Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 51: Goodbye Baron Cayson


The breeze blew across his face, blowing his long hair.

Riding his horse and walking on the path, Chen Heng's expression was calm, and he just stared ahead.

In front of him, the road in front of him was faintly visible, and that scene was very familiar.

It was exactly the same as what Chen Heng remembered in the past, with little change.

But walking forward, Chen Heng found that there are still some changes here.

The most obvious thing is that the surrounding roads have become much smoother, and some difficult roads around have been filled in, making it much easier to walk.

From the looks of it, Baron Kaisen was also implementing the suggestion that Chen Heng sent back before, and did not abandon it.

Walking ahead, some figures began to appear, standing in front of them.

Those were some familiar figures, most of them were faces familiar to Chen Heng, and the one who took the lead caught Chen Heng by surprise.

It was a middle-aged man with a thin figure, wearing casual clothes, standing there on a horse at the moment, looking in this direction silently.


Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Chen Heng's face suddenly showed joy, and he hurriedly rode forward and came to the man.

The middle-aged man in front of him is none other than the father of Chen Heng, the lord of the nearby area, Baron Kaisen.

Looking at Chen Heng in front of him, Baron Kaisen couldn't help but smile.

Sitting on the horse, he looked at Chen Heng seriously.

Compared with half a year ago, Chen Heng at this moment has changed a lot.

Compared to half a year ago, because of practicing knight breathing all the year round, now he looks more heroic, and his whole body is also taller. Although he doesn't look too thick, he is also extremely tall and straight. At first glance, he looks like a powerful knight. So strong, so firm.

He is already very mature, and even standing there at this moment, one can feel a unique force, which is hard to forget.

Looking at Chen Heng in front of him, Baron Kaisen couldn't help showing a smile on his face.


He couldn't help showing a smile, then got off the horse, and patted Chen Heng's shoulder earnestly.

"It's been a year"

He patted Chen Heng's shoulder, looked at his face at this moment, and couldn't help sighing: "You're finally back."


Chen Heng also smiled, and sighed, "Finally back."

"In the days outside, I think about you, father, every moment."

"But now, it's finally back."

"I thought that Kutu City was so prosperous that you were reluctant to come back."

Listening to Chen Heng's words, Baron Kaisen couldn't help laughing, and then joked.

"Although Kutu City is prosperous, it's not the place I should stay."

Chen Heng smiled: "The place I should stay is still here."

"Well said."

Baron Kaisen nodded in satisfaction, then looked behind Chen Heng, and said, "Okay."

"It's rare to come back, so don't stand here."

"Let's go back."

He patted Chen Heng on the shoulder and said with a light smile.


Chen Heng also smiled.

Then, they set out on their way back.

"Where are the others, brother?"

Looking at Kaisen, Chen Heng spoke with some doubts.

Baron Kaisen's welcoming team was huge, including many acquaintances of Chen Heng.

But Chen Heng's elder brother, Omando, was not among them.


When Omando was mentioned, Baron Kaisen's face suddenly turned cold, as if he didn't want to mention it.

Chen Heng couldn't help being a little puzzled, and then he opened his mouth to ask, only to understand something.

It turned out that just a few days ago, Omando led the guards and attacked the caravan passing by nearby, which finally attracted the intervention of the nearby lords, which made Baron Kaisen very anxious.

Although this matter has passed now, Baron Kaisen is already tired of Omando, so he simply sent him to other places, so as not to look upset.

Therefore, there is no brother Omando in the team that came to meet Chen Heng this time.

Although, even if he was still there, he might not come to welcome Chen Heng.

After all, at the beginning, the relationship between Chen Heng and this elder brother might not have been good.

Knowing all the things Omando has done in the past year, Chen Heng couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, some people simply don't deserve it as an opponent.

On Kutu's side, Chen Heng tremblingly managed his power carefully, and now he has made a slight improvement.

On Baron Kaisen's side, not only did Omando fail to make any achievements, but he made so many things.

This is really not enough for success and more than failure.

However, this is also good.

Omando's performance, compared with Chen Heng's performance, Baron Kaisen should be able to make up his mind no matter how dominant the eldest son's status is.

It also spared Chen Heng some things.

Although up to now, the title of a mere baron is nothing to Chen Heng.

But this is also a force after all, it is better to be able to inherit a baron's territory in a legitimate way than Chen Heng to grab it by himself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile, and continued to walk forward.

"Speak up"

Walking on the road, Baron Kaisen continued: "I have also read your previous proposal, and I think it is very good."

"There are also many lords around who want to join in."

"It just so happens that you are back this time, and many people want to meet you. How do you feel?"


Chen Heng smiled: "Meet them, so we can talk slowly."

When he came back this time, he not only came to see Baron Kaisen, but also paved the way for his trade.

At present, North-South trade has proven to be a very profitable thing.

At this moment, relying on geographical advantages, Chen Heng and the family behind Kurudo have integrated most of the goods of the northern lords.

The family behind Kurudo has an old knight, Sly, who is the top family of the northern lords. Although it may be relatively poor, it has a great reputation among the northern lords.

Relying on this prestige and status, Chen Heng, together with several northern lords, temporarily formed a chamber of commerce, and contracted all the goods of several northern lords.

According to the agreement, the family behind Kurudo, in fact, is Chen Heng, who will be responsible for the sales of the goods collected by the northern lord.

The northern lords promised to hand over most of the goods to Chen Heng, and not to sell them privately before the specified time.

Of course, there are big problems with this agreement, but limited by many conditions, the northern lords didn't have much choice. In addition, Chen Heng's performance in the past also won some of their trust.

Therefore, there should be no major problems with this agreement in the short term.

Therefore, this agreement actually tested Chen Heng's sales ability.

If it is impossible to quickly sell the accumulated goods and bring real benefits to the northern land lords, then this agreement will be invalidated sooner or later.

Chen Heng came back here this time, in fact, he also had this purpose.

(end of this chapter)