Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 53: Pay attention to


"To the beautiful Miss Vinal"

"When you receive this letter, I must be on my way home."

"For some reasons, I think I have to go back to my hometown to meet my father, and because of this, I have to leave here temporarily."

"The days of leaving are relatively long without knowing it. I have been in Kutu City for a year."

"In one year, I met many people. Some of them are honest and reliable, some of them are very interesting. They are all good friends. When I left my hometown, they gave me new fun and made my heart stable. able to move on”

"It's just that my happiest thing is meeting you"

Wei Naer's hand holding the letter couldn't help shaking. At this moment, her heart couldn't help jumping, and she hurriedly continued to look forward.

"The days when I met you were very short, and the number of times we met was very few, but every time I met, my heart would rise with anticipation and joy. I don't know if you are like this, but I really can't restrain myself Mood."

"When I was in my hometown, I heard that a white horse on a distant grassy land would always meet his own knight, just like flowers are always matched with girls, so suitable."

"I hope that in the future, every day after that, I can meet you and see your face"

Sitting on the big bed, Wei Naer read the letter in his hand several times in succession, her heart beating very fast unconsciously.

"Is this an expression of intention?"

Sitting on the head of the bed, she couldn't help but have this thought in her heart, her face was extremely rosy, as if she was drunk.

Sitting there, she moved around involuntarily, a little unable to restrain her emotions.

At this moment, she felt an urge to go out, to find her own knight, to tell him her feelings, to tell him that she was also looking forward to his return, and wanted to stay with him every day.

However, looking at the closed door of the room in front of her, she finally lowered her head in disappointment.

As early as some time ago, she was grounded by Auliman.

In the past, he could go out occasionally and live in a manor to meet Chen Heng.

But recently, without knowing what happened, Auliman became busy, and the control over her became stricter, and she was no longer allowed to go out.

No matter how much she begged, it would not work.

Thinking of Auliman's serious face recently, Vinal couldn't help but secretly sighed, and then continued to look forward to it.

After this period of time has passed, and Sister Oriman has finished handling the matter, Cavalier Knight should also return.

At that time, they can continue to meet again

At this moment, deep expectations arose in her heart. Looking at the letter in her hand, she couldn't help but look forward to Chen Heng's return.

After thinking about it, she finally couldn't help getting up, picked up a pen and paper, and started writing a letter.

the other side.

In the main hall, Auliman was sitting in it, still dealing with various things at the moment.

In the recent period of time, she has been feeling a little overwhelmed.

All kinds of things came one after another and broke out in a short period of time.

Cooperating with her younger brother, Gris' actions, made her even more anxious and busy with various things during this time.

"Your Highness."

In front of him, a servant in a black robe stepped forward and spoke respectfully.

"Is it because Wei Naer is making trouble again and wants to go out?"

Auliman rubbed her forehead, feeling a little headache.

During this period of time, her younger sister has been making troubles, trying to get out in various ways, which made her a little irritable.

At the moment when the servant in front of her was approaching, she subconsciously thought that it was Weiner who started making trouble again.

But to her surprise, the maid in front of her shook her head.


In front of her, the maid's expression was respectful: "His Highness Vinal has no intention of going out, but just wants someone to deliver a letter."

"Is it just a letter?"

Auliman was a little surprised, but still nodded: "It's nothing, just give it away if you want."

"But counting the time, Kailin may have returned to his father's territory by now. It may take some years before this letter is sent out."

She smiled, and after thinking about it, she said again: "By the way, that Kailin, what is he doing recently?"

"Is there any news from the south?"

"The Cavaliers should be very busy at the moment."

The maid thought for a while, and said some information she knew.

"Business alliance? North-South trade?"

Auliman listened while processing the official document in her hand.

At first, she listened casually, but then she couldn't help but stop, put down what she was doing, and her expression became more and more serious.

"Bring over all the relevant news."

In the end, with a serious face, she spoke at this moment.

After a while, all relevant news was brought over.

Among them, the records about Chen Heng's previous actions are impressively listed, and they are very detailed.

Ordinary people naturally don't get so much attention, and the relevant information is collected in such detail.

However, Chen Heng, as a quasi-knight who is likely to awaken the seed of life, and has a close relationship with Vinal, was specially ordered by Auliman to collect information about his past.

And now, these things happen to come in handy.

Auliman read all the records in front of him.

The more she watched, the more solemn her face became.

"Amazing, amazing"

Putting down the things on hand and sitting there, she muttered to herself, "Why didn't I think of it when I was in the past?"

It is a very simple way to transport the abundant slaves and furs from the north to the south, and then transport the surplus grain from the south to the north. As long as it can be done, huge benefits can be obtained.

However, such a road with huge profits has not been done in the past.

On the one hand, this is due to limited thinking.

Although there are such powerful existences as knights in this world, they are actually quite backward in many places.

Those lords are called nobles, but their minds are actually very limited. They only search for the people in their own territory. Even if they look at the outside world, most of them want to seek other people's land, and rarely think about developing economic activities. profit.

Just like Chen Heng's father, Baron Kaisen.

Before Chen Heng, Baron Kaisen's lords had the most economic activities, which were the exchange of materials with the caravans, and nothing else.

In his territory, everyone is only allowed to grow wheat and other food crops, and offenders will be hanged.

Under such circumstances, naturally there is no need to expect to develop economic crops and produce anything.

The same is probably true of the other lords.

In addition to limited thinking, road restrictions are also very serious.

The territory of Kutu Kingdom is not one piece. From the south to the north, it needs to pass through the territories of too many lords.

Among them, the lord of each territory has the right to collect taxes, and disputes may arise.

The risks involved are also great.

Coupled with the turmoil in the world these years, there are thieves in the outside world all the year round, which makes this risk even more serious.

Even if these problems can be overcome, the xenophobia of the northern lords is still an extremely important issue.

All these kinds.

It is precisely because of so many difficulties and such great difficulties that no one has done this in the past.

In just an instant, Auliman could think of all kinds of problems that Chen Heng would encounter during this attempt.

What surprised her was that in the face of so many difficulties, Chen Heng was able to overcome and complete this series of measures.

"How did he do that?"

At this moment, Auliman couldn't help but have this idea in his heart, and he became more interested in Chen Heng.

Before that, he only regarded Chen Heng as a child of a baron, a student of Corribo, and a knight who was likely to awaken the seed of life in the future.

Unexpectedly, apart from these brilliance and status, Chen Heng's ability is so outstanding.

At this moment, Auliman couldn't help becoming very interested in Chen Heng.

Of course, what's more important is that with all this going on, Chen Heng's influence and power will inevitably become stronger and stronger as time goes by.

(end of this chapter)