Fantasy Farm

Chapter 45: Autumn Festival


After cleaning the cellar, Lu Qingjiu put a thick layer of oiled paper on it to separate the cabbage from the ground when storing the cabbage. He took the wooden box out of the cellar and carefully cleaned it with a damp rag, wiping off the floating ash and dirt on it.

I couldn't see it clearly in the cellar before, but after taking it out and cleaning it up, Lu Qingjiu noticed that the wooden box was jet black without any patterns on it, just a smooth box, but the wood texture on the surface of the box was very beautiful. , it feels very comfortable to touch by hand.

At the front of the box, there is a small black text lock. The character lock is a kind of lock in ancient times. It is similar to the combination lock, except that the text replaces the existence of the password. The text lock needs three characters. It should be easy to try it out, but Lu Qingjiu tried it while holding the box. I went through all the possibilities and couldn't try it out.

Could it be that the box has been locked for too long and has a problem? Lu Qingjiu thought about finding a time to smash the lock, so he put the wooden box aside.

Besides, since Lu Qingjiu said he wanted to make candied chestnuts, Yin Xun kept talking about finding fine sand every day. Tonight, he didn't know where he actually found a bag of fine sand, arguing that he wanted to eat the legendary one. Sugar-fried chestnuts.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "Rinse the sand first, and then let it dry before frying."

"Okay." Yin Xun rolled up his sleeves and volunteered to wash the fine sand.

I just put the sand in the water, and I washed it twice without washing out any dirt. The white fine sand seems to be very clean, and there is no dirt at all. Although Lu Qingjiu was curious, he didn't ask Yin Xun where he got the sand. Yin Xun is a mountain god after all, so finding some sand should be quite easy.

After washing the sand, put it on clean plastic paper and hang it in the yard. After the sand is dry, you can fry the chestnuts.

There were a lot of things to do today. Lu Qingjiu was a little tired after a busy day. After finishing the sand, he went to bed early. Before going to bed, he saw the wooden box on his bedside table. Open the wooden box and take a look.

However, what Lu Qingjiu didn't expect was that when he finished breakfast the next morning and tried to break the lock of the wooden box with pliers, he found something that shocked him a little - the text on the lock. , has changed.

The characters above seemed to be completely replaced with new characters. Because Lu Qingjiu tried it for a long time yesterday, he almost completely remembered the characters on the character lock, but now, these characters have turned into several completely unfamiliar characters. Sake was sure that these words had never been seen before.

How could this be? Lu Qingjiu stared at the text lock for a while, and then determined that it was not his hallucinations.

He thought for a while, picked up the pliers and cut it hard against the character lock, but the character lock, which seemed to be very fragile, didn't respond at all, not even a faint trace left after Lu Qingjiu used all his strength. Down.

Lu Qingjiu tried a few more times, and the character lock was as strong as ever, but the iron pliers were stuck with a small dent in the character lock.

If Lu Qingjiu were an ordinary person, he might find it very strange, but there are already so many strange creatures in his house, and it seems that it is not surprising that there is such a box that cannot be opened. Lu Qingjiu, who couldn't do anything with the text lock, hugged the box and went to Bai Yuehu in the yard, asking him if there was anything special about the box.

The weather is good today, and the sun is shining in the yard, making people feel lazy.

Bai Yuehu was basking in the sun in the yard. He lazily took the box and glanced at it, and asked, "Where did you find it?"

"In my cellar." Lu Qingjiu answered truthfully.

Bai Yuehu stared at the wooden box, his expression became a little serious, Lu Qingjiu rarely saw his serious expression, he became nervous for no reason, licked his lips and said, "Why, is this wooden box special? "

Bai Yuehu said: "It is indeed a bit special." He stroked the character lock with his hand, "This kind of character lock can only be opened at a certain time."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Huh?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Although there are only three characters on it, in fact these characters change every day, and only on a certain day will certain characters be revealed." He blinked, "Who left this? down?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "I found it in the cellar... It should be my grandma."

"Oh." Bai Yuehu said, "Then this may be a gift left by your grandma." He said, returning the wooden box to Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu was holding the wooden box and was a little confused: "But, this wooden box shouldn't belong to humans, right? Could it be that my grandma knows non-humans."

Bai Yuehu's attitude towards this was rather bland, and he said, "Everyone has their own secrets."

"Yes." Lu Qingjiu agreed with Bai Yuehu's point of view, he said, "But I don't know the password of the box, nor the time to open it. Is there any way to forcibly open it?"

Bai Yuehu actually shook his head: "The material of this box and lock is very special, not something from the human world. If you try to open it forcibly, the contents in the box may be damaged."

Lu Qingjiu could only give up after hearing the words.

Seeing that he was a little disappointed, Bai Yuehu comforted him: "You can get up every morning and look at the box, since your grandma specially left this thing for you, she will definitely leave some clues for you, she doesn't want you to open it , maybe, just not yet."

Lu Qingjiu said, "That's the only way." He smiled and thanked Bai Yuehu, but went back to the bedroom with the box alone.

Lu Qingjiu's family is thin, and has almost no relatives. Apart from his parents, he only has his grandmother. His grandmother raised him until he was eight years old before his parents brought him back to the city. It can be said that Lu Qingjiu's childhood memories were all about his grandmother.

His grandmother was tall and thin, and it could be seen that she was definitely a beauty when she was young. She didn't like to talk much, but even if she didn't say it, Lu Qingjiu could feel her love for him in her eyes.

After the sudden death of his parents, the white-haired grandmother gave the black-haired man a lot of age overnight. Lu Qingjiu had not finished his studies at that time, he wanted to take his grandma by his side, but no matter how she didn't agree, in the end he had to let it go.

This was probably the most regretful decision Lu Qingjiu had ever made. If he had returned to Shuifu Village to accompany his grandma, the old man might not have left so early.

Lu Qingjiu put down the box, and his eyes fell on the text lock. He didn't know what grandma's secret was, but he knew that no matter what grandma did, it wouldn't hurt him.

Since she didn't leave him the password to open, maybe as Bai Yuehu said... It's not time yet.

Lu Qingjiu sorted out his mood and decided to try the combination lock every morning as Bai Yuehu said. He felt that one day he would be able to try out the combination and know what was in the box.

After putting the box down, Lu Qingjiu went to work on other things. First, he put the sun-dried sand in the iron pot, then roughly stir-fryed it, then put the chestnuts in the hot sand and rolled it slowly. These chestnuts are all well-opened, which is convenient and delicious. After the chestnuts are almost fried, add a lot of sugar to it, and start to stir fry quickly to avoid the syrup sticking to the bottom of the pot. After frying almost, put it on the After the pot has cooled down for a while, it is ready to serve.

I have to say that frying chestnuts with sugar is really physical work. Lu Qingjiu was sweating profusely after frying in a pot, but the strong aroma of chestnuts made everyone in the room gather. The fox squatted beside Lu Qingjiu's feet and watched intently, while Yin Xun stood at the door with his head drooling.

"It's almost there." Lu Qingjiu wiped the sweat from his forehead and let Yin Xun come in to distribute the chestnuts.

Yin Xun rushed directly in front of the pot. Before Lu Qingjiu could say hello, he saw him reach out and grab the chestnuts in the pot. As soon as his hand touched the chestnuts, he was hot and screamed, "Ah, it's so hot! "

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

Yin Xun was scalded a bit, and after he put his hands away, he didn't care about the wound he was scalded. He took the spatula and started slicing chestnuts from the fine sand.

Lu Qingjiu couldn't stand it anymore: "Does your hand hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Yin Xun said, holding a chestnut in his hand and started peeling it. After peeling it, he stuffed it into his mouth, and immediately burst into tears, "It's so delicious, woo woo, this chestnut is too delicious. It's delicious." The chestnuts are crunchy when they are raw, but become soft when they are cooked. The sugar adds a sweetness to the chestnuts, and the caramel aroma that blends with the flavors of the chestnuts...

Yin Xun eats tears streaming down his face.

Lu Qingjiu looked stupid next to him, and he didn't know whether Yin Xun was crying because his hand hurt or the chestnuts were so delicious.

"It's so delicious," Yin Xun said vaguely, "I declare that the best fruit in the world is chestnut!"

Lu Qingjiu: "...Eat it, I like to fry it for you tomorrow." He also gave a few pieces to the little pig and the little fox, and he didn't forget to pinch a small piece for the rain who was hiding in the fox's fur. Concubine.

Of course, Bai Yuehu, the biggest foodie in the family, naturally wouldn't forget it. Lu Qingjiu fished the chestnuts out of the sand, and then a few people sat in the yard to eat.

He fry a full seven or eight pounds, but apparently not enough to eat, Yin Xun's stomach is bulging, and he is not willing to stop. Bai Yuehu, a carnivore, is also very interested in chestnuts. Although it is a bit troublesome to peel them off, there is a big difference in the taste between peeling the shells and not peeling them...

After eating these few kilograms of chestnuts, dinner was almost saved. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun said they were going to town tomorrow morning. He and the boss ordered a lot of duck eggs to make salted duck eggs, and planned to cook bacon together. .

Yin Xun nodded in response, saying that he would come over earlier.

The autumn wind is rustling, but it is also the harvest season. The persimmon tree at the east end of the village is full of yellow persimmons, like beautiful yellow lanterns, swaying with the autumn wind on the branches.

In the harvest season of autumn, the village is also a prosperous scene. Walking outside, you can see villagers carrying grain everywhere, and their faces are full of joy of harvest.

This year, the weather is good and there is no abnormal weather. It seems that the harvest in Shuifu Village is good.

Lu Qingjiu went around the village to digest food, but when he was about to go back to sleep, Uncle Li next door knocked on his door.

"Uncle Li, what's the matter?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Sake, there will be an autumn harvest festival in the village the day after tomorrow." Uncle Li said, "Don't forget to come when the time comes, it's in the dam at the head of the village."

Only then did Lu Qingjiu remember that Shuifu Village still has this tradition, he nodded and said, "Okay, I will definitely come when the time comes."

Uncle Li said: "Okay, I'm just afraid that you will forget, so I will remind you."

"Thank you Uncle Li." Lu Qingjiu thanked him with a smile.

Because it relies on the sky to eat, every year in Shuifu Village, an autumn harvest festival is held in autumn, that is, each household contributes a part of vegetables or grain, and the women in the village make these grains into food, and after the sacrifice For everyone to eat. One is to present gifts to the mountain gods in anticipation of a good harvest in the coming year, and the other is to connect the villagers with each other.

Lu Qingjiu hadn't come back for a long time, but he completely forgot about this matter, and Yin Xun didn't mention it. It was probably because this autumn harvest festival was originally a sacrifice to the mountain gods. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him to go there.

The next day, Lu Qingjiu told Yin Xun about the autumn harvest festival in the car.

Yin Xun was silent for a while after listening, and said, "Oh, the autumn harvest festival, are you going?"

"Should go." Seeing that Yin Xun didn't seem happy at all, Lu Qingjiu asked, "Why, don't you like it?"

Yin Xun said, "I don't like it..."

Lu Qingjiu was curious: "Why?"

Yin Xun said, "Because the things they sacrificed to the mountain gods are raw, the food they eat is cooked." He also felt aggrieved, "And every time I can't participate as a human, I can only watch it. eat them."

Listening to Yin Xun's words, Lu Qingjiu laughed out loud. He imagined the scene and felt that Yin Xun was a little miserable.

According to Yin Xun, during the autumn harvest festival, he had to restore his identity as a mountain god to accept the sacrifices of the villagers, but he could not participate as a human. If the village had any opinions, he asked the village chief to talk to him once, but Yin Xun could only use the embarrassing excuse that he was afraid of crowded places as an excuse.

This year is no exception, only Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu went.

Lu Qingjiu bought a lot of duck eggs and meat in the town, and also replenished all the seasonings that were lacking at home. After returning home, he started to make salted duck eggs. He originally planned to make fermented bean curd quickly in the next few days, but because of the autumn harvest festival, it seems that it will be delayed for a few days.

Because of the autumn harvest festival, the quiet mountain villages became lively on weekdays. The children seemed to be celebrating the festival, and they had more delicious snacks in their hands than usual.

Lu Qingjiu plans to bring beef and some vegetables to the autumn harvest festival. This year is the first year of returning to Shuifu Village, so it is necessary to have a good relationship with the villagers.

Bai Yuehu is not very interested in this kind of gathering of many people, and said that he can just eat instant noodles at home.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "What kind of instant noodles are you going to eat? I've steamed the glutinous rice ribs for you. Just turn off the fire when it's time. Don't forget to feed the little fox too."

Bai Yuehu nodded and said to let Lu Qingjiu go and return early.

Lu Qingjiu said ok, and went out with the meat. Today Yin Xun has been missing, Lu Qingjiu guessed that he should have gone to become a mountain god.

There were already a lot of people gathered in the big dam at the meeting at the head of the village. Lu Qingjiu walked over with the meat. The aunt from the village greeted him warmly as soon as he got there. The smile on his face became even brighter when he saw the beef in his hand. When it got thicker, Lu Qingjiu hurriedly handed her the meat, then found a place to sit down.

In the center of this dam is a huge wooden platform, on which is placed a statue of a mountain god made of stone. Of course, like all the mountain gods, they all look like a goatee, with kind eyes and kind eyes, and they are completely incompatible with Yin Xun's silly appearance.

The women in the village put all kinds of food brought by the villagers in front of the wooden platform. When it was noon, the village chief took the lead and knelt in front of the mountain god statue to worship and burn incense, and prayed to the mountain god to bless Shuifu Village with good weather in the coming year.

Perhaps because the location of Shuifu Village is relatively remote and almost isolated from modern society, this ancient sacrificial method has been retained.

Lu Qingjiu also looked at the mountain god statue, but he didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that when he was looking at the mountain god statue, the mountain god with the goatee smiled at him. But when I looked closely, I found that the mountain god still maintained a serious expression, and his eyes were looking at the void in front of him.

After worshiping the mountain gods, the village chief asked people to remove the offerings and make them into food in front of the stove that had been set up long ago.

As an outsider, Lu Qingjiu should have been sitting on the edge, but maybe he is more generous and has a good relationship with his neighbors, but he was invited by Uncle Li to the inner table.

After the dishes were done, the dishes were brought to the table, steaming hot. Although the taste of these dishes is average, the amount is very large. Because the weather in Shuifu Village is bad in winter, almost no one goes out, so this autumn harvest festival is quite a bit like the Spring Festival.

In addition to dishes, it is men's favorite spirits. Liquor is also home-brewed liquor. Drinking it in your mouth is like burning a knife, but it is pleasant enough and very popular with men. After working in the field for a whole year, it is also allowed to drink a meal indiscriminately.

Lu Qingjiu took a sip of the wine and felt that the wine was sliding down his throat, and there was a burning pain everywhere it slipped. It wasn't until it reached his stomach that a heat flowed up, and the previous pain turned into pleasure.

"Good wine." Lu Qingjiu praised.

"It's delicious." Uncle Li proudly said, "This is brewed by my family. I'll use it to entertain everyone today. Drink whatever you want, enough!"

The alcohol content is very high. Even if someone with a good alcohol capacity drinks it openly, I'm afraid they won't be able to drink much. Although Lu Qingjiu has the word wine in his name, his alcohol capacity is really average. After drinking a glass of white wine, a blush appeared on his cheeks. , his eyes became wet.

The whole village was very lively, the chatter, the punching, the laughing and the riot, made Lu Qingjiu have a bright smile on his face. He hadn't eaten such a lively meal for a long time, and it seemed not bad to make such a fuss occasionally.

Chatting, talking, eating and drinking, Lu Qingjiu was a little drunk before he knew it.

His head started to feel dizzy, and his consciousness was still somewhat clear, but he couldn't control his actions. Just as he was lying on the table thinking that it was time for him to go home, a familiar face appeared in front of Lu Qingjiu's eyes. .

Bai Yuehu is here.

He came from the other side of the village, and after wandering around the crowd, he noticed Lu Qingjiu, who seemed to be unconscious on the table in the corner.

The crowd was still noisy, and the drunken men were all over the place, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of alcohol, which was a bit annoying. Bai Yuehu walked in the direction of Lu Qingjiu, and he saw Lu Qingjiu who was drinking a little confused.

Although Lu Qingjiu is not good at drinking, but the wine is good. He doesn't make noise when he is drunk. He obediently lies on the table and doesn't move at all until Bai Yuehu softly calls his name, and he raises it blankly. He started and looked at Bai Yuehu with wet eyes. The nerves paralyzed by the alcohol became a little dull, Lu Qingjiu observed for a while before he recognized the identity of the person in front of him, he laughed, his eyes curved in a small arc, and his mouth murmured: "Yue... Yue fox…”

Bai Yuehu didn't answer, just looked at Lu Qingjiu like that.

Lu Qingjiu said, "I... I seem to be drunk." He sniffed and tried to stand up, but his limbs were a little awkward, so there was a hint of grievance in his nasal voice, "Why... stand up. can't get up..."

Bai Yuehu stretched out his hand, grabbed Lu Qingjiu's arm, and brought him into his arms.

Lu Qingjiu obeyed Bai Yuehu's movements obediently, but after leaning into Bai Yuehu's arms, he smelled a light aroma. This aroma obviously came from Bai Yuehu's body. On weekdays, Lu Qingjiu probably pretended that he didn't smell it, but after drinking too much, he obviously didn't have so many concerns, and saw him shamelessly raised his head, like a dog looking for bones. Yuehu's neck and body smelled indiscriminately, and while smelling it, he said, "Hey, Yuehu, where are you so fragrant..."

Bai Yuehu looked at the person in his arms with an unpredictable expression.

Lu Qingjiu smelled it for a while, but couldn't smell it, so he obediently stopped and fell asleep in Bai Yuehu's arms.

Bai Yuehu helped Lu Qingjiu away from the crowd, picked him up directly, and then walked home just like that.

Yin Xun, who had just returned home and was sitting in the yard eating glutinous rice ribs, watched Bai Yuehu walk in with a drunk unconscious Lu Qingjiu in his arms. When he saw this scene, he quickly put the The bones spit out and said, "Come back, is sake drunk?"

Bai Yuehu nodded.

"Put him on the bed, and I'll cook him some sober soup." Yin Xun looked at Lu Qingjiu, who was lying in Bai Yuehu's arms, he was terrified. Lu Qingjiu didn't know what Bai Yuehu was. , He is very clear, if this one gets angry, let alone Lu Qingjiu, even the entire Shuifu Village will suffer.

Bai Yuehu said: "No need, you go back, I will come."

Yin Xun's eyes widened when he heard the words. He wanted to say something, but he noticed Bai Yuehu's cold eyes, so he swallowed all the words that came to his mouth, he laughed dryly, scratched his head, and said boldly: " If you drink too much sake, don't bother with him."

Bai Yuehu said lightly, "Can I still eat him?"

Yin Xun smiled dryly: "Yes, after eating, no one will cook." He knew that it was useless to talk too much, so he obediently left the yard. Although he was still a little worried, he also understood that Bai Yuehu would definitely not He swallowed Lu Qingjiu in one bite. After all, Bai Yuehu wanted to eat people, so he didn't need to take him away. As long as he was willing, he could eat all Lu Qingjiu without spitting up his bones.

The author has something to say: Lu Qingjiu: You won't eat me, will you

Bai Yuehu: It depends on how you eat it.

Lu Qingjiu: Huh?

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone! ! !

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