Fantasy System

Chapter 126: Three questions from my senior sister



Mu Fan's face couldn't help but twitch a few times. He knew Kasumigaoka Shiyu's sinister nature from the beginning, but he didn't expect that he would give him a blow just after they met.

But speaking of it, Japanese schools are different from Chinese schools.

For example, in Toyosaki Academy, in the school, seniors and juniors generally use honorific titles. The students in the lower grades also call him senpai, so it's okay to call his fellow student Kasumigaoka Shiu senpai.


Mu Fan could only add again.

"Junior Mu Fan!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu narrowed her beautiful eyes with a satisfied smile on her face. Looking at the face with a pleasant smile in front of her, Mu Fan couldn't help but blush.

Speaking of which, you really can't keep staring at Kasumigaoka Shiu's face, otherwise you might really be confused by a little fairy like her.

But now that he met Kasumigaoka Shiyu again by accident, Mu Fan recalled what happened with Rika Qiuting and simply said: "Senior Kasumigaoka, actually one of my friends is actually a fan of your book. She has always wanted a Your signature, can you give me your signature?"

"Your friend?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu blinked and asked with a smile, "Isn't he Junior Mu Fan?"

"No, he's my friend."

Mu Fan said seriously.

Although he has read Kasumigaoka Shiu's novels, like many netizens, he feels that Kasumigaoka Shiu's novels contain a lot of campus fantasy and are not very realistic at all.

So to a lot of extent, he didn't like this novel very much.

But just after Mu Fan finished speaking, Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled meaningfully: "I guess junior Mu Fan must like me. He was embarrassed to say that he wanted to ask for my autograph, so he took the initiative to find an excuse to say that a friend wanted it. Sign it, right? After all, my junior is still young, so I can understand what he’s doing, but he likes my things but doesn’t dare to tell me directly, right?”

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu's expression of "I understand", Mu Fan rolled his eyes.

Kasumigaoka Shiu is a person who attracts as much attention as Asuna in school. Asuna can attract a large number of students in the gourmet club.

As for the mature third-year senior sister, compared to the good wife Asuna, in the eyes of young boys, she is more lethal than Asuna, so although they are both school beauties, she is more popular than Asuna in school. welcome.

"Don't compare me to those people."

Mu Fan said something speechless. At this time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had already taken out a novel "Metronome of Love" from his backpack. He held a black pen in his white hand and signed the first page of the book skillfully. He signed his name and said with a smile: "Okay, my name has been signed, and I will give it to my junior brother as a gift for the new acquaintance."


Seeing that Xia Zhigao Shiyu didn't refuse, Mu Fan felt happy, but when he was about to take the book, Xia Zhigao Shiyu took his hand back and said with a half-smile:

"Junior Mu Fan, I can give you my autographed book, which fulfills your wish, but in exchange, shouldn't you agree to a condition?"

Hearing this, Mu Fan felt more and more that girls liked to make conditions. For example, most boys would happily accept the conditions required by beautiful girls, especially the conditions of a perfect girl like Kasumigaoka Shiu.

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu's devilish smile, Mu Fan, who has read many novels, couldn't help but think of Zhao Min's conditions in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword". He couldn't help but shudder secretly and immediately asked: " What conditions?"

"Answer me a question." Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled.

"What's the problem?" Mu Fan asked in surprise.

After pondering for a moment, Kasumigaoka Shiyu cleared her throat and said seriously: "Does Junior Mu Fan think my love metronome is just a fantasy campus romance novel? Or maybe I'm not suitable for writing romance novels?"

"Well, there are some elements of fantasy in it. There are indeed many places that are not very realistic and give people the feeling of a false love."

Mu Fan expressed his opinion with his level three light novel talent.

In fact, his light novel talent first continued to code and understand, and then became a second-level light novel talent. And because of the sales of "Accelerated World", he completed the task of being the first newcomer this year, so the novel talent became Level three.

For a third-level light novel talent, it is already quite high.

Hearing Mu Fan's immediate criticism of "Metronome of Love", Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face showed a disappointed expression.

Sure enough, should I switch to writing novels in other styles for my next book

But then, Mu Fan's voice came over again.

"But I think it is the fantasy of love that caters to the love fantasies of many young men and women such as high school students and college students, which led to the sales of "Love Metronome". After all, there are 10,000 people in the eyes of 10,000 people. Hamlet is a novel that cannot be liked by everyone. In addition, I like my senior’s romance novels very much. There is no need to change the novel. Although it can reflect reality, the two are different after all. Isn’t it because we can’t complete the three-dimensional world that we like the world of novels?”

In fact, the novel "Metronome of Love" itself is good, and its power can be seen from its sales.

But because it is set in a modern campus, some parts seem a bit false, and it is also rated as a novel that satisfies readers' inner fantasies.

Hearing that Mu Fan did not completely deny her romance novel, Kasumigaoka Shiyu asked with some joy: "Junior, do you think my next novel should be based on the theme of love and use a different world as the background to create a... The so-called love-hate novel between a knight and a princess?”

"That's another question."

Mu Fan grinned, and when Kasumigaoka Shiyu wasn't paying attention, he reached out and quickly pulled out the "Love Metronome" in her hand, put it in his bag, grinned and said, "Now I have answered your question. , this signed book belongs to me.”

"What? You are obviously too cunning, aren't you?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes widened. She didn't expect that she, who had always been a sinister person, would fall into Mu Fan's plan. However, looking at the book in Mu Fan's hand, she was not in a hurry. Instead, she said with a smile: "But I just didn't Say, there’s just one problem.”


Mu Fan froze on the spot. He originally thought he was slightly better, but he didn't expect to be tricked by Kasumigaoka Shiyu again.

This damn little devil!

Mu Fan couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. He could only organize his words and asked again: "How many questions are there in total? Just tell me how many questions you want to ask this time. You can only ask questions today, and don't wait for tomorrow's questions."

"Okay. Two more."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu saw that Mu Fan didn't follow the path at all, so he could only say: "What happened just now is just a problem."

"There is no need to adapt to the theme of alien love. Since Kasumigaoka-senpai's campus romance novel can attract so many readers, it shows that it has a certain appeal. There is no need to switch again. Next, we just need to find a way to make the next one If the book is a little closer to reality and the two are combined into one, the quality of senior sister's work can be further improved!" Mu Fan replied seriously.

"I see!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly enlightened, smiled happily, then stretched out a white jade finger, opened her lips, and asked the last question: "So... Junior Mu Fan, are you free this weekend?"