Fantasy Farm

Chapter 77: housework


Although Lu Qingjiu knew from the beginning that this matter must be different from what they had guessed, but after knowing the truth, he couldn't help but get angry. Children are still too young to express themselves clearly when they are bullied. Sometimes parents ignore the past when they are careless, and it is too late when they find out. Lu Qingjiu asked Lele some more questions, such as who stung him, and whether other children were stung.

Lele answered Lu Qingjiu's question obediently, saying that all those who stung him were sent to the hospital by Xiaojiao, and no other children were punished. Everything seemed to be directed at Lele alone.

This made Lu Qingjiu feel a little strange. Normally, if there is such a problem in a kindergarten, many children are usually the victims. Because the teacher has used needle sticking as a means of punishing disobedient children, but here, Lele is the only one to be punished. Could it be that there is something special about Lele's identity

There are also three injured people, two of them are teachers, and the only one is a lady who is related to the investor, who also did the same to Lele. From Lele's description, Lu Qingjiu learned that he had never seen this lady, until one day the teacher suddenly took him to a separate room, and then made excuses to punish him. And the woman who had never seen it before was the one who executed the punishment. She hated Lele very much, and even cursed Lele with vicious words while arranging Lele. Lele was afraid and in pain, and cried a mess. .

After returning home that day, Lele wanted to tell her mother about it, but her mother didn't come home. The servants at home also ignored him, and Lele, who was wronged, ran out of the house, like As usual, in the park near my home, I cried and cried to the honeycomb hanging on the treetops. Who knew that while I was crying and crying, a boy who claimed to be Xiaojiao jumped out of the grass. Then the two children hit it off like this. Xiaojiao helped Lele to get revenge, while Lele found out that Xiaojiao likes to eat honey, and came out with a jar of honey from home every day to meet Xiaojiao.

Knowing the whole process of the whole thing, Lu Qingjiu planned to bring Lele home to chat with his mother. He feels that most mothers in the world love their children. Although there are a few exceptions, as Lele's parent, he thinks it is necessary to let her know about these things.

And Lele is still so young now, if this kind of thing happens in the future, he can't let the arrogant come forward again and again.

"But mom isn't at home, mom is busy with work." After Lele heard Lu Qingjiu's proposal, her expression looked very lonely, her long eyelashes drooped, and tears began to flash in her eyes again, "No Lele Know when Mommy will be back."

"When can Lele see her mother?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"I don't know." Lele said, "sometimes my mother would accompany Lele to eat on Sundays, but only for a while..."

Lu Qingjiu said, "What about Lele's father?"

Lele said: "Dad is also busy and hasn't appeared for a long time..."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Does Lele know her mother's phone number?"

Lele nodded, but his expression was a little hesitant: "but auntie said you can't call mom casually."

Auntie refers to the servant with Lele at home. It seems that she is not too concerned about Lele, otherwise, how could she have not found so many wounds on Lele's body, and according to Lele, she repeatedly told Lele, It was said that her mother was very busy, and she told her everything, otherwise she would be annoyed, and her mother would be angry. Lele, who was only five years old, believed it to be true.

Lu Qingjiu really got angrier the more he listened, and finally got angry, he said, "Lele, tell your uncle your mother's phone number. Uncle promises that your mother will not be angry."

Lele hesitated for a moment, looked at the arrogant worm standing beside him, saw the arrogant worm nodded, and then said the phone.

Lu Qingjiu called directly, the first time he was hung up, the second time he rang for a while before being picked up. An impatient female voice came from the other end of the phone, asking who Lu Qingjiu was.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Are you Lele's mother?"

"Lele? What's wrong with Lele?" The woman became nervous when she heard her son's name. "Who are you? Is something wrong with my son?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Something has happened to your son. I'm going to send him home now. You'd better come back right away."

The woman said: "But I still have a meeting to be held below, can you..."

Lu Qingjiu said coldly, "No." It stands to reason that when talking to a stranger for the first time, he should have a better attitude, but Lu Qingjiu didn't plan to give Lele's mother a good attitude.

"You'd better come back right away, otherwise I can't guarantee that something will happen to Lele." Lu Qingjiu directly gave an ultimatum.

The woman was taken aback by Lu Qingjiu's tone, and wanted to ask more, but Lu Qingjiu hung up the phone.

"Let's go, let's go home." Lu Qingjiu touched Lele's little head, "say goodbye to Xiaojiao."

"Xiaojiao, goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow." Lele leaned over again and kissed Xiaojiao's bulging face.

Xiaojiao's ears turned red again, but he still waved at Lele and made a goodbye gesture. He knew that Lele still had to return to human society. He could help Lele solve the temporary troubles, but he couldn't fundamentally change anything. Lu Qingjiu's guidance was actually the best result.

Besides, what if one day... Lele can't see him.

Lu Qingjiu picked up Lele, left the park with Bai Yuehu under the gaze of arrogant insects, and took Lele back to a nearby home.

It can be seen that Lele's family is very good. The family lives in a garden-style flat. It's just that the aunt who takes care of Lele is a little surprised when she sees Lu Qingjiu coming back with Lele in her arms.

Lu Qingjiu just said that he was an employee of the kindergarten. Something happened to the kindergarten, so he brought Lele back on purpose, and he still had some questions to discuss with the parents.

Auntie looked at Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu. Although she was suspicious, she still agreed with them to enter the house.

While the three of them were waiting for Lele's mother in the living room, Lu Qingjiu was also observing the whole house. He found that there was no trace of the children's life in this house, at least no children's toys could be seen in the living room, it was empty. There is a cold smell in the house, no wonder Lele likes to run outside.

Lele's mother was probably afraid of what Lu Qingjiu would do to Lele. After calling off the meeting, she hurriedly drove home.

When she got home, she saw Lu Qingjiu sitting in the living room, and asked rudely, "Who are you?" She could see that she should be very successful in her career, and she was very aggressive when questioning people.

But Lu Qingjiu didn't like this at all. He waved to Lele's mother and said, "Come here."

Lele's mother frowned, hesitated for a moment, but walked slowly to Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu took a deep breath and said, "You look good." After he finished speaking, he stretched out the corner of Lele's clothes, revealing Lele's back.

Lele's mother was about to get angry when she saw Lu Qingjiu's actions, but noticed the indistinct marks on Lele's back. She looked at these little dots and immediately understood what was going on. Her expression changed greatly, and her voice changed because of her anger. Got twisted: "Who did it?! Lele, someone pierced you with a needle?"

Probably because her expression was too ferocious, Lele jumped into Lu Qingjiu's arms in fright, and looked at her mother with frightened eyes.

Lele's mother felt a pain in her heart when she saw Lele's eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "Lele, don't be afraid of mother, mother loves you..."

Lu Qingjiu hugged Lele and gently patted Lele's back to soothe the child's emotions, he said, "Calm down, don't scare the child. Lele was stabbed by the kindergarten teacher, but those two Teachers are in the hospital now..."

After listening to Lu Qingjiu's words, Lele's mother was very angry, but she was afraid that she would overreact and scare the child, so she swallowed the anger in her chest abruptly, and gave Lu Qingjiu a very reluctant smile: "Hello. , my name is Du Qinghong... I'm Zhuang Le's mother, who are you?"

"My name is Lu Qingjiu." Lu Qingjiu said, "I saw your son crying in the park today when I passed by the park. I learned about this situation after inquiring. I want to tell the parents and let them pay attention."

Du Qinghong said: "Thank you, Lele, come and tell mother what happened?"

Lele stayed in Lu Qingjiu's arms and didn't move, watching his mother carefully, Du Qinghong's tears almost didn't fall out from Lele's wandering gaze.

Lu Qingjiu said, "I've already asked about the specific situation. I'll tell you." He directly told Du Qinghong what Lele had told him. Of course, the focus was on the guy who secretly entered the kindergarten with Zhalele needles. In the case of a woman, he always felt that this person was the key to the whole thing.

Sure enough, when he told these things, Du Qinghong's face became more and more ugly. In the end, if she hadn't even cared about the child's presence, she would have yelled at her, but even so, she couldn't hold back her inner anger: " I just said... Who dares to do something to my family Lele, it turned out to be her, I let her go, she actually treats my son like this, she's a bitch!" The last bitch was a bit hard from her teeth. She squeezed it out, looking at Du Qinghong's hateful expression, if that person was right in front of her, she would simply want to eat his flesh and blood.

"Why on earth did she do this? How could she actually attack such a young child?" Lu Qingjiu really couldn't understand, what kind of personal vendetta could make that person act like this on a five-year-old child.

Du Qinghong glanced at Lele and sighed, "Let's go outside and talk." She stood up and took some desserts from the refrigerator, and said, "Lele, sit here obediently, and my uncle and I go out to chat. "It seems that she doesn't want Lele to know too much of these dirty things.

Lele nodded ignorantly, and sat there obediently without moving.

Seeing the child's well-behaved appearance, Du Qinghong couldn't hold back her tears. She bit her lower lip and used all her strength to stand up from the chair and walk outside with Lu Qingjiu.

Then, Du Qinghong briefly talked to Lu Qingjiu about their family. It turned out that Zhuang Le's father cheated on him half a year ago and wanted to divorce Du Qinghong, but Du Qinghong still had feelings for him, so he did not agree. Because Zhuang Le's father came in, almost all the family's assets are managed by Du Qinghong, even the company where Zhuang Le's father works.

Du Qinghong was so busy with work that she neglected her family. In order to compensate Zhuang Le, she even invested in the garden kindergarten in advance, but this investment was in the name of Zhuang Le's father... Du Qinghong is still at a standoff with her husband and wants him to change his mind , wants to give Zhuang Le a complete family, but she ignores the most important people around her, and doesn't even notice Zhuang Le's abnormality.

Zhuang Le is very well behaved and seldom cries like other children. Because he hasn't seen his mother for a long time, he can't tell his grievances. Du Qinghong never thought that that woman would dare to do something under her nose. Underestimating the ugliness of human nature, I never imagined that they could actually do such dirty things.

"She's crazy, she actually dares to do such a thing." Du Qinghong hated her to death, holding the railing in the corridor tightly, unaware that her fingernails were split in half, "I'll make her pay the price now. "

Lu Qingjiu said, "She's still in the hospital now. It's another matter if she can survive it."

"What happened to her?" Du Qinghong frowned.

"She was stung by a bee." Lu Qingjiu said, "This is probably because the wicked get revenge."

Du Qinghong sneered: "Stung by a bee? With just such a small injury, she just wanted to escape the punishment, there is no door." She took out a tissue and wiped away the tears on her face, and returned to the appearance of a strong woman, with a cold tone. Scary, "If I die, I won't pursue it, if I don't die... Hehe."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Then what about your husband?"

Du Qinghong said: "He? He doesn't even want to run away. If he wants to leave, just leave." She let out a sigh of relief, as if she had put down something. With the child's cautious appearance, Du Qinghong felt another sharp pain in her heart. She didn't expect that if she was negligent, the child would encounter such a thing. It was so absurd, but it really happened. Fortunately, it is not too late to discover everything, and it has not reached the point of irreversibility.

Thinking of this, Du Qinghong glanced at Lu Qingjiu gratefully: "Thank you Mr. Lu, if it wasn't for you, Lele..."

Lu Qingjiu said, "You're welcome." He thought for a while, "Why don't we go to the hospital to see the patients?" He wanted to know what happened to those people.

Du Qinghong said: "Alright."

Then the two decided to go to the hospital at night to see what happened to the people who were stung by the bees. After the two of them chatted, they went back to the house and saw Bai Yuehu and Zhuang Le sitting on the sofa, eating the cake one bite at a time.

Although Bai Yuehu usually looks inhumane, but he still has a good relationship with Zhuang Le. Zhuang Le also likes this beautiful uncle very much, and generously gave Bai Yuehu two red cherries on the cake. .

Lu Qingjiu looked at the two of them and thought they were really two children.

Du Qinghong's eyes also revealed a little tenderness, but her expression was somewhat similar to Lu Qingjiu's.

After dinner, Du Qinghong put Zhuang Le to sleep and drove to the hospital with Lu Qingjiu and the others. This hospital is quite close to them, and it takes 20 minutes to drive there.

It's just that Du Qinghong was on the phone all the way, as if she was asking about the condition and identity of the injured person. After Lu Qingjiu's statement was completely confirmed, her teeth itch with hatred.

The three people who were stung were all lying in the icu. It stands to reason that they could not enter as outsiders. However, I don't know what method Du Qinghong used. After arriving at the hospital, they were led directly into the icu by the nurses, and they saw Gui who had changed beyond recognition. woman.

It stands to reason that Du Qinghong should have been happy to see her revenge target so miserable, but she was not happy at all, after all, it was not her own hands.

The lady seemed to have regained consciousness, but she couldn't speak yet. After seeing Du Qinghong after entering the door, her eyes showed great fear, and she obviously recognized Du Qinghong.

Du Qinghong looked at her expression, but laughed, she said gently, "Zhu Xiaorong, you need to get better soon."

Zhu Xiaorong wanted to speak, but her swollen mouth could only make syllables like "ah".

"Don't you like tossing my son?" Du Qinghong smiled, "I also like tossing people, especially like you, get well soon, and when you get well, I can have fun."

Zhu Xiaorong burst into tears in fright.

It's a pity that these tears are not moving, but the tears of crocodiles. Only when disaster strikes, do you realize what your past actions will bring to you.

They looked at the conditions of other patients. According to the doctor, the patient's condition was stable and there would be no life-threatening situation, but it still took a long recovery time to recover.

Du Qinghong said coldly, "It's okay, I can wait."

I have to say that an angry mother is a terrible avenger. At least Du Qinghong's expression made Lu Qingjiu feel terrible.

When the three of them were about to leave, they saw an unexpected person in the parking lot—Zhuang Wenshi, Du Qinghong's husband and Zhuang Le's father.

After a few people met, Du Qinghong hadn't spoken yet, but Zhuang Wenshi actually took the lead in launching the attack. He roared at Du Qinghong, saying that it was indeed Du Qinghong's hands and feet, he knew that Du Qinghong would not let Zhu Xiaorong go, and he also said that he didn't expect Du Qinghong to be Being such a vicious person, he was so cruel to Zhu Xiaorong. It seems that he took the matter of Zhu Xiaorong being stung by a bee on Du Qinghong.

After he finished speaking, he thought that Du Qinghong would retort as angrily as before, but he didn't expect that Du Qinghong would just look at him indifferently, with complete disappointment in his eyes, and with a strong hatred, he saw a chill on his back.

"Tomorrow morning, come to my office." Du Qinghong said, "Bring the materials, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a divorce."

Zhuang Wenshi was stunned, as if he did not expect Du Qinghong to suddenly agree to this matter, and with such a decisive attitude. He opened his mouth to say something, but after seeing Du Qinghong's frosty eyes, he swallowed the words in his mouth abruptly.

"Do you really want to leave?" Before Du Qinghong never wanted to leave, it was useless for Zhuang Wenshi to say anything. Now that her attitude has suddenly changed, Zhuang Wenshi is naturally a little uncomfortable.

"Of course you have to leave." Du Qinghong said, "You cheated first, don't think about the company's shares, since you want your love so much, let me see if love can fill your stomach. After she said this with a sneer, she ignored Zhuang Wenshi and left him with an indifferent back.

The three of them sat in the car, and Lu Qingjiu sighed deeply.

"Are you all right?" Lu Qingjiu asked her.

"It's okay." Du Qinghong said, "I can handle this matter." She said slowly, "Besides, this matter is just the beginning, and it's too early to end it." She will not want Zhu Xiaorong and He Zhuang Wenshi's life, because only the living can taste the pain, she will take back the things that happened to her son one by one.

Du Qinghong sent Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu to the vicinity of the kindergarten and said goodbye after watching the two get into the van. Of course, they exchanged contact information before parting, and Du Qinghong and Lu Qingjiu agreed that if anything happened to Lele, they would tell him immediately.

Before going back, Lu Qingjiu went to the park and found the arrogant insect.

"You live here?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Are you the mountain god here? What do you eat?"

The arrogant snorted and raised his chin: "I eat a lot."

Lu Qingjiu: "Like?"

Arrogant: "...for example, the honey Lele brought me."

Lu Qingjiu said, "What do you eat when Lele doesn't bring you honey?" If he had never thought about this before, but seeing his poor vixen and his friend of the mountain god, he was miraculously worried. The daily life of this little mountain god.

The arrogant worm said: "Eat... eat fruit or something." He said very quietly.

As soon as Lu Qingjiu saw it, he knew that the cockroach was lying. There were no fruit trees in this park, so there was no fruit to eat.

Bai Yuehu didn't say anything at the side until he suddenly said, "Have you rummaged through the trash can?"

Who would have guessed that the arrogant worm was instantly furious when he heard Bai Yuehu's words, and said angrily: "What is turning over the trash can?? This is my territory, and every trash can belongs to me! What's wrong with me turning over?!"

Lu Qingjiu couldn't bear to see the soldiers, and even wanted to cover his face with his hands. The point was not why the arrogant worm turned over the trash can, but how Bai Yuehu guessed that the arrogant worm had turned over the trash can. Could it be that the vixen in his family is because of Has life forced you to do this? But this is too bad.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingjiu's infinite love for the two of them rose in his heart, and even his voice became much gentler: "Xiaojiao, do you want to go back with us?"

The arrogant said: "Go back? Where are you going?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Shuifu Village is right next to the city. I can cook you food when I get home..."

Jiao Chong said, "I can't go that far." He rejected Lu Qingjiu's kindness.

Lu Qingjiu asked, "Then how big is your range of activities?" He guessed that Jiao Zong and Yin Xun were somewhat similar, they were both confined within a certain range and could not leave.

The arrogant worm said: "It's almost in the urban area."

Lu Qingjiu sighed, feeling a little regretful, and this matter can only be left there.

On the way back, Bai Yuehu told Lu Qingjiu that the arrogant worm was lying. He and Yin Xun were not the same kind of mountain god at all. He just didn't want to leave the park, so he came up with that excuse.

"But no matter how bad he is, he can manipulate bees." Lu Qingjiu said, "Isn't there still honey to eat

Bai Yuehu: "Are you tired of eating a hundred years of honey?"

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

Bai Yuehu said: "I will definitely do it anyway."

Lu Qingjiu didn't expect this at all, and he couldn't help laughing and laughing immediately, he said, "By the way, why do you know that the arrogant worm has turned over the trash can?"

Bai Yuehu looked straight ahead, calmly: "Guess."

Lu Qingjiu: "Hmm..." He decided to leave this question alone, so as not to provoke Bai Yuehu's sadness.

The author has something to say: Lu Qingjiu looked at the trash can and wept silently: What kind of life did my fox live without me...

Bai Yuehu: I'm not I don't have it!

Lu Qingjiu: Really

Bai Yuehu: ... I'll just take a look, I didn't go in

Lu Qingjiu:…

It's almost the end of the month, I'm looking for a warm nutrient solution~~

Thanks to the following baby's mine grenades and rocket launchers, especially the deep-water torpedo x1 drawn by Xiying_Jinjiang, thank you for your love! ! !

Thanks to Li Yue for the rocket launcher x2

Thanks to the gentle white moonlight's bazooka x1

Thanks to Luo's Bazooka x1

Thanks to the green fox for the grenade x1

Thanks to a-Xiaoya's grenade x1

Thanks to Weiju's grenade x1

Thanks to demeter for the grenade x1

Thanks to the purple cat's mine x3

Thanks to Nini's lower eyelashes mine x3

Thanks I can't magic mine x2

Thank you for mine x2

Thanks brown? for mines x2

Thanks to Nanbao's mines x2

Thanks to the fox's mine x1

grateful. mine x1

Thank you Zhu Mengmeng, what a cute mine x1

Thanks to March ares mine x1

Thanks to Zhihe's mine x1

Thanks to Mu Yucao's mine x1

Thanks to Su Jinye for mine x1

Thanks for asking Jing's mines x1

Thanks to the mines of green plum cooking wine x1

Thanks to 30204824 for mine x1

Thanks to the seaweed mine x1

Thanks to the fish in Shuihu Village, Yoyo's mines x1

Thanks salted fish fat times mine x1

Thanks glutinous rice dumpling mine x1

Thanks for the warm mine x1

Thanks to Yuanshui Yingbaiyue's mine x1

Thanks to Qi Fengfeng's mine x1

Thanks to sangnazha090 for mine x1

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Thank you for the mines x1

Thanks to 28339318 for mine x1

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Thanks I love taka's mines x1

Thank you レン is Wudi's mine x1

Thanks to Hesse for mines x1

Thanks is Jiu Ye not Ah Jiu's mine x1

Thanks Gu Qin. . . . . . . . mine x1

Thanks Ajie for the best mine x1

Thanks to the big white goose's mine x1

Thanks for the mine x1

Thanks for the troublesome mine x1

Thanks for the bean smashed mine x1

Thanks to Xia Swift for mine x1

Thanks Shaun the Sheep for mine x1

Thanks for the mine x1

Thanks sweet dish zyx mine x1

Thanks to 29052618 for mine x1

thanks gakki my wife mine x1

Thanks to the mines of the waste dim sum x1

Thanks to how far's mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thank you for being addicted to Maomao's inextricable mines x1

Thanks for the pear-eating mine x1

Thanks for the tail mine x1

Thanks to dazhuangjiaqi- for mine x1