Fantasy System

Chapter 37: [Real Girl Fights SISCALYPSE]


"Asuna, thank you for spending the whole day with me today. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to find the game company so quickly. As a thank you, I would like to invite you to my house for dinner. You won't refuse, right?"

Mu Fan was worried that Asuna would misunderstand and reject him, so he quickly added this.

Asuna looked at Mu Fan nervously inviting her, and couldn't help but smile. She stretched out her hand to Mu Fan and said with a smile: "Well, since the number one chef at the food festival invites me, then I will You’re welcome! But you have to cook something that satisfies me.”


Seeing Asuna's little hand that she took the initiative to reach out, Mu Fan, as a man, raised the corners of his mouth with a smile. At this time, as a boy, he naturally did not hesitate anymore and directly took Yuuki Asuna's hand from the crowd. Hand, walking in front and leading her through the crowd, towards the outside of the station.


Just after leaving the station, looking at the bustling Akihabara, Yuki Asuna glanced at the arcade arcade opposite the station, and couldn't help but become interested. She asked Mu Fan doubtfully: "Mu Fan, where are you going? Have you passed?"

Mu Fan smiled and said: "Of course I have been there. There are arcade game machines and claw machines inside. It is a place full of entertainment items for young people to relax!"


Asuna's eyes flashed with a look of yearning, she pursed her lips and sighed: "Speaking of which, because my family was too strict when I was young, I have never been to a place like this!"

"But Asuna is an adult now, and we are not at home now, so let me take you there now!"

Hearing this, Mu Fan didn't hesitate at all and directly took Asuna Yuki's hand across the street and walked into Akihabara Arcade.

He doesn't care about so many things. Since Asuna's home has been closed since she was a child and she has never been there, as long as Asuna Yuki wants to go, he can take her wherever she goes.

And he also happened to think of the last time he and An Yilun came to Akihabara and seemed to see a female high school student empty out the dolls in the claw machine.

In his memory, there seemed to be a lot of dolls in Sagiri's room, so after he came, the dolls in the claw machine would have to be emptied again, and then divided among Asuna, Lily, and Sagiri.

As soon as I stepped into the video game mall, in addition to the colorful lights flashing from various game equipment inside, there was also the sound of the game console buttons clashing.

Following the source of the sound, Mu Fan and Yucheng Asuna turned around and found that it was an arcade game machine from a video game city. Many high school or university students had cigarettes in their mouths or placed snacks on the arcade game machine. He stared intently at the character on the computer fighting with the player sitting opposite.

This is what the arcade game machines in the arcade are good for. It is a sparring type game. You insert coins and use operations to defeat your opponent. However, occasionally, offline PK happens because of being close to each other or even disagreeing with each other.

"Mu Fan, are they playing a battle game

Yuki Asuna, who originally loved SAO and loved games very much, looked at the students her age who were shaking the controls and tapping the buttons fiercely, and she took Mu Fan's hand with excitement and asked.

"Let's go ask."

Mu Fan accidentally glanced at a game bulletin board in the corner of the arcade area. It seemed that it said what activities were being held in the arcade area. Seeing Asuna Yuuki looking eager to try, Mu Fan took Asuna to the staff. In front of him, he asked politely: "Excuse me, are there any games in the arcade area today?"


The staff pointed to the bulletin board next to them and explained with a smile: "Today is the launch conference of our arcade game [Shenmei Taiji SISCALYPSE] launched in Akihabara. Because the game is a limited edition and will not be officially launched for three days, so There are only ten games available today, which will be given as prizes to players who win ten consecutive games in the arcade area.”

"Ten consecutive wins?"

Yuuki Asuna glanced at the arcade area.

At this moment, a tall boy with a punk style wearing a leather jacket and pants stood up and shouted: "Is there anyone else? I've won nine games in a row. Here's another guy. I've won ten games in a row." , take away the game!”

"It doesn't seem difficult."

Listening to Huang Mao's shouting, Yuki Asuna turned around and smiled at the staff.

"This beauty, you may not know the reason."

Yuki Asuna's beauty made the staff in the arcade area stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "Actually, the player just now has won the 99th victory. He has already taken away Jiufen games, but because the press conference did not stipulate a People can't take away all ten games, so he has been waiting in front of the game machine, waiting for people to challenge and win, so now no one dares to challenge him in the arcade area. "

"Ha, I have never seen such a shameless person! One person wants so many games."

After hearing this, Yuki Asuna immediately gritted her teeth angrily, clenched her fists tightly, tugged on Mu Fan's arm, and said with a fighting spirit, "Mu Fan, let's defeat him."

"OK! That's exactly what I meant!"

Mu Fan smiled. There were only ten copies of the game. If one person were to take them all and then go out and sell them, it would really destroy the balance of the game. Besides, Asuna Yuuki liked it so much, so there was nothing wrong with taking her to play.

Now Mu Fan's nervous reflexes and hand speed are much better than those of his peers. It's his first time playing a game. As long as he gets familiar with it, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat such a shameless person.

"Please buy a ticket!"

Mu Fan said to the staff, the game [Siscalypse] is different from the normal coin-operated games. You need to buy a ticket that is ten times more expensive than the game coins to participate in the battle and get the limited game disc. As long as you pay the money, The staff will open it and let players experience the game.

"OK, just a second."

The staff took the money with a smile. Although one player took 9 copies and was working on the 10th game, for the staff, there was no difference between one person taking 10 copies of the game and ten people taking 10 copies of the game. , are all given to outsiders.

As long as people sign up, they can make money.

After collecting the money, the staff took Mu Fan to the opposite side of the tall and thin boy with yellow hair. He helped Mu Fan activate the game console and said with a smile: "Guest, I hope you have a pleasant gaming experience!"

Of course, although there was respect for the guests in their tone, the staff's eyes were still full of sympathy when they looked at Mu Fan. The game of [Siscalypse] is different from normal two-player battle games. There are many With the action instructions and moves, it is very difficult to win ten consecutive games.

The yellow-haired player on the opposite side can win 49 times in a row, which shows how powerful he is.

In his opinion, Mu Fan was just taking his girlfriend to pretend to beat Huang Mao, who had a 99-game winning streak, but in reality, it would turn out to be a stepping stone to a 100-game winning streak.

Looking at Mu Fan and Yuki Asuna who were sitting on the arcade table, the yellow-haired man opposite raised his lips and smiled: "Oh? Is there finally someone who will become a stepping stone for me to win every victory?"

Hearing these words, Mu Fan laughed, put one hand on his left eye to block half of his cheek, and said with an evil smile: "That's not necessarily true, maybe I am the true god who can stop you from winning a hundred consecutive victories!"

Seeing Mu Fan say these words, Yuuki Asuna was so excited that she clenched her fists and stood next to Mu Fan and said excitedly and encouragingly: "Wow, Mu Fan is so good. Handsome, Lord God, I believe you can defeat him!"