Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 100: Relics and wizards (seeking monthly tickets)


"Am I going to die?"

Under the huge and mysterious ruins, Chen Heng clutched his chest, and this thought flashed in his mind.

He's in a bad state right now.

Entering the explosion of life is a very bad situation. Even when Chen Heng is at his peak, his body will be greatly consumed and his body will enter a very bad state.

And now, let alone.

Chen Heng could feel the disappearance of his own strength, the gradual disappearance of his physical strength, and the rapidly weakening vitality.

He will die soon.

"Kurudo, it seems that our journey has come to an end."

He reluctantly turned around and looked into the distance, with a wry smile on his face.

Not far away, Kurudo's body was lying there quietly, and there was no life at the moment.

After this battle, he died completely, and his entire life disappeared under the last eruption.

At this thought, Chen Heng sighed a little, but he was not sad about it.

People are always going to die, and it is normal to die sooner or later.

For a knight like Kurudo, it is better to die in a fight than to die of old age in a hospital bed.

I believe that Kurudo himself is satisfied with his ending.

However, now

Chen Heng opened his eyes, tried his best to use up his last strength, and walked forward.

The ruins in front of me are very strange, hidden in a secret place, very dangerous.

There are ancient legends in the local area, saying that this ruin was built by ancient wizards and possesses some kind of mysterious power.

Anyone who enters cannot leave alive.

After Chen Heng and the others entered it, they met the guardians of the ruins, some creatures that looked like puppets.

These puppets are very powerful, almost every one of them is not inferior to the knight, and the powerful one is not far behind the big knight.

It took all of Chen Heng's strength to kill all these puppets.

After that, even if nothing happened, he would probably die, just like Kurudo.

But until then, there are still things he can do.


Walking on the road with difficulty, Chen Heng murmured in his heart: "Let me see, what are the so-called wizards?"

Despite being a great knight, Chen Heng never forgot the name of this world.

This world is called the Wizarding World.

Judging from the name alone, this world should be a world dominated by wizards.

This is why, when Chen Heng heard that this ruin was related to a wizard, he went to it.

After three full simulations and nearly a hundred years of experience, until now, Chen Heng finally found the so-called traces of the wizard, and was able to truly understand the secrets of this world.

Such an opportunity is extremely rare, and Chen Heng will never let it go.

If you miss this time, even if you can do the next simulation, but you don't know when you want to have real contact with the existence of wizards like this time.

Walking on the road, various thoughts flashed through Chen Heng's mind.

After beheading all the guardians outside the ruins, he walked into the ruins in front of him.

One after another twilight lights flickered, illuminating the entire ruins.

To Chen Heng's surprise, there was something similar to a circuit system in the ruins in front of him, and it was activated the moment he entered here.

The faint white light directly illuminates the entire ruins, and also illuminates the light in front of him transparently.

This scene made Chen Heng feel a little as if he was not in the world of wizards, but in modern society.

But soon, he came back to his senses and reacted.

"Mastered advanced technology?"

He reacted quickly, and this thought flashed through his mind.

Judging from the situation of the ruins in front of him, the owner of the ruins has obviously mastered a more advanced technology, which is much more perfect and advanced than the outside world.

And based on this reasoning, perhaps the civilization among the wizard group is much stronger than that on this continent.

Various thoughts flashed through Chen Heng's mind, and then he continued to move forward.

Along the way, he walked very cautiously and cautiously.

At this moment, his condition is very bad. Not to mention the existence of puppets like before, even some ordinary fighters, I am afraid that they can take him down and hack him to death.

Of course, at this time now, he actually doesn't care about life and death.

But before he died, he still hoped that he could gain something.

After finally coming to this ruins, he didn't want to die without getting anything.

Therefore, he walked very carefully, looking cautious all the way, for fear of touching any mechanism.

Fortunately, perhaps all the dangers in this ruins are limited to the guardians from the outside world. Chen Heng didn't see any mechanism along the way.

He walked to the front smoothly, all the way to the core position.

This is a spacious room. In the center of the room, there is a pale black crystal ball. It looks like an ordinary crystal ball. It is ordinary and no different.

"Is that all that's left?"

Looking at the crystal ball in front of him, Chen Heng subconsciously frowned.

Before coming here, he had searched elsewhere.

It's a pity, perhaps because of too much time, many things in this place have become invalid, and some things left by the original owner of the ruins have become tattered directly.

This also led to Chen Heng's journey all the way to the present, but he didn't gain much at all.

Of course, even if he gains something, those things are actually useless to him.

After all, he was already dying, so what if he could get the secret treasure left by the wizard

When he entered this ruin, all he wanted to find were some secrets about wizards.

Who are they? Where do you come from? Where are you going again

What kind of history and civilization do they have? What kind of power does it have

From the moment he knew about the existence of wizards, these questions arose in Chen Heng's mind.

It's a pity that although there are some books left here, those precious books have been turned into dust in history and cannot be identified at all.

The area in front of him was already the last place Chen Heng searched for.

“Based on the location, this place is central”

All the way here, Chen Heng was already out of breath: "If there is really something important, it should stay here."

This thought flashed through his mind, and then he coughed a few times involuntarily.

An unprecedented sense of powerlessness and weakness enveloped him, making him feel extraordinarily bad.

He had never been so weak since he came into this world and became a knight.

Severe pain and weakness constantly surfaced on his body, making him feel close to collapse, which was extremely uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for Chen Heng's strong willpower to control him, he might have fallen by now.

Looking at the scene ahead, he slowly moved forward and walked to the crystal ball.

Standing there, after hesitating for a moment, he finally reached out and picked up the crystal ball.

To Chen Heng's surprise, when he picked up the crystal ball, a unique feeling suddenly arose.

A feeling like an electric shock rose rapidly, accompanied by severe pain.

The third chapter is over, I'm sorry it's too late, and the addition can only be postponed until tomorrow.

Finally, ask for a monthly pass! !

(end of this chapter)