Fantasy Farm

Chapter 65: exclusive


At the back, the place where Bai Yuehu swam was already a darkness where he could not see his fingers. Lu Qingjiu couldn't see anything, he could only feel the white moon fox moving around him. Probably because he was afraid, Bai Yuehu was talking with Lu Qingjiu all the way until he reached a huge platform. On the platform, there is a cool light, and the stars are like stars. If you look carefully, you will find that the source of these lights is some very strange looking fish. The appearance of these fishes can only be described in four words strange, Lu Qingjiu thought of one sentence and couldn't help but laugh.

Bai Yuehu asked him why he was laughing.

"I saw a sentence before that asked why the fish in the deep sea look so ugly." Lu Qingjiu said, "Someone replied that no one can see it anyway, so they just grow up casually."

Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment before saying, "I also grew up in the deep sea."

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

Bai Yuehu: "My whole family grew up in the deep sea."

Lu Qingjiu coughed violently, most of his face flushed: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean you were ugly."

Bai Yuehu didn't speak, and after placing Lu Qingjiu on the platform, the black mist dissipated and he returned to his human form.

Because the fish provided the light source, Lu Qingjiu could barely see the scenery on the platform. It was a very neat boulder that seemed to have been specially polished. There was a huge hole at the farthest point of the boulder. The bright light is particularly dazzling in the dark sea water.

Bai Yuehu took Lu Qingjiu and walked towards the entrance of the hole. He briefly introduced this place, saying that it used to be his residence, which is also called home by humans.

It was the first time he came to the place where Bai Yuehu lived as a guest. Lu Qingjiu was full of curiosity. He really couldn't imagine what kind of birthday present Bai Yuehu would give him.

The two continued to walk forward and entered the entrance of the cave. After entering, Lu Qingjiu saw that many bright round beads were inlaid on the walls of the cave entrance. These beads radiated bright light in the dark cave, illuminating the entire cave entrance like a Normal daytime.

The hole was so big that Lu Qingjiu couldn't even see the end of the ceiling. Thinking of Bai Yuehu, who lived in it, the prototype wouldn't be too small.

There are many small fork roads in the cave, but there is only one main road. In this main road, the furnishings are very simple. Except for some occasional decorations hanging on the walls, there is almost no trace of people living here. But soon, they walked to a huge room. In the center of the room, there was a black stone plate. The stone plate was round and took up almost half of the entire room.

Bai Yuehu said, "This is my bedroom."

"Is that your bed?" Lu Qingjiu pointed at the stone and asked.

Bai Yuehu nodded, he asked Lu Qingjiu to wait at the door, and walked towards the stone plate. Because there was no Night Pearl in the bedroom, Lu Qingjiu couldn't see where Bai Yuehu went. But he came back soon. After coming back, he took Lu Qingjiu's hand very naturally and said, "Come here."

Lu Qingjiu said goodbye, and was led by Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu said: "It's a little dark in front, follow me, slowly."

Lu Qingjiu smiled, "Yeah."

They bypassed the stone plate and entered a hole at the back of the bedroom. After passing through the hole, Lu Qingjiu seemed to have come to a tall and empty room. The whole room was dark and he couldn't see anything.

"Lu Qingjiu." Bai Yuehu stopped, leaned into Lu Qingjiu's ear, and whispered softly, "Happy birthday."

The words fell, a gentle light lit up in front of his eyes, and Lu Qingjiu saw a huge white skeleton. No, that's not a skeleton, it's a pair of white dragon horns, the dragon horns are white and transparent, like jade, shining with dazzling brilliance. It almost filled the entire room, and in front of it, the human Lu Qingjiu was as small as an ant.

Lu Qingjiu stared at the dragon horn and was completely attracted by its beautiful brilliance. He couldn't help but approached the dragon horn, stretched out his hand and gently rubbed it. The dragon horn felt very hard, like a stone, Lu Qingjiu couldn't put it down, and even wanted to rub his cheek.

Bai Yuehu said: "Do you like it?"

"Of course I like it." Lu Qingjiu smiled, "Where did you get it?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's me... I picked it up."

Lu Qingjiu said, "I picked it up?"

"Yes." Bai Yuehu said, "When every dragon becomes an adult, it will change its horns when it was a young dragon. This is it."

Lu Qingjiu looked surprised: "This is just the dragon's horns of a young dragon?" This pair of dragon horns is shocking enough, just standing beside him, he can already imagine the majestic aura of the dragon.

"Yes." Bai Yuehu said, "The adult dragon horns are twice as big as this."

But Lu Qingjiu couldn't imagine it. He was next to the dragon's horn, and he couldn't even reach out his hand to hug it. If it was an adult dragon... what kind of phoenix and dragonfly it would be.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Then this thing should be very special, right?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Well."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Just give it to me like this... Are you alright?" Naturally, he wouldn't really think it was the dragon horn that Bai Yuehu picked up from. Obviously, the owner of this young dragon and dragon horn is Bai Yuehu, but his fox spirit doesn't seem to be embarrassed, so he found a reason to perfunctory Lu Qingjiu.

"It's alright." Bai Yuehu rarely looked away, and didn't continue to look at Lu Qingjiu, "I can call the shots."

Lu Qingjiu laughed: "Thank you, I like this birthday present." He has never received such a special birthday present.

The dragon's horn is so big, Lu Qingjiu originally thought that Bai Yuehu was just taking him to see it. Even if it was given to him, he couldn't take it with him. Who knew that after he finished saying this, Bai Yuehu's hand touched the dragon's horn, and then the dragon's horn began to shrink rapidly, and finally stopped at the size of his thumb.

Lu Qingjiu was stunned to see this scene, but Bai Yuehu naturally took out a slender chain from his pocket, punched a hole in the dragon's horn, and then used the chain to string it together. up. Then he looked at Lu Qingjiu and said warmly, "I'll put it on for you?"

Lu Qingjiu nodded.

Bai Yuehu stretched out his hand and put the chain on his neck, Lu Qingjiu looked down and saw the shrunken dragon horns. If he hadn't seen the prototype of the dragon horn just now, it would be hard for him to imagine that something so big was actually hung around his neck by himself. It's no wonder that Bai Yuehu must bring him over to see it for himself. It would be a pity if he was given away as a gift, and he didn't see the original beauty of Longjiao.

Lu Qingjiu stretched out his hand and lightly touched the dragon's horns, which had become smaller, his eyes were full of smiles.

After Bai Yuehu put on Lu Qingjiu, he also showed satisfaction. The person in front of him finally got his breath, and he no longer had to be afraid of other things.

After giving gifts and swimming in the sea with Lu Qingjiu for a while, Bai Yuehu returned Lu Qingjiu to his residence. It was already late at night, and Lu Qingjiu looked at the time, only to realize that it was three o'clock in the morning.

Bai Yuehu put Lu Qingjiu in the courtyard, the two said good night to each other, and then went back to their rooms.

Lu Qingjiu was lying on the bed, but had some insomnia. In his arms, he held the wooden box that his grandmother left him, and the scarred dragon scale in the wooden box.

This piece of dragon scale should belong to my grandma's lover, but I don't know what kind of mood my grandma left behind this scale.

Lu Qingjiu thought a lot, and after a while, he fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, Lu Qingjiu rarely stayed in bed. He slept too late last night, which caused him to get up from the bed at noon. When he walked to the living room, he saw the rest of the family sitting in the living room eating instant noodles.

"Why don't you cook?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"We think it's safer to have instant noodles." Zhu Miaomiao replied bitterly, "After all, if I continue to pull it down, I may be admitted to the anorectal hospital."

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

"But the pimples on my face disappeared after a day of pulling." Zhu Miaomiao said, "Could it be that Yin Xun's cooking has the function of detoxification and beauty."

Yin Xun said, "Are you still eating? If you want to eat, I'll make it."

"No, no, it's already finished." Zhu Miaomiao waved her hand straight, she was a girl after all, she quickly noticed the extra thing on Lu Qingjiu's neck, "Hey, why is there a necklace on your neck? Who gave it? Yes What do you do? It's so pretty."

Lu Qingjiu said, "It's the Moon Fox."

"Wow, you two have a problem." Zhu Miaomiao showed an evil smile.

When Yin Xun saw the dragon horn, his eyes instantly widened. He clearly recognized what it was, his face was full of disbelief, and his mouth remained open for a long time.

"What's the problem?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

Zhu Miaomiao said: "Hahaha I know, but I won't say it."

A few people were laughing and joking for a while, and Lu Qingjiu went to the kitchen to cook. He hadn't had breakfast yet. He had a long day yesterday, and now his stomach was grumbling, and he was a little too hungry.

In order to get something to eat early, Lu Qingjiu made a simple fried rice, thinking about putting his stomach first.

Although the fried rice is simple, the taste should not be sloppy, ham sausage, shrimp, and eggs should not be missing. After cutting into cubes, they are fried together with the rice. It would be better if the rice was eaten overnight, but they never have any leftovers at home.

Lu Qingjiu cooked a large pot of wine, then asked Yin Xun to squeeze some milk, and everyone made do with lunch.

Lu Qingjiu, who hadn't woken up after eating, went back to sleep again, and slowly got up from the bed when the sun was full at 3:00 in the afternoon.

He walked into the living room yawning, and saw Bai Yuehu sitting on the sofa alone watching TV.

Lu Qingjiu poured a glass of water, sat down beside Bai Yuehu, and said, "What are you looking at?"

"Just take a look." Bai Yuehu said.

Lu Qingjiu looked up and found that Bai Yuehu was watching the animal world. There is a documentary about foxes being played in the animal world. Of course, unlike the fox spirit, the fox fur in the documentary is a beautiful orange-red, although it looks pretty.

The fox family lived in a huge garbage dump. The fox father and fox mother brought their cute fox babies and looked very happy. Bai Yuehu sat on the sofa and looked very seriously.

Lu Qingjiu also watched Bai Yuehu for a while, and he asked jokingly, "Is this any different from your life?"

Bai Yuehu said: "No difference." He added after a moment of silence, "They are poorer than me."

Lu Qingjiu almost spit out the water in his mouth when he heard it.

I have to say that the animal world is actually quite interesting. After watching Lu Qingjiu with Bai Yuehu for a while, he went to the kitchen to cook. Zhu Miaomiao had to go back to work after playing for a few days at their house, so Lu Qingjiu thought of making every meal a little richer, so that she could eat everything she could.

The variety of vegetables in the spring is very rich, and there are all kinds of messes. Lu Qingjiu cut the pumpkin that he brought back a few days ago, crushed it, mixed it with flour, put bean paste in it, steamed it, and put it outside. Coat in bread crumbs and fry at low temperature. Their pumpkins have a strong aroma, sweet and noodles, and they taste better after being fried in this way.

Lu Qingjiu was putting the fried pumpkin pie on a plate to dry when he saw Yin Xun rushing in from outside, and when he saw him, he shouted, "Lu Qingjiu!"

"What's wrong?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

Yin Xun said, "Something has happened!"

Lu Qingjiu moved his hand for a while: "What happened? What's the matter?"

Yin Xun said, "Your vixen is actually watching small/yellow/movies in the living room in broad daylight!!"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He looked at Yin Xun with an expression like are you serious.

Yin Xun stretched out his hand and took out a pumpkin pie, took a bite, and nodded heavily, "Of course I'm serious! Go out and take care of it!"

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly wiped his hands and wondered if Bai Yuehu had ordered a premium channel. He hurriedly left the kitchen and went to the living room to say hello. But just before he went outside, he heard a very familiar low-pitched male voice: Spring is here, and it's the season of sex...

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He seemed to have guessed something.

Sure enough, when Lu Qingjiu saw the TV screen clearly, he saw two little foxes who were having sex. The male fox was shrugging while riding on the female fox, Bai Yuehu frowned and looked very seriously.

Lu Qingjiu was inexplicably embarrassed, and quietly pretended not to see anything and turned back.

Yin Xun was still harming the pumpkin pie in the kitchen. He ate all the bean paste in his mouth. Seeing Lu Qingjiu coming back, he hurriedly said, "How, how, is he watching Xiao/Yellow/Piece!"

Lu Qingjiu gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of pornography is the animal world?"

Yin Xun said, "It's not a little pornographic film, why are you blushing!"

Lu Qingjiu: "Where am I blushing!" But he was indeed a little embarrassed when he saw Bai Yuehu's expression just now, but he didn't blush...

However, Yin Xun ruthlessly exposed Lu Qingjiu: "Don't come here, you're blushing like a monkey's butt."

Lu Qingjiu got angry: "Eat your pumpkin pie."

Yin Xun: "..." Are you adults so easily angered by shame

In order to save his pumpkin pie, Yin Xun decided to learn to shut up. Lu Qingjiu fried the rest of the pancakes. After frying, he went to the living room and saw that the fox cubs in the animal world gave birth to another litter. Alas, I don't know if they will be able to control a little in the spring of next year, and don't teach the children. .

Zhu Miaomiao didn't know Bai Yuehu's identity. After getting up from the bed and simply washing up, she sat on the sofa next to Bai Yuehu and watched the animal world, and even discussed it with Bai Yuehu.

"These foxes are all monogamous." Zhu Miaomiao nibbled melon seeds, "It's like raising a litter of children every three years..."

Bai Yuehu said: "Three years?"

Zhu Miaomiao said, "Yes, we have to raise the little fox. Of course, it must be difficult. If the little fox unfortunately dies, a new little fox will be born the next year." The little fox on his knees said, "Oh, if it weren't for your hair, I would have thought you were also a little fox, this little mouth is sharp."

Little fox: "..." Sister, do you rely on hair to recognize people

Bai Yuehu heard the words with a thoughtful look.

Zhu Miaomiao continued: "Foxes are smart. If they were replaced by other animals, they might have disappeared long ago in the garbage dump."

Bai Yuehu said: "Humans like foxes very much, right?"

Zhu Miaomiao: "Yes, although humans think that foxes are very cunning, they also think that they are the embodiment of the charm of wisdom. Otherwise, no matter how you scold people, you will scold fox spirits. There is no wolf spirit or dog spirit."

Bai Yuehu: "Well..."

Lu Qingjiu listened to their conversation and wanted to rush over to tell Zhu Miaomiao to stop talking. He understood why Bai Yuehu wanted to pretend to be a fox, but how could he tell his fox spirit that he didn't mind his prototype at all? Is it that straightforward? What if Bai Yuehu doesn't believe it? Before Lu Qingjiu could figure out the result in his heart, he saw Zhu Miaomiao pick up the remote control board and change the station: "The animal world is over, let's see something else."

Bai Yuehu said: "Well."

Zhu Miaomiao switched to a TV drama about disputes between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and Bai Yuehu and Bai Yuehu watched it with relish.

Today is really strange, Bai Yuehu usually lies on the rocking chair in the yard and doesn't even bother to move, but today he and Zhu Miaomiao watched TV with great interest, and watched it so seriously.

Lu Qingjiu whispered, "Yuehu, Miaomiao, do you want to eat pumpkin pie?"

Zhu Miaomiao stood up and said happily, "I want it? Is it in the kitchen?"

"Yeah." Lu Qingjiu said, "It's just fried, and it's still hot."

Zhu Miaomiao rushed into the kitchen before Lu Qingjiu heard the words, leaving Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu staring in the living room.

Lu Qingjiu looked a little unnatural by Bai Yuehu's eyes, and coughed dryly, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Bai Yuehu said, "I'm not hungry yet."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Huh? Did he hear it right? Bai Yuehu said he wasn't hungry yet? Isn't Bai Yuehu the most active when he eats? !

Bai Yuehu said, "Do you like boys or girls?"

Lu Qingjiu thought that he had heard it wrong, and said blankly, "What did you say?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Do you like boys or girls?" His voice softened, "I like both."

Lu Qingjiu felt that he must have misunderstood Bai Yuehu's meaning, so although Bai Yuehu's face was burning fiercely, he forced himself to answer calmly, "I like both." , "Have boys and girls alike!"

Bai Yuehu: "Well, that's right."

Bai Yuehu's eyes were too hot, and Lu Qingjiu didn't dare to keep looking at him. He looked away and asked dryly, "Then... do you want to eat pumpkin pie?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Okay."

Lu Qingjiu ran into the kitchen as if he had escaped. Seeing Zhu Miaomiao and Yin Xun two pigs still eating cakes, Zhu Miaomiao stuffed her cheeks and said vaguely, "Lu Qingjiu, why is your face like that? Red?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Look at Animal World."

Zhu Miaomiao: "...Are you serious?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Otherwise?"

This guy, Zhu Miaomiao, doesn't have the restraint of a girl at all. Hearing Lu Qingjiu's words, he was still excited, and said eagerly, "Then you're making a fuss, have you ever seen a dolphin? "

Lu Qingjiu thought to himself that I have seen not only dolphins but also slugs, have you seen the purple ones? It is also exciting.

Yin Xun, who had never seen the world, was stunned for a moment, "What? Dolphins still have jj? Are dolphins not fish?" Isn't all fish in vitro fertilization/fertilization

"You didn't study well, did you? Dolphins are mammals. They are called rogues in the sea, and are evil species that don't let fish go." Zhu Miaomiao excitedly joined Yin Xun Science, "You know that the dolphins in the aquarium will also attack the keepers. !"

Yin Xun Ting's eyes widened, and he glanced at Lu Qingjiu unconsciously.

Lu Qingjiu was very sensitive at the moment, and Yin Xun's eyes made him feel hairy: "What the hell are you looking at me for?"

Yin Xundao: "I'll just take a look." That's weird, I see you, isn't this because you have a creature that is even scarier than a dolphin, that thing is much scarier than a dolphin, at least his father doesn't even let go of a turtle But, tsk, it's amazing that anyone has a dream...

Lu Qingjiu looked at Yin Xun suspiciously, but he didn't believe that Yin Xun was just looking at it casually: "Yin Xun, tell me honestly, do you know something?"

Yin Xun showed an idiotic expression: "Know what?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Of course it's about..." He originally wanted to say Bai Yuehu, but found that Bai Yuehu appeared at the door of the kitchen at some point, looking blankly at the three people who were discussing topics that are not suitable for children, so he came to his mouth. Bian's words were swallowed hard, "Of course it's about what to eat for lunch!"

Yin Xun: "Let's eat fish to nourish our body." He looked at Lu Qingjiu with pity.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." What the hell do you mean

Yin Xun: "..." It doesn't make any sense, I'll just care about you.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Speaking of human words.

Yin Xun: "..." Take good care of yourself, I'm afraid your days are running out.

After the eye contact between the two was over, Yin Xun regained his identity as an idiot, and went out to catch Jiang Buhuan with him while nibbling on the pumpkin pie.

Zhu Miaomiao was relatively slow, and did not feel the undercurrent between Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu, but she still felt that the atmosphere was a little dignified: "You guys talk, I'm going out to work too."

Before Lu Qingjiu could stop her, she turned around and went out.

So in this small space, only Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu were left. Lu Qingjiu originally thought that Bai Yuehu would say something, but when he saw his fox spirit just glanced at him, he turned around and went out.

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly said, "Yuehu!"

Bai Yuehu stopped in his footsteps and looked back with burning eyes.

Lu Qingjiu whispered, " haven't eaten your pumpkin pie yet."

Bai Yuehu: "..."

Lu Qingjiu: "Do you want to eat?"

Bai Yuehu squeezed a word out of his teeth: "Eat."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." You can eat as much as you want, what are you doing with such a terrifying expression...

The author has something to say: Lu Qingjiu: I am a man and cannot have children! !

Bai Yuehu: As long as the mind does not slip, methods are better than difficulties

Lu Qingjiu: ? ? ? ?

Thank you for the following baby's mine grenades and rocket launchers, special thanks to the marks _ Jiimi Xizi's mine x1, deep-water torpedo x1 Thanks to Yingxi's deep-water torpedo x1 Thank you for your love qaq

Thanks to the gentle white moonlight's rocket launcher x1, mine x1

Thanks to demeter for the rocket launcher x1 thanks to pagoda for the grenade x2

Thanks to Huan Qijiu's rocket launcher x1 Thanks to the sky's rocket launcher x1

Thank you for the mines x2, grenade x1

Thanks to lalala~ for the grenade x1

Thanks to Jiayu for the water-chasing grenade x1, thanks to Meng Erhuang for the mine x3

Thanks for the mines of Chaodu Hongchen x2

Thank you for the delusional mine x2 Thank you for the mine x2

Thanks to Rong Yuji for the mines x1 Thanks to Lingyuan mio for the mines x1 Thanks to the young master Chu for the mines x1

Thank you rdj for being an angel's mine x1 Thank you for Gu Qianhu's mine x1

Thanks to ゜Mint's mine x1 Thanks to 007's mine x1 Thanks to Yuanshui Yingbaiyue's mine x1

Thanks for the mines that wrapped my little socks x1 thanks for the mines x1 from 30414745

Thank you for the mines in your eyes x1 Thank you for the mines x1

Thanks to Pancake's Mine x1 Thanks to Flameheart's Mine x1

Thanks to Ajie for the best mine x1 Thanks to the mine that does not eat grass x1 Thanks to 31085171 for the mine x1

Thanks to Yu Ling for mine x1

Thanks to Bu Xiaoluan's mine x1

Thanks to Zou for the forced mine x1 Thanks to the mine x1 to 26846673 for the mine x1

Thank you for the warm mine x1 Thank you for the mine x1

Thanks for the pea-loving chipmunk's mine x1

Thanks to the vast temporary mines x1, thanks to Han Xiao's mines x1

Thanks to the dazzling mines x1 thanks to the Greg Husky's mines x1

Thank you for Yu Yoyo's mine x1 Thank you for the seaweed's mine x1

Thank you for the mine x1 of the leaf, thank you for the mine x1

Thanks to the mines of oolong milk salt x1

Thanks to sayiba's mine x1 Thanks to Murphy's mine x1

Thanks to the mines of the rain wash the moon x1 Thanks to the mines of the abyss x1

Thanks for mine x1 who just passed the door today thanks wanljk for mine x1

Thanks for the mines smashed by beans x1 thanks for the mines x1

Thank you for the mines x1, thanks for the mines x1

Thank you Ah Jiu Jiu for not drinking fake wine x1 Thank you Nanao Jiang for mine x1

Thanks for the mines of Nanshan Mountain x1 thanks to the mines of Enomoto Sui x1 thanks to the mines of Wuhaofeng City x1

Thanks to the general attack Xuanyue's mines x1

Thanks for the mine x1 of Tatetake and thanks for the mine x1

Thanks to gjyb for mine x1

Thanks to Moon Lake's mine x1 Thanks to kohodesan's mine x1 Thanks to Yu Feng's mine x1

Thanks for the mines of Summer Green x1, thanks to Rongchu for the mines x1

Thank you Ah Yan's mine x1 Thank you for the monster's uncute mine x1

Thanks for the journey's mines x1 thanks for the pivotal mines x1

Thanks to Angel Masumi (^q^) for mine x1 Thank you for my very quiet mine x1 Thank you for your silly and sweet mine x1

Thanks to Xiaoshubushu's mines x1 Thanks to Xundao Weijie's mines x1

Thanks for the mines that hit at x1 Thanks for the mines x1 from kekekek

Thanks to 24533460's mine x1 Thanks to Kwai Jun's mine x1

Thank you for the twelve mines of the quack family x1 Thank you for the mines x1 I think I have seen a lot

Thanks to Sven's mines x1 Thanks to the rainy mines x1

Thank you for Abuki's mine x1, thank you for the big white goose's mine x1, thank you for Qingxingdeng's mine x1

Thanks to the painted bone mine x1 Thanks to the salty fish fat times the mine x1

Thanks to Yi Mei's mine x1

Thanks to the mines of the waste dim sum x1

Thanks to the fairy sister's mine x1

Thanks to Guo Xiaoni's mine x1