu waited beside him for a while, and then heard him say: "Yes, it's my clan."

"Really?" Knowing that there was a little fox spirit in his arms, Lu Qingjiu immediately became excited, "Can you become a human?"

"It's too young to be human, and it's not very tasty," Bai Yuehu said.

Anyway, Bai Yuehu would judge anything in the same tone as a recipe, but Lu Qingjiu didn't care, he said, "You can't become a human?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I have to grow up."

"Then what does it eat? When will the parents come to pick it up?" Lu Qingjiu was a little happy. In fact, he liked these furry animals very much. Because he was at work before, he didn't have the conditions to raise them at home, so he just thought about it. Although the little black flowers at home are quite cute, but the pigs have no hair on their bodies, so they still can't satisfy Lu Qingjiu's hobby of invisible fluff control.

Bai Yuehu said: "Accept?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Don't you pick it up? Just keep it in our house?"

Bai Yuehu: "I think I can actually wait to raise it..."

Before he could finish what he said, Lu Qingjiu understood what he meant, and said in horror, "Damn, you don't want to raise it to eat, right? It's from your clan, although it doesn't change shape, it's the same as you. what!"

Bai Yuehu fell silent. Lu Qingjiu saw the word "embarrassment" in his eyes. He seemed to be thinking about whether to give up the meal in front of him. In the end, under Lu Qingjiu's stunned stare, he was still very Unwilling to give up his inner thoughts, he reluctantly said: "Then let's keep it for the time being."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay!" He directly ignored the words in Bai Yuehu's mouth. Although Bai Yuehu is usually cold, but after getting along for a long time, Lu Qingjiu thinks that he has a good personality and will discuss anything with him. , is rarely arbitrary.

The little fox shivered in Lu Qingjiu's arms, his head almost wanted to burrow into Lu Qingjiu's clothes, so he left a white butt with a fluffy tail outside.

"Fuck, what are you holding in your arms, Lu Qingjiu?" Yin Xun went to the toilet after fighting Bai Yuehu, but when he came back, he saw a pitiful white dumpling in Lu Qingjiu's arms. , he took a closer look, "Fox? Where did you get it?"

Lu Qingjiu replied, "I picked it up on the roadside."

Yin Xun: "Can you still pick up foxes by the side of the road?! Oh, this poor little one is still shaking." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and stroked the soft fluff of the little fox in satisfaction. When the little fox grows up, the fur will become harder, and the hand feel will not be as good, but the one in Lu Qingjiu's arms is obviously not old, and has not undergone molting. It feels like plush from a toy store. Toys, the kind with temperature.

"What does it eat?" Lu Qingjiu asked Bai Yuehu again.

Bai Yuehu frowned and thought for a moment, "Don't all foxes eat chicken?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He felt that the vixen in his family seemed a little unprofessional, and he didn't even know what the clan eat.

The little fox was really hungry, and the fingers with Lu Qingjiu in his mouth began to suck, and he looked at Lu Qingjiu with wet eyes, with a pitiful and cute expression.

Lu Qingjiu decided, "I'll try it first." He and Yin Xun went to the kitchen and decided to make some minced meat for the little fox. When they turned to leave, they didn't notice Bai Yuehu's incomparably disgusting look.

Lu Qingjiu cooked the meat, chopped it into minced meat, and then fed it to the little fox. The little fox sniffed it with its pointed nose, and then happily ate it. It seemed that it was a fox that had been weaned, otherwise Lu Qingjiu would still be real. I don't know where to find milk for it this night.

The little fox was very happy to eat, but after taking two bites, he looked at Lu Qingjiu cautiously, as if he was worried that Lu Qingjiu would take away the food at any time. Lu Qingjiu's heart melted when he looked at it with his small eyes, he reached out and touched its head, and said, "Eat, eat, until you're full, I won't take it away."

The little fox seemed to understand people's words. After hearing Lu Qingjiu say this, he buried his head and continued to eat bitterly. The sides of his mouth were covered with foam.

Lu Qingjiu was very happy when such a cute animal suddenly came to the house. After feeding it, he built a nest for it in his bedroom. The little fox seemed to be a little sleepy as well, and obediently shrunk into the nest and started to sleep. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun stood beside him with a fatherly smile.

"I also wanted to raise a dog before," Yin Xun said, "But if I think I can't raise it myself, forget it."

Lu Qingjiu said, "It's okay, we can raise foxes now."

Yin Xun was moved to tears and Lu Qingjiu tightly held his happy hands.

In the evening, after Yin Xun left, Lu Qingjiu went to wash briefly, but when he was about to go back to his room to rest, he heard someone talking in the yard. As if Bai Yuehu was talking to someone, Lu Qingjiu was a little curious and looked out from the window.

It was getting a little dark at the moment, only the vague figure of Bai Yuehu could be seen vaguely, and a faint voice could be heard.

Bai Yuehu seemed to be arguing with someone, he said, "Come here quickly, I promise not to eat you, you take him away—"

I don't know what to say over there, Bai Yuehu said again: "Afraid? What are you afraid of? Didn't I say I wouldn't eat you? I'll give you three days, but just come and die..."

While he was talking, he walked towards the gate of the courtyard. Lu Qingjiu couldn't understand what he said next, but Bai Yuehu's impatient attitude was very obvious. Lu Qingjiu didn't know who he was talking to. say.

Lu Qingjiu glanced at the little fox again, touched the soft fur on its body, and then lay back on the bed contentedly and went to sleep.

The next morning, the first thing Lu Qingjiu did when he woke up from his sleep was to look at the little fox beside his bed, but what he didn't expect was that the little fox was gone, and the door opened a crack. It was at night that the little fox slipped out through the crack of the door. Seeing this scene, Lu Qingjiu panicked in his heart. He didn't have time to change his clothes, so he hurriedly rushed out of the room.

"Little fox, little fox??" Calling the little fox's name, Lu Qingjiu searched around the yard. To be honest, he was really a little afraid that Bai Yuehu would swallow the little fox in one bite. After all, what does his fox spirit do? Food is open to anyone who can eat it.

The little fox was not seen in the front yard, and Lu Qingjiu went to the back yard again, but before he walked in, he saw a miniature animal next to the well in the back yard. Like a ball, when he heard his voice, he ran over here, making a familiar cry.

Hearing the familiar voice of this unknown creature, Lu Qingjiu instantly widened his eyes and said, "You... are you a little fox?!"

The little fox jumped to Lu Qingjiu's side, and rubbed his head against Lu Qingjiu's feet, as if to answer: Yes, yes, I am the little fox.

Lu Qingjiu was stunned when he saw the little fox. He saw all the fur on the little fox exploded, like a ball. What the hell happened... It is estimated that this little brat ran out of the house at night, worshipped this well for some reason, and then the hair on his body exploded in an instant.

Lu Qingjiu was dumbfounded, even though this fox with fried fur was quite cute, it was round and round like a ball.

He carried the fox back to the front yard, and saw that Bai Yuehu was watering the vines in the yard with a hose.

"Yuehu." Lu Qingjiu carried the little fox cub and walked in front of Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu's eyes fell on the fox cub.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Can it change back after it has become like this?"

Bai Yuehu thought for a moment; "If it doesn't change back..."

"I can't eat it either." Lu Qingjiu replied vigilantly.

Bai Yuehu directly showed regret, he replied reluctantly: "It can't be recovered, just trim it with scissors."

Lu Qingjiu glanced at the little fox, and the little fox's blue eyes glanced at Lu Qingjiu innocently, although because of too much hair, he couldn't even see his eyes. I have to say that the effect of the well in the backyard is really good...

Seeing that Bai Yuehu didn't offer any other way, Lu Qingjiu had no choice but to take the little fox into the back room and pick up the scissors.

The little fox was very obedient, and apparently found that it was safe to stay by Lu Qingjiu's side. It stood there obediently, while Lu Qingjiu began to trim the hair that was completely blown off on its body.

This is the first time for Lu Qingjiu to trim hair. He can only try to trim a little bit, but the more he trims, the more wrong he feels. At this moment, Yin Xun also came, and as soon as he entered the room, he cried out, "Damn it. , Lu Qingjiu, where did you go to pick up a dog?!!"

Lu Qingjiu: "...not a dog."

"It's not a dog what is it?" Yin Xun stretched out his hand and wiped a handful of oil on the little fox, "It's still a VIP!"

Lu Qingjiu silently threw away the scissors in his hand, feeling that he had become a heinous sinner. He was clearly a cute fox just now, but after he cut it off, he became a poodle...

"Wait a minute, this really doesn't seem to be a dog..." Yin Xun noticed something was wrong after careful observation. He widened his eyes and said, "This... isn't this the fox from yesterday? How could it be spoiled like this?"

Mr. Lu, the culprit who ruined the fox, looked away with a guilty conscience.

"Poor little girl." Yin Xun said, "Did you cut it?"

Lu Qingjiu could only helplessly explain that the little fox was affected by the backyard well, and unfortunately his hair was blown up.

Yin Xun heard the words and glanced at the little fox who still didn't understand what was going on, and comforted, "It's alright, the hair will get up in two days, and then I'll fix it again..."

Lu Qingjiu thought that it was the only way.

There was a fox cub in the house, but it was a lot more lively. Xiaohua Xiaohei warmly welcomed her new partner. Although this partner could not speak human words and was repaired like a poodle by Lu Qingjiu, in the end it was a furry creature. Very flattering.

The chickens in the yard had grown into big chickens. At first, they were hostile to the little fox and tried to peck at its fur. After being seen and reprimanded a few times by Lu Qingjiu, they gave up and gave up entanglement with the little fox.

So when Lu Qingjiu was cooking in the kitchen, two pigs and a fox were paralyzed in the front yard, and a fox was sitting on the chair. The four of them were enjoying the shade under the shade of a tree together, which was very harmonious.

Because of Bai Yuehu, the grape vines in Lu Qingjiu's house also grew very fast, and covered the entire courtyard along the shelf, blocking the scorching sunlight and making the courtyard very cool. The happiest thing is the bunch of grapes hanging on the vine. You can imagine what a gratifying gesture it will be when the grapes are ripe. After counting the number of grapes, Lu Qingjiu decided to make a barrel of wine himself, and sell the rest to Chao Qianyu. Ever since he learned that his family grows grapes, Chao Qianyu called Lu Qingjiu almost every day to buy grapes, and gave them to him. out a very high price.

The lunch was fresh lamb meat that Lu Qingjiu bought before, and the lamb chops were taken out and braised. The lamb meat was very tender, and the smell of mutton was not too heavy. The stewed lamb chops were very delicious. After making the lamb chops, he boiled a pot of pumpkin and mung bean soup to cool off the heat, thinking that he might just make some meat patties and pickles to eat at night.

When the weather is hot, people's appetite will be affected to some extent, but this problem does not exist in their home at all. Lu Qingjiu brought the lamb chops to the table and picked a few pieces to feed the little fox. He didn't know if the little fox could bite, so he just gave it a try.

The little fox was very excited when he smelled the aroma of the lamb chops, his mouth kept chattering, and he refused to put it down, but it was a little too small, it was very laborious to bite, and it took a long time to eat a piece.

Lu Qingjiu originally lowered his head to look at the little fox, but suddenly felt a look of gaze, raised his head, and found that Bai Yuehu was looking at him.

"It only ate two pieces." Lu Qingjiu knew that his fox spirit was protecting his food, so he could only coax him, "I won't give it the meat pie at night."

"Hmm." Bai Yuehu reluctantly accepted Lu Qingjiu's answer.

After dinner, when everyone came to rest time, Lu Qingjiu went to the kitchen and took out the ice powder seeds, intending to make some ice powder to eat. Ice powder is their cool tool here. Rub the seeds of ice powder into the water, and then add gypsum water to form a block like transparent jelly. Then add brown sugar hawthorn in it. The taste is refreshing and appetizing, and you can eat it. Cooling off the heat is very popular.

Although Bai Yuehu prefers meat, in fact, he is also open to these sweets, and he is not picky at all.

Lu Qingjiu rubbed a large bowl of ice powder and put it in the refrigerator to freeze. When he was doing things, the little fox was at his feet, and he was very obedient, because it was so small that Lu Qingjiu almost stepped on it a few times while walking.

"Honey, go and play with the little pig in the yard." Lu Qingjiu said, "I'm working." After almost stepping on it again, Lu Qingjiu could only squat down and discuss with the little fox.

The little fox looked at Lu Qingjiu pitifully, his little paws grabbed Lu Qingjiu's trouser legs, and let out a low chirp, the reluctance in his wet eyes seemed to say that he would not leave.

Lu Qingjiu touched its small head: "There is still something to eat in the yard... What? Are you afraid?" Seeing it like this, it was obviously unwilling to go to the yard.

The little fox seemed to understand Lu Qingjiu's words, and his body shrank into a ball silently.

It was probably because Bai Yuehu didn't hide his appetite for the little fox at first, which caused the little fox to be afraid of Bai Yuehu from beginning to end. As soon as he approached him, he began to tremble. Those who didn't know it thought that Bai Yuehu was charged with electricity.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, picked up the little fox, walked into the yard, and called, "Yuehu."

Bai Yuehu was still closing his eyes, when he heard Lu Qingjiu's cry, he half-opened his eyes and said, "Huh?"

Lu Qingjiu said cheekily, "Why don't you hug the little fox."

Bai Yuehu: "..."

Lu Qingjiu said, "It's afraid of you, so hug it and tell it that you won't eat it, okay?"

Bai Yuehu's eyes moved down and landed on the little fox, and the little fox he was staring at instantly shook again.

Lu Qingjiu looked at Bai Yuehu expectantly, Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and stretched out his hand to the little fox: "Come."

Lu Qingjiu immediately smiled, and carefully handed the little fox cub to Bai Yuehu.

The little fox was no more than the size of a palm, and it looked even more compact in Bai Yuehu's fair and slender hands. It screamed and didn't dare to struggle. It could only look at Lu Qingjiu with pitiful eyes and ask for help.

"What are you afraid of?" Bai Yuehu said coldly to it, "I won't eat you again."

The little fox can understand people's words. After Bai Yuehu finished speaking, the tremor on his body was obviously much smaller, but just when Lu Qingjiu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Bai Yuehu added another sentence: "At least Not now."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qingjiu saw a strange water stain on Bai Yuehu's palm. The little fox rolled his eyes and fainted - the little fox was actually scared to pee.

Seeing this scene, Lu Qingjiu finally couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing. Of course, his next action was to quickly take the little fox back from Bai Yuehu's hand, then rushed to the side and dragged the water pipe over to recognize it. Seriously, I really washed Bai Yuehu's hands.

Bai Yuehu didn't move after the little fox urinated on his hand, and the whole fox seemed to freeze in place.

Lu Qingjiu washed and wiped Naiyuehu's hands. Seeing that he hadn't moved, he carefully touched the back of his hand and called out, "Yuehu?"

Behind Bai Yuehu, a thick black mist instantly rose.

Lu Qingjiu wasn't very nervous when he saw Heiwu. In fact, every time he saw Heiwu, he was being rescued. He quickly comforted him: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's just a child, and children don't depend on anything. Don't bother with it."

Bai Yuehu raised his eyes.

"Tomorrow I'll go to town to buy you a sheep, and we'll roast a whole sheep to eat on the weekends." Lu Qingjiu could only use food to buy off his angry fox spirit, "I'm full."

Hearing Lu Qingjiu's promise, Bai Yuehu's hand was slowly put down. He glanced at the little fox who had been led back by Lu Qingjiu just now, and was huddled in Lu Qingjiu's clothes pocket and motionless, very dissatisfied. Said: "How dare you be so small."

Lu Qingjiu wanted to laugh a little, but felt that the atmosphere didn't seem right, so he held back abruptly.

It took a while for the frightened little fox to recover. After waking up, it became even more frightened. It shrank in Lu Qingjiu's hand and refused to move. Lu Qingjiu touched its fur and said, "Look, you have offended him so much. If he wanted to eat you, he would have eaten it long ago, so don't be afraid, he will definitely not eat you."

The little fox paused, looking at Lu Qingjiu with suspicion in his eyes.

"If he wants to eat, he also needs my permission." Lu Qingjiu said, "Don't be afraid, there are other delicious food at home, you have so little meat, he won't be interested."

The little fox stopped shaking, and chirped twice.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "Right, just think about it clearly, it's alright, Yuehu is very gentle." - Except when protecting food, "So you really don't need to be so afraid of him."

The little fox didn't say a word, just stuck out his pink tongue and licked Lu Qingjiu's fingers gently, as if to tell him that he knew.

The author has something to say: Bai Yuehu watched the little fox gnashing his teeth.

The little fox was aggrieved and scared to pee.

Lu Qingjiu: Hahahahaha

Thanks to the following baby's mine grenades and rocket launchers, special thanks to fishcake's rocket launcher x1, grenade x10, mine x47

Thank you for Si Mao's mines x5, deep water torpedoes x1 Thank you for Yingxi's deep water torpedoes x1 Thank you Fengjun Cindy for shallow water bombs x1, mines x4t Thank you for your love

Thanks for the Bazooka x4 without a nickname

Thanks to Gu Hong for sending Mo Cangli's grenade x5, mine x2

Thanks for looking back at mines x1, grenades x4

Thank you for Xinyang's rocket launcher x2, thank you crooked? Is it a Taoist priest? Bazooka x2, thanks to Zhang Dadi's brain, grenade x1, mine x12

Bazooka x1, mine x2, grenade x1 thanks to waste dim sum Bazooka x1, grenade x1 thanks to ziin

Thanks to Xi Zixu's black powder head mine x9, grenade x1

Thanks to Xiaoshubao for mine x1, rocket artillery x1

Thank you leo for loving Tanmeimeimeimei's rocket launcher x1

Thanks to Gan Qi's rocket x1 Thanks to a.'s rocket x1 Thanks to Jin or rocket x1 Thanks to 22262383's rocket x1

Thanks to Bai Luoluo Luoluo's Bazooka x1 Thanks to Yu Junzui's grenade x2 Thanks to Nababa's Bazooka x1 Thanks to Youlu Tinghan's Bazooka x1

Thanks for the long rocket artillery x1, thanks to Mu Hanyanfei for the mines x9

Thanks to Hongdouhong for the grenade x1, the mine x2, the mine x1, the grenade x1

Thanks to black black for grenades x1, mines x1

Thanks to 29910232's grenade x1 Thanks to Shan Feng's grenade x1

Thanks for Ah Ji's grenade x1 Thanks for Huahua's grenade x1 Thanks for Ji Nian's mine x5

Thanks to Song Tang? for the grenade x1 thanks to Σ>―(〃°w°〃)?→ for the grenade x1 thanks to tyty for the grenade x1

Thanks for the grenade of Little Sister Hongdie x1 Thank you for the grenade of Jing Cherry x1 Thank you for the grenade x1

Thanks to Momomoxiaoyu for the grenade x1 thanks to the mine x4 of the tea leaves Mine x2 Thanks for Ah Xie's mine x2 Thanks for Bing Mom's mine x2

Thanks to Gao Air Conditioning Xiaochun for the mine x2 Thanks for the mine x2

Thanks to Yun Ruzhi for mine x2 Thanks to Shanhai for mine x2 Thanks to Kazuki tea for mine x2

Thank you Qin Ji for Angelica's mines x2 Thanks to Chu Ci I want to sleep with your mines x2

Thanks to celestinelort's mine x2 Thanks to the mine that looks up to the confused sky x2 Thanks to the magical girl Merlin's mine x2

Thanks for the slightly slightly mine x2 thanks to Lin Wanming for the mine x1 thanks for the mine x1

Thanks for the mine x1 for reading the text quietly, thanks for the mine x1 for 22928902, thanks for the mine x1 for evelyn

Thanks to Hongdousheng for the mines x1, thanks to Yiyihee for the mines x1

Thanks (*^▽^*) for the mine x1 Thanks to the Luo family for the mine x1

Thanks to Bai Ju Guoxian for the mines x1, thanks to the mines of the cactus x1

Thanks to Yuanshui Yingbaiyue's mine x1 Thanks to Sun Xiang's little wife's mine x1 Thanks to Pink Claw Big White Cat's mine x1

Thanks to 26246740's mine x1 Thanks to Fancy Shuai's mine x1

Thanks to 352291's mines x1 Thanks to the small box of mines x1

Thanks to yoyoyuan3324 for mines x1 thanks to Xianyu Fatci for mines x1 thanks to Gu Huaiqing for mines x1 thanks to juice for mines x1

Thank you for the mines that can't find the original number x1 Thank you for the mines of luckykitty x1

Thanks to Ah Yi Sang's mine x1 Thanks to the mine without dawn x1

Thanks to the mines of deep sea fish x1 thanks to a snow mine x1

Thanks to Lingxuaner for mine x1, thanks to my family, Xunxun, for her cute mine x1

Thanks to 23309773's mines x1 thanks to Portuguese tarts' mines x1

Thanks to the big white goose's mine x1, thanks to the braised pigeon! The mines x1 thanks to Jiuye Ruri's mines x1 thanks to Nini's lower eyelashes mines x1

Thanks for the big circle ah ah mine x1 thanks for the warm tone. mine x1

Thanks for the mines that ate all the crayfish x1 thanks to the milk dolls for the mines x1

Thanks Nanbao's mine x1

Thanks to the mines that only flowers know x1 Thanks to the mines that only flowers know x1 Thanks to the mines of Jiujiu qj x1 Thanks to the mines of Qiongjia ww x1 Thanks to the mines of the fox x1 Thanks to the mines of evergreen broad forest leaves x1 Thanks to the mines that are not shredded carrots x1 Thanks to aqin mine x1

Thanks to Ji Mingw's mine x1 Thanks to 28914577's mine x1 Thanks to the non-existent mine x1

Thanks to Fuji Bear's mine x1 Thanks to Xianyu's vest's mine x1 Thanks to Nanshan Mountain's mine x1

Thanks to Guan Baifu's mine x1 Thanks to Xiao's mine x1 Thanks to Muyue's mine x1

Thanks to Fay Luca's mine x1 Thanks to the fan girl Xie Mei Mixiao'_> for the mine x1

Thanks to Ji Luye for the mines x1 Thanks to Aliandandila for the mines x1

Thanks for the mines of the people in the dream of Chunguix1, thanks for the mines of the raincoats that everyone loves x1, thanks for the mines of Xuanjian x1

Thank you for reading mine x1, thank you for Xia yuyan's mine x1, thank you hee hee hee (?w?) for mine x1

Thanks to the mines of Wucha x1, thanks to the mines of the soup dumplings x1, thanks to the mines of nsqddyy x1

Thank you so silly and white sweet mine x1 Thank you 32083900 mine x1

Thanks to Mikomi, the cute rice-eating mine x1, thank you for the unfortunate mine x1, thank you for the little wing's mine x1

Thanks for the mine x1 that the squirrel and tiger ran away

Thanks for the mines x1, thanks for the mines x1, thanks for the mines x1 for bonnie, thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to Ling Xiao for mine x1 Thanks to Xia Gu for mine x1

Thanks to Bailixi's mine x1 Thanks to Miss Bingshan?'s mine x1 Thanks to aibfaww's mine x1 Thanks to Aguang's mine x1

Thanks to Soksar 21's mine x1 Thank you for nothing, my mine x1 Thanks to the red pepper's little black umbrella's mine x1

Thanks to sabire's mine x1 Thanks to the other side of the flowerless mine x1 Thanks to coffeeortee's mine x1

Thank you Shen Yan for mines x1, thanks to Ukiyo Qinghuan for mines x1

Thanks to mgl-mayliu for mines x1 thanks to Allure x1 for mines that are rain