Fantasy Farm

Chapter 63: birthday present


Lu Qingjiu's birthday is the spring of March, when everything is revived, and the whole world is full of vitality. Lu Qingjiu likes the busy spring, the warm sunshine in the spring, the melting stream, and the fragrance of the grass and trees in the wilderness. When grandma was still around, whenever Lu Qingjiu celebrated his birthday, she would cook a special bowl of chicken noodle soup for Lu Qingjiu. Their family's conditions are not very good, and they don't have much money to buy cakes. For Lu Qingjiu, this bowl of noodles has already satisfied him. There are usually three fried golden candied eggs lying in the chicken noodle soup, which Lu Qingjiu can eat in two bites.

Later, Lu Qingjiu left Shuifu Village, and he didn't taste his grandma's craft for a long time. He remembered that his parents wanted to take grandma out, but grandma didn't agree, so he was determined to stay in this remote village. inside, as if waiting for something.

On the morning of the 30th, Lu Qingjiu woke up from the bed, and the first thing he did after opening his eyes was to take the wooden box on the bedside.

There are still character locks hanging on the wooden box. The characters on these character locks change every day. Lu Qingjiu checked the locks as usual today, but after seeing the character locks clearly, he was stunned.

He actually found three very familiar characters in the character lock—Lu, Qing, and Jiu, which were his names. Lu Qingjiu immediately remembered what the monk Xuanyu had said to him. Before his death, his grandmother left him a gift, and that gift should be the wooden box in front of him.

Lu Qingjiu's hand trembled slightly, and slowly twisted the lock, twisting the three words of Lu Qingjiu to the same horizontal line. At the moment when the three words were twisted together, the wooden box made a crisp sound, and it tightened tightly. The locked lock just opened.

Lu Qingjiu held his breath nervously, he slowly removed the character lock, opened the wooden box, and saw the contents inside.

It was a thick notebook that looked a few years old.

Lu Qingjiu stretched out his hand and took out the notebook, but saw a black object falling out of the notebook, he was stunned, picked it up, and after starting, he found that it was actually a black scale, which was the same as his last night. The obtained is somewhat similar. It's just that the scales are covered with scratches, and it seems that the owner of the scales has been seriously injured.

Lu Qingjiu was a little confused. His previous guess was confirmed. It seemed that his grandmother did know about non-human beings. As for this black scale, is it Bai Yuehu's? Or his kin? But what exactly are Bai Yuehu's clansmen, are they dragons? However, there are also so many kinds of dragons, and there are quite a few in the Book of Mountains and Seas alone...

With hesitation, Lu Qingjiu put the scales in his pocket and opened the notebook in his hand.

The notebook had been left for too long, and the paper had turned old yellow, but the graceful font on it was still very clear. This was the handwriting of Lu Qingjiu's grandmother.

When I opened the first page of the notebook, there were a few words written on it: There is water in Shuifu Village.

Lu Qingjiu frowned, showing a look of doubt. Indeed, he also felt strange about the name of the village. After all, most of the time, the name of the village is based on some local characteristics. The simplest example is that there are more people surnamed Li, so the village will be called Lijia Village, but there is only one fish in Shuifu Village. If there is no stream, why is it called the Water House

After flipping through a few pages, Lu Qingjiu finally determined that the notebook in front of him seemed to be his grandmother's diary. It's just that the records are confusing, there is no specific time, I just write a few notes on it when I remember it, but judging from the general description inside, this notebook has been recorded since my grandmother was young, and it was kept until her death. by her side.

"I like this place very much. The tenants are also very interesting, and they are very good-looking. Haha, I think he is much better looking than me."

Lu Qingjiu's expression froze, and he had a bad premonition.

Soon, as he turned more and more pages, his bad premonition came true. The contents recorded in the notebook were telling Lu Qingjiu that his grandmother seemed to be going through the same thing as him. She also met a beautiful tenant. The tenant has a great appetite, but his temper is very different from Bai Yuehu. He is gentle and considerate, "warm like the sun in spring."

"I really like spring." The young girl at the time quickly fell in love, "Just like him, the lunch he made today was so delicious, I asked him if he could make it for me all the time, He smiled and nodded."

Seeing such warm words, Lu Qingjiu felt uncomfortable in his heart. Because in his memory, he had never seen his grandfather. The title of grandpa is also a taboo in the family. He once asked his grandma when he was a child, but his grandma told him not to ask again.

"You don't have a grandfather." Grandma said, "Don't ask again, darling wine."

Since then, Lu Qingjiu has never asked again.

Lu Qingjiu continued to look back and found that more than half of the diary was torn off at the back. It could be seen that when the back part was torn off, Grandma was very excited, because she almost tore the diary in half.

"I see." Grandma wrote later, "I am willing to make such a choice, because at least I have him, and it is enough to have him. It turned out that they wanted me back because of this, and I was the only one left in the Lu family. , I'm the only one, and it's my responsibility."

Lu Qingjiu didn't understand what this responsibility meant, but his mood became heavier. He felt that something had happened to his grandma.

There were many blank pages in the diary after that. It seemed that my grandmother lost interest in journaling. Then, some words that made Lu Qingjiu particularly uneasy appeared.

"He's changed, how could this be."

"How could this be, I don't understand."

"They sent new tenants, but I can't take it."

"Why, why... why, why, I don't want to give up, I don't want to give up."

"I am pregnant."

"it's all over."

Lu Qingjiu held the notebook tightly. Pregnancy before marriage was a serious crime in the past, but fortunately, because the Lu family's status in Shuifu Village was very high, she was not kicked out, but she could not go to some formal occasions, and occasionally Encountered the eyes of the villagers. After Lu Qingjiu's mother was born, her grandmother sent her out of Shuifu Village to let her live and grow outside. But later, his mother and father were too busy to take care of the young Lu Qingjiu, so he was sent to his grandmother and spent his childhood beside this kind old man.

What the hell happened between grandma and her beloved tenant? What does the change in her mouth mean? Lu Qingjiu felt as if he was standing in front of a black abyss, and when he stepped forward, he would fall into it. His reason told him to stop, but curiosity drove him to keep going.

Lu Qingjiu turned the notebook to the last few pages and saw a passage left by his grandmother.

"Sake, when you saw this notebook, I should have been gone. I want to say sorry to you. Your parents' death was not an accident. Your grandfather was the murderer. It's just that he got what he deserved. Punishment, he is not willing, please don't blame him. There are many secrets in Shuifu Village, I don't know how much you know, but if you can, I don't want you to know too much. "

Lu Qingjiu looked at the text, but felt that his body was getting colder.

"Our Lu family has a special bloodline, and we were born to be the guardians of Shuifu Village, but the Lu family's bloodline is thin and we don't know when it will be cut off. I'm glad you left Shuifu Village, and I hope you don't come back and let all this happen. It's over. But I'm still worried about what will happen after I leave, and you'll be confused when you come back here, so I left you this notebook, how I hope you don't open it or see it."

But obviously, grandma's prayer was not successful. Driven by fate, Lu Qingjiu came back to this remote village.

Lu Qingjiu choked up and continued to look down.

"But if you see it, it may not be a bad thing. You have your own path to walk, and your grandma can't make a decision for you. The water house is a very special place, connecting the two worlds. The Lu family guards it for thousands of years, but What we are guarding is not the village, but the people. Sake, have you met a new tenant too? The one you want to guard is him, if he is alive, Shuifu Village can continue to be preserved, if he dies or appears Any accident will have serious consequences. You must not be emotional about the tenant, it is wrong, and the Lu family will pay a heavy price for it. "

Lu Qingjiu thought, how was his grandmother's mood when she wrote this sentence, did she think of the person she loved deeply? But this is obviously contradictory. If you use all your strength to protect a person, how can you not be emotional about him? Humans without emotions, are they still human? Besides, they are obviously so weak, why are they guarding powerful tenants? He really didn't understand.

Grandma obviously couldn't give a perfect answer either. She left the sentence "Sake, Grandma loves you, if you encounter something bad, just look at the contents of the box." After that, the note stopped abruptly.

The last paragraph was written very scribbly. It can be seen that the person who wrote this paragraph is in a bad state. This should be the last words of my grandmother.

Lu Qingjiu rubbed the paper with his fingers and felt the rough touch on it. He almost understood what Grandma meant, but there were some things he didn't understand, but it was no longer important at this time. He held the notebook firmly to his chest, got up and went to find Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu was still sleeping, he was lying on the bed, his cheeks buried in the soft quilt, his long black hair was scattered like silk on the white sheets, and his face was as beautiful as a painting.

Humans are superficial animals, and they like and have always been delicate skins.

Lu Qingjiu sat down beside Bai Yuehu, his movements were very light, but Bai Yuehu still opened his eyes, but there was some sleepiness in his eyes, and he didn't have any precautions, he said, "What's wrong?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "I have something to ask you."

Bai Yuehu's gaze shifted to the box Lu Qingjiu was holding: "Did you open it?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Yeah."

Bai Yuehu said, "Ask."

Lu Qingjiu hesitated slightly: "Do you know what happened to my grandma?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I know some."

Lu Qingjiu immediately became nervous: "Which ones?"

"She is your grandma." Bai Yuehu said, "the Lu family who once guarded Shuifu Village."

Lu Qingjiu: "What else?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Her lover got into a big disaster and was imprisoned." His tone was light, but what he said made Lu Qingjiu tremble slightly.

"You... do you know what happened to her lover?" Lu Qingjiu continued to ask.

"I don't know." Bai Yuehu said, "These things are kept secret, Sake, what's wrong?"

Lu Qingjiu smiled bitterly: "He ate my parents."

Bai Yuehu frowned slightly: "Impossible."

Lu Qingjiu: "Why is it impossible?"

Bai Yuehu: "If he wants to eat it, he will eat your grandma first, so why would he give your parents something to eat?"

Lu Qingjiu: "What do you mean? Why do you say that?" He didn't understand Bai Yuehu's logic at all.

Bai Yuehu sat up straight and slowly approached Lu Qingjiu, his eyes seemed to have flames burning, which made Lu Qingjiu want to retreat, but Bai Yuehu grabbed his arm, he said slowly : "What are you afraid of?"

Lu Qingjiu's throat moved slightly: "I just... don't understand what you mean."

Bai Yuehu said: "Our family, unless we face the enemy, we like what we eat. Your grandma was by his side at the time. If he eats, he will eat your grandma first."

Lu Qingjiu: "...but the fact is that he ate my parents."

Bai Yuehu: "Maybe he didn't do it voluntarily."

Lu Qingjiu: "You guys will still be forced?"

Bai Yuehu said: "We will not be forced, but we will be polluted." He said, "Beyond the water house, it is a different world."

Lu Qingjiu wanted to break free from Bai Yuehu's hand, but he felt that Bai Yuehu's hand was like cast iron, it was firmly stuck on his arm, almost motionless, he finally gave up, and just hung his head like this Sitting next to Bai Yuehu, holding the black wooden box tightly: "Do you know why I want to go back to Shuifu Village?"

Bai Yuehu observed Lu Qingjiu's expression and came up with the answer: "Because of your parents?"

"Yes." Lu Qingjiu said, "I was told that my parents didn't die accidentally." He looked at Bai Yuehu, "He's right."

Bai Yuehu: "Who told you?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Old tree."

Bai Yuehu frowned.

Lu Qingjiu said, "He said that my parents should not die. It was man-made and not a natural disaster that they died in Shuifu Village."

Bai Yuehu said: "Do you believe it?"

"I didn't believe it when I came, but now I believe it." Lu Qingjiu said, "He's right, my parents didn't die because of the mudslide, but were eaten."

No wonder Yin Xun, the mountain god, didn't even find the bodies of his parents at that time. He only found the relics. He should have known—this wasn't an accident at all, they were eaten by something.

Lu Qingjiu looked at Bai Yuehu, his eyes were wet with water, he thought of the despair in his grandma's notebook, and the scene when he was dealing with his parents' funeral, and asked, "Will you eat me?"

Bai Yuehu opened his mouth slightly, he knew that the best answer at this time was denial, but his soul was talking about the desire for Lu Qingjiu. This desire made him hesitant, so much that he could only see Lu Qingjiu in his eyes. The light dimmed.

"Can't you answer?" Lu Qingjiu said.

Bai Yuehu felt his heart tighten. This feeling was so wonderful. His heart was obviously not injured, but why did it hurt a little? "I don't know," he said.

Lu Qingjiu smiled wryly.

Bai Yuehu said, "But I will try my best to restrain it." He grabbed Lu Qingjiu's hand, sniffed his fingers carefully, his lips slid across the skin on the back of his hand, feeling the temperature belonging to a human being, he said , "It's hard for me to explain that feeling to you, it's like... a large piece of delicious cake is walking around in front of you, and you like that cake so much that you want to swallow it, but you know you won't eat it. So you have to keep on enduring.”

Lu Qingjiu was originally a little down, but Bai Yuehu's metaphor made him laugh: "But I'm not a cake."

Bai Yuehu: "Yeah, you are more attractive than cake."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Are you complimenting my meat quality?"

Bai Yuehu: "Forget it?"

Lu Qingjiu burst out laughing. He laughed and burst into tears: "Where is the non-human who ate my parents, does he know that grandma is gone?"

"I took you to see it." Bai Yuehu said, "Remember our horror story? The dragon you saw was the one that ate your parents. Of course, they said so, I I don’t believe it, it’s just that the dragon doesn’t know why and doesn’t defend himself.” It seemed that he was the parents who were sure that the dragon didn’t eat Lu Qingjiu, but this statement was very different from what his grandmother said, and Lu Qingjiu didn’t know who it was. Tell the truth.

"I feel a little uncomfortable." Lu Qingjiu said, "I didn't expect this to be my birthday present." It would be such a heavy truth.

Bai Yuehu: "It's not uncomfortable." He raised his hand and gently stroked the back of Lu Qingjiu's neck, as if using Lu Qingjiu to comfort the little fox to comfort him.

Lu Qingjiu felt a little itchy from his touch, and wanted to dodge, but Bai Yuehu grabbed him tightly.

"Will you leave?" Bai Yuehu asked, "Will you leave here?"

Perhaps Bai Yuehu didn't even realize that when he asked this question, his tone was a little nervous.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while: "No way."

Bai Yuehu sighed lightly.

"It seems that I have nowhere else to go if I leave here." Lu Qingjiu, who said this, felt bitter in his heart. He had already lost all his relatives, and he had nowhere else to go. For him, Shuifu Village is not just his hometown, but more like a warm home.

There is Yin Xun waiting for him to come back, the White Moon Fox guarding the place, the cute little pig, and the fluffy fox.

For Lu Qingjiu, this place is warm.

"Don't go." Bai Yuehu reached out and hugged Lu Qingjiu. He gently rubbed his head against Lu Qingjiu's cheek, like a coquettish big cat, "Stay here."

Lu Qingjiu looked at Bai Yuehu's movements, but felt that the fox spirit in front of him was probably too excited, so he couldn't help but do the movements that the prototype often does. Therefore, what kind of dragon is Bai Yuehu's prototype? He originally wanted to ask. , but felt that Bai Yuehu was very concerned about this matter, so he swallowed the words in his mouth again.

"Don't go." Lu Qingjiu said, "You relax, I'm going to make breakfast."

Bai Yuehu said: "Really not leaving?"

Lu Qingjiu said helplessly, "I really don't leave. If I lie to you, you can eat me, okay?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Also." He was serious.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Let me digest these things first." Fortunately, he had already accepted the non-human things, and he was mentally prepared. If he knew about this as soon as he arrived, he might have been scared away the next day. .

"Well." Bai Yuehu nodded in agreement.

Lu Qingjiu carried the box back to the bedroom, carefully closed the box, and put it on the head of the bed again. He carefully touched the box, thinking about the last words his grandmother left him, if something bad happens, Just look at the contents of the box... I think grandma wants to use her own experience to comfort Lu Qingjiu.

It's just that Lu Qingjiu only felt sad. It was hard for him to imagine the despair of his grandmother when she learned that her lover had devoured their child.

After sitting in the room for a while, Lu Qingjiu adjusted his mood and got up to go out to cook.

Although he knew the sad stories that happened here before, life still had to go on. Besides, it was his birthday today, and he didn't want his bad mood to spread to others.

When he walked outside the kitchen, Lu Qingjiu heard a screeching voice inside. He listened carefully and found that Zhu Miaomiao was arguing with Yin Xun, and Jiang Buhuan was beside him to persuade him.

"Wow, can you eat what you've made!" Yin Xun said, "Didn't I ask you to put two eggs less? You see, this cake won't take shape."

Zhu Miaomiao: "Oh, mother, I knew about your cooking skills, so I'd go to order one, hurry up, hurry up, it's so late, sake is going to be up!"

Yin Xun: "Don't rush, don't urge—"

Jiang Buhuan said: "Put it here, be careful."

Lu Qingjiu glanced at the door, and saw three people with flour on their faces carefully carrying a cake, but the cake looked strange no matter how it looked, and if I had to describe it... it was like a lump Melted Baba.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." How did they make the cake look like this

The three of them didn't notice Lu Qingjiu who was peeking at the door, so they managed to move the cake into the box, intending to put cream on it. After thinking about it, Lu Qingjiu simply left the kitchen to the three of them, and turned back to his room.

About twenty minutes later, an excited Zhu Miaomiao knocked on Lu Qingjiu's door and woke him up. Lu Qingjiu pretended that he had just woken up, yawned and said, "Sorry, I got up late today."

"It's alright," Zhu Miaomiao said, "Come here, we've prepared breakfast!"

Lu Qingjiu said, "You guys still made breakfast? Who made it? Could it be Yin Xun?"

Zhu Miaomiao didn't know how terrible Yin Xun's cooking skills were, so she was a little dazed: "What's wrong with Yin Xun's breakfast? I think he's very good at cooking."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Forget it, it's nothing." He didn't tell Zhu Miaomiao that the most terrifying thing about Yin Xun's cooking was that it looked similar to the food he tasted, but the taste was terrible, as if he used some strange ingredients.

Since everyone had been busy for a long time in order to celebrate his birthday, Lu Qingjiu didn't disappoint, anyway, eating Yin Xun's food was nothing but a stomachache for a day... right

The author has something to say: The atmosphere is too heavy today, and the small theater is suspended for one day (.

Thank you for the following baby's mine grenades and rocket launchers, especially for Xizi's girlfriend Lu Tinghan's deep-water torpedo x1, mine x1, thank you for your love

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Thank you for the grenade x1

Thanks for the grenade x1 for inviting Yueyue, thanks for the grenade x1 from 28022459, thanks for the grenade x1 from Shuiyue Lingxun

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Thanks Gu Qin. . . . . . . . mine x1

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Thanks salted fish fat times mine x1

Thanks for asking Jing's mines x1

Thanks to the small pure mine x1