Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 68: The original nobility


"This is."

Looking at the things that Kolibo took out, Chen Heng and Kurudo were both taken aback.

What Corribo took out was nothing but a small glass bottle.

The size of the glass bottle is not very large, only the width of an ordinary person's arm. It contains some black liquid flowing in it. At first glance, it looks like some kind of black blood, which is very unique.

Just looking at this bottle of black liquid, it seems that one can feel the special power flowing in it, as well as that unique rhythm.

It was as if this bottle of liquid was alive, with an inexplicable vitality.

"The blood of the black wolf is a medicine that is rarely seen in this continent, and it is considered a very precious thing."

Looking at the thing in his hand, Koribo sighed, and said: "Using this black wolf blood can further burn the vitality of the whole body, and in this state, stimulate one's own potential to achieve the goal of activating the life seed." Effect."

"Of course, his side effects are also obvious."

He raised his head, looked at Chen Heng and the two in front of him, and said, "Drink the blood of the black wolf, and the vitality will be completely burned, and it will not stop until the life seed is activated."

"And once the seeds of life cannot be awakened, the result will be."

"What will happen?"

Chen Heng frowned, subconsciously asked back.

"What do you think will happen if the vitality is exhausted?"

Corribo said lightly: "Under normal circumstances, if the knight awakens the life seed, even if he fails, he will most likely survive in the end."

"But drinking the blood of the black wolf, if the awakening fails, then there is only one word of death."

"How, are you afraid?"

After the cold death word fell, he looked at Chen Heng and the two in front of him, and asked coldly.

The two were silent for a moment.


At the age of the two of them, it is still too early to face such a life-related decision.

However, after only a moment of silence, Chen Heng smiled: "With such a heavy price, there should be some benefits, right?"

"Teacher, you have been away for such a long time, so you can't kill us just to find this thing?"


Corribo also laughed, and the originally dignified and serious atmosphere disappeared immediately: "The consequences of this thing are indeed severe, but at the same time, he can also greatly increase the possibility of awakening the seeds of life."

"If a person dies after using the blood of the black wolf, then under normal circumstances, this person may not be able to awaken the seed of life for the rest of his life."

He opened his mouth lightly and said so.

"I see."

A hint of understanding emerged in Chen Heng's heart, and he understood what Corribo meant.

According to Koribo, this blood of the black wolf was originally intended for those who hoped to awaken the seeds of life.

If he had no hope of awakening the seed of life, but hoped to forcibly awaken the seed of life with the blood of the black wolf, then the end would undoubtedly be very miserable.

Only those who are originally qualified to awaken the life seeds and have enough talent can use it to achieve good results.

In other words, this thing is only used to add icing on the cake, not to give charcoal in a timely manner.

Do Chen Heng and Kurduo hope to awaken the seed of life

There is no doubt that there are.

Whether it is Chen Hengyi or Kurudo, in fact, their own talents are not bad, otherwise they would not have reached the level enough to awaken the seeds of life in a short period of time.

Even if it is Chen Heng, his knight talent may not be as good as Kurudo's, but it is definitely on the level. With his own strong physique and physical fitness, it is entirely possible to awaken the seed of life.

In fact, as early as half a year ago, during the battle with Medel, he had already shown signs of awakening the seeds of life, but he was forced to suppress him and wanted to wait for a more secure opportunity.

"Calculate the time, now, it's time for you to use this thing."

Looking at Chen Heng and the two of them, Ke Libo said lightly: "Let's talk first."

"Although the lethality of this thing is not as terrifying as imagined, there is a chance after all."

"So, whether to use this thing or not depends on yourselves."

"Come to me when you want to know whether to use it."

He said so, and handed over the choice to Chen Heng and the other two.

Chen Heng and the two nodded to express their understanding.

Then, they continued talking, and after a while, they took up arms again and started training.

As in the past, they picked up the weapons in their hands and practiced against Koribo.

This is also one of the ways to test their results.

After all, they haven't seen each other for more than half a year, and Corribo also needs to re-accurate their standards before they can make a new teaching plan.

"Your strength has reached this level?"

During the process, Corribo expressed surprise at Chen Heng's progress.

"It's amazing, without awakening the life seed, but can increase the power to this level, how is this possible?"

He looked at Chen Heng up and down, his face full of surprise.

Chen Heng's expression was calm, and he watched him silently.

For more than half a year, with the help of life energy, his rock forging body has been further improved, and now he has completed the first step, and is about to enter the second step of condensing the rock body.

With the bonus of body training, his physical fitness is far stronger than that of Kurudo, even surpassing some knights.

If the ordinary knight does not activate the life seed and enters the state of life explosion, compared with Chen Heng at this moment, I really don't know who is stronger.

This unusual performance immediately caught Koribo's attention.

"It's not a knight, but it's stronger than a knight. It's interesting."

He stood in front of Chen Heng and kept checking Chen Heng's body, his face was full of surprise.

"Teacher, why is this?"

Aside, Kurudo spoke enviously.

In more than half a year, his strength has also reached the critical point, and now he is close to the standard of awakening life seeds.

But after reaching this level, it is extremely difficult for him to improve any more, and there is hardly any change.

Compared with him, Chen Heng reached this level more than half a year ago, but he still made rapid progress and improved rapidly.

This can't help but make him feel envious.

"Maybe. It's caused by blood and constitution."

After careful inspection, Koribo came back to his senses, and said, "People's physiques cannot be generalized. In this world, there are indeed many people who are naturally different from others."

"Even, they may not be called human beings."

"Maybe it can't be called a human?"

Chen Heng and Kurudo were taken aback.

Looking at their expressions, Corribo shook his head, and continued to speak: "Do you know how the first nobles came from?"

(end of this chapter)