Fantasy System

Chapter 141: [Form Asuna's exclusive extra chapter 1]


On a summer morning, the high-rise buildings on both sides of the bustling streets reflected dazzling light. The bright sunlight hit Asuna's purple lace parasol mercilessly, and there was a playful black snow hanging on the umbrella handle. Ji Doll.

Feeling the hot temperature on the umbrella, Asuna wiped the sweat from her forehead, secretly regretting it, and sighed: "If I had known better, I should have taken the family car to Akihabara."

But when she thought of coming to Akihabara with Kyoko Yuuki, Asuna Yuuki shook her head: "It's better to go to Station C by yourself in the car at home for more freedom..."

Suddenly, a tall and handsome figure riding a motorcycle flashed in Yuuki Asuna's mind.

Thinking of this, Yuki Asuna couldn't help but miss the days when she rode Mufan's motorcycle some time ago. Mufan's motorcycle rides very steadily. Sitting in the back, you can go for a ride without getting stuck in traffic. This is the most suitable way to travel in midsummer. Transportation.

She checked the time on her phone and saw that it had just arrived at nine o'clock in the morning. Thinking back to the days when she and Mu Fan went to level up every day, Yuki Asuna couldn't help but smile softly: "At this time, the lazy Mu Fan seems to be still there. Go to sleep?"

Yusei Asuna held her white knee-length skirt with one hand and sat on a bench under a white birch tree to rest.

After putting away the umbrella, her eyes saw on the huge display screen in the teaching building opposite, three young and lively high school students wearing pure white short-sleeved dresses and long boots, standing on the stage and beating to a strong rhythm. gorgeous dance.

Can I do? I take it baby! Can I do? I make it baby!

Can I do? I take it baby! Can I do? I make it baby!

Listening to the dynamic songs of the three high school students dancing and singing, Asuna Yuuki had a look of envy in her eyes.

Compared to the stage performance playing on the screen in the teaching building, Asuna felt inferior.

In fact, up to now, Asuna can only sing in the ancient-style [stand-up output]. With the development of modern jazz, electronic music, and burning songs, her singing method is really too old-fashioned, not at all There is no youthful and lively atmosphere of high school students.

In other words, people like to watch people singing, dancing and interacting with the audience, but Asuna can't do this.

She also quietly went to the recording studio to try it out when no one was home, but she would be out of breath after just a few dances, and the songs would go out of tune. Her physical strength did not support her singing and dancing at the same time.

But in Yuki Asuna's view, this is just a minor setback.

Ever since Mu Fan helped her convince her mother last time, Asuna has decided her future. It is impossible to work at [RECT]. It is impossible to work in this life, even for her own family.

After all, she doesn’t like the life in the workplace, so she needs to rely on idols to maintain her dreams and life. In this way, Asuna Yuki feels like entering Station C is like going home. Everyone in Station C is a talented singer, and the songs are beautiful. , she is polite and she really likes to sing at Station C.

When you are young, you should work hard for your ideals!

Thinking of the rules of the concert with Kyoko Yuuki that will hold thousands of people, Asuna clapped her face with both hands and mustered up the courage to swear: "It seems that tomorrow I will exercise every day like Muse, and work hard to change [Zhanzhuang Output] operations to gain more fans!”

Having said this, Yuuki Asuna raised her head, stretched her delicate left hand towards the sky, and the sunlight penetrated through the gaps between her fingers and hit her face. Looking at the blue sky, Yuuki Asuna couldn't help but make a wish: "I hope I can be as hot a star as UTX Academy idol [A-RISE] in the future!"

At this moment, a very discordant voice sounded from in front of you: "Miss Jiecheng, you are already quite old. Instead of holding on to such ideals, I advise you to go home and take a nap now. You can have everything in your dreams. "

Yuuki Asuna suddenly frowned and took her hand away. The first thing that caught her eye was a pair of pure white high heels and two straight beautiful legs wrapped in black pantyhose. The waist of a carefully tailored pleated skirt was covered by a pure The thin white belt restrained her waist, making her waist slimmer and her round hips forming an exquisite curve.

The girl's upper body was wearing a neat sailor uniform, and the third button suddenly became tight, and the two peaks that were ready to be released looked even more attractive.

Just seeing this, Yuuki Asuna roughly guessed who it was, and her face turned cold. Sure enough, on her white neck, there was that calm and indifferent beautiful face, and the iconic white hair on her head. The long straight black hair under the hoop is full of mature femininity.

Seeing this, Yuuki Asuna asked in a cold tone: "Kasumigaoka Shiu? Why are you here?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sat minding her own business beside Asuna, flipped her hair, and said calmly: "This is Akihabara, why can't I be here? Didn't you bother Mu Fan today? And Or was he abandoned because he was too weak?”

"I won't be abandoned!"

Asuna rolled her eyes at Kasumigaoka Shiyu, gritted her teeth and said coldly.

Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu raised his eyebrows: "It's really rare to come to Akihabara alone."

"Are you trying to cause trouble with me on purpose?"

Yuuki Asuna gritted her silver teeth angrily. She had always been a bit disgusted with Kasumigaoka Shiu, and today she felt that Kasumigaoka Shiu was deliberately mocking her. When she was about to open her mouth to fight back, she saw the palm of her hand froze, and she lowered her head. The head saw Kasumigaoka Shiyu holding a glass of orange juice and placing it in her palm.

"The weather is too hot. Drinking something can relieve the heat."

"Eh... .."

Yusei Asuna, who was just about to confront Kasumigaoka Shiu, didn't expect that Kasumigaoka Shiu would care about her. She held the orange juice bottle in her hands, and the cool temperature came from her palms, and she couldn't help but calm down a lot.

Yuuki Asuna glanced at the vending machine not far away. It seemed that Kasumigaoka Shiu saw her when she was buying juice, so they bought two cups together. She felt a little warm in her heart, and asked with a red face: "Don't you Is he also the same person?"

"I'm used to being alone."

Kasumigaoka Shiu smiled self-deprecatingly and asked: "Because I came to Akihabara because I have work to do and I have to go to the company later. What about you?"

Unintentionally catching a glimpse of sadness flashing across Kasumigaoka Shiu's face, Yuuki Asuna's expression was startled. She felt that Kasumigaoka Shiu was not as happy as she seemed.

In this way, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is very similar to her before. She has a lot of pain in her heart, but she refuses to speak out.

Really, I am cold to my classmates and often venomous towards others, so it’s no wonder I can make friends!

Thinking of this, Yusei Asuna couldn't help but sympathize with Kasumigaoka Shiu, and said honestly: "I also came to Akihabara to work."

After saying that, Yuki Asuna's eyes lit up when she looked at the juice in her hand.

It turned out to be her favorite orange juice!

She stretched out her pink tongue and licked her lips, and couldn't wait to insert the straw into the bottle. Holding the bottle with both hands, she opened her small mouth and bit the straw. Then she puffed up her cheeks slightly and sucked the juice gently with her lips. She drank it into her stomach. When she was pregnant, the sweet aroma came. Yuuki Asuna's two narrow beautiful eyes couldn't help but narrow into crescent moons. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, looking extremely cute.

This scene happened to be seen by Kasumigaoka Utaha. She widened her eyes. She didn't expect that the eldest lady Yui Asuna, who was the focus of everyone's attention on campus, actually had a hidden foodie attribute.

Look carefully, it's so cute...

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu shook her head, shook off the strange thoughts in her mind, and asked: "Miss Yucheng, your job in Akihabara is to do the kind of job where you chat with boys and go shopping. You can gain something in one hour. A high-paying job worth tens of thousands of yen?”

Thinking of the shameful occupations popular among high school students in Akihabara, Asuna's face immediately turned red and she retorted: "I'm not short of money, so it's not that kind of job with rounded corners."

"But you fit these attributes very well. You are tall, beautiful, have long straight hair, and have a pure appearance. Someone will definitely pick you up, right? If you keep doing it every day, you can earn about 50,000 yen a day. A high-paying career.

Kasumigaoka Shiha squinted her eyes and scanned Asuna's body. Today, Yuuki Asuna's well-tended hair seemed to be particularly beautiful.

Her hair was changed by the hairstylist from the original long straight hair into chestnut-colored waves and spread behind her head. She wore a carefully tailored pure white dress on her exquisite body, plus flesh-colored pantyhose and flat shoes. Look. It is filled with the aura of a gentle and pure girl.

"Even if I starve to death, I won't do that kind of work!"

Yuki Asuna's cheeks couldn't help but become hot due to Kasumigaoka Shiu's bold teasing, and she glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiu. If her dress is pure, Kasumigaoka Shiha is much bolder. Her skirt is much shorter than hers, and she wears black pantyhose. At a glance, she has beautiful, straight and well-proportioned legs.

Seeing this, Yuuki Asuna retorted: "Aren't you also in line with the attributes of that kind of job?"

Speaking of this, Yuuki Asuna was suddenly shocked, then looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu with strange eyes, and asked: "Kasumi... Kasumigaoka-san, you... could you be doing this in Akihabara?" That kind of work, right?”

[Extra Chapter 2—To be continued in the future]