Fantasy System

Chapter 139: Asuna is developing really well


Under the dim street lights, four people were walking slowly on the street. Ying Lili, who was walking in the front, suddenly turned back to look at Mu Fan, who was frowning, and couldn't help but ask: "Mu Fan, are you still thinking about what happened just now?" Something?"

Mu Fan nodded, not hiding anything, and said truthfully: "I'm just a little curious, how did Toichiro just go from an ordinary high school student to become so powerful overnight."

Hearing this, Yuuki Asuna stretched out her small white hand, covered her lips, smiled softly and comforted: "Well, there are always some strange things in the world. For example, it is not often reported in the news that someone touches a high voltage of tens of thousands of volts. Is there no problem with piezoelectricity? There are still strange stories about people who can emit ultrasonic waves like bats.”

"There are also some photos of strange figures in abandoned buildings at night. These things all exist, so don't take it too seriously." Black Cat also added.

Walking on the street late at night, the black cat suddenly told them the psychological hint of ghosts. Eriri and Asuna felt that the temperature of the air around them had dropped a lot. Their faces turned pale and they subconsciously moved closer to Mu Fan.

"Black Cat, you are serious. You clearly know that Eiriri and I are not good at dealing with such supernatural phenomena, and you deliberately said it at night to scare us." Yuuki Asuna complained helplessly.

The black cat didn't care, and said venomously: "Yeah, you coward."

Asuna: "... .."

Hearing this, Mu Fan was a little speechless: "But those are just rumors, but this thing really happened in front of us."

Just now, Yuyuki and Toichiro were taken away by people from the City Protection Bureau [Police Tea] because Asuna called the police. They also took notes and received good commendations for their bravery.

But Mu Fan has always been suspicious of the boy he met today. Is it really just a coincidence

If Mu Fan was a native of this world, he might not be worried, but he traveled through time, and this abnormal event happened in front of his eyes. With all the things that happened in time traveling, what else is unbelievable

I hope this high school incident is really a coincidence...


Suddenly, Eiri's voice came, and Mu Fan returned to reality. He raised his head and saw three girls, Honoka Kousaka, Kotori Minami, and Umi Sonoda, standing outside the courtyard door of the villa at the end of the street. , waved to them, and shouted excitedly: "Brother!"

The three girls, Mu Fan and Asuna, immediately walked over quickly.

Having just seen Mu Fan and Asuna, Honoka immediately complained unhappily: "Really, brother, why did you come back? It's been almost two hours since we've been back."

Mu Fan said with a smile: "There were some small things at the concert in the amusement park just now, so I was busy for a while."

On the way just now, Mu Fan and the three girls decided not to tell Honoka and the others about this matter, so as not to worry them.

"Are you guys going to have a midnight snack on the way?"

Honoka Takasaka didn't believe what Mu Fan said at all, so she leaned over and sniffed Mu Fan's body with her small nose, and then pouted her lips: "It's strange, I didn't really eat anything secretly, or maybe you guys Did you deliberately take a walk outside for a while after eating, causing the food to lose its flavor? "

Do you have a dog nose? We can smell it even if we have late night snacks.

Regarding Chi Guoguo's theory, Mu Fan rolled his eyes and felt helpless.

Nan Qinli looked at the time and suggested with a smile: "Brother, it's already eleven o'clock. Don't go outside. Let's go back to the house first."

Under the leadership of Nan Qinli, Mu Fan entered the villa. In the hall, Rika Yazawa, Rin Hoshizora, and Kayo Koizumi were playing flying chess and games. When they saw Mu Fan and others coming back, they were sitting on the sofa. Li Xiang came to Qiu Ting, her eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "Welcome back."

Mu Fan couldn't help but was slightly startled when he saw the girls in the living room who were busy with their own things: "Why aren't you all asleep yet?"

Tojo Nozomi sat on the sofa, holding a cup of steaming milk tea in both hands and took a sip. He chuckled and said, "We decided to wait for the junior to come back before arranging the room."

At this time, Eri Tsunase put four bottles of Coke on the table: "It's too hot. Drink some water first. In addition, this villa has two floors. All the girls live upstairs. Junior, you live alone. Just downstairs."

To be fair, the villa is obviously on two floors, and I also want to live upstairs. If everyone lives on the first floor, it will be easier to clean the room tomorrow, right

You say that, are you afraid that I will attack you at night

Recalling what happened with Xunze Eri in the past, Mu Fan really felt that Xunze Eri arranged this because she was afraid of him attacking at night.

After arranging the room, I saw several girls packing their things and going upstairs. Mu Fan randomly chose a room downstairs. Although there were many rooms, only one could sleep in them, which made Mu Fan a little disappointed.

Taking out his cell phone, Mu Fan felt that what happened to the boy just now was a little strange, so he took out his cell phone and searched the news.

"Jiangnan Leather Factory closed down. Boss Donghuang ran away with his sister-in-law Chuanli—"

"Dami mobile phone, General Manager Lei, made a mistake in speaking English, and a new generation of ghost emperors was born—"

"There is a scandal between the wife of a popular star and her manager—"

... ..

"Forehead... ."

These boring gossip news made Mu Fan feel helpless. After hesitating, Mu Fan searched for urban legends on his mobile phone.

Ever since he traveled back in time, he had heard rumors of urban legends being spread by gossipy students in the class, so he simply searched for them.

The urban legend of strippers—

The urban legend of explosive men, and the urban legend of fishing and law enforcement who wait for the bad guys to find trouble in the middle of the night and then blow them up.

Every once in a while, the supermarket will make the sound of fighting, a wonderful urban legend.

Incident of a girl being naturally stupid—

Mu Fan had heard of these urban legends, but he didn't pay much attention when he saw them.

What really concerned him were the following two items.

The programmer suddenly felt like he had eaten Popeye's spinach. His strange strength surged and he beat up his boss. Thirty employees in the company who stopped him were all beaten up!

Mu Fan clicked on it and took a look. It was just like what was described in the news. The programmers who worked overtime every day couldn't stand the boss's difficulties. Finally, like the male high school student, he developed strange powers and beat the boss so hard that he screamed. A tragedy, and was eventually subdued by the city's protectors.

The following one is even more mysterious.

A prisoner who was being chased by the city protectors suddenly breathed fireballs, burning several city protectors.

A modern version of Fire Release's fireball technique

Mu Fan's heart sank when he saw this news.

Comparing these two pieces of news with what he encountered, there were three urban legends.

Moreover, after careful consideration, Mu Fan discovered that the three news items had similarities.

These things all happen to people who are relatively depressed and have some problems, or people whose lives are suppressed, wronged, and in a bad living condition. It seems that the impact is too great, and things like small universes are inspired.

For example, he met the boy who turned bad after being bullied by his classmates, as well as the programmer who was bullied by his boss and the fireball-breathing criminal who was originally a prisoner.

This is a bit strange.

There was no similar news next. Mu Fan turned off his phone and walked into the bathroom. There were bathrooms upstairs and downstairs. He had a busy day today, so he could sleep more comfortably after taking a bath. Mu Fan went directly into the bathroom. .

But as soon as he entered the bathroom, he heard a burst of light laughter from upstairs.

"Wow, Asuna, you've grown so big! You're almost like a college student. Let me touch and see!"

"Ah~ Senior Sister Nozomi, yours is the same."

"As expected of a senior, she's developed really well."

"Senior Eri Tsunase is also pretty good. She has been practicing dancing hard since she was a child. She has a beautiful figure and a well-shaped figure!"

Amidst the sound of water in the bathroom and the playful laughter of several women, two voices full of resentment suddenly reached Mu Fan's ears: "Humph, your breasts are so big, they are just a pile of useless fat..."

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