Fantasy Farm

Chapter 61: Jiang Buhuan


"You feel like you're going to die?" Lu Qingjiu was a little surprised by what Jiang Buhuan said.

"Yes, I can feel that death is getting closer and closer to me." Jiang Buhuan said, "The nerves all over the body are tense, as if an irreversible accident will occur if one is not careful, there are other people who have such a hunch My friends, after I contacted them, I made an appointment to come to Shuifu Village to find out the reason." He shuddered when he said this, "But, but... there was an accident on the way, Their car went under the cliff…”

Lu Qingjiu said, "Why did you come to Shuifu Village to find answers?"

"Because everything started after leaving here." Jiang Buhuan became emotional, "You are the only normal person I have seen in the village, I want to ask if you know anything about this village, about That old house…”

Lu Qingjiu frowned, "I don't know anything."

Jiang Buhuan didn't believe it: "Please tell me, I really don't know what to do. If I can't find a reason and can't solve this matter, I will really die!!"

Lu Qingjiu thought of something, he said, "You said that your friend didn't come with you at all when you called after you?"

Jiang Buhuan said, "Yes, they don't even remember that they made an appointment with me to come here."

"Then have you ever thought about one thing." Lu Qingjiu said, "The one who invited you here is not your friend at all?"

Jiang Buhuan's expression froze.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Maybe the person who invited you here has some purpose... Of course, this is just my personal guess."

Yin Xun listened to the two of them chatting while eating strawberries. He shuddered when he heard Lu Qingjiu's words, and muttered, "Why is this more and more terrifying? There are so many ghosts in the world."

Lu Qingjiu turned his head and glanced at him, then said, "Go clean the well in our backyard."

Yin Xun: "..." Damn, how could he forget that there is a ghost lady in their backyard who feeds them all.

Jiang Buhuan didn't understand what their conversation meant, in desperation, he reached out and grabbed Lu Qingjiu's arm, saying, "Please help me, you've been living here for so long and it's fine, you must know something. what."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Calm down."

Jiang Buhuan couldn't calm down, grabbing Lu Qingjiu was like holding on to the last straw.

Just when the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, Bai Yuehu who was sitting in the distance opened his mouth softly. Although his voice was low, Lu Qingjiu could still hear clearly, Bai Yuehu said, "You stay here. The next three days."

Lu Qingjiu was stunned when he heard the words, and Yin Xun thought he was hallucinating. Just now, Bai Yuehu, who hated Jiang Buhuan very much, why did he want to keep Jiang Buhuan? Could it be that Jiang Buhuan provoked something? What does it have to do with Bai Yuehu

Jiang Buhuan is also very winking. He can see at a glance that Bai Yuehu's status here is not low. Hearing that, he quickly expressed his thanks, expressing his willingness to pay high accommodation fees, as long as he can live here and find a solution. In fact, after he entered this yard, he felt a rare relief. Although it was terrifying to be stared at by Bai Yuehu, it was much better than the feeling that he might lose his life at any time. .

Lu Qingjiu didn't care about Jiang Buhuan's stay. He was just curious about the reason. After a few words of conversation, Bai Yuehu actually left Jiang Buhuan behind.

"Have you brought your luggage?" Lu Qingjiu stood up, "I'll take you to the guest room, you should have a good rest first." The dark circles under Jiang Buhuan's eyes are particularly obvious, but fortunately he is good-looking and has dark circles under his eyes. It looks a bit like wearing a smoky makeup.

"Thank you, thank you." Jiang Buhuan quickly thanked.

There are still many guest rooms in the house. Lu Qingjiu took Jiang Buhuan with his luggage and went to one of them. After entering the house, he briefly explained how to use the bathroom and toilet at home, as well as some precautions, such as not going to the backyard. , don't tease the chickens at home.

Jiang Buhuan sat on the bed and listened obediently. From the outside, he only looked like twenty-one-two. At this age, he should have been studying in the university. Just entered the entertainment industry, his growth rate has been much faster, and his face is less childish.

After Lu Qingjiu arranged for him, he planned to leave, but Jiang Buhuan said in a low voice, "That... I'm sorry..."

"Huh?" Lu Qingjiu turned around.

"I haven't eaten for a day, can you give me something to eat?" Jiang Buhuan was also looking for someone to eat for the first time. He was a little embarrassed and coughed, "I can pay."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "I don't need the money, wait a moment, and I'll get it for you." There was no leftovers at home, so Lu Qingjiu had to go to the kitchen to get two tomatoes and put them on Jiang Buhuan's stomach.

Jiang Buhuan showed a horrified expression when he saw the tomato: "This... Is this edible?" Bai Yuehu's terrifying eyes that were about to chop him were still vivid in his mind.

"It's okay, let's eat." Lu Qingjiu comforted. Since Bai Yuehu left him, he must have to eat at home. Although his fox protects his food, he is not stingy, and it is reasonable.

"Thank you then." Jiang Buhuan showed a moved expression, took the tomato and ate it, looking really hungry.

Lu Qingjiu turned and left the room, returning to the courtyard.

Bai Yuehu was still sitting there eating strawberries until his lips were red. When he saw Lu Qingjiu coming, his first words were: "Don't give him the tomatoes I planted."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He just praised Bai Yuehu for being reasonable, "Then what should I feed him?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Isn't Yin Xun also growing vegetables?"

Yin Xun raised his head blankly, "Huh?"

Bai Yuehu: "Give Jiang Buhuan the vegetables he grows."

Yin Xun: "...Are you fucking discriminating against me? What happened to the vegetables I grew?"

Bai Yuehu's indifferent face: "You eat it yourself."

Yin Xun wilted in an instant. He is not like Bai Yuehu, who is a good vegetable grower. All the vegetables he grows are malnourished. A carrot is the size of a little finger. These dishes come alive.

Lu Qingjiu laughed, and after laughing, he remembered the business: "By the way, why did you keep Jiang Buhuan?" According to Bai Yuehu's attitude towards Jiang Buhuan, he should have wished that Jiang Buhuan would die sooner. , why did you take the initiative to keep Jiang Buhuan

Bai Yuehu said: "He has a strange aura."

Lu Qingjiu: "A strange smell?"

"Well." Bai Yuehu said, "It's very special, so I want to observe it for a few days."

Lu Qingjiu nodded and understood Bai Yuehu's meaning. It seemed that Jiang Buhuan's troubles were indeed very special, and even aroused Bai Yuehu's interest, which was somewhat interesting.

With Bai Yuehu's approval, Jiang Buhuan successfully settled in Lu Qingjiu's house, but according to Yin Xun's statement, he finally replaced him and became the lowest-ranking person in their family, perhaps not as good as the chickens in the front yard.

However, although Bai Yuehu said that Jiang Buhuan would not be allowed to eat his own dishes, Lu Qingjiu was embarrassed to let others stand by and watch them eat.

Jiang Buhuan also knew that he was not welcome, so he carefully sat on the edge of the table, holding a bowl and didn't dare to open it to eat, so he only took the dishes in front of him, for fear that he would be kicked out by Bai Yuehu if he ate too much. It's a real worry.

The next day, Zhu Miaomiao was coming, and Lu Qingjiu picked her up from the train station in a pickup truck.

Knowing that it was not easy for them to buy things here, Zhu Miaomiao specially brought large and small bags of snacks for Lu Qingjiu, and also brought two boxes of fresh cherries and mangoes. These were things that Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun had never tasted before. Lu Qingjiu could already imagine how happy the two of them looked when they saw the fruit.

"Oh, there's a lot of stuff." Zhu Miaomiao chatted with Lu Qingjiu while sitting in the car, "I'm exhausted mentioning it, but sake, the honey you sent me is too fragrant, and you can send me some extra next time. "

"Okay, no problem." Lu Qingjiu responded. The little bees at home are still producing honey very fast. I will get a few more jars in a few days for Zhu Miaomiao to take home.

"By the way, there is a guest at home." When the car was about to arrive home, Lu Qingjiu remembered something and reminded Zhu Miaomiao.

"Oh." Zhu Miaomiao didn't realize what this guest meant at all. She thought that someone from a relative came to visit, so she would have it, and she didn't recognize her.

After parking the truck, Lu Qingjiu and Zhu Miaomiao entered the house with the things. As soon as they walked into the yard, Zhu Miaomiao was stunned by the person who appeared in front of her. She even thought she was hallucinating, and reached out and rubbed it heavily for several times. It was only after I lowered my eyes that I was sure it was true: "Fuck, f*ck, why did I see Jiang Buhuan, am I dreaming??"

Not only did I see Jiang Buhuan, I even saw him sweeping the chicken shit in the yard with Yin Xun with a broom...

"It's not a dream." Lu Qingjiu said, "Didn't I tell you just now that there is a guest at home."

Zhu Miaomiao screamed: "But you didn't say that the guest is Jiang Buhuan!!"

Lu Qingjiu: "Is it too late to say now?"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhu Miaomiao rushed out excitedly and started to circle around his idol: "Jiang Buhuan, Jiang Buhuan, it's the living Jiang Buhuan!!"

Jiang Buhuan was embarrassed by Zhu Miaomiao. To be honest, after he arrived in this village, he almost forgot his identity as a star. Not only did he not feel that he was popular, but he was even afraid of being disliked and kicked out of the house. It can be said that he is walking on thin ice. In order to prove his worth, he has to bite the bullet and clean the yard carefully with others in the case of a broken arm. At this time, Zhu Miaomiao's enthusiastic scream made him unexpectedly uncomfortable...

"Are you alive??" Zhu Miaomiao leaned in front of him.

Jiang Buhuan: "Alive..."

Zhu Miaomiao continued to scream: "My mother, it's really alive, and she can speak!!!"

Jiang Buhuan: "…"

Seeing the interaction between the two, Lu Qingjiu couldn't help laughing. He said, "Jiang Buhuan, you don't need to sweep the floor along, isn't the hand injury still healed?"

Jiang Buhuan hurriedly said, "Small injury, minor injury."

Yin Xun, who was next to him, had already dropped the broom in his hand and rushed towards the snacks that Zhu Miaomiao brought, his eyes glowing with drool, "What is this, is this the legendary mango? I've never eaten it. "

Lu Qingjiu said, "Let's go, I'll peel two for you."

Yin Xun nodded like pounding garlic.

The mangoes brought by Zhu Miaomiao are all high-quality big green mangoes, which are directly airlifted from the tropics. It is impossible to grow this kind of tropical fruit by yourself, it can only be bought from outside, and the worst thing is that their market is small, there is no expensive imported supermarket at all, and the quality of the fruit in the online store is difficult to guarantee.

Here Yin Xun buried his head in the mango and ate it with relish, while Zhu Miaomiao was still chasing stars enthusiastically, Jiang Buhuan was so confused by her that she almost smeared chicken shit on his feet.

After Bai Yuehu came back, he saw the noisy courtyard. Lu Qingjiu was originally worried that he would not like it, but obviously, the cherries and mangoes that Zhu Miaomiao brought attracted most of the attention of the two foodies. So it became a harmonious picture of Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun sitting next to each other eating fruit, Jiang Buhuan struggling to sweep chicken shit, and Zhu Miaomiao wishing to turn herself into chicken shit.

Lu Qingjiu's expression was satisfied, like an old father watching his children live in harmony.

Since Zhu Miaomiao came to play, the family was going to have a big meal as usual. Lu Qingjiu had already prepared fresh ingredients and bought a lot of seafood to make a hearty lunch.

Boiled shrimp, stewed beef, Kung Pao chicken, stir-fried pork belly with spicy cabbage, stewed chicken soup with mushrooms, shredded jellyfish, boiled lettuce, and a large bowl of vermilion braised pork, the whole table was full.

Braised pork is Lu Qingjiu’s specialty. The meat has been stir-fried to remove most of the fat and become soft and glutinous. Add rock sugar, soy sauce and various spices. After simmering for half an hour, the meat is completely delicious. It almost melts in your mouth when you chew it, and with the rich layering of the pork belly, you can shave several bowls of rice with just the meat.

Zhu Miaomiao sat happily next to Jiang Buhuan and was still chatting with her idol.

Probably eating Zhu Miaomiao's fruit, Bai Yuehu also gave Jiang Buhuan a little face and did not stop him from eating. Jiang Buhuan had officially tasted Lu Qingjiu's craftsmanship. He took a mouthful of braised pork, showing surprise, and praised: "It's really good."

Lu Qingjiu said, "This meat is good." The meat was brought back by Bai Yuehu. I don't know what kind of meat it is. Anyway, the taste is much better than pork, and there is no peculiar smell of pork at all.

"Where." Jiang Buhuan thought it was Lu Qingjiu's modesty. The longer he stayed here, the more unfathomable he found the few people who lived here.

Needless to say, Bai Yuehu doesn't look like an ordinary person. Jiang Buhuan entered the entertainment industry when he was 12 years old. Everyone in his family does this, but he has seen so many big-name stars, but he has I have never seen such a delicate looking man Bai Yuehu. I can imagine how popular Bai Yuehu would be if he also entered the entertainment industry.

Zhu Miaomiao ate the meal made by Lu Qingjiu and showed a happy expression. She said, "By the way, Jiang Buhuan, why do you want to live here?"

Jiang Buhuan: "... Vacation." He couldn't say that he was afraid of death.

Zhu Miaomiao: "Do you know Bai Yuehu?"

Jiang Buhuan coughed dryly: "I don't know. Didn't I do a show here before, it was all by chance..." He said very vaguely.

Although Zhu Miaomiao thought it was a little strange, he didn't go into it. After all, which star has no quirks.

After eating, Jiang Buhuan volunteered to wash the dishes, but was stopped by Zhu Miaomiao, saying that she should go.

"Go and rest." Lu Qingjiu knew that he was still worried about being kicked out, "At least nothing will happen these few days."

Jiang Buhuan smiled bitterly.

Lu Qingjiu said, "I'm going to the town again. The owner of the seed store just said that there are new saplings. This time there are mangosteen seeds, which were specially brought in for me."

They basically don't grow mangosteen here, and they don't eat much, but Lu Qingjiu likes this kind of fruit very much. Although the pulp is small, it is sweet and sour, and it tastes fragrant.

"I'll come with you." Yin Xun raised his hand.

"That's fine." Lu Qingjiu said, "Let's go get some equipment and come back, and let's have a barbecue in the yard at night." It's interesting to eat barbecue when there are many people, and the weather in this spring is so good, it's warm during the day and warm at night. It's not cold, and occasionally a breeze blows, and you can smell the faint fragrance of flowers.

If it was before, Lu Qingjiu really didn't dare to leave Bai Yuehu and Jiang Buhuan alone at home, but now that there is a passionate Zhu Miaomiao, the atmosphere shouldn't be too embarrassing.

After Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun bought the saplings, they went to the side to rent the barbecue equipment. After thinking about it, he simply bought this set of iron racks from the boss. He thought that there was a place to put them at home anyway, so he just kept them at home, and in the future You don't have to make a special trip to town when you want to eat BBQ.

Yin Xun had been thinking about the dishes he wanted to eat at night all the way, and his eyes narrowed with joy.

Bringing things to the yard, Lu Qingjiu began to prepare for the barbecue at night. The meat must be cut and marinated, and the condiments, shallots, minced garlic, etc. must be prepared in advance, but there are many people in the family, so start It happened very quickly, but Lu Qingjiu didn't bother much.

Everyone chatted while doing things, and also ate snacks brought by Zhu Miaomiao, it was like a spring outing. Spring is a soothing season. Lu Qingjiu also picked some new peach blossoms near the village and wanted to make some peach blossom wine.

After a busy afternoon, everything that should be prepared is almost ready. After Lu Qingjiu has cooked the charcoal, he starts the barbecue.

The most prepared is beef skewers. The beef is sliced thinly, skewered with bamboo skewers before researching, and then grilled on high heat. After roasting, sprinkle with chili noodles and chopped green onion. The whole yard is full of cooked meat. After that tantalizing charcoal scent.

A handful of beef with a hundred skewers, Lu Qingjiu handed them a handful after grilling, and by the way, grilled garlic eggplant, lactone tofu and other things that took a long time.

While eating barbecue and drinking a little wine, the atmosphere in the yard is particularly pleasant.

Jiang Buhuan was injured and couldn't drink, so he opened a bottle of Coke and drank with Zhu Miaomiao. He seemed to be in a good mood, with a little more smile on his face and less sadness.

Lu Qingjiu fed all the fox cubs and Xiaohua Xiaohei at home. Jiang Buhuan hadn't recognized the fox yet, thinking that the fox was a poodle raised by Lu Qingjiu...

Lu Qingjiu's appetite was small, and he was almost full after eating a piece of roasted corn. Zhu Miaomiao was a little drunk and dragged Jiang Buhuan to listen to his past stories. Jiang Buhuan had no choice but to chat with her about entertainment. The gossip in the circle, what a star has a crush on b star, what c star and d star have long been divorced, etc...

Yin Xun was also full. He sat beside him to digest while feeling his chubby belly. Bai Yuehu continued to eat. Lu Qingjiu strongly suspected that he could not fill his huge stomach after eating all these things. Alas, I don't know when I can make Bai Yuehu full, Lu Qingjiu thought regretfully.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, the barbecue dinner was over. Lu Qingjiu was a little tired after a busy day. He handed over the cleaning to Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu. He took a shower and prepared to rest early.

Today the moon is crooked, but bright, the sky is dense with stars, and white clouds can still be seen floating in the sky. This is a rare beauty in the city, and at this time he can see it sitting by the window.

Lu Qingjiu yawned, walked over to the bed and lay down. Within a few minutes, he fell into a deep sleep.

He thought he would sleep until the next day like before, but in the middle of the night, Lu Qingjiu woke up rarely, he felt a kind of terrifying fear, after opening his eyes, he didn't even dare to turn on the light , and tried hard to control his breathing, not wanting to make too much noise. It was a biological sixth sense, and he buried his head under the covers and heard his heart pounding.

"Huhu... Huhu..." It seemed that something was passing through the window and was making a low breathing sound, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that it was just his own delusion, and the breathing sound was nothing but a breeze.

Lu Qingjiu was shaking violently. He wanted to know what happened and if there was anything outside the window. So, Lu Qingjiu endured his fear, slowly, slowly sticking his head out of the quilt, and looking out the window, only to find that it was pitch black outside, and he couldn't see anything, no moon, no stars, and no clouds. There is only endless night.

Seeing the blackness, Lu Qingjiu even wondered for a second if there was something wrong with his eyes, but he quickly realized why it was black outside the window—something was blocking his window, blocking it. the moon and stars.

Then, Lu Qingjiu saw the most terrifying scene he had ever seen in his life. He saw the black patch outside the window flickering slightly. At this moment, Lu Qingjiu finally realized that what was blocking his window was a huge Yes, black eyes, the eyes only need to use the pupils to cover the entire window. The owner of the eyes, who was prying into the house at this time, had obviously found Lu Qingjiu making noises on the bed.

Lu Qingjiu held his breath, he didn't know what was in front of him, but obviously, no matter what it was, in front of that thing, he was like an ant.

"Ah—" A shrill scream rang out. It was Jiang Buhuan's voice. The scream caused the monster outside the window to slowly look away, apparently arousing its interest. It blinked, then started to move slowly, moved its huge eyes away, and returned the moonlight and stars to Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu watched it leave and disappeared outside his window, but he didn't dare to think about where the monster went, and why Bai Yuehu didn't respond. Could it be that Bai Yuehu hadn't hit the monster in front of him? Will Bai Yuehu be injured because of this? Or something more terrifying? Lu Qingjiu's heart suddenly became chaotic. He gritted his teeth and resisted the natural fear in his bones. He got up from the bed, opened the door carefully, staggered, and walked towards Bai Yuehu's residence.

The author has something to say: Lu Qingjiu: I want to protect Bai Yuehu!

Bai Yuehu: Touched.

Lu Qingjiu: No one wants to hurt my son and pet! !

Bai Yuehu: ? ?

Yin Xun: ? ? ?

Thanks to the following babies for mine grenades and rocket launchers

Thanks for the dizzy rocket launcher x2

Thanks to Wilde's fairy tale mine x1, grenade x1, rocket launcher x1

Thanks to Luzi Lemon Tea for mine x1, rocket launcher x1

Thanks to demeter's rocket launcher x1, thanks to a rocket launcher of Mu Lysobacterium x1

Thank you for the rocket launcher drunk with Jun x1

Thanks for the rocket launcher x1 for Benbenbenben cat, thanks for the grenade x1 for Arc A7, thanks for the grenade x1 for Asgard

Thanks to the gentle white moonlight's grenade x1 Thanks to the long-haired raccoon flower's grenade x1

Thank you ♀forgetting Sichuan Fish の Missing 〃's grenade x1 Thanks to Jinhu's grenade x1

Thanks for Huan Qijiu's grenade x1 Thanks for ky stay away from me, thank you for the grenade x1

Thank you sugar ball ball ball ball mine x2 Thank dog eggs don't eat grass mine x2

Thanks to Xiang Xiang's mine x2

Thanks to Jiang Han for mine x2 Thanks to cherryontop for mine x2

thanks toto for mine x2 thanks to woody for mine x2

Thank you for the mines x1, thank you 24603458 for mines x1, thank you for sayiba's mines x1

Thanks to 29627793's mines x1 thanks to the madman paper's mines x1

Thanks to Yuanshui Yingbaiyue's mine x1 Thank you for the mine x1

Thanks for Hengwu's mines x1, thanks to Xiaoting Guanyu's mines x1, thanks to Liwu Qianxiao's mines x1, thanks to Ajie for the best mines x1

Thanks to 233's mine x1, thank you for the mine x1 of the natural base

Thanks to Zou's forced mines x1 Thanks to Chi Wangxuan's mines x1

Thanks for the warm mine x1

Thanks to the mine x1 of 31640185 thanks to the mine x1 of the character

Thank you for staring at mines x1, thank you for Su Jinye's mines x1

Thanks to the Grizzly Husky for mines x1

Thanks to 23315983 for mine x1

Thanks to Laver's mine x Thanks to Bi Sheng's mine x1

Thanks to get Xiaohonghua's mine x1 Thanks to wvv's mine x1

Thanks Gu Qin. . . . . . . . mine x1 thanks to Ziyan's mine x1

Thanks Beansmashed mines x1 Thanks nerd Po's mines x1 Thanks Van's mines x1

Thanks to waaan's mine x1 Thanks to the silent mine x1

Thanks to the mines of blood rain, Tanhuahua, self-pity x1, thanks to She Sanbai's mines x1

Thanks for the mine x1 of the old drag racing driver, thanks to the fox for the mine x1

Thanks to 25819248's mine x1 Thank you Zhu Mengmeng, what a lovely mine x1

Thanks to the mines of Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets x1

Thanks for Shenyin's mines x1, thanks to Zhou Jiayu for the mines cast while kissing the forest x1

Thanks to otaku for mines x1 thanks to Tang Lingyan for mines x1

Thanks to the mines of the dead moon x1 thanks to the mines that eat sugar x1

Thank you for Jinchen's mines x1, thank you for Xianxian and Wangji's mines x1, thank you for mines x1

Thank you Miss Mango for the mine x1 Thank you for the mine x1 Thank you for the mine x1

Thanks for my very quiet mine x1

Thanks to how far's mines x1 Thank you for addicted to Maomao's mines x1

Thanks for the mines x1 of Xundao Weijie thanks to the mines x1 of 19909735

Thanks to Lin Qing's mines x Thanks to Tianhe Baobao's mines x1 Thanks to Gu Taijia's twelve mines x1

Thanks for the mine x1, thanks for the mine x1

Thanks to Ling Xiao's mine x1 Thanks to Lilian's mine x1 Thanks to Xiaoyerong's mine x1

Thanks to 14147204 for mine x1 thanks to puchi for mine x1

Thank you for the mines that must pass the test x1, thank you for the mines x1, thank you for the mines x1

Thank you for Muba's mines x1 Thank you for Xianyu Fatci's mines x1

Thanks to the mines x1 of the waste dim sum thanks to the mines of 32334290 x1

Thanks for the idle mines x1 Thanks for Qianji Bian's mines x1