Fantasy Farm

Chapter 36: Old things


After Lu Qingjiu left Shuifu Village, Yin Xun played alone for a long time.

He went up the mountain by himself, went into the water by himself, and climbed to the grinding wheel that they both liked the most, and looked into the distance from afar.

There is a small road winding through the mountains in the distance. Whenever new people come to Shuifu Village, or old people return, they will definitely pass this road.

When Yin Xun looked at Lu, he was holding a few coins firmly in his hand. These coins were game coins. He spent all his pocket money to buy them from the town and wanted to give them to his friend Lu. Sake was given as a gift at the time of separation, but unfortunately I couldn't give this gift to my friend in the end.

Yin Xun was not reconciled, he remembered Lu Qingjiu's promise to him when he left. Lu Qingjiu had said that he would come back again. Yin Xun thought, when Lu Qingjiu returns, he must put these coins in his friend's hand.

Yin Xun's family situation was similar to that of Lu Qingjiu. His parents went out to work, leaving the elderly and children at home. It's just that Lu Qingjiu's parents were more responsible, and they took Lu Qingjiu out of Shuifu Village early and sent him to school in the city. Yin Xun was not so lucky. His parents' financial situation was average, so he had to stay in the remote Shuifu village for several years.

Yin Xun had played with Lu Qingjiu since he was a child, but now that Lu Qingjiu left, he was alone.

Yin Xun, who was looking forward to the return of his friend, waited like this every day, waiting, waiting, until... a midsummer night.

Yin Xun still remembers the weather that day. It was sunny and hot, and there was not a single cloud in the sky. The bright moon hung above the black night sky, and the bright stars lit up the whole night sky. The cicadas chirped in my ears, and near the roadside, I could see a little firefly flickering in the dense grass.

This was an ordinary night that couldn't be more ordinary. For Yin Xun, who had lived in Shuifu Village for a long time, he didn't notice anything strange from it. At that time, he was still a bean sprout of less than 1.5 meters. He was wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts. The slippers on his feet were glued. It was a little inconvenient to walk. His grandmother promised to buy him a new pair of new pairs when the summer was over. shoe.

Yin Xun was sitting on the grinding table at the entrance of the village, holding two squeaking crickets. move.

Although it was getting late, Yin Xun still had no intention of going home.

The security of Shuifu Village is very good, and there is no deep water source nearby for children to play, so the children in the village have hardly had any accidents, and the parents are very relieved. Yin Xun was also taken care of by elderly grandparents. When the elderly got older, their energy was not so good, and children in the countryside were usually poorly raised, so Yin Xun didn't go home so late, and the family didn't look for him. come over.

If it was before Lu Qingjiu left, Yin Xun would probably go back with his friends, but now, Lu Qingjiu isn't there anymore.

Yin Xun, who was sitting on the grinding plate, played with it, and fell asleep in a daze. The grinding plate was very hard, and the faces of the people in the other side hurt. In the sleepy state, Yin Xun seemed to hear the sound of water flowing.

The sound became louder and louder, and the noisy Yin Xun opened his eyes blankly. However, when he opened his eyes and saw the surrounding environment, he was stunned. He saw that there was a huge giant beneath the grinding wheel. The water in the puddle is swirling, and the rushing sound of the water makes the water flow especially turbulent.

Yin Xun looked at the puddle in front of him with a look of astonishment, how could there be such a puddle of water on this flat ground.

Just as Yin Xun stared at the puddle in a daze, a pair of black hairy hands suddenly stretched out from the puddle and grabbed towards Yin Xun. Those hands were slender, but with great strength, they easily grabbed Yin Xun's ankles and started to drag him into the turbulent puddles.

"Ah!!" Yin Xun, who was frightened by this scene, let out a terrified scream. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the grinding wheel in a conditioned reflex, but his strength was completely unable to compete with the monsters in the puddle. Was dragged down abruptly.

The water quickly filled Yin Xun's mouth and nose. He widened his eyes and struggled with all his strength, but it didn't make him out of danger. On the contrary... More and more oxygen was drained from his nose and mouth. Once, Yin Xun could smell the breath of death so clearly.

As the oxygen gradually exhaled out of his lungs, Yin Xun's eyes gradually closed weakly. In a trance, he seemed to hear a crisp sound of coins falling to the ground.

Ah... I haven't waited for Sake yet... At the moment when he thought of this fact, Yin Xun once again burst into a powerful force. He actually broke free from the black hand that was holding him, and swam towards the top of the puddle.

I don't want to die... I don't want to die... Yin Xun thought, I haven't handed the coin... to Sake yet.

With such obsession, Yin Xun's consciousness gradually blurred, and his vision was finally shrouded in darkness.

The family found that Yin Xun was gone, it was noon the next day.

Grandpa and grandma finished the meal, but did not see their grandson coming back. After realizing that something was wrong, they searched around for a whole day, and finally found the trace of the grandson.

It was a pair of small slippers under the grinding table, and they were scattered beside the grinding table, and it was obvious how flustered the owner was when he left them.

The disappearance of the child was naturally a major event. The grandparents called the police and asked everyone in the village, but Yin Xun was still nowhere to be found. Yin Xun's parents, who got the news, also rushed home. They were heartbroken when they heard the news of their son's disappearance.

Some crazy people in the village said that the child was taken away by the water monkey, and everyone else regarded him as nonsense. There is no water in this Shuifu village, there is only a small stream to the calf, and no one has ever died in the stream. , how can there be water monkeys.

The police came to the conclusion that the child might have been abducted and sold by someone passing by the village entrance, but at this moment, someone found Yin Xun's house.

Yin Xun had never seen this person. He only knew from the descriptions of his grandparents that he was a young man. He covered his face with a cloth and could only see a pair of black eyes. Those eyes looked very terrifying - only pupils. No whites.

The man entered Yin Xun's house and told Yin Xun's parents that Yin Xun had died.

Yin Xun's parents were distraught, and at the same time suspected that the man killed Yin Xun. The family was about to tie the man up and take him to the police station, but they watched the man turn into a puddle of water and disappeared in their place. before. If it wasn't for their wet hands still in front of them, I'm afraid they would be more willing to believe that they had just had a grotesque dream.

The next day, the man who turned into water came again.

This time Yin Xun's parents didn't dare to do anything to him, instead they listened to the man in a good manner.

"Your son is not coming back," said the man. "He is dead."

Grandma Yin Xun fainted when she heard the words, her mother and father cried, and the whole room was filled with an atmosphere of grief.

"However, I have a way to save him." The man said, "But after being rescued, he will never leave Shuifu Village for the rest of his life. He has to stay here until the end."

"The last?" the only sensible grandfather asked, "what is the last?"

The man smiled and shook his head: "Without my explanation, he will know for himself."

Although the man's origin was obsessed and suspicious, the family members who had no choice had no choice but to compromise. Following the method the man said, they erected a tombstone for Yin Xun, and held a funeral. The funeral was grand and everyone from the village came. participated. It stands to reason that the death of a child should not be a big deal, but Yin Xun's family did it for seven days and seven nights.

A few days after the grand funeral, Yin Xun appeared at the door of his house, soaked all over. He was barefoot and looked puzzled, as if he didn't understand why he was here.

Seeing Yin Xun's parents overjoyed after seeing their son, his mother cried and laughed as he carried him into the house.

Because Yin Xun's body had not been found before, the sudden appearance of the child was quickly accepted by the villagers. Now that Yin Xun is back, it proves that the man did not lie. According to what the man said, Yin Xun's family enshrined a shrine on the mountain of Shuifu Village, with Yin Xun's name written on it, and worshipped it with incense candles, melons and fruits, according to the man. , The lights of this shrine cannot be extinguished, and the fruits cannot be cut off.

Yin Xun's family followed suit, but Yin Xun's mother had other thoughts in her heart. She wanted to take her son out of Shuifu Village.

"You can't take him away, the man said, Yin Xun can't leave Shuifu Village." Grandpa wanted to stop his mother.

But the mother, who had lost her child once, was extraordinarily resolute. She said, "There is a problem with this place, and so are the people here. I can't keep the child here, I want to take him out of here!" It seems that she has left here. , she will leave this madness and forget the man's terrifying black eyes.

The father was silent, and the grandparents blocked the incompetence, so the next day, the mother carried the little Yin Xun on the way to leave Shuifu Village.

Father called a car early to wait at the entrance of the village, and the family of three walked in the direction of the car.

But the moment her mother stepped out of Shuifu Village, she found that Yin Xun, who had not spoken in her arms, began to melt, water flowed from his body, and his body gradually became transparent.

"Ah !!!" When the mother who saw this scene collapsed, she screamed Yin Xi to throw it on the ground, and even rolled out the village, "This is not my child, this is not my child." It's a monster-monster-"

Yin Xun stared blankly at his mother. He only remembered that he was pulled into a puddle. He didn't have any memory of the rest. He thought that the strange atmosphere at home was caused by his playfulness, but he didn't think of a deeper reason.

Mother left without taking Yin Xun with him, and got into the car leaving Shuifu Village with his father, and never came back.

Yin Xun was abandoned in this small village.

Fortunately, apart from not being able to leave Shuifu Village, there was nothing special about Yin Xun compared to other children.

Yin Xun grew up like this, and he gradually discovered the difference in himself. At first, his grandparents didn't plan to tell him about it. Until one day, he found the Buddhist shrine that his grandma went up to worship on the mountain. On… His name is written on it.

When Yin Xun saw the Buddhist altar, he vaguely felt something, and after a long time, he realized what that feeling was.

That is the mission, always guarding the mission of Shuifu Village.

Someone rescued Yin Xun, who should have died, and gave Yin Xun a new life at the cost of inheritance.

Grandpa and grandma told Yin Xun what happened back then, about that strange man, about his mother, and about why he couldn't leave Shuifu Village.

Although he hadn't tried it, Yin Xun knew that what his grandfather said was true, and he even vaguely knew why he became like this. But these things can't be said, words can be cursed, and some things, as long as they are said, will change the reality.

Later, when his grandparents passed away, Yin Xun gradually grew up.

As an adult, Yin Xun was restricted to a wider range. He could leave Shuifu Village and go to nearby towns and villages. As for whether it was possible to go further, Yin Xun didn't try, because when he had this idea, there seemed to be a whisper from the mountain, telling him that he couldn't go, if he did, he would die.

The water house is his life and the root that he cannot live without.

The story should have ended like this, but the arrival of Lu Qingjiu added a new chapter to the story.

"So what the heck are you?" After listening to this long story, Lu Qingjiu asked. He poked Yin Xun's arm. There was a human tenderness and touch on it, which was completely different from a dead person.

Yin Xundao: "I thought about it and thought that I might have inherited a character like a mountain god..."

"Mountain God?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Yes." Yin Xun said, "I know everything that happened on the mountain, but in fact, I only know that I can't do too many things, but I feel more like an ordinary person."

Lu Qingjiu said, "You know everything on the mountain? What happened to the ghost who hit the wall with Zhu Miaomiao when we went up the mountain?"

Yin Xun said, "Alas, I really thought that a child was caught by that puddle monster. The puddle monster was very troublesome, and I couldn't drive it away, so I could only stare at it."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Oh..."

Yin Xun was a little tired from what he said. He took a sip of the tea in front of him and said, "Sake, this is my experience. I told you everything. Don't be afraid of me, I won't hurt you."

Lu Qingjiu nodded, but did not speak, as if he was thinking about something.

Yin Xun thought that Lu Qingjiu couldn't let go of his identity, so he looked at Lu Qingjiu with sincere eyes, trying to tell him that he was really a good person.

Lu Qingjiu opened his mouth suddenly, he said, "You know everything on the mountain?"

Yin Xun said, "Yes, I know all the plants, trees, flowers and trees."

Lu Qingjiu said, "You know something more?"

Yin Xun nodded.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Then..." He suddenly asked, "When my parents encountered a mudslide, do you know where their bodies were?"

Yin Xun was dumbfounded. He looked at Lu Qingjiu's serious eyes and instantly understood that this issue was very important.

It is also true that the deceased pays attention to the safety of being buried in the ground. It is difficult to feel at ease when they think that their parents do not even have a coffin as their children.

"I don't know." Yin Xun said, "I searched, but there is no body of your parents." He felt a little down, "I'm sorry, I only found your parents' backpacks, but I didn't see their people."

Lu Qingjiu sighed. He didn't say anything, but gave Yin Xun a hug. He said, "It's okay, it has nothing to do with you, you have done your best, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

In fact, after this incident, Lu Qingjiu didn't expect to find the remains of his parents. After all, he also saw the scene and knew that the mountain had almost collapsed in half. Under the power of nature, people are like ants, and Lu Qingjiu felt that it was enough to find the relics of his parents' backpacks. The reason why he asked Yin Xun this question was not to blame him, but to know the approximate location where his parents were buried. Although it might be too deep to dig out, at least he could go to worship.

However, Yin Xun said that he did not see the remains of Lu Qingjiu's parents, which surprised Lu Qingjiu, and was slightly disappointed.

If Yin Xun is really the mountain god of Shuifu Village, then the remains of Lu Qingjiu's parents that he can't find means that their remains may have been washed out of Shuifu Village by the debris flow that came from the collapse of the mountain, which is too wide. Lu Qingjiu could only give up.

"Otherwise, shall I try again?" Yin Xun was still a little sad.

"No need." Lu Qingjiu shook his head, "You don't have to force it." He knew Yin Xun's character, and he must have given him such an answer after repeated confirmation. A smile appeared on his face, "My parents are also open-minded people, they won't stick to this kind of thing, they just want me to live well."

Only then did Yin Xun show a relaxed expression.

After a whole night of heart-to-heart talk, Lu Qingjiu finally unraveled the knot in Yin Xun's heart. They also made an appointment to go to the mountain next time to see the Buddhist shrine erected by Yin Xun's grandparents. After that, the two said goodbye in the courtyard. Seeing Yin Xun disappearing from sight with a smile, he turned around and prepared to enter the room.

When he turned around, Lu Qingjiu found that Bai Yuehu was standing behind him at some point, and the two looked at each other in silence. Lu Qingjiu didn't collapse first, and gave a wry smile.

"This guy is hiding something from me." Lu Qingjiu said, "What does the place I entered mean to Yin Xun?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Soul."

A dead tree, a solitary grave, wild grass with no end in sight, and thorns on the grass that can make people drip with blood, this is Yin Xun's soul.

Lu Qingjiu remembered Yin Xun's bright smile and the white tiger teeth on his lips.

What was Yin Xun thinking when he was smiling, what was he thinking when he was crying, and when he was thrown to the ground by his mother and completely abandoned, did he grow that wild grass that he could not see.

And the crow standing on the dead tree and calling Lu Sake's name...

Lu Qingjiu sighed deeply, and he said, "There's a crow there calling my name."

Bai Yuehu watched Lu Qingjiu quietly.

"I thought the crow called me by my name to take me away." Lu Qingjiu said, "I thought about it later." His tone was a bit bitter, "You said, will it happen when I'm not around? The crow is calling my name too?"

Regarding Lu Qingjiu's question, Bai Yuehu knew the answer, but he didn't expect Lu Qingjiu to guess it so easily. Bai Yuehu has always liked smart people, so he found that he prefers the young man named Lu Qingjiu in front of him. He looked at Lu Qingjiu softly, thinking that swallowing the person in front of him should be something that would make him happy, just like he does with all his favorite things. But if he just swallowed it like this, wouldn't the young wheat-colored smooth skin be scratched by sharp teeth? Then he would feel a little pity... Bai Yuehu noticed that this was a kind of liking that was slightly different from his appetite. Very novel.

"Yuehu?" Lu Qingjiu was horrified by Bai Yuehu's gaze. For some reason, a layer of goosebumps appeared on his arm, as if his mind was unaware, but his body's instinct was telling the person in front of him. very dangerous.

Bai Yuehu laughed. His smile was very beautiful, and his long and narrow phoenix eyes evoked a confusing arc. He said, "But you are back."

Lu Qingjiu looked at his smile, and suddenly understood why there were so many scholars in Liao Zhai Zhiyi who were bewitched by fox spirits, but fortunately he calmed down and said in a low voice, "Yeah, fortunately I'm back. "

"Go to sleep." The next moment, Bai Yuehu took away the smile on his face and returned to his usual lazy appearance, "It's getting late."

"Yeah, it's getting late." Lu Qingjiu looked up at the sky, it was a clear night, like all nights, "Good night."

"Good night." Bai Yuehu said.

Lu Qingjiu turned around and went back to the room, but Bai Yuehu stood in the courtyard for a long time without moving, falling into some kind of contemplation.

Early in the morning, the heat woke him from his sleep, Lu Qingjiu got up to make breakfast, and saw Yin Xun fighting with Xiao Hei in the garden.

Xiao Hei Dangkang's identity has been exposed, so he doesn't care anymore, facing Yin Xun is the quality eighteen company, his words are sharp, making Lu Qingjiu standing next to him stunned.

However, Yin Xun's face was obviously much thicker than Xiao Hei's. Holding Xiao Hei, he wouldn't let go at all.

Xiao Hei said, "Yin Xun, you are shameless, stop hugging me, I'm so hot!!"

Yin Xun: "Jiu'er, is it not good for us to eat jelly at noon?"

Blackie: "You fucking—"

Yin Xun: "Hey, children can't swear."

Xiao Hei: "… "

Lu Qingjiu listened happily beside him. After dealing with Yin Xun's identity, the family returned to its former harmony.

Bai Yuehu went back to his rocking chair, lazy like an old man in his 80s, Yin Xun hugged Xiao Hei to feed the chickens in the front yard, but just as he was feeding, he screamed, "Hey, Xiao Hei. , Xiao Hei, what's wrong with you, wake up!"

Xiao Hei, who was still scolding the street just now, was paralyzed in his arms and motionless. After being picked up by Yin Xun, his eyes were still closed, his breathing was very weak, and he looked like he might die at any time.

Seeing that things were not good, Yin Xun quickly rushed into the room with Xiao Hei in his arms and asked Lu Qingjiu what happened to Xiao Hei. Lu Qingjiu looked at the situation and said, "I don't know, why don't you ask Bai Yuehu? He should I understand better!"

Yin Xun said with a guilty conscience, "You better go. I ate Bai Yuehu's chicken legs yesterday, how dare I talk to him today."

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, then walked over with Xiao Hei in his arms.

After listening to Lu Qingjiu's words, Bai Yuehu with his eyes closed raised his eyelids, glanced at Xiao Hei, and three words came out of his mouth: "Heatstroke."

Hearing this, Lu Qingjiu was shocked and said, "Have you suffered from heat stroke? Dang Kang can still suffer from heat stroke? What should I do then?"

Bai Yuehu said, "I think it's hopeless."

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

Sure enough, his sentence was: "Boil it in red."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Why are you so skilled? How many times have you secretly simulated how to eat?

The author has something to say: The stalk of the last heat stroke comes from the stalk of Huanong Brothers eating bamboo rat for a hundred reasons

Bai Yuehu: This Dang Kang is suffering from heat stroke, eat it, this Yin Xun is depressed, please eat it, this Lu Qingjiu is very beautiful, please eat it.

Thank you for the following baby's mine grenades and rocket launchers, thank you for your love la la la la.

Thanks to Xizi's girlfriend Lu Tinghan for the rocket launcher x2

Thanks Dilihuang for mine x2, rocket artillery x1

Thanks to the rocket launcher who is addicted to raising a baby and ruins his family x1

Thank you Qiu Mingshan No. 3 traffic police for the mine x10, thank you for the grenade x1, the mine x1

Thank you for looking back at the light-like grenade x1, mine x1, thank you for the little fairy's grenade x1

Thanks to Purple Whale Overlord Flower's grenade x1

Thanks to Liwu Qianxiao's grenade x1 Thanks to a.'s grenade x1 Thanks to Xia Swift's grenade x1 Thanks to demeter's grenade x1

Thanks to the dazzling mines x4, thanks to the cold mines x3

Thank you kylin for koala's mine x3, thank you for eating all the crayfish x3, thank you for Houli's mine x2, thank you for falling rain and fly x2

Thank you Ling Xiao for mine x2 Thank you for flawed mine x2

Thanks for mines that I can't do magic x2 Thanks for the mines from the peddler x2

Thanks to xioxio's mines x1 Thanks to Manman's mines x1 Thanks to Anran's mines x1

Thank you mine x1 Thank you for the mine x1 Thank you brother Bai Yu for the mine x1

Thanks Peach's mines x1 Thank you for Yaodon's mines x1 Thanks to _(:3)∠)_'s mines x1

Thanks to Moon Rabbit's Mine x1 Thanks to Greg Husky's Mine x1

Thanks to Yuanshui Yingbaiyue's mine x1 Thanks to Nanshan Mountain's mine x1

Thank you, Zhu Mengmeng, what a lovely mine x1, thank you for the dust mine x1

Thanks to lacie's mine x1 Thanks to the prince of Huacheng for the mine x1

Thanks to Enomoto Ho's mine x1 Thanks to Umeko's mine x1

Thanks to Xia Youqiaomu's mine x1

Thanks to cherryontop for mines x1 thanks to こは for mines x1

Thanks to clzmpess for mines x1 thanks to Mordred? for mines x1

Thank you for the mines of Maojin Daozhu x1

Thanks to lawelai's mines x1 Thanks to Junzui's mines x1

Thanks to the long-haired raccoon flower flower's mine x1 Thank you for the floating mine x1 Thank you for the mine x1 of Fauci 0616

Thanks to Chen An's mine x1 Thanks to the fox's mine x1

Thanks to Liuyue 131's mine x1 Thanks to the lady cat's mine x1

Thank you for my mines x1

Thanks to chubby fathead fish for mines x1 thanks to tsuru for mines x1 thanks to Akko eka for mines x1

Thank you for the long-awaited mine x1 Thank you for Tsuruhisa's mine x1 Thank you for the narcissus is also a fairy mine x1

Thank good ci durian baby mine x1 thank salty fish fat times mine x1

Thank you for Zou's forced mine x1 Thank you for today's mine x1

Thanks to Cowboy Bone's Mine x1 Thanks to Waste Dim Sum's Mine x1

Thanks to Qu Yuyu's mine x1 Thanks to the crab yellow bag's mine x1

Thank you for my very quiet mine x1 Thank you for the iron mine of Cangyun x1

Thanks to Muyue's mines x1

Thanks to Yunchen's mine x1 thanks to the mine x1 of the fried bacon with Artemisia quinoa

Thanks to She Sanbai for mines x1 Thanks to Fatty Wang for mines x1