Fantasy Farm

Chapter 95: trivia


The eyes of several people fell on the jars on the ground, and the atmosphere in the room was terrifyingly quiet.

In the end, Lu Qingjiu couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore, and asked Bai Yuehu what was going on with this jar. Bai Yuehu reached out and knocked on the jar twice, but the jar did not respond.

"I won't say it." Bai Yuehu said calmly, "Just eat it."

Lu Qingjiu: "…"

Bai Yuehu was obviously serious, and added: "Eat it and stop making trouble."

The jar understood Bai Yuehu's words, and began to tremble pitifully again, as if he wanted to cry but had to forcibly hold it back for the sake of his life.

Lu Qingjiu said, "…Is this jar edible?"

Bai Yuehu: "The meat is in it." He glanced at the jar and said, "But it doesn't look very tasty."

The other three were even more silent, Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi were both shocked by the content of the conversation between Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid they wouldn't think that Bai Yuehu was carrying a jar with a monster in his hand... God's **** meat was in it, and those who didn't know it would have thought that Bai Yuehu was eating crabs.

Lu Qingjiu quickly persuaded Bai Yuehu: "If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it, and I'll have to make skewers later." He looked at Hu Shu, "What are you going to do with the jar?"

When Hu Shu heard this, he frowned immediately: "I don't know, it seems that the reporter really didn't lie. Can it be thrown away, or smashed and destroyed?" He was really afraid of these things.

"Why don't you go to eat first?" To be honest, after waiting for so long, Lu Qingjiu felt a little hungry, and it seemed that the matter of the jar could not be resolved for a while, so it is better to chat while eating.

"Also." Hu Shu agreed to Lu Qingjiu's proposal when he saw that it was almost time for a shift change.

Bai Yuehu put the jar back on the table, a few people exited the room, and carefully locked the door.

Colleagues who changed shifts also came and saw the four Hu Shu. Hu Shu first briefly introduced Lu Qingjiu's identity, and then told his colleagues not to open the door of that room.

The colleague looked inexplicable: "Why can't you open it, what did you put in it?"

Pang Ziqi said, "If I tell you not to open it, don't open it. What do you do when you ask so many questions."

The colleague said: "Fuck, Pang Ziqi, you and Hu Shu don't bring back something strange again."

Pang Ziqi and Hu Shu looked at each other, their eyes were a little guilty, but they still tried to stay calm, Pang Ziqi said, "What are you talking about, am I that kind of person, go, Hu Shu, go to dinner, starve to death I am."

Hu Shu said: "Let's go."

Of course, when he walked to the door, Hu Shu used his last conscience to remind his colleague again, telling him not to open the door no matter what happened.

Colleagues looked suspiciously at the two.

On the way to the skewer shop, they discussed about the jar in general, and they all felt that the jar should not be offensive, otherwise the first person who had an accident must be the reporter, but they didn't know what was in the jar...

"I said, you often bring strange things back to the police station?" Yin Xun raised his own questions curiously after hearing Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi's previous conversation with their colleagues.

Hu Shu glanced at Pang Ziqi, who pretended nothing happened, with a helpless expression on his face. Before Pang Ziqi came, he was really just an ordinary little policeman. As a result, after Pang Ziqi came, the direction of his investigation went inexplicably in the direction of the supernatural, and some things became more and more terrifying. Just can't think about it.

"Like?" Yin Xun asked.

"Like last week." Hu Shu said with a bitter face, "Someone called the police and said that their cat was missing..."

"You can still call the police if the cat is gone." Yin Xun was a little surprised.

"It's not a small place, and there aren't many cases to investigate." Hu Shu sighed, "We went to the police to check the situation, and found that the cat was not missing, but was eaten by something strange."

"Eat it?" Lu Qingjiu was also interested.

Hu Shu said, "Yeah, when I found the cat, there was only a little fur left, and it was eaten clean." He sighed, "Then we suspected that some beast came down from the mountain, and we were a little nervous, and then continued. Investigate down…”

"Then what?" Yin Xun asked.

Hu Shu didn't speak, and glanced at Pang Ziqi with resentful eyes.

Pang Ziqi sighed and added what Hu Shu left unfinished, "Then one night, we finally found the real culprit who killed the cat."

Everyone listened quietly.

"I don't know what it is," Pang Ziqi said. "It's a bit like a monkey and a bit like a human being. It hangs upside down from the ceiling of the attic, holding another half-eaten cat in his hand."

Hu Shu's tone was extremely painful: "The floor is full of blood and broken bones, my mother, I will never forget that scene in my life."

Fortunately, they were equipped with guns at the time, otherwise there would have been an accident, but even so, Hu Shu was scratched fiercely by the monster, and it took ten days for the wound to heal.

After the story was finished, several people just walked into the store.

Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi should be old guests here, the boss laughed when he saw them: "Still the same?"

"Get more mutton today." Hu Shu said, "Two more cases of beer, to be chilled."

The boss said: "Okay, how about two bunches of kidneys? The goods that just arrived today are still fresh."

Hu Shu said: "Alright, do you have chest oil?"

The boss said: "Yes, but not much."

Hu Shu said: "That's all for me."

Lu Qingjiu listened beside him, his nose was full of the rich aroma of barbecue. Nowadays, it is rare to see such charcoal barbecues placed outside in big cities. First, it affects the appearance of the city, and second, it pollutes the air a bit. Of course, small places don’t have to pay attention to this. After all, the population base is there, and there are still mountains and forests around, so there is no need to worry about air quality.

Breast oil is a part of the cow's body. At first glance, it looks like white oil, which will make people who have never eaten it think it is greasy. But in fact, the taste is very good after roasting, it is crisp and raw, and the fat will burst in the mouth when you bite it, and it also has a unique aroma of beef. There is very little meat in this part, and it is not available everywhere. It seems that this barbecue restaurant is really good.

In the process of waiting for the dishes, Hu Shu told a few more cases involving Pang Ziqi. All of these cases, without exception, have forcibly turned from a normal development to an abnormal route. Take the two jars today. When they received the report, they only thought that there was something wrong with the reporter's spirit. Who knew that the problem was not the reporter, but the two really beautiful jars.

Hu Shu knew that Lu Qingjiu was not an ordinary person, and when he saw the wine, he quickly poured it and gave Lu Qingjiu a toast, and said, "Brother Lu, do you have any suggestions for that jar? We can't keep it in the police station... "

Lu Qingjiu took a sip of beer and said, "I don't have a good idea. Let's eat first, and then we'll talk about it when we're full." He glanced at Bai Yuehu. Not interested in getting involved.

Bai Yuehu really didn't think about it, all his attention was on the meat skewers that were sizzling on the charcoal fire. There are mutton and beef on skewers, all of which are fat and thin, and very fresh. Sprinkled with spices and chili peppers, it has a rich and enticing aroma.

"Otherwise, let's ask the reporter." Hu Shu was still struggling with this matter, "Isn't this jar from his family's ancestors? Since it's ancestral, why haven't we found the contents... Or is there a need for that thing? under what conditions?"

Pang Ziqi tapped his finger on the table: "Then I'll ask him to come over."

Hu Shu said: "I'm afraid he won't want to..."

Pang Ziqi was still furious, gritted her teeth and said, "If you don't want to, you have to be willing. We are the police, not the Celestial Master. Let's just be in charge of human cases. This part shouldn't be under our control." Although they did set this up. That's it for a sector.

Hu Shu sighed and said why there have been more and more cases like this recently. Obviously, he had never encountered any of them before. Since Pang Ziqi came here, it seemed as if he had opened the door to a new world-although he knew nothing about this new world. Just don't want to go in.

Lu Qingjiu listened to the conversation between the two, but his heart moved. Thinking of the snow under Shuifu Village before, he wondered whether these frequent cases might have something to do with other worlds. If the boundaries between the two worlds are getting blurred, the life of Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi seems to be the best portrayal. Humanity will encounter more and more strange creatures and strange things, and in these things, there is no way to fight back...

The boss was very fast and brought the grilled mutton skewers up.

In this weather, one has to drink cold beer and eat freshly grilled mutton kebabs. The mutton kebabs are thinly sliced, so the grilling is very tasty. Lu Qingjiu grabbed a handful and drank while eating.

Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun were not very interested in wine, they just ate delicious mutton skewers wholeheartedly.

Here Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi also reached a consensus and decided to call the reporter over tomorrow and talk about the jar in detail.

"Brother Lu, is the thing in this jar threatening humans?" Hu Shu was concerned about this.

Before Lu Qingjiu could speak, Bai Yuehu continued, "No threat." Otherwise, he wouldn't have let Lu Qingjiu join in the fun.

"So there's no danger other than a little noise?" Pang Ziqi asked.

"Yeah." Bai Yuehu replied, obviously, Hu Shu's barbecue was very popular with him, so he even talked more than usual, "I haven't seen this thing, but judging from the breath, it should not be evil. things."

"Not an evil thing means that it doesn't harm people?" Hu Shu confirmed again.

Bai Yuehu nodded.

Lu Qingjiu had already guessed what Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi wanted to do from the content of their conversation. Sure enough, the two looked at each other and then showed bright smiles.

"Since there is no danger, let him take it back." Pang Ziqi said, "It can't be kept in the police station all the time, it will damage the image of the police station."

"That's right." Hu Shu said, "I'm an adult, so I should be brave. Isn't there a person in the jar? It's just a matter of opening more mouths and more pairs of chopsticks."

Pang Ziqi: "Then let him pick it up tomorrow."

Hu Shu: "That's it."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He was stunned by the two people's singing and playing, and why are the two of them so skilled, how many times have they experienced such a thing.

The matter was settled like this, Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi both showed happy smiles.

Bai Yuehu continued to quietly roll his own mutton skewers. Judging from his expression, he had fallen in love with this kind of food now.

The mutton skewers in this shop taste really good. Lu Qingjiu ate and chatted, and before he knew it, it was already late at night. Since Lu Qingjiu didn't pay the bill, Bai Yuehu opened his stomach to eat, and finally ate all the boss's stock. Fortunately, Hu Shu and the others knew that the white moon fox had a lot of food, so they had been prepared for it, but even so, when they paid the bill, they were a little bit hurt by the big pot of wooden sticks.

"Thank you for what happened last time." Pang Ziqi drank a little too much, but Hu Shu was still awake. When they parted, Hu Shu thanked Lu Qingjiu again.

"You're welcome." Lu Qingjiu said, "I didn't help much, it's all thanks to Yuehu."

Hearing this, Hu Shu smiled and didn't speak. To be honest, although Bai Yuehu was helping, but without Lu Qingjiu as the link, this matter could not have been done. Bai Yuehu looked like the kind of person who wasn't particularly easy to get along with. If it wasn't for Lu Qingjiu, he would definitely not dare to join him. And now that he has been with Pang Ziqi for a long time, he also has some guesses about Bai Yuehu's identity. Bai Yuehu is definitely not a human being, but as for what it is, he can't prove it.

Before leaving, Bai Yuehu glanced at Hu Shu and said unprecedentedly, "If you can't deal with the jar, you can come to me."

Hu Shu was flattered and quickly thanked him.

Bai Yuehu didn't answer, turned around and walked away. It wasn't until he got into the car that Lu Qingjiu curiously asked him why he was so active.

"Lamb skewers are delicious." Bai Yuehu was so straightforward.

Lu Qingjiu was dumbfounded for a moment, and then burst into laughter. He didn't expect Bai Yuehu to be bought off by a mutton skewer. After laughing, he felt a little sad because he remembered that Shaohao seduced Bai Yuehu to work, and it seemed that I added 500 yuan... It's really not enough to eat a mutton skewer.

"Go back to stew meat tomorrow." Lu Qingjiu announced, "Let's stew the pig's trotters, and then make some whitening."

What Xiaohua said makes sense. No matter how hard you are, you can't be hard on the child. His family's fox spirit must be rich and raised, or he will be cheated by a mutton skewer sooner or later.

As for Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi, they felt relieved after learning from Bai Yuehu that the jar was not in danger. Hu Shu sent Pang Ziqi back to the dormitory, and planned to have a good sleep after washing up.

Who knew that just after lying down, the phone came to call, Hu Shu picked it up in a daze, but saw the number of his colleague.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Hu Shu picked up the phone in a daze.

"Hu Shu!!" A colleague's voice came from the other end of the phone, "What the hell did you and Pang Ziqi bring back? My ears are going to be deaf!"

Hu Shu was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, before he realized what his colleague's words meant, and hurriedly said, "Calm down, you didn't open that room, did you?"

The colleague said, "No—you come here and get that thing out of the way, I'm going to be driven mad!"

Hu Shu said: "I can't solve it. It has to be solved tomorrow. Otherwise, you can get two earplugs..."

The two entangled on this issue for a long time, and finally the colleague let Hu Shu go after he got Hu Shu's promise to dispose of the jar tomorrow. That dire situation.

Hu Shu fell asleep and slept until dawn, pulling Pang Ziqi to work refreshed. Pang Ziqi drank the video, and her head was still dizzy at the moment. She followed Hu Shu into the police station, and saw two dark circles under the eyes of her colleague on the night shift, staring at them both with extremely resentful eyes.

"Morning... good morning?" Pang Ziqi didn't understand what was going on, she was a little uncomfortable being stared at, and waved her hand to say hello.

"What a shit." The colleague took out two paper balls from his ears in pain, "You guys hurry up and dispose of that thing, I'm going to be deaf, and the director is coming soon. He heard..."

"Okay, okay, I'll deal with it right away." Hu Shu surrendered with both hands, he didn't dare let the director know what troublesome things they brought back.

He took out his mobile phone and called the informant. Hu Shu said that he should come to the police station.

The person who reported the case was a young man named Chen Xuyang. When he heard Hu Shu’s words, his first reaction was to refuse, but Hu Shu threatened him that if he didn’t come, he would bring the jar to his door.

In desperation, Chen Xuyang had to agree.

But obviously he was full of fear about this jar. Although he said he wanted to come over, it took him a long time to arrive at the police station.

Hu Shu found things in advance, wrapped the two jars, and motioned Chen Xuyang to take them away.

"Can I not?" Chen Xuyang was about to cry holding the jar.

Hu Shu said ruthlessly: "No, it's your thing, the people's police don't accept every stitch from the masses."

Chen Xuyang: "..."

Hu Shu said: "What's more, this is your family heirloom, and you can't dispose of it casually." It is said that this thing was handed down from the Ming Dynasty, and it is very valuable. Of course, it is said that this is mainly what Chen Xuyang said.

Chen Xuyang stared at the jar with a frown, and he said, "Can I donate it to the museum? It's really a cultural relic." Otherwise, he might have chosen to throw this thing away long ago, and why would it be kept until now.

Hu Shu said: "You can contact the museum to see if it is accepted there."

Chen Xuyang said: "Before the museum closes..."

Hu Shu: "You take it home and keep it well."

Chen Xuyang: "..."

Hu Shu remembered its thunderous cry, and said with conscience, "It's a good jar."

Chen Xuyang's expression distorted, and he wanted to say that since it's a good jar, why don't you keep it for me, and insist that I take it home.

Although very reluctant, Chen Xuyang was forced to take the two jars home in view of Hu Shu's businesslike appearance. As soon as he left, the police station was quiet, and the rumbling thunder completely disappeared.

"What the hell is going on with that jar?" Pang Ziqi pinched her aching temple.

Hu Shu spread his hands and said that he did not know.

Chen Xuyang took the jar home, and after thinking about it, he didn't dare to put it in the living room, but put it in the dark storage room. In fact, their family has always liked these things. Porcelain, jade pendants and other antiques are all objects of collection. Back then, when their family was prosperous, these antiques could fill several large houses, but now they are in decline. All the big things that can be sold are sold, and there are only some small things that are reluctant to sell, so I stayed for a thought.

This pair of jars was left to him by his father.

The color of this jar is very strange, very different from the style of the Ming Dynasty in history, so it is difficult to sell, and everyone thinks it is a low-quality fake. But in fact, this jar was passed down from generation to generation by their family. Even in the most downhearted time, Chen Xuyang never thought of selling them until something strange happened at home.

At first, there were corpses of small animals in the room, and then there were people walking around in the room. The situation became more and more serious. Until one day, Chen Xuyang opened his eyes dimly and saw a person squatting on the sofa with green eyes. The child stared straight at him.

Chen Xuyang was immediately stunned, and immediately called the police after waking up. But the police didn't find anything unusual when they came. Just when Chen Xuyang was worried that the police would treat him as a neuropathy, the two policemen were very considerate to help him take the jar away, although this thoughtful... didn't last long. That's it.

Looking at the jar, Chen Xuyang was worried. The appearance of the jar didn't even have a signature, and the museum probably wouldn't want it, but if he threw it away, he was really reluctant.

"Oh, what should I do with you." Chen Xuyang reached out and touched the jar in distress, "If you really have aura, don't scare me..."

The jar didn't move.

Chen Xuyang also felt that he was a bit funny, after sighing, he turned off the light, turned and left the storage room.

For the next few days, Hu Shu has been worried that Chen Xuyang will call the police again, but he did not expect that Chen Xuyang, who took the jar away, did not contact them again. After Hu Shu called him to inquire about the situation, he learned that Chen Xuyang took the jar home, and there was no strangeness at home.

"So you mean it's all right?" Hu Shu said.

"Yeah." Chen Xuyang said, "At least it's all right now." He walked downstairs in his community and pressed the elevator button, "Officer Hu, tell me honestly, why did you have to take the jar away? , is there something wrong with this jar?"

Hu Shu said, "No."

Chen Xuyang said: "Really not?"

Hu Shu thought to himself that I can't tell you to cry as soon as your jar arrives at the police station. Those who still cry will suffer from otitis media, so they can only bite to death and say, "No."

"Oh." Chen Xuyang said, "Well then, I got into the elevator and hung up first."

"Okay, call me again if anything happens." Hu Shu ended the call.

Chen Xuyang put his mobile phone in his pocket, pressed the floor he was going to, and watched the elevator climb up layer by layer. Then, with a ding dong, the elevator door opened. He took out the key and opened the door of his house.

After the door opened, Chen Xuyang looked at the picture in the house, but the whole person froze at the door - he saw dark red bloody handprints everywhere on the floor and walls of his house, and a human-shaped figure. The thing, was squatting on the ground, eating something rudely, the thing seemed to hear the movement, and turned back slowly, Chen Xuyang's eyes were dark, and the last impression was the pair of green eyes, and the fleshy mouth. White sharp teeth.

- Hu Shu, you bastard really lied to me, Chen Xuyang used his last strength to swear in his heart.

The author has something to say: Lu Qingjiu: There are few scenes today.

Bai Yuehu: Hmm.

Lu Qingjiu: You can go home early.

Bai Yuehu: Hmm.

Lu Qingjiu: What are we going to do when we get home...

Bai Yuehu: Go to dry land sake

Lu Qingjiu: ? ? ?

Thanks to the following babies for mine grenades and rocket launchers

Thanks to fishcake for mines x8, rocket launchers x1, grenades x4

Thanks to Chu Wanning's pear white grenade x2, mine x1, rocket gun x1

Thank you Ghostface Furong for the rocket launcher x1

Thanks for what's for dinner bazooka x1

Thanks for the grenade x1, mine x3

Thanks for returning mine x1, grenade x1

Thanks for the mine that trapped the smoke in the willow x6

Thanks to Yin Zhaohua Ten's grenade x1

Thanks to Musta Azusa's grenade x1

Thanks to the mines of the waste snack x5

Thanks for the troublesome grenade x1

Thanks to the idler glass of wine's grenade x1

Thanks to the rainy mines x4

Thanks to Li Yue for mine x4

Thanks Jinyan for mine x3

Thanks for asking Jing's mine x2

Twelve mines x2

Thank you which little koi acridine mine x2

Thanks salted fish fat times mine x2

Thanks to orange peel gloves for mines x1

Thanks Tomato? Mines x1

Thanks Big White Hot Cocoa's Mine x1

Thank you Narcissus is also a fairy mine x1

Thanks to dazhuangjiaqi- for mine x1

Thanks for the ___ flawed mine x1

Thanks to the seaweed mine x1

Thanks to the God of Xizi for unfolding mines x1

Thanks to Jiuyun's mine x1

Thanks for the mines of Chen Shiyue x1

Thank you Liushen for mines x1

Thanks to the donkey's mine x1 with its own intelligent navigation system

Thanks to allendandi la for mines x1

Thank you for the mines you met x1

Thanks mine x1

Thanks to the windy mines x1

Thanks to cherryontop for mines x1

Thanks to Xiao Chen for mine x1

Thanks to a.'s mine x1

Thanks to Muyu's mines x1

Thanks Fomalhaut.'s mines x1

Thanks to the mysterious young master's mine x1

Thanks to the iron head sister's mine x1

Thanks to Song Yuyuanjun for mine x1

Thank you for the mines x1

Thanks to Wei Rui 123 for mine x1

Thanks for the bean smashed mine x1

Thanks Grapefruit's Mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to 24533460 for mine x1

Thanks to Liu Yaoqiu for mine x1

Thanks to Qiuqiu Qiuqiu's mine x1