Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 112: Rock genre


"Just why."

Looking at Chen Heng, Fang Qingxuan couldn't help but speak.

Chen Heng had a calm expression, thinking secretly in his heart, and after organizing his words, he came up with an excuse: "I don't know."

"Sometimes, you do something without knowing why, it's just instinct."

"And for me, being able to hide in a corner and occasionally see your existence is a kind of happiness in itself."

In front of Fang Qingxuan's eyes, he smiled, his smile was very sincere: "I like you, but I don't want you to have any pressure, and I don't want you to be troubled because of me, so I choose not to say a word."

"Anyway, as long as I can follow you, see your figure, and hear your voice, that's enough."

"It's not what I want now."

With a sincere expression, he spoke intermittently, and in a few words, he vividly interpreted the image of an affectionate and innocent young man.

Listening to Chen Heng's words, Fang Qingxuan couldn't help but remain silent, looking at him with more complicated eyes.

No matter how precocious she is, she is still just a young girl after all, and she can't help being touched and touched when she hears that others have done such a thing for herself.

"Sorry to trouble you."

Chen Heng tried to sit up, with an apologetic expression on his face: "I don't want to cause you trouble, but I also know that relatively speaking, I may not be your favorite."

"I'm not good enough for you, but I don't want to be a passer-by from the beginning to the end, and I can't even be remembered by you."

"So, I walked in front of you and told you my heart, but I didn't want an answer."

He spoke intermittently, his voice was low and soft, but it made Fang Qingxuan feel more touched, and his eyes became more complicated.


Looking at her appearance, Chen Heng smiled, and then said: "Let me rest for a while."

"After talking for so long, I'm also a little sleepy."

He said so, but his face was flushed, and he seemed a little shy.

To be honest, for Chen Heng, these lines are really a bit disgusting.

However, in order to play his role well and play his own character well, he still works very hard, no matter the demeanor or the details are very vivid, no flaws can be seen.

Listening to Chen Heng's words, Fang Qingxuan smiled, then nodded, got up and walked out.

Walking outside the door, she hesitated for a moment, then looked back.

"We will still be friends in the future, right?"

She turned to look at Chen Heng, and said softly.

After the words fell, Chen Heng was stunned for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "Of course."

Only then did Fang Qingxuan smile and walk out of the room.

"How about it?"

Outside the door, Fang Qingxuan's parents were still waiting there. Seeing Fang Qingxuan walking out of the door, they couldn't help asking.

Fang Qingxuan's expression was complicated, but he just nodded.

"This is a nice young man. It's rare to like you for so long."

Fang Qingxuan's mother spoke with enthusiasm, "If you don't hate Qingxuan, you can try it."

"Anyway, young people, it would be nice to have a few more romances."

"Mom, didn't you say you can't fall in love early?" Fang Qingxuan complained silently.

"Aren't you afraid that you will suffer?"

Watching the conversation between the mother and daughter, Fang Lue shook his head, and then said, "Okay, okay."

"Emotions cannot be forced."

"Let Qingxuan make up his own mind on this matter."

He smiled, stopped the conversation between the two, then turned and walked out.

Time passed slowly.

Three days later, Chen Heng was officially discharged from the hospital and returned to school.

From the hospital to school again, the four weeks have changed a lot.

The most obvious is the change of people around.

Now that Chen Heng was walking on the road, many people came over and chatted with him enthusiastically, and many people would look at him from afar, as if they wanted to approach him but dared not.

It seems that in a short period of time, Chen Heng has suddenly become a little celebrity in the school.

However, Chen Heng didn't pay much attention to this. He just went to class as usual every day, nothing special.

In addition, during this period of time, Liu Yi also approached Chen Heng again, hoping that Chen Heng would formally join the Rock School, and offered many favorable conditions.

It can be seen that Liu Yi didn't want to do this kind of thing at first, it should be that stern young man who asked him to do it that day.

In order for Chen Heng to join the Panshi school, Liu Yi offered very generous conditions, covering all aspects.

In this regard, Chen Heng said that he needs to seriously consider it, and has not given a reply for the time being.

But in fact, he was already inclined to agree to Liu Yi and join the Panshi School.

The reason is quite simple.

In the simulated world before, Chen Heng had practiced rock forging for a long time, and he was only one step away from perfecting it.

With this experience, Chen Heng obviously wants to practice the rock forging method in the real world, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of time.

Since it is necessary to practice the rock body forging method, it will be more convenient to join the rock school, not only for obtaining the subsequent body forging method, but also for practicing.

If you are in another school, but have practiced the body training method of the rock school, I am afraid that there will be some problems at that time.

Liu Yi is also a big reason.

Compared to other people, Liu Yi's character is weak and not strong.

Such a person may not be suitable to be a leader, but as Chen Heng's partner, he is an ideal candidate.

At least you don't have to worry about some messy things happening.

In addition, the terms she offered were also very generous.

The reason why Chen Heng didn't agree immediately was that he just wanted to know more about the market and wait for a while.

I believe that after a while, when his reputation spreads, more people will come, trying to draw Chen Heng into their sect.

And the facts are just as Chen Heng thought.

In just half a month, the leaders of several sects came, wanting to recruit Chen Heng and let Chen Heng enter their sect.

In order to compete for Chen Heng, a talented student, they offered different conditions, each with their own focus, in order to attract Chen Heng's attention.

Chen Heng took a look at it.

The conditions offered by these schools are basically the same as those offered by Liu Yi, and many of them are even worse.

After waiting for a while, Chen Heng found Liu Yi directly without any hesitation, and chose to join the Rock School.

At noon, the sun shines on the earth.

All around, a huge Martial Arts Hall appeared in front of it, which was very conspicuous against the surrounding buildings.

"Is it here?"

Standing in front of the Budokan, looking at the huge and spacious Budokan in front of him, Chen Heng asked.


Liu Yi nodded, looking at the familiar building in front of her with complicated eyes: "I never thought before that I would come back one day."

"Isn't it good to come back?"

Chen Heng asked.

"Not really."

Liu Yi shook her head and didn't say much.

After a while, she walked in with Chen Heng.

Walking into the martial arts hall, many voices came from it.

Under Chen Heng's gaze, many people inside were sweating and training hard, and many of them were children, who looked very young.

"These are all students of our sect, most of them are members of my clan, and only a few are outsiders."

Liu Yi glanced at those people, and then said so.

Chen Heng nodded clearly.

Before coming, Liu Yi gave Chen Heng a popular science on the problems in the rock genre.

For these, Chen Heng also seemed very interested and kept asking.

I'm about to go to other people's territory to practice soon, if I don't know a little more information, won't my eyes be blacked out afterwards

In order to avoid this situation, it is natural to ask more questions.

As he thought, Liu Yi's tone was not too strict, and under his constant clichés, he quickly spit out some information of the Panshi School.

The Rock School, this school was created by Liu Yi's ancestors, and its main members are basically members of the Liu family.

Only a few are outsiders like Chen Heng.

(end of this chapter)