Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 49: thinking


As the child of the southern lord, the relationship between Chen Heng and the northern lord is not bad.

The beginning of this relationship originated from the friendship between Chen Heng and Kurudo.

Although it is not apparent on the surface, in fact, Kurudo's family has a knight who is the leader of the northern lords.

Therefore, through Kurudo, Chen Heng was able to enter the circle of the lord in the north, and he was also able to visit the old knight, Sly.

This is the first stepping stone.

Then, in the past half a year, in order to reverse his own economic situation, Chen Heng also reached cooperation with many northern lords.

Northern lords are generally very poor.

This is because on the one hand, the north is close to the desert, and it needs to prepare for war all year round. On the other hand, the unique climate in the north leads to the low yield of the land there. The same land, the food production is far inferior to that in the south.

But this does not mean that there is no place worth developing in the north.

Prior to this, Chen Heng personally went to the territory where the Kurduo family was located to investigate, conducted on-the-spot investigations in it, and finally came to some conclusions.

Although the Northland is poor, it is not without any production.

First of all, there are many furs in that place, as well as various alien slaves from the desert.

Fur can be sold to nobles, and those alien slaves can also be widely used and worked in various manors.

As long as these things can be transported to the south, a large amount of profits can be obtained.

In the past, it is not that no one realized the value of it.

It's just that the terrain in the north is too complicated and too closed, so the road itself is not easy to walk.

In addition, it is filled with a large number of thieves and aliens, which will make it too dangerous.

Walking in it, if the caravan itself is not strong enough, it is easy to get lost in it, and the danger is too great.

In addition, the same thing is also available in the territory controlled by Princess Oriman.

The merchants weighed the pros and cons, and would rather pay a higher price to go to Princess Oriman's territory than to go further to the northern lord's territory.

In response to this situation, Chen Heng also made some efforts.

Using Kurudo's identity, he first paid a high price and hired several lords on the nearby roads, and then walked by himself, barely opening a small business route.

With the help of Baron Kailin, he can buy a large amount of food and ironware that is urgently needed in the north at a low price, and he can also use Kurduo's relationship to buy furs and slaves from the lords in the north at a low price.

Once you come and go, you can make a lot of profits.

And a considerable part of the profits earned will be handed over to the pockets of the northern lords in the form of employment.

Once back and forth, a miniature interest ecology is formed.

When a person can bring you benefits and benefits, your view of this person will be different from the past.

Chen Heng was originally a very good person, and under such circumstances, the relationship between the northern lords and him would naturally be better.

It is predictable that, as time goes by, Chen Heng's influence among the northern lords will become even more terrifying.

These are Chen Heng's bargaining chips and the power that can be borrowed.

At this moment, Chen Heng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The current situation in Kutu Kingdom instantly appeared in his mind.

As early as a few years ago, in Kutu's country, the battle between Princess Oriman and another prince had become intense.

The reason why this happened is that on the one hand, it is the tradition in Kutu that princes fight each other, and the winner is the king. On the other hand, King Kutu is seriously ill and has been paralyzed in bed.

In this case, the supporters of both sides drew their swords at each other, and the struggle became more intense.

This generation of King Kutu has only three children, and apart from the sisters of the same father and mother, Aoliman and Weinaer, there is only one other prince.

Among them, Wei Naer has almost no hope because of her late birth and her own personality.

The final candidate for the throne will most likely fall between Oriman and another prince.

Vinal's advantage lies in that he sits in the Northland, has his own army, and his mother is a queen. With her outstanding ability, she has attracted attention since she was a child.

If it weren't for her being a woman, I'm afraid the battle for the throne would have ended long ago, and it wouldn't have lasted so long.

The other prince was born to a princess from a neighboring country, and had the support of his mother's family. In addition, he was born very early and was the only male heir to the current Kutu royal family, so he won the support of a considerable number of domestic nobles. support.

Generally speaking, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages, and both are likely to reach the top, generally maintaining a balance of power.

In this case, the power of the Lord of the North is self-evident to them.

Although the northern land lords are closed and backward, they are nobles after all, and they have been fighting against alien races in the desert for a long time. Their military strength is definitely the strongest group in Kutu.

If such a powerful group of forces can express their support for a certain person, then the effect is obvious.

Under such circumstances, the value of Chen Heng, who was close to the northern lord and could influence the decision-making of the northern lord to a certain extent, suddenly rose.

Thinking of this, Chen Heng's eyes brightened.

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, in front of him, Kurduo was still standing there, looking at Chen Heng in front of him, he couldn't help being a little puzzled.


Chen Heng turned around, smiled, and then asked, "Is Teacher Kelibo back?"

"not yet."

Kurudo shook his head, and when he said this, he couldn't help sighing: "According to the last reply, I'm afraid it will take a long time to come back."

"All right."

Chen Heng sighed, a little disappointed.

He originally planned to start with Corribo to see if he could gain something.

After all, at present, as a student of Corribo, Corribo is also a very important card in his hand.

If it can influence Koribo's thoughts to a certain extent, then his plan will be easily realized to some extent.

As the guardian knight of the kingdom, as long as Koribo is willing to express his stance publicly and support a certain person, he can easily influence many people and give one of them a huge advantage.

As a student of Corribo, this identity is also Chen Heng's most important card at present.

It's a pity that Koribo left Kutu City because of some personal matters more than a month ago, and he didn't know where he went and when he would come back.

Standing where he was, Chen Heng thought about it.

"Speaking of which, Princess Oriman doesn't go to Kutu on weekdays, but she came back suddenly recently. What kind of changes are there?"

Chen Heng's face was calm, and this thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

At this moment, he had a feeling in his heart.

With Oliman's return to Kutu City, the situation in Kutu City seems to be changing again.

(end of this chapter)