Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 117: Celestial Realm


Azure World.

This is the second world opened by Chen Heng.

In the past, Chen Heng has entered the world of wizards many times and performed simulations in it.

However, this newly opened world in front of him has never been entered.

Now is a good time to try.

"Azure Realm sounds a little different from the wizarding world."

This thought flashed in Chen Heng's mind, and then the thoughts circulated in his mind.

Like the wizarding world, the simulation points required to enter the Azure Realm are also 20 points.

This point of imitation is quite a lot for the original Chen Heng, but it is nothing for the current Chen Heng.

With the flow of thoughts, the interface in front of me keeps changing.

"You chose to enter the Azure Realm."

"Please choose your identity"

The faint handwriting appeared in front of my eyes.

Then, the familiar and unfamiliar interface is displayed.

1. Mortal

You were born into a mortal family, and both your parents were mortal.

Compared with the aristocratic family, your family is ordinary, maybe poor, maybe rich, but still belongs to the mortal class.

Everything about you is unremarkable and doesn't deserve any attention.

Redemption points: zero to ten thousand

Two. Family

You were born in a family, and your parents were both disciples of the family, or one of them was a child of the family.

The blood of monks flows in your body, and the probability of having spiritual roots is greatly increased.

Redemption points: 100 to 100,000

Three. Monks

You were born into a family of monks, and either your parents were both monks, or one of them was a monk.

You inherited the power of your parents, you were born with spiritual roots, and noble blood flows in your body.

Redemption points: 1000 to 1 million

Lines of handwriting emerged, and in the end, a new change appeared.

"Random: spend 500 points to get an identity randomly."

Looking at the options that appeared in front of him, Chen Heng couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Can it still be random?"

He was a little surprised, and couldn't help but look sideways at this time.

Back in the wizarding world, there was no such option.

Is it the changes brought about by the new world, or the changes brought about by the increase in simulation points.

After all, in the past, Chen Heng never had five hundred simulation points.

"Would you like to try?"

Looking at the option in front of him, Chen Heng showed some interest in his eyes.

For this new function, he still subconsciously wants to try it.

Although 500 points is a lot, he can't afford it at the moment.

"Try it."

In the end, he hesitated, and then chose to try.

With a thought, five hundred points were deducted in the blink of an eye.

Then, in front of my eyes, a huge turntable appeared and began to rotate slowly.

Chen Heng looked it over.

In front of him, most of the turntable is white, only a few are other colors.

In addition to white, red is the most, which is almost one percent of white.

The darker the color, the rarer the quantity.

"It's pretty obvious."

Chen Heng nodded and understood the rules.

According to the current situation, the smaller the quantity, the higher the value.

Another thing that requires luck.

I just don't know what happened to Chen Heng's luck.

The big turntable rotates slowly and continues to rotate at this moment.

Then, under Chen Heng's gaze, he finally stopped and landed somewhere.

"Red gold?"

Looking at the final result of the transfer, Chen Heng smiled.

On the big turntable, the white area is the most, followed by the red area. As for the golden area, it is very rare.

Red gold, between red and gold, should be pretty good.

It's just not clear whether it's a loss or a gain.

This thought flashed in Chen Heng's mind.

"Do you want to start the simulation?"

In front of him, familiar handwriting appeared.

Afterwards, Chen Heng's eyes blurred and he lost consciousness.

Dim light swallowed everything.

Memories of the past are emerging.

When Chen Heng woke up again, he found that he seemed to have come to another place.

In front of him was a vast plain, several carriages were driving on the road, and the old horse was panting and breathing heavily.

Chen Heng is riding on a horse.

Chen Yu, a descendant of the Chen family in Daqi, was the bodyguard of Song Qi, king of Liunan.

Looking at the familiar handwriting that appeared in front of his eyes, Chen Heng chose to confirm without hesitation.

The faint brilliance suddenly spread and emerged from Chen Heng's eyes.

Leaving Daqi this time, he was ordered by the king to escort Liunan King to leave Daqi and go to Chu State as a hostage.

Along the road, bandits came and went, and the nine bandits from the north attacked together, trying to rob the king of the south.

Chen Yu led the crowd to fight back, but lost to the Nine Pirates of the Northland and had to retreat.

"This opening"

Riding on the horse, recalling the memory of this body, Chen Heng opened his eyes, and couldn't help frowning at this moment.

"Is it good or bad?"

Being hunted down at the beginning, this opening, logically speaking, should be considered bad.

However, Chen Heng's surging power at the moment is also true.

After several simulations, this is the first time that Chen Heng has such power just after he came.

Moreover, it is not weak.

The background of this world is somewhat similar to the ancient times Chen Heng knew, and what he practiced in it was also martial arts.

It's just that compared with the real world, the martial arts in this world are much more exaggerated.

The so-called martial arts are powerful, the martial arts are powerful, and the mountains and rivers can be changed in a single thought. This is the impression in the memory of this body.

If it is really necessary to divide by a specific situation, then this world is undoubtedly the real high martial arts.

The body that Chen Heng descended at this moment is a member of a family, and also a warrior, and he is not weak at all.

Sitting on the horse, Chen Heng stretched out his hand at will, and the strength circulated in his body, and then it exploded, driving all the blood in his body to roar, faintly reflecting the external world, affecting all directions.

With one blow, the stone can be broken.

It was much more terrifying than when Chen Heng was at his most powerful peak.

This is the strength of the martial arts enlightenment level, which is extraordinarily terrifying and powerful.

Judging from Chen Heng's feeling, even if he simulated in the past, as a great knight and master of martial arts, facing his current strength, he is far from being an opponent, and he can only pass a dozen moves at most.

It stands to reason that it should be luck to have such strength at the beginning of the game.

However, the situation Chen Heng encountered at the moment was not very interesting.

According to the memory recalled by Chen Heng, they are now facing the hunt.

The Nine Pirates of the Northland, these are nine martial arts masters, all of whom are above Chen Heng at this moment.

And the target of this group of people is suspected to be Song Qi, King of Liunan who was escorted by Chen Heng's predecessor.

This is equivalent to the fact that Chen Heng has just come into this world, before he has time to do anything, he is already doomed to face nine opponents who are far stronger than him.

This situation can be said to be quite bad.

Chen Heng frowned involuntarily, then turned around and looked at the carriage beside him.

The person sitting in that carriage was none other than the so-called Liunan King, who was the one Chen Heng was escorting this time.

Chen Heng was thinking at this moment, if he chose to throw Liunan King out as a bait to attract firepower, would he be able to escape smoothly

Judging from the previous attacks, the target of the so-called Nine Bandits of the Northland was undoubtedly King Liunan who was the proton.

With such a big bait as King Liunan, Chen Heng may be able to escape smoothly as long as his movements are stealthy enough.

As for the so-called mission, the so-called responsibility, in Chen Heng's view, it was nothing at all.

If life is gone, what do you need these things for

(end of this chapter)