Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 13: detection


On the desk, Chen Heng sighed softly.

He does have his troubles.

If it was an ordinary person, with such strength at his age, he would probably have been discovered early, recruited into various genius classes, and received special training.

But he didn't have this condition before.

In the past, Chen Heng, although his grades were not bad, he hadn't reached the level of a genius. Naturally, no one would notice him, and no one would deliberately discover him.

Naturally, those methods and the various resources needed for training are also out of his reach.

Now it is difficult for him to want these things.

Chen Heng's troubles were precisely in this way.

"If you take the initiative to expose your cultivation and make a high profile, it will attract the attention of many people. Maybe someone will notice me and want to help me or something."

Sitting on the seat, Chen Heng thought one after another: "But there is another problem"

"Since I was young, I haven't shown anything special for such a long time, but it has changed so much in a short period of time. This problem is very obvious."

Chen Heng scratched his hair, feeling a little annoyed.

He is a cautious person, and he doesn't want to be too blatant and arouse suspicion.

It's just that this question can't be clarified.

"Forget it. Take your time"

In the end, Chen Heng gave up the entanglement and chose to solve the problem in another way.

For the time being, there is no need to be too anxious about obtaining the exercises.

And it's not good to reveal one's own details too quickly.

It's best to show it little by little so it doesn't stand out too much.

At least, it won't be as shocking as exposing everything at once.

After a period of time, Chen Heng's affairs can pass smoothly, and he can also find ways to find channels to obtain what he wants.

Anyway, for the time being, what he has is enough for the time being.

With this in mind, he got up from the desk and walked outside.

In the outside world, the sun was just right, and a faint golden sun shone on the earth, illuminating the whole world into a bright color.

It looks very nice.

Walking alone in this street, Chen Heng carried his schoolbag, walked alone in this familiar but unfamiliar street, and just walked out.

A line of sight came towards him, fixed on Chen Heng.

He raised his head subconsciously, and happened to see Liu Yi, who was thin and standing there alone, not far away, looking very quiet and silent.

She stood alone in front of a pole, just looking at Chen Heng, her face seemed a little hesitant.

Are you confirming what happened last night

This thought flashed in Chen Heng's mind, and then he looked at Liu Yi and walked away.

Liu Yi was left alone in place.

Looking at Chen Heng's leaving figure, Liu Yi hesitated for a while, before finally opening her mouth.

The time that followed passed quickly.

Just two days later, there were some new changes.

"how did it happen"

Sitting on the desk and chair, Chen Heng turned around and looked around, just in time to hear wailing everywhere.

Not far away, Liang Guo put his head on his hands and howled mournfully.

"I'm not ready. Why start"

"Okay, okay."

On the podium, Liu Lin had a cold expression on his face, which seemed so ruthless to many students at the moment: "Isn't it just a few days ahead of schedule, and why did it become like this?"

"It has become like this now, if one day you are asked to go to the battlefield in the future, what will you become?"

With a grim expression on his face, he declared ruthlessly: "Get up now and go to the guild hall to assemble!"

People around stood up one after another, sighed and stood up one after another, and then walked out of the classroom one by one, looking like warriors going to the execution ground.

Chen Heng was also among the crowd.

In the crowd, he didn't have any worries, but his face was calm, and he walked forward silently.

Whenever the test comes, it is the wail of scumbags.

After a while, they approached the guild hall.

The school hall is very large, and there are many special-looking instruments inside, which seem to be used for testing.

Actually it is.

"Now start one by one."

Liu Lin walked ahead and started testing one by one.

The content of the test is a bit boring.

Including running, high touch, long jump and so on.

At first glance, it seems that there is no difference from the physical test Chen Heng used to remember.

It's just that the world has changed after all.

The content of the test in this world has also changed a lot.

"Liang Guo, with 27 calories and 30% of body training, unqualified"

From the instrument in front, Liang Guo walked out with a decadent expression on his face, and walked towards Chen Heng with a decadent expression on his face.

From the looks of it, the result should have been known.

"It's been two months. Compared with the last test, not only have you not improved, but you have regressed."

Looking at Liang Guo, Liu Lin stared: "What have you been doing to make it look like this?"


One by one, the figures walked forward and tested one by one in front of them.

As for the so-called qi and blood, it is the measure of a martial artist in the body training period, from one to one hundred, all belong to the scope of body training.

And this kind of thing is also one of the data that intuitively represents the level of a person's physical fitness.

Students that Chen Heng was familiar with walked in, and then came out again.

However, compared to the past few tests, very few people have made progress, and a considerable number of people have regressed instead.

This should not be surprising.

Body forging, this thing is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

After reaching a certain level, it will be extremely difficult for you to improve your physical fitness, but it will be extremely easy for you to regress.

As long as you relax for a period of time and do not insist on exercising, your exercise progress will go backwards.

This is an extremely cruel reality.

During the test, Chen Heng looked at Liu Yi.

Compared with other people, her performance is quite good, but it is not impressive. Her vitality is only over 50 degrees, and her body is only 50% forged. She is considered to be among the best in this class, and even the entire Lincheng Middle School. But in Chen From Heng's point of view, that's what happened.

When she walked past, the crowd screamed, only Chen Heng frowned secretly.

"Is it suppressed secretly, or is it really at this level?"

Looking at Liu Yi, Chen Heng was a little puzzled.

But he didn't have much time to think about it.

Because soon it will be his turn.

"Next, Chen Heng."

When his name was called, Chen Heng secretly sighed, and then walked in silently under Liang Guo's sympathetic eyes.

The instrument used to detect the level of qi and blood in front of him is very huge.

After walking in, a hot current surged from all directions, making Chen Heng feel like his whole body was burning.

A faint heat surged around him, stimulating his body, making the blood and qi in his body active, to the point where it could be easily detected, and thus detected his forging level.

Outside, on the display screen, a group of numbers began to jump rapidly.

(end of this chapter)