Fantasy System

Chapter 130: Xiaojia also came to be a maid


"Sorry, Asuna, I need to go to the bathroom first!"

After ordering two cups of hot coffee and exchanging pleasantries with Asuna, Mu Fan found an excuse and left his seat.

Seeing Asuna nodding her head without any doubt, Mu Fan felt relieved.

The few bad friends I knew in my previous life always reminded me that I could drug girls in bars, get them drunk, and then do whatever they wanted.

Unexpectedly, I, who had always insisted on myself and refused to join in with bad friends, would be unable to maintain my true intentions when I came to this world, and ended up drugging Asuna, the goddess of Toyosaki Academy.

But fortunately, the ability potion does not have any side effects. As long as Asuna drinks it, her acting and singing skills will be greatly improved within one day.

The recorded MV will definitely reach an unprecedented level!

Asuna, forgive me...

Although Mu Fan felt that if Asuna continued to forgive, his whole person would soon become forgiving, but in order to hide his strength, he could only adopt this tactic.

After all, he took out a pill and gave it to Asuna, telling her that if she took it, she would not be able to read well and her acting skills would be passable.

No normal person would believe it, right

To be precise, it's not bad enough not to regard him as a fool.

"Hello, do you want to deliver these two cups of hot coffee to the couple's seat No. 233?"

Mu Fan walked out from the corner, stopped the maid who was holding two cups of coffee with her back to him, and asked.

"Well, yes." The maid stopped and said in a lazy voice.

This is the first time I have seen such a lazy maid, but the voice seems a bit familiar, right

However, Nana-chan’s voice just now was not like this.

Mu Fan thought for a moment and didn't expect the owner of the voice. He thought that it would be difficult to wait for Asuna to come out in a hurry, so he didn't care so much and immediately asked: "Sorry, I am the guest of No. 233, these two drinks Can I bring the coffee back myself?"


"Because in my opinion, a man should serve the food between lovers so that they can look more caring about the girl and make the girl feel good. Please!" Mu Fan requested.

"That's it, then you can serve it."

Seeing that the maid agreed, Mu Fan felt happy, but when the maid turned around, Mu Fan couldn't help but froze in place.

Mu Fan widened his eyes and looked at the maid in front of him. She had long pale golden hair, petite figure, and cute appearance. She was the lazy little angel Gabriel!

Why is Gabriel here

By the way, aren't you playing games during this time

Japan is so small

Can you meet Mo when you come to a coffee shop

But in fact, Japan is really not that big... not to mention that Gabriel's home is not far from Akihabara.

"Mu Fan?"

When Gabrielle saw that it was Mu Fan behind her, she was surprised at first, and then her eyes gradually turned into a scrutinizing gaze. She stared at Mu Fan closely, as if to say, "You actually have a girlfriend?"

Mu Fan couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable under Gabriel's gaze.

Next, Gabriel glanced at the cubicle, noticed Yuuki Asuna inside, and then asked in surprise: "Your girlfriend is actually Yuki Asuna?"

"As a maid, there is no need to ask so much, right? Why are you here?"

Mu Fan changed the topic and asked, then took two cups of hot coffee from Gabriel's hands. The temperature on them suddenly made him grin.

Speaking of which, the coffee was really hot, so I could only take the plate from Gabriel's hand and put it on it.

In fact, it was really bad luck to meet Gabriel here. After all, something would inevitably spread in school.

However, there are advantages to Gabriel's lazy personality. Mu Fan knows very well that if he just wants to send coffee, Gabriel will not refuse.

After all, guests want to carry things up by themselves, so Gabriel is very happy to be able to come down easily.

“I don’t have any money left, so I have to come and work.”

Gabriel sighed helplessly: "It's so tiring to work here! Weina even lied to me and said it was easy."

"Do you think everything looks like the food department?"

Mu Fan couldn't help but roll his eyes at her. Although the food department was very busy, it was much worse than the coffee shop in Akihabara.

Because Gabriel works in the food department, Mu Fan has promised to provide her with three meals a day for free. He thought she would be playing games at home today, but he didn't expect her to come here to work just to spend money on the game.

Can't live without games

But it's good for her to work occasionally, as it can give her some training.

Unexpectedly, Jia Baili is still young, and he doesn't look like a normal person when he keeps playing games and shutting himself up.

Nowadays, there are often rumors on the Internet that people died suddenly because of playing games all day long.

Therefore, it is better for young people to exercise more...

"Come to our house later in the evening. I have something to do tonight and can't go to cook earlier."

Mu Fan reminded Gabriel that he had already sent a message to Saguru. There were snacks at home, so Saguru would not be hungry for the time being, and she would just fill her stomach when he went back in the evening.

"Is there something going on tonight?"

Gabriel glanced at Asuna, and his eyes became ambiguous.

Now that Asuna and she were in the couple position, and adding what she just said, it was impossible for Gabriel to think about it.

Mu Fan was speechless and quickly explained:

"Anyway, it's not what you imagined. I won't be able to explain it for a while, and the coffee will be cold if I wait any longer. I'll go back first."

With that said, Mu Fan walked forward quickly, looked back to make sure that Gabriel had turned around, and then took out the ability potion from his pocket.


Throw in the coffee!


Watch the pills dissolve in the hot coffee visibly quickly.

Mu Fan was overjoyed. He had taken this medicine before and knew that it was colorless and odorless. He would not notice it if he took it normally.

So adding it to coffee will not affect the taste of coffee.

"Mu Fan, did you put medicine in your coffee just now?"

Just when Mu Fan thought he was done, a familiar voice sounded behind him, which frightened him so much that he almost threw the coffee in his hand.

"Gabriel, are you an angel or a ghost? Why do you appear and disappear?"

Looking back at Gabriel, who had come back at some unknown time, Mu Fan's face suddenly turned ugly when she caught him in the act.

"I was just waiting for you to come back and get the plate after you finished. I didn't expect you to drug Asuna Yuki for your own selfish desires. No wonder something happened at night!"

Seeing Mu Fan administer the medicine and seeming to understand what Mu Fan said, Gabriel pouted angrily.

"What do you understand? As a beautiful high school girl, can't you be more pure?"

If he hadn't witnessed Gabriel's depravity with his own eyes, Mu Fan would have really thought that Gabriel was a different person.

Where is the former Gabriel who was shy and afraid of fighting

By the way, Gabriel is so evil now!

"Hmph, I caught you!"

Gabriel smiled darkly: "There's something wrong with the cup of coffee in your hand."

"There is a problem. Do you want to try it?"

Mu Fan didn't bother to explain. The worst he could do was spend an extra fantasy point to exchange for two ability potions. Anyway, this could improve various abilities in a short time and would be used sooner or later.

It just so happened that Gabriel could drink this cup to demonstrate his innocence.

"I do not want!"

Seeing Mu Fan bring the cup of coffee just now, Gabriel, like a frightened kitten, grabbed his unkempt collar and glared at Mu Fan and screamed: "I don't dare to drink your coffee, even the food minister I have been deceived by you. Who knows if I will be the one you are busy with tonight after taking your medicine."

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