Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 25: travel far


Three days passed by in a flash.

During these three days, Chen Heng didn't do much, but simply visited those people he was familiar with.

In the past half a year, under his deliberate friendship, he has gotten acquainted with quite a few people, so the three days are fully booked.

On the third day, early in the morning, when the sky was getting bright outside, Chen Heng got up and went outside.

Outside the manor, in the open space, someone was already waiting there.

"Sir, you are here."

Kit looked respectful, looking at Chen Heng with great respect.

"Uncle Kit, you're here too."

Chen Heng smiled, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "I'm counting on you."

"It doesn't matter."

Kit shook his head: "If it weren't for you, I don't know what would happen now."

"Now you are leaving, no matter what I say, I will see you off."

Having said that, he smiled again: "Actually, it's not just me."

"Hearing the news that you are leaving, the five children in my family, as well as the old friends around me, all said that they would come to escort you."

"Is it?"

Chen Heng smiled. Hearing this, he felt a little happy: "Please thank them for me."

Kit smiled and agreed.

So it was still early, and the people around hadn't arrived yet.

The two of them chatted here, whether they had a relationship or not.

After a while, accompanied by the neighing of horseshoes, there was a sound of crisp footsteps in the distance.

Butler White rushed over with some people.

Of course, these people did not surprise Chen Heng.

What really surprised Chen Heng was the middle-aged man behind Butler White.

"Father, why are you here?"

He looked at Baron Kaisen, walked forward quickly, and said respectfully.

In front, Baron Kaisen was wearing a gray robe. He looked a little out of sorts at this time, with some dark circles on his face, as if he didn't sleep well last night.

"I want to come see you off."

Looking at Chen Heng, Baron Kaisen shook his head and said so.

My child is about to leave, as a parent, how can I not stop worrying

Last night, he didn't sleep well all night, and he even had the urge to keep Chen Heng and not let him leave.

But in the end, he still resisted this impulse and restrained himself rationally.

"This time on a long trip, remember to be careful in everything."

He looked at Chen Heng, finally sighed softly, and spoke like this.

"I see."

Chen Heng nodded with a smile, his face still relaxed.

Just thinking about it, he walked forward, walked up to Baron Kaisen, looked at his figure, and said seriously: "I'm leaving this time, and I'm afraid I won't be back in a short time."

"I once heard that the white bird in the distance misses his hometown and his relatives even when he is away. Now I think I can feel this feeling."

"I hope that when I am not by your side, you can take good care of your body, and when I come back, you can still have a happy breakfast with your father."

He spoke softly, his face focused and serious, with a kind of sincerity.

In the surrounding area, listening to his words, White and the others couldn't help being moved, they were moved by Chen Heng's pure filial piety.

Baron Kaisen couldn't help but blush.

He opened his mouth, looked at Chen Heng, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, he just patted Chen Heng's shoulder hard, and told him carefully.

"be careful."

He instructed earnestly, his eyes turned rosy: "No matter what, come back safely."

"I will."

Chen Heng smiled and answered very seriously.

After a while, Chen Heng got up and was ready to leave.

He took a carriage and left this place.

In the carriage, Kit and others accompanied him, or drove him, or acted as a guide for him, taking charge of his life for a long time to come.

Baron Kaisen was the only one left in place.

The early morning wind was blowing slowly, blowing his sleeves and making him feel a little cool.

He stood there, silent for a long time, and finally he could only sigh.

Just at this moment, there was a roar in the distance, as if someone was training there.

"what sound?"

Listening to the voice, Baron Kaisen frowned and asked subconsciously.

"Sir Ormando is leading the training of the guards." Someone answered.


Baron Kaisen suddenly became angry: "My younger brother is about to go on a long journey. As an older brother, since he woke up, he didn't even come over to see him off!!"

He became angry all of a sudden, and then left angrily, rushing towards the direction from which the voice came.

Of course, Chen Heng was not clear about these.

At this moment, he was sitting in the carriage, thinking alone in it.

Leaving Baron Kaisen's side had both advantages and disadvantages.

Needless to say the disadvantages, after leaving Baron Kaisen's side, once something happened there, Chen Heng would not be able to react.

But that possibility is very, very low.

In the past six months, the people around Baron Kaisen were basically bought by Chen Heng, and they tended to him more or less.

And Baron Kaisen's body is not bad, he doesn't look like someone who is about to die.

As for Omando, don't even think about it.

Maybe without Chen Heng, he would let himself go even more and make things worse.

And the benefits of leaving Baron Kaisen are also very obvious.

First of all, it is the opportunity to see a bigger world.

This world is very big, and within the Principality of Kuhn, its territory is very vast. Baron Kaisen is just one of the ordinary little nobles, and it is not worth mentioning in Kuhn.

Although Baron Kaisen's territory is not very small, it is limited after all. If he is stuck here all the time, it will not be conducive to future development.

It is also an excellent opportunity to be able to leave early and go to Kuhn, the most prosperous city in the Kuhn Principality, to study.

Not only is it beneficial to Chen Heng's future development, but it is also very beneficial for him to obtain points.

This is the benefit.

Of course, it is up to Chen Heng to see how much benefits he can gain in detail.

With this in mind, he no longer thought about these questions, but turned around and looked forward.

Before they knew it, they came to a narrow road.

The surrounding area is very narrow, and it is impossible to accommodate many people to enter it.

Looking at the terrain in front of him, Chen Heng sat up silently, subconsciously stretched one arm aside, and held the long sword.

He was prepared and prepared for any contingencies.

However, until I walked through this place in front of me, I didn't encounter any accidents at all.

Looking at the canyon behind them that they had already walked through, Chen Heng couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

It seems that although Omando looks stupid, he is not stupid enough to really bring someone to kill him.

When he just left, he was ready for Omando to bring people to attack and kill, but he didn't wait in the end.


He sighed, and the thought flashed through his mind.

If Omando really dared to come here and intercept him directly, then he would have a reason to make a move and destroy Omando directly.

At that point, things are pretty easy.

It's a pity that maybe he didn't think of this level, or maybe he thought about it but didn't have the courage to do it, and he didn't come in the end.

However, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, as time goes by, the result is the same.

Sitting peacefully on the carriage, Chen Heng looked calm, and this thought flashed through his mind.

(end of this chapter)