Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 33: Wolf school


"Sure enough, it's a trace of life energy running."

A moment later, on an empty field, Corribo looked at Chen Heng in front of him, his eyes filled with excitement and joy: "This kid has the qualifications to become a knight."

He was delighted, and felt like winning a lottery at this moment.

Although Colibo taught some knight breathing methods, in fact, he did not expect to have a character with knight qualifications.

After all, such people are too rare. If the ancestors did not have the blood of knights, then it is afraid that only one person with knight talent can be found among thousands of people.

Its rarity can be imagined.

Originally, Kolibo was just teaching casually, and as far as they could learn, he was completely up to them.

Anyway, even if the knight breathing method is practiced by people without qualifications, it can still exercise and strengthen the body.

Unexpectedly, this time, he won the lottery.

At this moment, he felt a sense of surprise.

"To be able to feel the throbbing of life energy in such a short period of time, his knight talent is also very good."

Looking at Chen Heng, at this moment, this thought flashed in Corribo's mind.

He didn't know that Chen Heng knew the knight's breathing method from the very beginning, and he had been practicing it for half a year.

So at this moment, he thought that Chen Heng had only practiced for two months before he felt the pulse of life energy.

There is no doubt that this is a sign of genius.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

To be honest, he has a good impression of Chen Heng.

Compared to others, he is gentle and humble, hardworking and courteous, respects his teachers, is gentle with his friends, and has a good image. Anyone who sees him will have a good impression of him.

During this period of time, Chen Heng's hard work was all in his eyes.

That kind of energy to go all out for the goal is what he appreciates the most.

However, in his capacity, if he doesn't have the qualifications of a knight, it doesn't make much sense. At most, he can help him with some things.

It is impossible to ask him to do more.

But if you have knight qualifications, it's another matter.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile, and looked in front of him.

In front of him, Chen Heng was still standing there, looking at him motionless.


Seeing Chen Heng's appearance at the moment, Corribo smiled, and then said: "From now on, every night, come to the square before."

He dropped this sentence, turned around and left without explaining anything.

Only Chen Heng was left standing there alone, staring blankly at his back.

"It worked."

Standing alone in the same place, Chen Heng seemed to be in a daze on the surface, as if he hadn't reacted yet, but a smile appeared in his heart.

The hard work of more than two months has finally shown results at this moment.

"At night?"

Chen Heng thought for a while, then turned and left.

In the evening, the night had gradually darkened.

In this era without lights, there is no such rich nightlife as in modern society.

So at night, the originally bustling place also fell into silence, and the surroundings fell into darkness, and there were not many people.

Chen Heng came to the previous square as agreed.

After coming here, he was surprised to find that it was still very bright.

Torches were placed all around, illuminating the little place.

Under the light of the fire, Corribo's figure stood there alone, casting a long, long shadow under the light of the fire.

He stood there alone, with his back to Chen Heng at the moment, it seemed that he had been standing there for a while.

"Ms. Corribo."

Chen Heng said with a respectful face.


Corribo turned around, looked at Chen Heng, and then nodded: "Sit."


Chen Heng Ruyan sat down and sat beside him.

"Kelin, do you know what a knight is?"

Looking at Chen Heng, after a while, Corribo spoke again and asked such a question.

But before Chen Heng could answer, he continued to speak and said, "Knights are a group of people who possess superhuman power."

"All knights are above mortals, they are the most powerful group of people."

He continued to speak, saying: "To become a knight, you must first master life energy."

"It's just that mastering life energy is a kind of talent, not everyone has it."

"Even among the many nobles, there are very few people who can possess this talent."

"Kelin, do you understand what I'm saying?"

Having said that, he paused, staring at Chen Heng, and said so.

"Could it be."

Chen Heng was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of surprise appeared on his face: "I"


Watching Chen Heng's reaction, Corribo smiled: "Kailin, you are one of the very few who possess talent."

"Your talent is your most precious wealth."

"From today, I will teach you how to use this wealth."


Looking at Chen Heng, Corribo's face was calm, and he spoke like this.

"Thank you, teacher."

Chen Heng got up immediately, stood up directly, and bowed deeply to Corribo.

This kind of reaction was something Koribo did not expect.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he couldn't help but smiled: "Okay, sit down."

"From today onwards, you are a member of our wolf knight school."

"Wolf knight school?"

Chen Heng was taken aback, but was a little surprised: "School? Do knights also have schools?"


Corribo nodded: "Except for some knights inherited from the family, the rest of the knights all have schools."

"Different schools of knight breathing have different effects and have many differences."

"Of course, occasionally there are some wild knights who have obtained the knight breathing method by accident."

"However, this kind of wild knight will often disappear quickly in the end, or turn into a family knight."

Standing there, he popularized science with Chen Heng, explaining a lot of information about the inheritance of knights.

In this regard, Chen Heng knew nothing.

Although he possessed the knight breathing method, he didn't have a clear understanding of some information about the knight class.

Of course, it's not too late to know now.

In this way, he was there silently listening to Corripo's lecture.

Unknowingly, time passed slowly.

Corribo didn't stop until two hours had passed.

He looked at the flames that were about to go out not far away, and then at Chen Heng in front of him, then nodded, and said, "That's it for today."

"Go back and rest early."

He opened his mouth softly, saying so at this moment.

Chen Heng nodded respectfully, turned and left silently.

In the following time, Chen Heng came here every night and listened to the class silently.

He cherishes the opportunity of Corribo to teach very much. He does not dare to miss it every night. He takes many notes every day for fear that he will forget.

This is an extremely rare opportunity to receive orthodox knight education. It can be said that if you miss this village, there will be no such shop.

Through Corribo, Chen Heng also learned about the formal division of knights.

As he knew before, those who have just possessed life energy and are physically strong, but have not yet awakened the seeds of life, are generally called apprentices, that is, knight apprentices.

Only those who truly awaken the seeds of life and master the energy of life are the real knights.

And above the knights, there is the level of the great knights.

The characteristic of a great knight is that it has a longer lifespan.

At the level of the great knight, he can actually fully control the life energy in his body. Not only will he not damage his body due to life energy, but he can use it to quickly recover his body.

So at this level, the lifespan of the knight will be greatly extended.

A real great knight can often live to be over one hundred and fifty years old.

As for the great knight, it seems that there are stronger ones.

It's just that Corribo didn't say much about the existence of this class.

After all, it's useless to talk about it.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Heng grew up day by day under Kolibo's professors.

Compared with the knight breathing method he found from Thorondo, the knight breathing method taught by Koribo is more perfect and the effect is better.

In addition, although Colibo himself is not a good teacher, he is an extremely experienced knight.

As for the problems on Chen Heng, he could see clearly at a glance.

Therefore, with Kelibo watching from the side, Chen Heng was able to avoid the embarrassment of the past simulation and the embarrassment of groping alone.

In this way, time passed slowly.

Before I knew it, half a year had passed.

(end of this chapter)