Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 75: Knight combat skills


"Sister, can you make them stop?"

Looking at the battlefield below, Vinal was worried, and couldn't help but look at Auliman, and said so.

"Stop, why stop?"

Auliman glanced at her, looked at her face, and immediately understood her thoughts.

"You have to trust your husband, he won't lose."

"And, with Kailin's strength, even if he loses, it won't matter."

She opened her mouth lightly and said so.


Judging from the current situation, the strength of Chen Heng and Durano are roughly similar.

In this case, one party wants to defeat the other, which may be possible, but it is unlikely to want to kill the other party.

The difference between defeat and kill is too great.


Concern appeared on Vinal's face, and she wanted to continue speaking.

"Okay, you go down and rest first."

Auliman waved his hand impatiently, and signaled the servants beside him to take Weiner down, and don't stay here to bother him.

Below, the battle continues.

boom! !

There were bursts of light noises.

From the beginning to the present, the battle between the two has lasted for a long time.

I don't know when they started, but they gave up riding, and got off the horses directly to fight on foot on the ground.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, the horses can't bear it, and on the other hand, because of their strength, fighting on horseback may limit their performance to some extent.

So they dismounted from their horses and began to fight on foot.

Boom! !

The two long swords collided in mid-air, making an astonishing sound.

Chen Heng was covered in sweat. He was impacted by this force and pushed back involuntarily.

Of course, the same is true for Durano on the opposite side.

It's just that the next moment, they raised their heads at the same time, without the slightest hesitation, they rushed up again.

Exquisite swordsmanship is displayed, whether it is Chen Hengyi or Durano, they have experienced many fighting battles, and each other's fighting skills are exceptionally exquisite, and it is difficult to reveal flaws.

Fighting against such an opponent requires a lot of patience.

If you are not patient enough, not only will you not be able to find the opponent's flaws, but it will be easy to leave a gap for the opponent to take advantage of.

And in that regard, both men did a great job.

Also because they did so well, this battle inevitably moved towards a war of attrition.

By now, before they knew it, they had been fighting for two hours.

For two hours, even the audience who sat on it and watched, many of them felt a little impatient and a little tired. .

And in it, the feeling of the two of them can be imagined.

After a long period of consumption, their power is still strong, and the power with a single wave is enough to tear steel and kill tigers and leopards.

Their movements are still agile, but at this time they are gradually showing signs of fatigue.

In the final analysis, this is a battle between opponents of the same level, and the energy consumed by each other is far beyond comparison with other battles.

Under such circumstances, Chen Heng gradually calmed down.

He knew that when it came to consumption, he had the advantage.

Anyway, nowadays, he is just a young man in his early twenties, young and strong, full of energy.

But Durano is already a middle-aged man.

The exertion of life energy endowed him with a strong physique, and he didn't need to be inferior to anyone at all, but compared with a knight like Chen Heng who was equally powerful but younger than him, he was not as good as him.

As time goes by, sooner or later, he will not be able to fight against Chen Heng, and will be exhausted to death.

Apparently, Durano also discovered this.

He swung his long sword, swept forward fiercely, and temporarily forced Chen Heng away, then he backed up and took a deep breath.

"One move will determine the outcome."

Looking at Chen Heng, he opened his mouth lightly, holding the long sword in his hand high.

Along with his movements, the muscles all over his body were pumping, and a faint white light enveloped him, which was a sign of active life energy.

The powerful life energy was ignored, and a black long sword swung in mid-air, and at this moment it slammed down.

In an instant, the aura on Durano's body soared and swelled instantly.

And the swelling breath finally turned into a sword, which slashed down fiercely, and went directly towards Chen Heng's body.

"This is."

A suffocating breath came, feeling this feeling, Chen Heng raised his head reluctantly.

Sweat drenched his body. If you observe carefully, you can find that his palm is already bleeding at this moment, which is the result of a strong collision.

But at this moment, as Durano swung his long sword, a suffocating feeling rose.

"Knight's Secret Skill."

Feeling the suffocating pressure, Chen Heng sighed in his heart and silently passed the thought.

Knight's secret technique, this is a unique combat technique formed by the knight based on his own life seeds, pulling the life energy in his body to explode in an instant.

In Chen Heng's view, its essence is to instantly activate the life seeds in the body, and burst out terrifying power in an instant.

Just like the explosion of the knight's life seed, it is also an explosive method.

However, mastering this secret skill is very difficult, and many knights may not be able to master it.

This requires not only talent, but also a corresponding inheritance.

Looking ahead at Durano who was accelerating crazily and coming towards him, Chen Heng took a deep breath and slowly raised one hand.

Unknowingly, the aura on his body was gradually increasing, and at the heart of his body, a silent seed of life seemed to move.

The majestic life energy surged wildly, and quickly wrapped the long sword in his hand.

The next moment, Chen Heng moved forward violently, raising the black long sword high in his hand, as if using all his strength, he slashed forward.

Wolf cut! !

The knight's secret skill erupted instantly, and the terrifying power exploded from Chen Heng's body, slashing down along the long sword.

On the audience stand, watching this scene, Kurudo, who was watching the battle, smiled, and gradually let go of the original tension in his heart.

Chen Heng is not one of those wild knights without inheritance.

On the contrary, as a student of Corribo, he inherited many secret skills of the Wolf Knight School, including knight secret skills.

For other knights, it is very mysterious, and they can only rely on their own groping for knight secret skills. For Chen Heng, they can be learned under the guidance of Corribo.

This wolf chop is one of Chen Heng's achievements, and it is also the only knight secret skill he currently masters.

boom! !

A huge sound crashed outward, with a bang, as if something exploded in an instant.

At the moment when the long swords collided, two completely different life energies collided with each other, and as the long swords collided, they collided fiercely.

Then, the figures of the two flew out at the same time.

This is the last chapter, and the promised six chapters are finally finished.

Starting tomorrow, only three chapters will be updated every day, except for some updates.

In addition, the first order is now 1800. According to the rule of adding one chapter every five hundred, three chapters are currently owed, and there is a leader who will add three more chapters, a total of six chapters, and then slowly pay back.

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(end of this chapter)