Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 116: past records


"Don't you feel anything?"

Under the dark night, looking at those who left, Chen Heng frowned secretly.

After the people he hired left, he asked them how they felt.

But no matter how he asked, the answers he got were very uniform.

Nothing was felt.

These people didn't feel anything about the abnormality in their bodies, they just felt that the open space was too open, and they were a little confused about it.

Other than that, these people feel nothing.

Just like Liu Qimei and the others before, they didn't react at all to the changes in themselves.

Chen Heng didn't know whether it was the unknown force that distorted their perception, or he himself was also affected by that force, so the scenes he saw were different from ordinary people.

Is it because I am abnormal, or is it that other people are abnormal

At this moment, Chen Heng thought about this question from the bottom of his heart.

In general terms, when you feel that everyone around you is abnormal and you are the only normal person, then you are either crazy, or you should pretend to be normal.

Chen Heng felt that he was not a lunatic, so he felt that he should be more honest.

He didn't plan to go in the alley in front of him again.

But if there is a chance later, he can do a few more experiments.

As soon as he thought of this, various thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he slowly backed away.

Time passed slowly.

In the next few days, Chen Heng would go out every day, wandering outside that alley, and strolling in that place.

Then, under his observation, the alley began to change.

Chen Heng's previous feeling was not an illusion.

As time went on, the alley really expanded.

And in the process of expanding, the scene seen by other people's eyes is no longer the same.

In their memory, that alley still doesn't exist, and even if someone walks in occasionally, they can't see or even touch that alley.

Just like the previous few times, whenever someone came into contact with the scenery in that alley, they would pass through it directly, as if the alley didn't exist at all.

Its existence does not seem to have any impact on people, it just exists there silently.

The uneasiness in Chen Heng's heart became more and more intense.

Although the dark area where the alley is located temporarily cannot see any threats, it is constantly expanding as time goes by.

When one day, it will completely occupy the entire city, what will be the final result

This thought flashed in Chen Heng's mind, and he thought so at this moment.

Presumably, what that result brings will never be a good thing.

However, as time went by, Chen Heng also had some speculations.

The existence of that alley may have something to do with demons.

Liu Yi's family is a family that has deep research on demons.

The Liu family has been a family fighting against demons since a long time ago.

After Chen Heng entered the rock school, he also relied on this relationship to learn about demons.

Demon, the source of this existence is still unknown.

In the records of the Liu family, it is only known that the demons appeared very early.

This kind of existence does not know where it appears from. Whenever it appears, it will quickly attach to the human body, inducing the transformation of the human being and becoming a real demon.

Once a human demon is formed, it will grow at the fastest speed and become stronger as it continues to kill.

At that time, science and technology had not yet developed, and people could only rely on martial arts to fight against such enemies.

Therefore, in the past era, the world was devastated.

This is also the reason why martial arts have developed so much and gained such status in this world.

It wasn't until entering the new world that technology developed rapidly and people's power became stronger, and the threat of demons gradually weakened.

It's just that in contrast, the power and number of demons seem to have become stronger accordingly.

At least, according to the records of the Liu family's classics, in the past era, although demons often appeared, the number of times they appeared was infrequent, far less than so many.

Their power is far less powerful than today's demons, and they are not as difficult to deal with as today's demons.

For some reason, this record always reminds Chen Heng of the ever-expanding alley.

As time went by, the number and power of demons continued to grow, and the alley also continued to expand.

Is there any necessary connection or connection among them

Chen Heng couldn't help thinking like this.

In the records of the Liu family, Chen Heng seems to have found some different records.

In the past, there were masters who reached an unprecedented level in martial arts.

In the classic records left by these old masters, it seems that the shadow of another world can be faintly seen, and there is also an inexplicable danger.

There will be some inexplicable changes in every grandmaster's old age.

Some people went crazy because of this, some people believed in gods madly because of it, and some people had a bleak evening and died without knowing why.

All kinds of deeds show that there seems to be some long-hidden existence in this world, lurking in the corner of the world, watching the world silently.

Their existence is like demons, mysterious and mysterious, and they don't know where they come from.

The above records were all seen by Chen Heng from the classics of the Liu family.

For these records, many people regarded them as jokes, but Chen Heng was full of dignity and wrote them down.

He didn't know whether the things that the past masters saw were the same as what he saw, but this was enough to make him feel a strong sense of crisis.

"Assuming that the records of those masters in the past are true, then they all have a common feature, that is, they were affected by a special force, and they all caused tragic consequences in the end."

"If it is said that the initial inducement of the influence of this power is to see another world, then I"

Chen Heng felt cold in his heart.

Seeing another world, including his previous experience, seemed to fit the bill perfectly.

Then the problem comes.

Then, will he encounter the situation that the masters encountered in the past

Will he also experience ominous and strange things like those in the past

At this moment, Chen Heng couldn't help thinking about this question.

He sat there, and after a long time, he let out a long sigh.

Then, he lowered his head and looked in front of him.

Points: 2151.

In front of him, the familiar simulation points appeared.

If the situations he envisioned are true, then under the current circumstances, the only thing that can prevent that fate seems to be his simulator.

As long as he is strong enough, nothing can affect him.

“Want to wait a while longer”

Looking at the simulation points in front of him, Chen Heng sighed and made a silent decision in his heart.

What happened suddenly made him a little uneasy, and he really didn't feel safe.

In order to gain as much power as possible, he can only give up and continue to reside in the real world.

But counting the time, it's almost time.

Before he knew it, it had been several months since Chen Heng returned to the real world.

Such a long time is enough for him to recover and adjust.

It seems good to start the next journey at this time.

Silently made a decision in his heart, Chen Heng stopped hesitating and looked directly in front of him.

In front of him, as his thoughts flowed, the interface in front of him changed rapidly.

The names of the wizarding world quickly emerged.

However, unlike in the past, beside the wizarding world at this moment, there is another world's name.

Azure World.

That's three chapters today, good night everyone

(end of this chapter)