Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 107: Brain supplement


Fang Qingxuan was a little surprised.

Because of her background and talent, she has come into contact with many outstanding peers since she was a child.

Among these people, some are talented, some are resolute, and some are knowledgeable.

But even among these people, there are not many who can keep up with her train of thought.

But the Chen Heng in front of him was different.

No matter what topic they are talking about, Chen Heng can easily keep up with him, and he has his own unique insights no matter in martial arts or history and economy.

At this age, Fang Qingxuan had never seen such a person.

Even, many of his viewpoints faintly coincided with hers, which made her feel a sense of confidant.

After a short period of contact, she couldn't help but develop a good impression of Chen Heng and become more curious.

A boy like this, what was he like in the past

Why never heard of his fame.

"It's getting late."

In front of him, Chen Heng didn't care about Fang Qingxuan's thoughts, he just smiled: "I should go back."


Fang Qingxuan nodded, looked at Chen Heng and smiled: "I hope we can become friends in the future."

"Will do."

Chen Heng nodded and said with a smile.

Then, he waved his hand and turned to leave.

Under the sunlight, the boy's figure slowly disappeared, and disappeared here in the blink of an eye.

Fang Qingxuan stood alone on the spot, silently watching the boy leave, with a smile on his face all the time.

"It's almost done to this extent."

Walking to the front of the classroom, Chen Heng thought about it.

He came into contact with the other party all of a sudden, so it wasn't because he was free, and he didn't really like the other party.

I like it, this thing is too far away for Chen Heng.

He's already past that stage.

The reason for this is just to do things.

When Chen Heng walked into the teacher, he found that many people in the classroom were looking at him with strange eyes.

Looking at it like this, Chen Heng's previous words should have worked.

His previous conversation with Liang Guo was completely public, and many people heard it.

This kind of gossip has always spread very quickly, counting the time, the whole class should know by now.

Chen Heng's face remained unchanged, and he walked to his place silently.

The people around looked curiously, and some even wanted to ask.

But at this time, the class bell rang, and the students around suddenly quieted down and took class seriously.

Sitting on the desk, Chen Heng looked around and found that there was an empty seat not far away.

If he remembered correctly, that was Liu Yi's position.

She didn't come to class today.

"Because of what happened yesterday?"

This thought flashed through Chen Heng's mind, then he turned around and listened carefully to the class.

While listening to the lecture, he was also thinking.

Although the world has changed a lot, some things should still happen, just like the classmates and friends around him haven't changed much.

In this way, the kidnapping case that happened in the previous life should also happen.

And calculating the time, it seems to be about the same.

This is a great opportunity.

Chen Heng's face was calm, and this thought flashed in his mind.

And at this moment, on the other side.


Looking at Liu Xin in front of him, Liu Jue's face was surprised: "That kid hurt you so easily?"

"No injuries."

Liu Xin lowered his head, with a bit of shame on his face: "He didn't attack me at all, he restrained me easily."

Liu Jue was taken aback for a moment.

Defeating people and easily restraining them are not the same concept.

The former only needs to be stronger, while the latter requires complete suppression.

How could that person do this

"Although I don't know why, that child is definitely not an ordinary person, and it is estimated that he is at least close to the perfection of physical training."

Liu Xin sighed: "It's just a little strange."

Liu Jue understood what he meant.

Normally speaking, people who can reach the perfection of physical training at this age are undoubtedly true geniuses. As long as the reputation spreads a little, there will probably be a lot of people coming, begging him to enter his school, as a core disciple. professor.

But now, there is a person who clearly has this level, but he just doesn't show anything, and still stays in this small place.

This is very strange.

No one can help but wonder.

But for this question, Liu Jue didn't think about it for the time being.

Anyway, there is always a reason for everything.

Compared to this, he cared more about his sister Liu Yi.

"It seems that I misunderstood her."

Recalling the previous events, Liu Jue's face relaxed a little.

He was angry before because he thought that his sister was coaxed by others, and casually took out the body training method that is the core of the school.

But now it turns out that that person is no ordinary person, but a genuine genius.

For a genius who has reached such a level at such a young age, it is nothing at all even if he uses body exercises.

If others know, some people are willing to come up with their own school's secret body training methods to win them over.

For those with insufficient levels and connections, body exercises are very precious, but for those who have reached a certain level, this thing is nothing at all.

Now is not the past, every family takes their own exercise methods seriously.

In the information age, for those who have the conditions, the exercise methods of various schools are not secrets at all.

Relatively speaking, a genius with real talent is the real core, which is much rarer.

Thinking of this, the anger in Liu Xin's heart gradually dissipated, and a little praise appeared for Liu Yi's previous actions.

It is good to be able to discover the hidden genius in time, build a good relationship with the other party quietly, and invest in physical exercise while the other party is poor.

As expected of a member of his Liu family.

"You didn't say you were from the Liu family, did you?"

Thinking of this, he raised his head, looked at Liu Xin and spoke.


Liu Xin shook his head, and said, "I didn't say where it came from, I just said that I took money to punish him."

"That's good."

Liu Jue nodded: "You don't have to continue to take care of this matter, just leave it to me."

He was going to have a chat with his sister, to have a serious talk about it.

It would be a pity for such an outstanding martial artist Miaozi to be so silent here.

It's fine if you don't find it, but now that you've found it, you can't let it go.

After all, talent is the most important thing these days.

With this in mind, he turned around and left with Liu Xin, ready to go find Liu Yi.

Next, time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

In half a month, in the school, the commotion that Chen Heng made at the beginning gradually dissipated.

Not only Chen Heng's class, but even Fang Qingxuan's class knew that she had another suitor.

Chen Heng was walking on the road. Normally, people would look at him strangely.

Sure enough, no matter when it was, this kind of gossip spread the fastest.

However, Chen Heng didn't care about it, it was still the same every day, there was no difference.

"Calculating the time, it's almost time."

Sitting alone at the desk, Chen Heng silently flashed this thought while writing.

According to the time of the previous life, today is the time when that incident happened.

For today, Chen Heng is ready.

Today is Sunday, for today, he did not stay at home, but came to school alone to review his homework at school.

He just waited all morning, but he still didn't hear anything.

"Has anything changed?"

At noon, Chen Heng raised his head when he heard the noise from the outside world, a little surprised.

According to his memory, that incident should have happened in the morning.

But now, nothing happened.

Looking at it like this, it seems that things have changed in this world.

Chen Heng was a little surprised by this, but he didn't care too much.

It's nothing more than a missed opportunity to show his strength, nothing more.

Anyway, the groundwork has been laid, and it will be fine to find another opportunity later.

Thinking of this, he got up silently and was about to walk out.

But what he didn't realize was that not far away, two people were watching him.

"Is that the kid?"

On a balcony, Liu Jue looked at Chen Heng who got up and left, and nodded involuntarily: "You have a good vision."

(end of this chapter)