Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 57: attack


Perhaps because he regards these things as his own, Omando is quite serious these days, riding around on horseback every day, which seems very responsible.

Chen Heng saw all this in his eyes, just smiled and didn't speak.

They kept going, and kept going.

The way of this world is very difficult.

This is one thing that is obvious.

In modern society, a good road is the blood vessel for blood transfusion, which can greatly speed up the transportation of materials, reduce trade obstacles, and have a good effect on economic growth.

But for the lords of this era, regardless of whether a good road can be profitable, the danger is invisible.

A road in good condition means that the time required for enemy attacks is greatly reduced, which means that your own risk factor is greatly increased.

Most of these lords know nothing about economy and commerce, but they are very keen on military threats.

So in many things, not to mention actively building convenient roads, some places even actively destroy roads in order to better hinder the progress of the enemy army.

In this case, the road conditions of this era can be imagined.

The distance is obviously not far, but Chen Heng and others walked for three or four days in a daze before approaching the finish line.

"Already almost there"

Walking on the road, Baron Kaisen said, "I walked this road when I was young."

"Continue forward from here, and after a further walk, you will arrive at Baron Myra's territory."

"If there is no accident, we will be there in a few hours."

He said so, with a smile on his face.

"There is news from Baron Myra that he will bring people over to welcome us and lead us into his manor."

On the side, a young man also spoke.

"That's good."

Chen Heng's face was calm, and he nodded with a smile.

At this moment, he was riding a horse and was about to say something, but suddenly he was taken aback, subconsciously looking in a certain direction in the distance.

At this moment, through his keen senses, he has already noticed that there seems to be something strange in the distance.

"Is it coming?"

Feeling this feeling, his face remained unchanged, and this thought flashed in his mind.

In the rest, the team proceeds as usual.

Perhaps it was because they were about to reach their destination. In the team, everyone's footsteps were speeding up, wanting to reach the destination as soon as possible to take a rest.

However, in the process, accidents still happened.

On a small road, the sound of shouting and killing came from a distance, accompanied by a burst of arrows flying.

Under Chen Heng's gaze, many people in leather armor emerged from the jungle and rushed towards them quickly.

"This is... a thief?"

Looking at the many figures in front of him, Baron Kaisen turned pale with shock: "So many?"

The people who appeared in front of them were densely packed. Judging from this, the number of people was almost three or four hundred.

Three or four hundred people, this number may not seem like a lot, but in fact, it is already a very large number in the surrounding area.

As far as Chen Heng knows, although the lords in the vicinity all raise troops in captivity, they are not many in number.

There are three or four hundred people in the hands of each lord, which is already considered strong.

Just like Chen Heng's father, Baron Kaisen, in total, there is only a guard of two hundred people.

No more, no more.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the lord's guards are all warriors, and their combat effectiveness is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But the people who appeared in front of them were wearing leather armor and even had bows and crossbows in their hands. They didn't seem to be ordinary thieves.

For this trip, Baron Kaisen deliberately brought out half of his guards, there were about a hundred people.

Even if you add the laborers responsible for transporting goods around, there are less than two hundred people.

In addition, they have gone through a long journey at this moment, and their physical strength is exhausted, but the other party is deliberately ambush here, waiting for them here.

This gap is even more obvious.

Baron Kaisen's face was ashen, but at this time, he had no choice.

Riding on the horse, he drew out his long sword and led his guards to rush forward.

After a while, the two fought together.

Two different teams collided, and the area instantly became a battlefield.

The sound of fighting was intertwined in this place, and there were screams from time to time.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Heng looked calmly and looked aside silently.

In front, Omando is also fighting those people at the moment.

Of course, it's not that he's brave enough, but he's forced to be.

Earlier, he was riding on the outside of the team, and those people just rushed up, even if he wanted to turn around and run, it was too late.

At this moment, he was riding a horse to confront several thieves who were also riding a horse, and he could handle it for a while.

Although it seems a bit depraved recently, Omando was born in the guard after all, and he has some background, coupled with good equestrian skills, he will be able to support him for a while.

But that's about it.

As for the thieves in the distance, in Chen Heng's view, they were just ordinary.

Perhaps for an ordinary lord like Baron Kaisen, these thieves were considered elite, but for Chen Heng, they were nothing more than that, not that great.

Guarding Baron Kaisen on horseback, Chen Heng raised his hand silently with a calm expression.

Beside him, his subordinates immediately understood and raised a small flag.

On the small flag, there was an imprint belonging to the Chen Heng family.

Suddenly, in the surrounding area, the black-haired slave who had been hiding behind the carriage seemed to have received some signal, and immediately rushed into the carriage beside him excitedly, and took out his own equipment from the carriage.

Taking advantage of the time when the guards were at the front, they quickly took out their weapons and rushed forward.

Because he had prepared for this situation in advance, Chen Heng had everyone put on leather armor in advance, and now he saved some effort.

The same is true of Baron Kaisen's guards.

In the presence, the only two people who did not wear armor were Baron Kaisen himself and Omando.

Baron Kaisen, because of his thin body, would feel uncomfortable even wearing light leather armor, so he didn't wear it.

As for Omando, it is pure disdain.

He never got along with Chen Heng, and looked down on Chen Heng's predecessor, Kai Lin, so he didn't like his proposal.

According to what he said before, he was about to arrive at Baron Myra's territory, so why would he wear heavy armor

When he said this, Chen Heng just smiled and didn't say anything.

I don't know if he has any regrets now.

Chen Heng didn't bother to think about it.

At this moment, he raised his head, looked forward, then directly raised the sword in his hand, and charged forward.

(end of this chapter)