Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 64: Method


"Then what?"

Looking at Chen Heng, Auliman's face was solemn, and then he spoke.

She had already realized the importance of north-south trade before.

But before that, she was more aware of the huge profits hidden in it.

After Chen Heng's explanation, she was shocked to realize how important this trade was to the northern lords who were in trouble.

"Then, the principality will come forward to reward and support the lords who have made great achievements in the war."

Chen Heng continued: "In the past, most of the territories in the interior ignored the wars waged by the northern lords in the north, thinking that it was the northern lord's own business."

"But in fact, if there were no northern lords to resist the pressure from the desert in the north, the entire kingdom would have to face tremendous pressure, and those nobles would not have such an easy life."

Princess Oriman nodded silently.

Indeed, in the past, except for a few people, no one cared about the situation of the northern lords at all.

Everyone thought it was their duty to defend against the alien races that came from the desert.

On the one hand, this is because the matter has nothing to do with him, and on the other hand, it is also because according to the practice of this era, matters in his own territory belong to him.

The lord has all the dominion rights over his territory, so he is naturally obliged to surround him.

"Under normal circumstances, naturally."

Chen Heng continued: "But the situation in the north is unusual."

"Resisting the pressure from the desert is not easy for the northern lords."

"If it continues to develop according to the current situation, the situation will be very bad."

"What will happen?"

Oliver asked subconsciously.

"War is a matter that requires investment. If the northern lords cannot benefit from the war and cannot receive assistance from the kingdom, then there are only two outcomes."

Chen Heng spoke softly, and said: "Under the constant losses, these northern lords will either collapse because of this, and the kingdom will lose its northern barrier, or let these northern lords find other ways out."

War has a cost.

Food, weapons, equipment, and even manpower input are all costs.

When the gains in a war cannot offset the losses, then the losses are inevitable.

And when the lords lose money because of this, there are only two choices left for them.

Either, it is to choose death amidst continuous losses, or it is to find another way out.

"At that time, most of the northern lords will look for other ways out."

Chen Heng spoke softly, and said with a sigh: "And what will be the way out they will choose?"

"What will it be?"

Aoliman subconsciously followed Chen Heng's thoughts and entered into thinking.

When the northern lords couldn't bear the continuous losses and chose to find another way out, what would they choose

The answer is actually obvious.

"They will abandon their lands and go south with their own troops."

Chen Heng said softly: "Since the war with foreign races can't make up for my losses, then I just need to grab it from other places."

"At that time, the northern lords will inevitably go south to start a war with the other lords of Kutu Kingdom."

"At that time, there will be a storm."

Oliver shivered uncontrollably.

A group of northern lords who couldn't bear the loss and had no choice but to go south would have a devastating result for Kutu Kingdom.

Especially when they discovered that the southern lord and the army of Kutu Kingdom were far easier to deal with than the aliens in the desert.

Although the northern lords are poor, but because they face wars all year round, their combat effectiveness is definitely the strongest group.

In addition, at that time, they had no way out, and the power they unleashed was absolutely astonishing.

At that time, no matter what the result is, the entire Kutu country will inevitably face huge disturbances.

And without the resistance of the lords in the north, the alien races in the desert will definitely take the opportunity to set off, putting the Kutu Kingdom under tremendous pressure.

Just thinking of the consequences, Oliver couldn't help trembling.

"So, even in order to avoid this result, the kingdom must support the northern lords and let them support as much as possible."

Looking at Auliman, Chen Heng said softly.

"But, directly supported by the royal family?"

Oliver continued to speak and asked seriously.

"Of course not."

Chen Heng shook his head and said, "Supporting the northern lord must cost a lot."

"If these costs are fully supported by the royal family, it will inevitably lead to the gradual weakening of the royal family and create opportunities for those lords."

"Therefore, the lords everywhere must also contribute."

"But how to do this?"

Auliman asked, with a very serious attitude and some expectation on his face.

Before she knew it, she had put her heart and soul into the conversation.

Chen Heng's conversation seemed to have opened up her vision so far, leading her to look at the problem from an angle she had never had before.

This feeling was something she had never had before.

Therefore, before she knew it, her mood changed from the original casualness to the later solemnity, and then to the expectation and seriousness now.

"Under normal circumstances, it is naturally impossible."

Chen Heng continued to speak, looked at Auliman and said, "However, there is one exception."

"That is, the opportunity to acquire territory."

"You can tell them to lead the army to the Northland. As long as they have the ability to take root in the desert and successfully hold that area, they will be recognized as the lords of that area and given the opportunity to become real nobles."

"It's okay"

Oliman was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.


Nobles cherish the strength of their families very much. Under normal circumstances, they would never waste any of their family's wealth to support the northern lords.

However, territory is an exception.

In this world, no matter who it is, they are extremely eager for a piece of their own territory.

If there is an opportunity to acquire a territory and become a real nobleman, even if it requires paying something, I am afraid that many people will be tempted.

Especially those second sons who had no chance of inheriting the territory, no chance of becoming nobles, or even other children.

In order to obtain the territory, they had to bring people into battle in person, go there to fight against the alien races in the desert, and seize their territory.

And these actions will indirectly reduce the pressure on the northern lords, reducing the pressure they need to face.

The whole process does not require much money or effort.

All the kingdom needs to pay is the recognition of these lords.

Thinking of this, Auliman's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Today is too late~ so there is no third chapter~ good night everyone

(end of this chapter)