Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 74: Battle (seeking subscription)


Chen Heng had imagined many times how he would fight other knights after he became a knight in the future.

But he had never imagined that his first battle of knights would take place under such a high-profile situation.

There were bursts of cheers, coming from all directions.

In all directions, audience members let go of their voices, screaming and shouting his name.

They seemed to be looking forward to his victory, and they seemed to be simply looking forward to the continuation of this wonderful matchup.

However, Chen Heng could no longer hear all of this.

All his mind was restrained by the opponent in front of him at this moment, and all his energy was concentrated on Durano.

Durano, who came from the Kingdom of Orlis, was without a doubt a terrifying and powerful enemy. It was so terrifying that no matter how hard Chen Heng tried his best, he couldn't defeat him.

The person in front of him is like an invincible giant. Just standing there makes people feel horrified and cannot be defeated at all.

Even if it was Chen Heng, there was no way to defeat him at this moment, so he could only keep attacking.

Of course, Chen Heng found it difficult, but how could Durano feel better

In his feeling, Chen Heng in front of him was almost like a rock, indestructible, no matter what he did, he couldn't suppress it.

His strength is extremely terrifying, not like a knight who has just been promoted at all, but like a powerful knight who has experienced many fights, is extremely exquisite, and has impeccable strength.

Facing such an opponent, his scalp was also numb, and he didn't know how to defeat him.

The situation inevitably stalemate.

Unknowingly, bursts of pale white light shone from their bodies, undulating on their bodies, and gradually condensed on the weapons in their hands.

The people around let out bursts of exclamation.


Carey and the middle-aged man beside him couldn't help standing up, both faces were full of astonishment.

"I see."

The middle-aged man's face was shocked, but he quickly realized: "No wonder Princess Oriman will send Kailin Knight to play."

"It turns out that he has already"

Chen Heng is already a real knight.

To condense and spread life energy to the surface of the body, and even condense it on one's own weapon, this is the power that only a true knight who has awakened the seed of life can possess.

Chen Heng's performance at this moment has already shown that he has awakened the seed of life and is now a real knight.

The current battle is not a battle of great disparity, but a fight between knights.

Even looking at the situation, the Durano Knights will not be able to take Chen Heng down for a while.

The situation of this battle remains to be seen.

For this result, many people present expressed surprise.

Durano Knight is not a simple character.

As early as ten years ago, he was already a man of the year in the Kingdom of Orlis, and he had many records of defeating other knights, even among the knights he was considered a top fighter.

Seriously speaking, none of Princess Oriman's subordinates could match this knight. Even if Knight Medel recovered, facing this Knight of Durano, they would definitely end up defeated in the end.

But what is the situation in front of us

A newly promoted knight fought against Durano below, and even suppressed him for a while.

"His Highness Auliman's vision is really good"

Looking at this scene, standing next to Kaili, the middle-aged man couldn't help sighing, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful at this moment.

He knew that Kaili had a very good relationship with Chen Heng, and even the reason why Kaili was so active with Chen Heng was because of his instruction.

At that time, he didn't think too much, he just felt that a knight apprentice with a good reputation and strength like Chen Heng was worthy of their win over.

Now it seems that he didn't pay enough attention to it at that time, and didn't realize the true potential of Chen Heng.

"If I knew this earlier, I should have married a daughter to him and tied him to our family's chariot."

At this moment, he felt a little regretful, and this thought flashed through his mind.

But no matter how much you regret it, it's too late now.

Chen Heng has married Princess Weiner and has become Princess Aoliman's man.

No matter how hot the rest of the people are, they can only watch now.


In a corner, watching Chen Heng's performance, Auliman smiled and looked at the middle-aged man beside him.

Under the dim light around him, the appearance of a middle-aged man was revealed.

He was wearing a delicate leather armor, and he looked very tall and straight, with a kind of stern face, which looked a little cold at first glance, and he looked very difficult to approach.

This is the Senbang knight, and one of the three knights under Oriman. After Medel was injured, he replaced Medel and guarded Oriman.

Up and down Oliver, he has always been known for his cold, expressionless face.

But now, looking at the fight between Durano and Chen Heng on the square below, his originally stern expression could not be maintained, and a look of astonishment appeared on his handsome face.

Obviously, he was also very surprised, even a little shocked, by Chen Heng's performance.

"His strength has completely surpassed mine."

Standing beside Auliman, after observing silently for a while, he sighed, and finally spoke like this.

"These two people in front of me are stronger than me. If I confront them and fight head-on, I'm afraid I will be killed by them head-on."

frontal beheading

Auliman felt terrified in his heart, and felt a little horrified at this moment.

"Kelin, is he actually so strong?"

This thought flashed through her mind.

Before that, she thought that Chen Heng's strength was exaggerated, and her heart was a little swollen.

She asked Chen Heng to leave the field to face Durano, and she also had the idea of letting Chen Heng suffer some blows so that she could be steadfast.

but she didn't expect

With the level that Chen Heng has shown now, he is not exaggerating at all, and even to a certain extent, he is still very humble.

With the strength he is showing now, even when Medel was in his prime, it was nothing in front of him.

However, this is also good.

No matter how powerful Chen Heng is, he is still her vassal. Naturally, the stronger the better.

The stronger Chen Heng is, the stronger she is.

So, sitting there, a smile appeared on her face.

"Go all out."

She sat there, muttering to herself: "Let me see where your limit is."

Compared with Auliman's calmness, other people couldn't be so calm.

For example, Wei Naer is already jumping up and down anxiously at this moment.

She looked at the battlefield below, and just watched the battle between Chen Heng and the two of them, and she couldn't help but feel terrified, feeling extremely terrifying.

I came to Fuzhou, and now I just found a place to live and started coding.

This is the first chapter, the remaining chapter will be uploaded in half an hour

(end of this chapter)