Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 103: new world


Standing there alone, Chen Heng thought for a long time before smiling.

In any case, he had done his best in the simulated world before. Although he asked himself, he did have intentions to take advantage of many people, but he did it with all his heart.

I believe that in the world he came to, they can continue the track of the past and live a good life.

With these, it is enough.

As for more, there is no need to force it.

At this point, Chen Heng smiled and continued to look in front of him.

In front of him, following his will, the big turntable disappeared silently.

After three lottery draws, the price of the big turntable lottery draw has risen again at this moment, and has become 160 simulation points.

Although Chen Heng could not afford this figure, it was already not very cost-effective.

There are not many precious things on Chen Heng's simulated body. In terms of value, there are very few things that can surpass the one hundred and sixty simulated points.

Chen Heng is not a pure gambler, and would not bet on such a probability.

Therefore, he rationally chose to stop.

After three lottery draws, he still has just over 3,000 points left.

This amount is something that Chen Heng has never had before, and it is a huge sum of money.

As long as you make good use of it, I believe that in the next simulation, it will be enough for Chen Heng to choose a good identity and have a better start.

In front of him, the big turntable slowly disappeared, and after that, lines of writing reappeared.

"Your points have exceeded 1,000, and a new template is open."

In front of my eyes, the familiar handwriting reappeared.

"New template?"

Chen Heng was a little surprised.

"Do you want to deduct a thousand points and randomly open a new world?"

new world

Chen Heng was taken aback for a moment, and nodded involuntarily.

New World, this is not bad.

Different worlds have different powers and knowledge, and the opportunities that can be encountered in them are also different.

Considering that the points in his hand are still ample, Chen Heng thought for a while, then nodded and chose to open.

Different from the consumption of the lottery, once the new world is opened, it can be used forever in the future, not a one-time sale.

From the perspective of obtaining points and participating in decision-making, more worlds also mean more choices, allowing Chen Heng to make more decisions according to the situation.

In front of him, as Chen Heng's thoughts flowed, a thousand points were deducted in an instant.

Then in front of my eyes, the familiar big turntable reappeared, exuding an inexplicable purple luster.

A faint purple light flickered, and as the big turntable turned in front of him, a line of information appeared in front of him.

"A new world has opened."

Faint handwriting appeared in front of my eyes.

Chen Heng lowered his head, and the familiar simulator interface appeared again.

It's just that there have been some changes compared to the interface that emerged above at this moment.

On the side of the wizarding world, there is a new name.

"Azure Realm?"

Looking at the name of the new world, Chen Heng's face remained unchanged, but he was a little surprised.

The Azure Realm, the name, sounds a little different from the wizarding world, and it seems that the style of painting is completely different.

I just don't know what kind of world it is.

Chen Heng thought to himself, but he didn't intend to try it right away.

Having stayed in the simulated world for decades, this period of time is already a very, very long time for Chen Heng.

When he grew up, it almost made him a little mentally disturbed, and he couldn't tell which one was the real him.

It's a bad feeling.

If it goes on for a long time, slowly, Chen Heng may become out of tune with the real world and create a gap.

In fact, this situation already existed during the first simulation, but the simulation time was not too long, and the experience was far less profound than this simulation, so the impact was not great.

After returning from the simulation this time, Chen Heng suddenly felt the change.

Familiar faces in the past have gradually become unfamiliar. Parents, friends, sisters... Faces keep popping up in my mind, but the appearance of some of them needs to be carefully recalled to be able to figure it out.

There is no doubt that this is a very bad omen.

It is true that Chen Heng entered the simulation world to become stronger, but if he forgot his original connection completely in order to become stronger, this is not what he wanted.

After all, the real world is his root, his parents and relatives are all here, and accidents are not allowed to happen.

"Take a break, wait for the next simulation when you regain your senses."

Sitting on the head of the bed, Chen Heng shook his head, and this thought flashed in his mind.

"Xiao Heng, come down to eat."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from below.

Outside the room, Wang Li was busy in the kitchen, calling Chen Heng.

After a while, Chen Heng walked out of the room and sat on the wooden table.

On the wooden table, he was eating quietly, and Wang Li was sitting beside him, watching his children eating, with a happy smile on his face.

"Where's my sister?"

After lunch, Chen Heng got up and asked a casual question.

"She went out to play."

Wang Li was busy in the kitchen, listened to Chen Heng's words, and replied casually.

Unlike the environment in the simulated world, in the real world, everything is peaceful and relaxed, without so much killing and chaos.

Of course, after going through the previous events, Chen Heng already knew that there were actually many dangers lurking under the superficially peaceful order of the world.

It's just that these have been artificially suppressed and have not widely affected the lives of ordinary people.

That's fine.

Walking casually in a park, Chen Heng looked at the scene of children playing peacefully in the distance, and this thought flashed in his mind.

After lunch, he went out to relax, trying to adapt as much as possible and return to a calm state.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually darkened, and the setting sun appeared. Chen Heng also got up silently and walked on the way home.

In the distance, watching Chen Heng leave, a tall middle-aged man walked slowly and followed Chen Heng silently.

Walking on the road, Liu Xin was thinking.

Liu Jue's previous order was to let him deal with this kid, so that the other party would understand that people from the Liu family are not so easy to deceive.

Just how to clean up is also a problem.

If it were someone else who dared to deceive the Liu family, or even tried to deceive the core method, even if they discounted the other party's hands and feet, it would be regarded as letting the other party go.

It's just that the kid in front of him is different.

Looking at the appearance before, he and the younger sister of the young master of the Liu family should be very good friends. Although this friendship is not simple in the eyes of him and Liu Jue, it is no problem in the eyes of the young lady of the Liu family.

If you act harshly, the young lady will definitely know, when the time comes, I'm afraid the young master and young lady will quarrel again.

So take it easy

While walking on the road, various thoughts flashed through Liu Xin's mind.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

(end of this chapter)